Moving CBotProgram class in its own header and source files.

Grunaka 2015-11-15 18:05:35 +01:00
parent 77d738634c
commit 70dc6785f2
6 changed files with 366 additions and 199 deletions

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@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
#include "resource.h"
#include "CBotDll.h" // public definitions
#include "CBotToken.h" // token management
#include "CBotProgram.h"
#define STACKMEM 1 /// \def preserve memory for the execution stack
#define MAXSTACK 990 /// \def stack size reserved

View File

@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
// Modules inlcude
#include "CBotDll.h"
#include "CBotProgram.h"
// Local include
// Global include

View File

@ -440,134 +440,6 @@ public:
CBotString& ElementAt(int nIndex);
// main class managing CBot program
class CBotProgram
CBotFunction* m_Prog; // the user-defined functions
CBotFunction* m_pRun; // the basic function for the execution
CBotClass* m_pClass; // classes defined in this part
CBotStack* m_pStack; // execution stack
CBotVar* m_pInstance; // instance of the parent class
friend class CBotFunction;
int m_ErrorCode;
int m_ErrorStart;
int m_ErrorEnd;
long m_Ident; // associated identifier
bool m_bCompileClass;
static void Init();
// initializes the module (defined keywords for errors)
// should be done once (and only one) at the beginning
void Free();
// frees the static memory areas
int GetVersion();
// gives the version of the library CBOT
CBotProgram(CBotVar* pInstance);
bool Compile( const char* program, CBotStringArray& ListFonctions, void* pUser = nullptr);
// compiles the program given in text
// returns false if an error at compile
// see GetCompileError () to retrieve the error
// ListFonctions returns the names of functions declared as extern
// pUser can pass a pointer to routines defined by AddFunction
void SetIdent(long n);
// associates an identifier with the instance CBotProgram
long GetIdent();
// gives the identifier
int GetError();
bool GetError(int& code, int& start, int& end);
bool GetError(int& code, int& start, int& end, CBotProgram* &pProg);
// if true
// gives the error found in the compilation
// or execution
// delimits the start and end block where the error
// pProg lets you know what "module" has produced runtime error
static CBotString GetErrorText(int code);
bool Start(const char* name);
// defines what function should be executed
// returns false if the funtion name is not found
// the program does nothing, we must call Run () for this
bool Run(void* pUser = nullptr, int timer = -1);
// executes the program
// returns false if the program was suspended
// returns true if the program ended with or without error
// timer = 0 allows to advance step by step
bool GetRunPos(const char* &FunctionName, int &start, int &end);
// gives the position in the executing program
// returns false if it is not running (program completion)
// FunctionName is a pointer made to the name of the function
// start and end position in the text of the token processing
CBotVar* GetStackVars(const char* &FunctionName, int level);
// provides the pointer to the variables on the execution stack
// level is an input parameter, 0 for the last level, -1, -2, etc. for the other levels
// the return value (CBotVar *) is a variable list (or nullptr)
// that can be processed as the list of parameters received by a routine
// FunctionName gives the name of the function where are these variables
// FunctionName == nullptr means that is more in a program (depending on level)
void Stop();
// stops execution of the program
// therefore quits "suspend" mode
void SetTimer(int n);
// defines the number of steps (parts of instructions) to done
// in Run() before rendering hand "false" \TODO avant de rendre la main "false"
bool AddFunction(const char* name,
bool rExec (CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& Exception, void* pUser),
CBotTypResult rCompile (CBotVar* &pVar, void* pUser));
// call this to add externally (**)
// a new function used by the program CBoT
bool DefineNum(const char* name, long val);
bool SaveState(FILE* pf);
// backup the execution status in the file
// the file must have been opened with the fopen call this dll (\TODO this library??)
// if the system crashes
bool RestoreState(FILE* pf);
// restores the state of execution from file
// the compiled program must obviously be the same
bool GetPosition(const char* name, int& start, int& stop,
CBotGet modestart = GetPosExtern,
CBotGet modestop = GetPosBloc);
// gives the position of a routine in the original text
// the user can select the item to find from the beginning to the end
// see the above modes in CBotGet
CBotFunction* GetFunctions();
// routines for file management (* FILE)
FILE* fOpen(const char* name, const char* mode);

