Add unit tests for class CBotString.
Add comments in class CBotString. Change existing comments in class CBotString to be compliant with doxygen. Add function "const char* CBotString::CStr() const". Add null pointer check in function "const CBotString& CBotString::operator+=(const CBotString& str)" Remove functions "CBotString CBotString::Mid(int nFirst, int nCount) const" and "CBotString CBotString::Mid(int nFirst) const" because they were doublons of function "CBotString CBotString::Mid(int nFirst, int lg) const"dev-time-step
@ -250,37 +250,146 @@ private:
// as part of MFC CString not used here.
// ( all functions are not implemented yet )
/** \brief CBotString Class used to work on strings */
* \brief CBotString Class used to work on strings
class CBotString
* \brief CBotString Default constructor.
* \brief CBotString
* \param p
CBotString(const char* p);
* \brief CBotString
* \param p
CBotString(const CBotString& p);
* \brief CBotString Destructor.
* \brief Empty Clear the internal string.
void Empty();
* \brief IsEmpty Check if the string is empty.
* \return True if the sting is empty false otherwise.
bool IsEmpty() const;
* \brief GetLength Get the string length.
* \return The size of the string.
int GetLength();
* \brief Find Find the position of a character in a string starting from
* the beginning of the string.
* \param c The character to find.
* \return The position of the character or -1 if the character was not
* found.
* \see ReverseFind(const char c)
int Find(const char c);
* \brief Find Find the position of a string in a string starting from the
* beginning of the string.
* \param lpsz The string to find.
* \return The position of the string or -1 if the string was not
* found.
* \see ReverseFind(const char* lpsz)
int Find(const char* lpsz);
* \brief Find Find the position of a character in a string starting from
* the end of the string.
* \param c The character to find.
* \return The position of the character or -1 if the character was not
* found.
* \see Find(const char c)
int ReverseFind(const char c);
* \brief Find Find the position of a string in a string starting from the
* end of the string.
* \param lpsz The string to find.
* \return The string of the character or -1 if the string was not
* found.
* \see Find(const char* lpsz)
int ReverseFind(const char* lpsz);
* \brief LoadString Load the string associate with the id.
* \param id The id to load.
* \return True if the id exist false otherwise.
bool LoadString(unsigned int id);
CBotString Mid(int nFirst, int nCount) const;
CBotString Mid(int nFirst) const;
* \brief Mid Return a part of a string from a starting index and until
* the end of the string with a limited size.
* \param nFirst The start index of the character in the string.
* \param lg The size limit. Default value is 2000.
* \return The exctracted string.
CBotString Mid(int start, int lg=-1);
* \brief Left Return a part of a string starting from the left.
* \param nCount The number of character to retreive.
* \return The exctracted string.
CBotString Left(int nCount) const;
* \brief Right Return a part of a string starting from the right.
* \param nCount The number of character to retreive.
* \return The exctracted string.
CBotString Right(int nCount) const;
* \brief Compare Compare a given string to an other.
* \param lpsz The string to compare.
* \return 0 if the two string matches. Less than 0 if the current
* string is less than lpsz. Greater than 0 if the current
* string is greater than lpsz.
int Compare(const char* lpsz) const;
* \brief MakeUpper Uppercase the string.
void MakeUpper();
* \brief MakeLower Lowercase the string.
void MakeLower();
* @brief CStr Convert the CBotString to a C string.
* @return A C string string.
const char* CStr() const;
* \brief Overloaded oprators to work on CBotString classes
@ -311,19 +420,19 @@ public:
/** \brief Pointer to string */
//! \brief Pointer to string
char* m_ptr;
/** \brief Length of the string */
//! \brief Length of the string
int m_lg;
/** \brief Keeps the string corresponding to keyword ID */
static const std::map<EID,const char *> s_keywordString;
//! \brief Keeps the string corresponding to keyword ID
static const std::map<EID, const char *> s_keywordString;
* \brief MapIdToString maps given ID to its string equivalent
* \param id Provided identifier
* \return string if found, else NullString
* \brief MapIdToString Maps given ID to its string equivalent.
* \param id Provided identifier.
