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Programerus 2012-03-20 17:01:08 +01:00
parent 93537652b3
commit 6758e3f6a2
1 changed files with 74 additions and 72 deletions

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@ -12,7 +12,9 @@
// * GNU General Public License for more details. // * GNU General Public License for more details.
// * // *
// * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// * along with this program. If not, see D3DEngine.h // * along with this program. If not, see
// D3DEngine.h
#ifndef _D3DENGINE_H_ #ifndef _D3DENGINE_H_
#define _D3DENGINE_H_ #define _D3DENGINE_H_
@ -41,13 +43,13 @@ class CTerrain;
enum D3DTypeObj enum D3DTypeObj
{ {
TYPENULL = 0, // object inexistant TYPENULL = 0, // object doesn't exist
TYPETERRAIN = 1, // terrain TYPETERRAIN = 1, // terrain
TYPEFIX = 2, // objet fixe TYPEFIX = 2, // fixed object
TYPEVEHICULE = 3, // objet mobile TYPEVEHICULE = 3, // moving object
TYPEDESCENDANT = 4, // partie d'un objet mobile TYPEDESCENDANT = 4, // part of a moving object
TYPEQUARTZ = 5, // objet fixe de type quartz TYPEQUARTZ = 5, // fixed object type quartz
TYPEMETAL = 6, // objet fixe de type métalique TYPEMETAL = 6, // fixed object type metal
}; };
enum D3DTypeTri enum D3DTypeTri
@ -68,14 +70,14 @@ enum D3DMaping
enum D3DMouse enum D3DMouse
{ {
D3DMOUSEHIDE = 0, // pas de souris D3DMOUSEHIDE = 0, // no mouse
D3DMOUSEMOVE = 8, // + D3DMOUSEMOVE = 8, // +
D3DMOUSEMOVEV = 10, // | D3DMOUSEMOVEV = 10, // |
@ -95,25 +97,25 @@ enum D3DShadowType
}; };
#define D3DSTATENORMAL 0 // matériaux opaque normal #define D3DSTATENORMAL 0 // normal opaque materials
#define D3DSTATETTb (1<<0) // transparent selon texture (noir=rien) #define D3DSTATETTb (1<<0) // the transparent texture (black = no)
#define D3DSTATETTw (1<<1) // transparent selon texture (blanc=rien) #define D3DSTATETTw (1<<1) // the transparent texture (white = no)
#define D3DSTATETD (1<<2) // transparent selon couleur diffuse #define D3DSTATETD (1<<2) // the transparent diffuse color
#define D3DSTATEWRAP (1<<3) // texture wrappée #define D3DSTATEWRAP (1<<3) // texture wrappe
#define D3DSTATECLAMP (1<<4) // texture bordée d'une couleur unie #define D3DSTATECLAMP (1<<4) // texture borders with solid color
#define D3DSTATELIGHT (1<<5) // texture lumineuse (ambiance max) #define D3DSTATELIGHT (1<<5) // light texture (ambient max)
#define D3DSTATEDUALb (1<<6) // double texturage noir #define D3DSTATEDUALb (1<<6) // double black texturing
#define D3DSTATEDUALw (1<<7) // double texturage blanc #define D3DSTATEDUALw (1<<7) // double white texturing
#define D3DSTATEPART1 (1<<8) // partie 1 (ne pas changer, dans .MOD !) #define D3DSTATEPART1 (1<<8) // part 1 (no change in. MOD!)