View File

@ -17,9 +17,7 @@
* along with this program. If not, see
// database management of CBoT program
// Modules inlcude
#include "CBot.h"
#include "CBotCall.h"
@ -27,8 +25,14 @@
#include "CBotClass.h"
#include "CBotUtils.h"
#include "StringFunctions.cpp"
// Local include
// Global include
#include <stdio.h>
m_Prog = nullptr;
@ -41,6 +45,7 @@ CBotProgram::CBotProgram()
m_Ident = 0;
CBotProgram::CBotProgram(CBotVar* pInstance)
m_Prog = nullptr;
@ -53,7 +58,7 @@ CBotProgram::CBotProgram(CBotVar* pInstance)
m_Ident = 0;
// delete m_pClass;
@ -70,7 +75,7 @@ CBotProgram::~CBotProgram()
bool CBotProgram::Compile( const char* program, CBotStringArray& ListFonctions, void* pUser )
int error = 0;
@ -165,7 +170,7 @@ bool CBotProgram::Compile( const char* program, CBotStringArray& ListFonctions,
return (m_Prog != nullptr);
bool CBotProgram::Start(const char* name)
@ -199,6 +204,7 @@ bool CBotProgram::Start(const char* name)
return true; // we are ready for Run ()
bool CBotProgram::GetPosition(const char* name, int& start, int& stop, CBotGet modestart, CBotGet modestop)
CBotFunction* p = m_Prog;
@ -214,6 +220,7 @@ bool CBotProgram::GetPosition(const char* name, int& start, int& stop, CBotGet m
return true;
bool CBotProgram::Run(void* pUser, int timer)
bool ok;
@ -268,6 +275,7 @@ error:
return true;
void CBotProgram::Stop()
@ -279,8 +287,7 @@ void CBotProgram::Stop()
m_pRun = nullptr;
bool CBotProgram::GetRunPos(const char* &FunctionName, int &start, int &end)
FunctionName = nullptr;
@ -291,6 +298,7 @@ bool CBotProgram::GetRunPos(const char* &FunctionName, int &start, int &end)
return true;
CBotVar* CBotProgram::GetStackVars(const char* &FunctionName, int level)
FunctionName = nullptr;
@ -299,26 +307,31 @@ CBotVar* CBotProgram::GetStackVars(const char* &FunctionName, int level)
return m_pStack->GetStackVars(FunctionName, level);
void CBotProgram::SetTimer(int n)
CBotStack::SetTimer( n );
int CBotProgram::GetError()
return m_ErrorCode;
void CBotProgram::SetIdent(long n)
m_Ident = n;
long CBotProgram::GetIdent()
return m_Ident;
bool CBotProgram::GetError(int& code, int& start, int& end)
code = m_ErrorCode;
@ -327,6 +340,7 @@ bool CBotProgram::GetError(int& code, int& start, int& end)
return code > 0;
bool CBotProgram::GetError(int& code, int& start, int& end, CBotProgram* &pProg)
code = m_ErrorCode;
@ -336,6 +350,7 @@ bool CBotProgram::GetError(int& code, int& start, int& end, CBotProgram* &pProg)
return code > 0;
CBotString CBotProgram::GetErrorText(int code)
CBotString TextError;
@ -350,12 +365,13 @@ CBotString CBotProgram::GetErrorText(int code)
return TextError;
CBotFunction* CBotProgram::GetFunctions()
return m_Prog;
bool CBotProgram::AddFunction(const char* name,
bool rExec (CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& Exception, void* pUser),
CBotTypResult rCompile (CBotVar* &pVar, void* pUser))
@ -364,7 +380,7 @@ bool CBotProgram::AddFunction(const char* name,
return CBotCall::AddFunction(name, rExec, rCompile);
bool WriteWord(FILE* pf, unsigned short w)
size_t lg;
@ -374,6 +390,7 @@ bool WriteWord(FILE* pf, unsigned short w)
return (lg == 1);
bool ReadWord(FILE* pf, unsigned short& w)
size_t lg;
@ -383,6 +400,7 @@ bool ReadWord(FILE* pf, unsigned short& w)
return (lg == 1);
bool WriteFloat(FILE* pf, float w)
size_t lg;
@ -392,6 +410,7 @@ bool WriteFloat(FILE* pf, float w)
return (lg == 1);
bool ReadFloat(FILE* pf, float& w)
