Jenkinsfile: Switch to declarative syntax

* Switch to declarative syntax
* Test parallel Windows/Linux build
* Remove some hard drive restrictions as now I have more HDD space on the server
krzys_h 2018-04-19 22:11:29 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 0391aaf773
commit 72417fc28b
No known key found for this signature in database
1 changed files with 84 additions and 60 deletions

Jenkinsfile vendored
View File

@ -1,20 +1,25 @@
#!/usr/bin/env groovy #!/usr/bin/env groovy
if (env.BRANCH_NAME.startsWith('PR-')) {
properties([[$class: 'BuildDiscarderProperty', strategy: [$class: 'LogRotator', artifactNumToKeepStr: '1']]])
} else {
properties([[$class: 'BuildDiscarderProperty', strategy: [$class: 'LogRotator', artifactDaysToKeepStr: '30', artifactNumToKeepStr: '20']]])
pipeline {
agent { label 'colobot-build' }
options {
buildDiscarder(logRotator(artifactDaysToKeepStr: '30', artifactNumToKeepStr: '20'))
stages {
stage('Check pull request target') {
when { changeRequest() }
steps {
script {
if (env.CHANGE_TARGET == 'master') { if (env.CHANGE_TARGET == 'master') {
error("This pull request targets the wrong branch. Please reopen the pull request targetting the dev branch.") throw "This pull request targets the wrong branch. Please reopen the pull request targetting the dev branch."
} }
node('master') {
stage('Pull changes') {
checkout scm
} }
stage('Build') {
parallel {
stage('Build Windows') { stage('Build Windows') {
steps {
sh 'mkdir -p build/windows' sh 'mkdir -p build/windows'
dir('build/windows') { dir('build/windows') {
sh ''' sh '''
@ -27,11 +32,17 @@ node('master') {
DESTDIR=. make install DESTDIR=. make install
''' '''
} }
post {
success {
sh 'rm -f' sh 'rm -f'
zip zipFile: '', archive: true, dir: 'build/windows/install' zip zipFile: '', archive: true, dir: 'build/windows/install'
} }
stage('Build Linux') { stage('Build Linux') {
steps {
sh 'mkdir -p build/linux' sh 'mkdir -p build/linux'
dir('build/linux') { dir('build/linux') {
sh ''' sh '''
@ -45,27 +56,40 @@ node('master') {
patchelf --set-rpath '.' install/colobot patchelf --set-rpath '.' install/colobot
''' '''
} }
post {
success {
sh 'rm -f' sh 'rm -f'
zip zipFile: '', archive: true, dir: 'build/linux/install' zip zipFile: '', archive: true, dir: 'build/linux/install'
} }
stage('Doxygen') { // TODO: Run colobot-lint
stage('Generate docs') {
steps {
dir('build/linux') { dir('build/linux') {
sh 'make doc' sh 'make doc'
} }
post {
success {
publishHTML target: [$class: 'HtmlPublisherTarget', reportName: 'Doxygen', reportDir: 'build/linux/doc/html', reportFiles: 'index.html'] publishHTML target: [$class: 'HtmlPublisherTarget', reportName: 'Doxygen', reportDir: 'build/linux/doc/html', reportFiles: 'index.html']
} }
stage('Run tests') { stage('Run tests') {
steps {
dir('build/linux') { dir('build/linux') {
sh './colobot_ut --gtest_output=xml:gtestresults.xml || true' sh './colobot_ut --gtest_output=xml:gtestresults.xml || true'
} }
step([$class: 'XUnitBuilder', testTimeMargin: '3000', thresholdMode: 1, thresholds: [[$class: 'FailedThreshold', failureNewThreshold: '', failureThreshold: '', unstableNewThreshold: '', unstableThreshold: '0'], [$class: 'SkippedThreshold', failureNewThreshold: '', failureThreshold: '', unstableNewThreshold: '', unstableThreshold: '']], tools: [[$class: 'GoogleTestType', deleteOutputFiles: true, failIfNotNew: true, pattern: 'build/linux/gtestresults.xml', skipNoTestFiles: false, stopProcessingIfError: true]]]) step([$class: 'XUnitBuilder', testTimeMargin: '3000', thresholdMode: 1, thresholds: [[$class: 'FailedThreshold', failureNewThreshold: '', failureThreshold: '', unstableNewThreshold: '', unstableThreshold: '0'], [$class: 'SkippedThreshold', failureNewThreshold: '', failureThreshold: '', unstableNewThreshold: '', unstableThreshold: '']], tools: [[$class: 'GoogleTestType', deleteOutputFiles: true, failIfNotNew: true, pattern: 'build/linux/gtestresults.xml', skipNoTestFiles: false, stopProcessingIfError: true]]])
} }
// TODO: Maybe run Windows tests using wine as well?
// Clean workspace after building pull requests }
// to save disk space on the Jenkins host
if (env.BRANCH_NAME.startsWith('PR-')) {
} }
} }