* \return String if found, else NullString.
static const char * MapIdToString(EID id);
@ -209,48 +209,29 @@ CBotString CBotString::Right(int nCount) const
return CBotString(chain);
CBotString CBotString::Mid(int nFirst, int nCount) const
CBotString CBotString::Mid(int start, int lg)
char chain[2000];
CBotString res;
// clamps nFirst to correct value
if(nFirst < 0) nFirst = 0;
if(nFirst > m_lg) nFirst = m_lg;
if (lg == -1) lg = 2000;
// clamp nCount to correct value
int remaining = m_lg - nFirst;
if(nCount > remaining) nCount = remaining;
if(nCount < 0) nCount = 0;
// clamp start to correct value
if (start < 0) start = 0;
if (start >= m_lg) return res;
int i;
for (i = nFirst; i < m_lg && i < 1999 && i <= nFirst + nCount; ++i)
chain[i] = m_ptr[i];
chain[i] = 0 ;
int remaining = m_lg - start;
if (lg > remaining) lg = remaining;
if (lg < 0) lg = 0;
return CBotString(chain);
char* p = new char[m_lg+1];
strcpy(p, m_ptr+start);
p[lg] = 0;
res = p;
delete[] p;
return res;
CBotString CBotString::Mid(int nFirst) const
char chain[2000];
// clamp nFirst to correct value
if(nFirst < 0) nFirst = 0;
if(nFirst > m_lg) nFirst = m_lg;
int i;
for (i = nFirst; i < m_lg && i < 1999 ; ++i)
chain[i] = m_ptr[i];
chain[i] = 0 ;
return CBotString(chain);
int CBotString::Find(const char c)
for (int i = 0; i < m_lg; ++i)
@ -303,29 +284,6 @@ bad:;
return -1;
CBotString CBotString::Mid(int start, int lg)
CBotString res;
if (lg == -1) lg = 2000;
// clamp start to correct value
if (start < 0) start = 0;
if (start >= m_lg) return res;
int remaining = m_lg - start;
if (lg > remaining) lg = remaining;
if (lg < 0) lg = 0;
char* p = new char[m_lg+1];
strcpy(p, m_ptr+start);
p[lg] = 0;
res = p;
delete[] p;
return res;
void CBotString::MakeUpper()
for (size_t i = 0; static_cast<int>(i) < m_lg && static_cast<int>(i) < 1999 ; ++i)
@ -453,9 +411,19 @@ const CBotString& CBotString::operator+=(const CBotString& str)
char* p = new char[m_lg+str.m_lg+1];
//-- Check if the pointer is not null befor trying to copy it
if(m_ptr != nullptr)
strcpy(p, m_ptr);
char* pp = p + m_lg;
//-- Check if the pointer is not null befor trying to copy it
if(str.m_ptr != nullptr)
strcpy(pp, str.m_ptr);
m_lg = m_lg + str.m_lg;
@ -546,6 +514,14 @@ CBotString::operator const char * () const
return m_ptr;
const char* CBotString::CStr() const
if (this == nullptr || m_ptr == nullptr)
return emptyString;
return m_ptr;
int CBotString::Compare(const char * lpsz) const
@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
* This file is part of the Colobot: Gold Edition source code
* Copyright (C) 2001-2015, Daniel Roux, EPSITEC SA & TerranovaTeam
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see
// Modules inlcude
#include "CBot/CBotDll.h"
// Local include
// Global include
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
* @brief CBotString_Test.Empty Check Empty and IsEmpty functions of class
* CBotString_Test.
TEST(CBotString_Test, Empty)
CBotString str1;
EXPECT_EQ(true, str1.IsEmpty());
CBotString str2("qsexrdctfvygbuh");
EXPECT_EQ(false, str2.IsEmpty());
EXPECT_EQ(true, str2.IsEmpty());
* @brief CBotString_Test.Length Check GetLength function of class
* CBotString_Test.