size_t lg;
@ -401,6 +420,7 @@ bool ReadFloat(FILE* pf, float& w)
return (lg == 1);
bool WriteLong(FILE* pf, long w)
size_t lg;
@ -410,6 +430,7 @@ bool WriteLong(FILE* pf, long w)
return (lg == 1);
bool ReadLong(FILE* pf, long& w)
size_t lg;
@ -419,6 +440,7 @@ bool ReadLong(FILE* pf, long& w)
return (lg == 1);
bool WriteString(FILE* pf, CBotString s)
size_t lg1, lg2;
@ -430,6 +452,7 @@ bool WriteString(FILE* pf, CBotString s)
return (lg1 == lg2);
bool ReadString(FILE* pf, CBotString& s)
unsigned short w;
@ -445,6 +468,7 @@ bool ReadString(FILE* pf, CBotString& s)
return (lg1 == lg2);
bool WriteType(FILE* pf, CBotTypResult type)
int typ = type.GetType();
@ -464,6 +488,7 @@ bool WriteType(FILE* pf, CBotTypResult type)
return true;
bool ReadType(FILE* pf, CBotTypResult& type)
unsigned short w, ww;
@ -494,13 +519,40 @@ bool ReadType(FILE* pf, CBotTypResult& type)
return true;
bool rSizeOf( CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& ex, void* pUser )
if ( pVar == nullptr ) return TX_LOWPARAM;
int i = 0;
pVar = pVar->GetItemList();
while ( pVar != nullptr )
pVar = pVar->GetNext();
return true;
CBotTypResult cSizeOf( CBotVar* &pVar, void* pUser )
if ( pVar == nullptr ) return CBotTypResult( TX_LOWPARAM );
if ( pVar->GetType() != CBotTypArrayPointer )
return CBotTypResult( TX_BADPARAM );
return CBotTypResult( CBotTypInt );
bool CBotProgram::DefineNum(const char* name, long val)
return CBotToken::DefineNum(name, val);
bool CBotProgram::SaveState(FILE* pf)
if (!WriteWord( pf, CBOTVERSION)) return false;
@ -519,7 +571,7 @@ bool CBotProgram::SaveState(FILE* pf)
return true;
bool CBotProgram::RestoreState(FILE* pf)
unsigned short w;
@ -553,12 +605,43 @@ bool CBotProgram::RestoreState(FILE* pf)
return true;
int CBotProgram::GetVersion()
void CBotProgram::Init()
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrZeroDiv", TX_DIVZERO); // division by zero
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrNotInit", TX_NOTINIT); // uninitialized variable
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrBadThrow", TX_BADTHROW); // throw a negative value
//CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrNoRetVal", 6003); // function did not return results // TODO: Not used. I'm pretty sure not returning a value crashes the game :P
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrNoRun", TX_NORUN); // active Run () without a function // TODO: Is this actually a runtime error?
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrUndefFunc", TX_NOCALL); // Calling a function that no longer exists
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrUndefClass", TX_NOCLASS); // Class no longer exists
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrNullPointer", TX_NULLPT); // Attempted to use a null pointer
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrNan", TX_OPNAN); // Can't do operations on nan
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrOutOfBounds", TX_OUTARRAY); // Attempted access out of bounds of an array
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrStackOverflow", TX_STACKOVER); // Stack overflow
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrDeletedObject", TX_DELETEDPT); // Attempted to use deleted object
CBotProgram::AddFunction("sizeof", rSizeOf, cSizeOf );
void CBotProgram::Free()
CBotToken::Free() ;
CBotCall ::Free() ;
CBotClass::Free() ;
CBotCallMethode::CBotCallMethode(const char* name,