#define D3DSTATEPART2 (1<<9) // partie 2 #define D3DSTATEPART2 (1<<9) // part 2
#define D3DSTATEPART3 (1<<10) // partie 3 #define D3DSTATEPART3 (1<<10) // part 3
#define D3DSTATEPART4 (1<<11) // partie 4 #define D3DSTATEPART4 (1<<11) // part 4
#define D3DSTATE2FACE (1<<12) // mode double-face #define D3DSTATE2FACE (1<<12) // double-sided face
#define D3DSTATEALPHA (1<<13) // image avec canal alpha #define D3DSTATEALPHA (1<<13) // image using alpha channel
#define D3DSTATESECOND (1<<14) // utilise tjrs 2ème étage de texturage #define D3DSTATESECOND (1<<14) // always use 2nd floor texturing
#define D3DSTATEFOG (1<<15) // force le brouillard #define D3DSTATEFOG (1<<15) // causes the fog
#define D3DSTATETCb (1<<16) // transparent selon couleur (noir=rien) #define D3DSTATETCb (1<<16) // the transparent color (black = no)
#define D3DSTATETCw (1<<17) // transparent selon couleur (blanc=rien) #define D3DSTATETCw (1<<17) // the transparent color (white = no)
typedef struct typedef struct
@ -186,65 +188,65 @@ D3DObjLevel1;
typedef struct typedef struct
{ {
char bUsed; // TRUE -> objet existe char bUsed; // TRUE -> object exists
char bVisible; // TRUE -> objet visible char bVisible; // TRUE -> visible object
char bDrawWorld; // TRUE -> dessine derrière l'interface char bDrawWorld; // TRUE -> shape behind the interface
char bDrawFront; // TRUE -> dessine devant l'interface char bDrawFront; // TRUE -> shape before the interface
int totalTriangle; // nb de triangles utilisés int totalTriangle; // number of triangles used
D3DTypeObj type; // type de l'objet (TYPE*) D3DTypeObj type; // type of the object (TYPE*)
D3DMATRIX transform; // matrice de transformation D3DMATRIX transform; // transformation matrix
float distance; // distance point de vue - origine float distance; // distance point of view - original
D3DVECTOR bboxMin; // bounding box de l'objet D3DVECTOR bboxMin; // bounding box of the object
D3DVECTOR bboxMax; // (l'origine 0;0;0 est tjrs incluse) D3DVECTOR bboxMax; // (the origin 0, 0, 0 is always included)
float radius; // rayon de la sphère à l'origine float radius; // radius of the sphere at the origin
int shadowRank; // rang de l'ombre associée int shadowRank; // rank of the associated shadow
float transparency; // transparence de l'objet (0..1) float transparency; // transparency of the object (0 .. 1)
} }
D3DObject; D3DObject;
typedef struct typedef struct
{ {
char bUsed; // TRUE -> objet existe char bUsed; // TRUE -> object exists
char bHide; // TRUE -> ombre invisible (objet porté par ex.) char bHide; // TRUE -> invisible shadow (object carried by ex.)
int objRank; // rang de l'objet int objRank; // rank of the object
D3DShadowType type; // type de l'ombre D3DShadowType type; // type of shadow
D3DVECTOR pos; // position pour l'ombre D3DVECTOR pos; // position for the shadow
D3DVECTOR normal; // normale au terrain D3DVECTOR normal; // normal terrain
float angle; // angle de l'ombre float angle; // angle of the shadow
float radius; // rayon de l'ombre float radius; // radius of the shadow
float intensity; // intensité de l'ombre float intensity; // intensity of the shadow
float height; // hauteur depuis le sol float height; // height from the ground
} }
D3DShadow; D3DShadow;
typedef struct typedef struct
{ {
char bUsed; // TRUE -> objet existe char bUsed; // TRUE -> object exists
D3DCOLORVALUE color; // couleur de l'ombre D3DCOLORVALUE color; // color of the shadow
float min, max; // altitudes min/max float min, max; // altitudes min / max
float smooth; // zone de transition float smooth; // transition area
D3DVECTOR pos; // position pour l'ombre D3DVECTOR pos; // position for the shadow
float radius; // rayon de l'ombre float radius; // radius of the shadow
D3DVECTOR drawPos; // position pour l'ombre dessinée D3DVECTOR drawPos; // drawn to position the shade
float drawRadius; // rayon de l'ombre dessinée float drawRadius; // radius of the shadow drawn
} }
D3DGroundSpot; D3DGroundSpot;
typedef struct typedef struct
{ {
char bUsed; // TRUE -> objet existe char bUsed; // TRUE -> object exists
char bDraw; // TRUE -> marque dessinée char bDraw; // TRUE -> drawn mark
int phase; // 1=croissance, 2=fixe, 3=décroissance int phase; // 1 = increase, 2 = fixed, 3 = decrease
float delay[3]; // délais pour les 3 phases float delay[3]; // time for 3 phases
float fix; // temps fixe float fix; // fixed time
D3DVECTOR pos; // position pour marques D3DVECTOR pos; // position for marks
float radius; // rayon des marques float radius; // radius of marks
float intensity; // intensité couleur float intensity; // color intensity
D3DVECTOR drawPos; // position pour marques dessinées D3DVECTOR drawPos; // drawn in position marks
float drawRadius; // rayon des marques dessinées float drawRadius; // radius marks drawn
float drawIntensity; // intensité dessinée float drawIntensity; // current drawn
int dx, dy; // dimensions table int dx, dy; // dimensions table
char* table; // pointeur à la table char* table; // pointer to the table
} }
D3DGroundMark; D3DGroundMark;