TEST(CBotString_Test, Length)
CBotString str1;
EXPECT_EQ(0, str1.GetLength());
CBotString str2("a");
EXPECT_EQ(1, str2.GetLength());
CBotString str3("aaaaa");
EXPECT_EQ(5, str3.GetLength());
* @brief CBotString_Test.Find Check find functions of class CBotString_Test
TEST(CBotString_Test, Find)
CBotString str1("a");
EXPECT_EQ(0, str1.Find('a'));
CBotString str2("b");
EXPECT_EQ(-1, str2.Find('a'));
CBotString str3("bbabb");
EXPECT_EQ(2, str3.Find('a'));
CBotString str4("bbAbb");
EXPECT_EQ(-1, str4.Find('a'));
CBotString str5("bbAbb");
EXPECT_EQ(2, str5.Find('A'));
CBotString str6("test");
EXPECT_EQ(0, str6.Find("test"));
CBotString str7("azazdazd");
EXPECT_EQ(-1, str7.Find("test"));
CBotString str8("bbtestbb");
EXPECT_EQ(2, str8.Find("test"));
CBotString str9("bbTestbb");
EXPECT_EQ(-1, str9.Find("test"));
CBotString str10("bbTestbb");
EXPECT_EQ(2, str10.Find("Test"));
* @brief CBotString_Test.ReverseFind Check find functions of class
* CBotString_Test
TEST(CBotString_Test, ReverseFind)
CBotString str1("a");
EXPECT_EQ(0, str1.ReverseFind('a'));
CBotString str2("b");
EXPECT_EQ(-1, str2.ReverseFind('a'));
CBotString str3("bbabb");
EXPECT_EQ(2, str3.ReverseFind('a'));
CBotString str4("bbAbb");
EXPECT_EQ(-1, str4.ReverseFind('a'));
CBotString str5("bbAbb");
EXPECT_EQ(2, str5.ReverseFind('A'));
CBotString str6("test");
EXPECT_EQ(0, str6.ReverseFind("test"));
CBotString str7("azazdazd");
EXPECT_EQ(-1, str7.ReverseFind("test"));
CBotString str8("bbtestbb");
EXPECT_EQ(2, str8.ReverseFind("test"));
CBotString str9("bbTestbb");
EXPECT_EQ(-1, str9.ReverseFind("test"));
CBotString str10("bbTestbb");
EXPECT_EQ(2, str10.ReverseFind("Test"));
* @brief CBotString_Test.Mid Check Mid functions of class CBotString_Test
TEST(CBotString_Test, Mid)
CBotString str1("aaaColobot");
EXPECT_STREQ(str1.Mid(3).CStr(), "Colobot");
CBotString str2("aaaColobotaa");
EXPECT_STREQ(str2.Mid(3,7).CStr(), "Colobot");
* @brief CBotString_Test.Left Check Left function of class CBotString_Test
TEST(CBotString_Test, Left)
CBotString str1("Colobotaaa");
EXPECT_STREQ(str1.Left(7).CStr(), "Colobot");
* @brief CBotString_Test.Right Check Right function of class CBotString_Test
TEST(CBotString_Test, Right)
CBotString str1("aaaColobot");
EXPECT_STREQ(str1.Right(7).CStr(), "Colobot");
* @brief CBotString_Test.Compare Check Compare function of class
* CBotString_Test
TEST(CBotString_Test, Compare)
CBotString str1("colobot");
EXPECT_EQ(0, str1.Compare("colobot"));
CBotString str2("a");
EXPECT_GT(0, str2.Compare("colobot"));
CBotString str3("z");
EXPECT_LT(0, str3.Compare("colobot"));
* @brief CBotString_Test.MakeUpper Check MakeUpper function of class
* CBotString_Test
TEST(CBotString_Test, MakeUpper)
CBotString str1("colobot");
CBotString str2("Colobot");
* @brief CBotString_Test.MakeLower Check MakeLower function of class
* CBotString_Test
TEST(CBotString_Test, MakeLower)
CBotString str1("COLOBOT");
EXPECT_STREQ(str1.CStr(), "colobot");
CBotString str2("Colobot");
EXPECT_STREQ(str2.CStr(), "colobot");
* @brief CBotString_Test.operatorEqual Check operator equal of class
* CBotString_Test
TEST(CBotString_Test, operatorEqual)
//-- CBotString
CBotString botStr1;
CBotString botStr2("Colobot");
//-- C Character
const char cStr1[2] = "C";
//-- C string
const char cStr2[8] = "Colobot";
//-- Compare with CBotString
botStr1 = botStr2;
EXPECT_STREQ(botStr1.CStr(), botStr2.CStr());
//-- Compare with C character
botStr1 = cStr1[0];
EXPECT_STREQ(botStr1.CStr(), cStr1);
//-- Compare with C string
botStr1 = cStr2;
EXPECT_STREQ(botStr1.CStr(), cStr2);
* @brief CBotString_Test.operatorIsEqual Check operator is equal of class
* CBotString_Test
TEST(CBotString_Test, operatorIsEqual)
//-- CBotString
CBotString botStr1("C");
CBotString botStr2("C");
CBotString botStr3("Colobot");
//-- C string
const char cStr1[8] = "Colobot";
const char cStr2[8] = "colobot";
EXPECT_EQ(true, (botStr1 == botStr2));
EXPECT_EQ(false, (botStr1 == botStr3));
//-- Compare with C string
EXPECT_EQ(true, (botStr3 == cStr1));
EXPECT_EQ(false, (botStr3 == cStr2));
* @brief CBotString_Test.operatorAdd Check operator add of class
* CBotString_Test.