bool rExec (CBotVar* pThis, CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& Exception, void* user),
CBotTypResult rCompile (CBotVar* pThis, CBotVar* &pVar))
@ -570,6 +653,7 @@ CBotCallMethode::CBotCallMethode(const char* name,
m_nFuncIdent = CBotVar::NextUniqNum();
delete m_next;
@ -578,7 +662,7 @@ CBotCallMethode::~CBotCallMethode()
// is acceptable by a call procedure name
// and given parameters
CBotTypResult CBotCallMethode::CompileCall(const char* name, CBotVar* pThis,
CBotVar** ppVar, CBotCStack* pStack,
long& nIdent)
@ -607,17 +691,19 @@ CBotTypResult CBotCallMethode::CompileCall(const char* name, CBotVar* pThis,
return CBotTypResult(-1);
CBotString CBotCallMethode::GetName()
return m_name;
CBotCallMethode* CBotCallMethode::Next()
return m_next;
void CBotCallMethode::AddNext(CBotCallMethode* pt)
CBotCallMethode* p = this;
@ -626,7 +712,7 @@ void CBotCallMethode::AddNext(CBotCallMethode* pt)
p->m_next = pt;
int CBotCallMethode::DoCall(long& nIdent, const char* name, CBotVar* pThis, CBotVar** ppVars, CBotVar* &pResult, CBotStack* pStack, CBotToken* pToken)
CBotCallMethode* pt = this;
@ -698,59 +784,3 @@ int CBotCallMethode::DoCall(long& nIdent, const char* name, CBotVar* pThis, CBot
return -1;
bool rSizeOf( CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& ex, void* pUser )
if ( pVar == nullptr ) return TX_LOWPARAM;
int i = 0;
pVar = pVar->GetItemList();
while ( pVar != nullptr )
pVar = pVar->GetNext();
return true;
CBotTypResult cSizeOf( CBotVar* &pVar, void* pUser )
if ( pVar == nullptr ) return CBotTypResult( TX_LOWPARAM );
if ( pVar->GetType() != CBotTypArrayPointer )
return CBotTypResult( TX_BADPARAM );
return CBotTypResult( CBotTypInt );
// TODO: Refactor this - including .cpp files is bad
#include "StringFunctions.cpp"
void CBotProgram::Init()
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrZeroDiv", TX_DIVZERO); // division by zero
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrNotInit", TX_NOTINIT); // uninitialized variable
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrBadThrow", TX_BADTHROW); // throw a negative value
//CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrNoRetVal", 6003); // function did not return results // TODO: Not used. I'm pretty sure not returning a value crashes the game :P
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrNoRun", TX_NORUN); // active Run () without a function // TODO: Is this actually a runtime error?
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrUndefFunc", TX_NOCALL); // Calling a function that no longer exists
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrUndefClass", TX_NOCLASS); // Class no longer exists
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrNullPointer", TX_NULLPT); // Attempted to use a null pointer
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrNan", TX_OPNAN); // Can't do operations on nan
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrOutOfBounds", TX_OUTARRAY); // Attempted access out of bounds of an array
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrStackOverflow", TX_STACKOVER); // Stack overflow
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrDeletedObject", TX_DELETEDPT); // Attempted to use deleted object
CBotProgram::AddFunction("sizeof", rSizeOf, cSizeOf );
void CBotProgram::Free()
CBotToken::Free() ;
CBotCall ::Free() ;
CBotClass::Free() ;

