Another fixes to sound samples in-code documentation

Cezary Parkowski 2016-02-19 17:43:55 +01:00
parent f3820bc81a
commit 5542b7deb7
1 changed files with 22 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
**/ **/
enum SoundType enum SoundType
{ {
SOUND_NONE = -1, /*!< Mute. */ SOUND_NONE = -1, /*!< Silence. */
SOUND_CLICK = 0, /*!< Keybinding change. */ SOUND_CLICK = 0, /*!< Keybinding change. */
SOUND_BOUM = 1, /*!< Landing on ground bump. */ SOUND_BOUM = 1, /*!< Landing on ground bump. */
SOUND_EXPLO = 2, /*!< Building explosion. */ SOUND_EXPLO = 2, /*!< Building explosion. */
@ -45,27 +45,27 @@ enum SoundType
SOUND_MOTORr = 8, /*!< SpecialBot engine. */ SOUND_MOTORr = 8, /*!< SpecialBot engine. */
SOUND_ERROR = 9, /*!< DisplayError message. */ SOUND_ERROR = 9, /*!< DisplayError message. */
SOUND_CONVERT = 10, /*!< Converter processing. */ SOUND_CONVERT = 10, /*!< Converter processing. */
SOUND_ENERGY = 11, /*!< PowerStation recharging #1/Sparkle in menu #1. */ SOUND_ENERGY = 11, /*!< PowerStation recharging #1/Menu particle #1. */
SOUND_PLOUF = 12, /*!< Water splash. */ SOUND_PLOUF = 12, /*!< Water splash. */
SOUND_BLUP = 13, /*!< Swimming #1. */ SOUND_BLUP = 13, /*!< Swimming #1. */
SOUND_WARNING = 14, /*!< DisplayWarning message. */ SOUND_WARNING = 14, /*!< DisplayWarning message. */
SOUND_DERRICK = 15, /*!< Derrick digging. */ SOUND_DERRICK = 15, /*!< Derrick digging. */
SOUND_LABO = 16, /*!< AutoLab processing sample. */ SOUND_LABO = 16, /*!< AutoLab processing sample. */
SOUND_STATION = 17, /*!< PowerStation recharging #2/Sparkle in menu #2. */ SOUND_STATION = 17, /*!< PowerStation recharging #2/Menu particle #2. */
SOUND_REPAIR = 18, /*!< RepairCenter/Sniffer working. */ SOUND_REPAIR = 18, /*!< RepairCenter/Sniffer sniffing. */
SOUND_RESEARCH = 19, /*!< ResearchCenter processing. */ SOUND_RESEARCH = 19, /*!< ResearchCenter processing. */
SOUND_INSECTs = 20, /*!< AlienSpider roar. */ SOUND_INSECTs = 20, /*!< AlienSpider roar. */
SOUND_BURN = 21, /*!< Burning. */ SOUND_BURN = 21, /*!< Burning. */
SOUND_TZOING = 22, /*!< EPSITEC's Brand "TZOING!". */ SOUND_TZOING = 22, /*!< EPSITEC's Brand "TZOING!". */
SOUND_GGG = 23, /*!< Electricity/Menu particle sound #2. */ SOUND_GGG = 23, /*!< Electricity/Menu particle #3. */
SOUND_MANIP = 24, /*!< Bot's mechanic arm manipulating. */ SOUND_MANIP = 24, /*!< Bot mechanic arm manipulating. */
SOUND_FIRE = 25, /*!< ShooterBots shooting. */ SOUND_FIRE = 25, /*!< ShooterBot shooting. */
SOUND_HUMAN1 = 26, /*!< Astronaut breathing. */ SOUND_HUMAN1 = 26, /*!< Astronaut breathing. */
SOUND_STEPw = 27, /*!< Step under the water. */ SOUND_STEPw = 27, /*!< Step under the water. */
SOUND_SWIM = 28, /*!< Swimming #2. */ SOUND_SWIM = 28, /*!< Swimming #2. */
SOUND_RADAR = 29, /*!< RadarStation "DING!"/Sparkle in menu #5. */ SOUND_RADAR = 29, /*!< RadarStation "DING!"/Menu particle #4. */
SOUND_BUILD = 30, /*!< Building processing */ SOUND_BUILD = 30, /*!< Building processing. */