TEST(CBotString_Test, operatorAdd)
//-- CBotString
CBotString botStr1;
CBotString botStr2("C");
CBotString botStr3("olobot");
CBotString botStr4("Colobot");
//-- C string
const char cStr1[7] = "olobot";
botStr1 + botStr2;
botStr1 + botStr3;
EXPECT_STREQ(botStr1.CStr(), botStr4.CStr());
botStr1 = botStr2 + cStr1;
EXPECT_STREQ(botStr1.CStr(), botStr4.CStr());
botStr1 += botStr2;
botStr1 += botStr3;
EXPECT_STREQ(botStr1.CStr(), botStr4.CStr());
botStr1 += botStr2;
botStr1 += cStr1;
EXPECT_STREQ(botStr1.CStr(), botStr4.CStr());
* @brief CBotString_Test.operatorDiff Check operator diff of class
* CBotString_Test.
TEST(CBotString_Test, operatorDiff)
//-- CBotString
CBotString botStr1("C");
CBotString botStr2("C");
CBotString botStr3("Colobot");
//-- C string
const char cStr1[8] = "Colobot";
const char cStr2[8] = "colobot";
EXPECT_EQ(false, (botStr1 != botStr2));
EXPECT_EQ(true, (botStr1 != botStr3));
//-- Compare with C string
EXPECT_EQ(false, (botStr3 != cStr1));
EXPECT_EQ(true, (botStr3 != cStr2));
* @brief CBotString_Test.operatorSuperior Check operator superior of class
* CBotString_Test.
TEST(CBotString_Test, operatorSuperior)
//-- CBotString
CBotString botStr1("a");
CBotString botStr2("z");
CBotString botStr3("colobot");
//-- C string
const char cStr1[2] = "a";
const char cStr2[2] = "z";
EXPECT_EQ(true, (botStr3 > botStr1));
EXPECT_EQ(false, (botStr3 > botStr2));
//-- Compare with C string
EXPECT_EQ(true, (botStr3 > cStr1));
EXPECT_EQ(false, (botStr3 > cStr2));
* @brief CBotString_Test.operatorSuperiorOrEqual Check operator superior or
* equa of class CBotString_Test.
TEST(CBotString_Test, operatorSuperiorOrEqual)
//-- CBotString
CBotString botStr1("a");
CBotString botStr2("z");
CBotString botStr3("colobot");
//-- C string
const char cStr1[2] = "a";
const char cStr2[2] = "z";
const char cStr3[8] = "colobot";
EXPECT_EQ(true, (botStr3 >= botStr1));
EXPECT_EQ(false, (botStr3 >= botStr2));
EXPECT_EQ(true, (botStr3 >= botStr3));
//-- Compare with C string
EXPECT_EQ(true, (botStr3 >= cStr1));
EXPECT_EQ(false, (botStr3 >= cStr2));
EXPECT_EQ(true, (botStr3 >= cStr3));
* @brief CBotString_Test.operatorInferior Check operator Inferior of class
* CBotString_Test.
TEST(CBotString_Test, operatorInferior)
//-- CBotString
CBotString botStr1("a");
CBotString botStr2("z");
CBotString botStr3("colobot");
//-- C string
const char cStr1[2] = "a";
const char cStr2[2] = "z";
EXPECT_EQ(false, (botStr3 < botStr1));
EXPECT_EQ(true, (botStr3 < botStr2));
//-- Compare with C string
EXPECT_EQ(false, (botStr3 < cStr1));
EXPECT_EQ(true, (botStr3 < cStr2));
* @brief CBotString_Test.operatorInferiorOrEqual Check operator Inferior or
* equa of class CBotString_Test.
TEST(CBotString_Test, operatorInferiorOrEqual)
//-- CBotString
CBotString botStr1("a");
CBotString botStr2("z");
CBotString botStr3("colobot");
//-- C string
const char cStr1[2] = "a";
const char cStr2[2] = "z";
const char cStr3[8] = "colobot";
EXPECT_EQ(false, (botStr3 <= botStr1));
EXPECT_EQ(true, (botStr3 <= botStr2));
EXPECT_EQ(true, (botStr3 <= botStr3));
//-- Compare with C string
EXPECT_EQ(false, (botStr3 <= cStr1));
EXPECT_EQ(true, (botStr3 <= cStr2));
EXPECT_EQ(true, (botStr3 <= cStr3));
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ set(UT_SOURCES
Reference in New Issue