src/CBot/CBotProgram.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
* This file is part of the Colobot: Gold Edition source code
* Copyright (C) 2001-2015, Daniel Roux, EPSITEC SA & TerranovaTeam
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see
#pragma once
// Modules inlcude
// Local include
// Global include
* \brief The CBotProgram class Main class managing CBot program.
class CBotProgram
* \brief CBotProgram
* \brief CBotProgram
* \param pInstance
CBotProgram(CBotVar* pInstance);
* \brief ~CBotProgram
* \brief Init Initializes the module (defined keywords for errors) should
* be done once (and only one) at the beginning.
static void Init();
* \brief Free Frees the static memory areas.
static void Free();
* \brief GetVersion Gives the version of the library CBOT.
* \return
static int GetVersion();
* \brief Compile compiles the program given in text.
* \param program
* \param ListFonctions Returns the names of functions declared as extern.
* \param pUser Can pass a pointer to routines defined by AddFunction.
* \return false if an error at compile.
* \see GetCompileError() to retrieve the error.
bool Compile( const char* program, CBotStringArray& ListFonctions, void* pUser = nullptr);
* \brief SetIdent Associates an identifier with the instance CBotProgram.
* \param n
void SetIdent(long n);
* \brief GetIdent Gives the identifier.
* \return
long GetIdent();
* \brief GetError
* \return
int GetError();
* \brief GetError
* \param code
* \param start
* \param end
* \return
bool GetError(int& code, int& start, int& end);
* \brief GetError
* \param code
* \param start Delimits the start block where the error occured.
* \param end Delimits the end block where the error occured.
* \param pProg Lets you know what "module" has produced runtime error.
* \return If true gives the error found in the compilation or execution.
bool GetError(int& code, int& start, int& end, CBotProgram* &pProg);
* \brief GetErrorText
* \param code
* \return
static CBotString GetErrorText(int code);
* \brief Start Defines what function should be executed. The program does
* nothing, we must call Run () for this.
* \param name
* \return false if the funtion name is not found
bool Start(const char* name);
* \brief Run Executes the program.
* \param pUser
* \param timer timer = 0 allows to advance step by step.
* \return false if the program was suspended, true if the program ended
* with or without error.
bool Run(void* pUser = nullptr, int timer = -1);
* \brief GetRunPos Gives the position in the executing program
* \param FunctionName is a pointer made to the name of the function
* \param start start and end position in the text of the token processing
* \param end
* \return false if it is not running (program completion)
bool GetRunPos(const char* &FunctionName, int &start, int &end);
* \brief GetStackVars provides the pointer to the variables on the
* execution stack level is an input parameter, 0 for the last level, -1,
* -2, etc. for the other levels the return value (CBotVar *) is a variable.
* that can be processed as the list of parameters received by a routine
* list (or nullptr)
* \param FunctionName gives the name of the function where are these
* variables. FunctionName == nullptr means that is more in a program
* (depending on level)
* \param level
* \return
CBotVar* GetStackVars(const char* &FunctionName, int level);
* \brief Stop stops execution of the program therefore quits "suspend" mode
void Stop();
* \brief SetTimer defines the number of steps (parts of instructions) to
* done in Run() before rendering hand "false"
* \TODO avant de rendre la main "false"
* \param n
static void SetTimer(int n);
* \brief AddFunction Call this to add externally (**) a new function used
* by the program CBoT.
* \param name
* \param rExec
* \param rCompile
* \return
static bool AddFunction(const char* name,
bool rExec (CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& Exception, void* pUser),
CBotTypResult rCompile (CBotVar* &pVar, void* pUser));
* \brief DefineNum
* \param name
* \param val
* \return
static bool DefineNum(const char* name, long val);
* \brief SaveState Backup the execution status in the file the file must
* have been opened with the fopen call this dll (\TODO this library??)
* if the system crashes
* \param pf
* \return
bool SaveState(FILE* pf);
* \brief RestoreState Restores the state of execution from file the
* compiled program must obviously be the same.
* \param pf
* \return
bool RestoreState(FILE* pf);
* \brief GetPosition Gives the position of a routine in the original text
* the user can select the item to find from the beginning to the end
* see the above modes in CBotGet.
* \param name
* \param start
* \param stop
* \param modestart
* \param modestop
* \return
bool GetPosition(const char* name, int& start, int& stop,
CBotGet modestart = GetPosExtern,
CBotGet modestop = GetPosBloc);
* \brief GetFunctions
* \return
CBotFunction* GetFunctions();
* \brief m_bCompileClass
bool m_bCompileClass;
//! The user-defined functions.
CBotFunction* m_Prog;
//! The basic function for the execution.
CBotFunction* m_pRun;
//! Classes defined in this part.
CBotClass* m_pClass;
//! Execution stack.
CBotStack* m_pStack;
//! Instance of the parent class.
CBotVar* m_pInstance;
friend class CBotFunction;
int m_ErrorCode;
int m_ErrorStart;
int m_ErrorEnd;
//! Associated identifier.
long m_Ident;

View File

@ -24,7 +24,9 @@
#pragma once
// TODO replace by CBot.h
#include "CBot/CBotDll.h"
#include "CBot/CBotProgram.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>