SOUND_ALARM = 31, /*!< Bot energy alarm/Sparkle in menu #3. */ SOUND_ALARM = 31, /*!< Bot energy alarm/Menu particle #5. */
SOUND_SLIDE = 32, /*!< WingedBot engine. */ SOUND_SLIDE = 32, /*!< WingedBot engine. */
SOUND_EXPLOi = 33, /*!< AlienInsect exploding scream. */ SOUND_EXPLOi = 33, /*!< AlienInsect exploding scream. */
SOUND_INSECTa = 34, /*!< AlienAnt roar. */ SOUND_INSECTa = 34, /*!< AlienAnt roar. */
@ -73,20 +73,20 @@ enum SoundType
SOUND_INSECTw = 36, /*!< AlienWorm roar. */ SOUND_INSECTw = 36, /*!< AlienWorm roar. */
SOUND_INSECTm = 37, /*!< AlienQueen roar. */ SOUND_INSECTm = 37, /*!< AlienQueen roar. */
SOUND_TREMBLE = 38, /*!< Building ambient. */ SOUND_TREMBLE = 38, /*!< Building ambient. */
SOUND_PSHHH = 39, /*!< SpecialBot engine "PSHHH!"/Menu particle sound #1. */ SOUND_PSHHH = 39, /*!< SpecialBot engine "PSHHH!"/Menu particle #6. */
SOUND_NUCLEAR = 40, /*!< NuclearPlant processing. */ SOUND_NUCLEAR = 40, /*!< NuclearPlant processing. */
SOUND_INFO = 41, /*!< DisplayInfo message/Sparkle in menu #4. */ SOUND_INFO = 41, /*!< DisplayInfo message/Menu particle #7. */
SOUND_OPEN = 42, /*!< Converter open/close. */ SOUND_OPEN = 42, /*!< Converter open/close. */
SOUND_CLOSE = 43, /*!< Converter slam. */ SOUND_CLOSE = 43, /*!< Converter slam. */
SOUND_FACTORY = 44, /*!< BotFactory processing. */ SOUND_FACTORY = 44, /*!< BotFactory processing. */
SOUND_EGG = 45, /*!< AlienEgg breaking eggshell. */ SOUND_EGG = 45, /*!< AlienEgg breaking eggshell. */
SOUND_MOTORs = 46, /*!< Subber engine. */ SOUND_MOTORs = 46, /*!< Subber engine. */
SOUND_MOTORi = 47, /*!< LeggedBot engine. */ SOUND_MOTORi = 47, /*!< LeggedBot engine. */
SOUND_SHIELD = 48, /*!< Shielder working. */ SOUND_SHIELD = 48, /*!< Shielder shielding. */
SOUND_FIREi = 49, /*!< OrgaShooterBots shooting. */ SOUND_FIREi = 49, /*!< OrgaShooterBot shooting. */
SOUND_GUNDEL = 50, /*!< Neutralized AlienInsect's fire under the shield. */ SOUND_GUNDEL = 50, /*!< Neutralized AlienInsect's fire under the shield. */
SOUND_PSHHH2 = 51, /*!< Shielder mechanic tower manipulating. */ SOUND_PSHHH2 = 51, /*!< Shielder mechanic tower manipulating. */
SOUND_MESSAGE = 52, /*!< DisplayMessage message */ SOUND_MESSAGE = 52, /*!< DisplayMessage message. */
SOUND_BOUMm = 53, /*!< Metal bang. */ SOUND_BOUMm = 53, /*!< Metal bang. */
SOUND_BOUMv = 54, /*!< Plant bang. */ SOUND_BOUMv = 54, /*!< Plant bang. */
SOUND_BOUMs = 55, /*!< Smooth bang. */ SOUND_BOUMs = 55, /*!< Smooth bang. */
@ -98,23 +98,23 @@ enum SoundType
SOUND_POWERON = 61, /*!< Power on. */ SOUND_POWERON = 61, /*!< Power on. */
SOUND_POWEROFF = 62, /*!< Power off. */ SOUND_POWEROFF = 62, /*!< Power off. */
SOUND_AIE = 63, /*!< Astronaut pain "AIE!". */ SOUND_AIE = 63, /*!< Astronaut pain "AIE!". */
SOUND_WAYPOINT = 64, /*!< WayPoint/Target2 activate, placing a flag. */ SOUND_WAYPOINT = 64, /*!< WayPoint/Target2 activate/Flag placing. */
SOUND_RECOVER = 65, /*!< Recycler sound. */ /* DUPLICATE OF SOUND_GUNDEL=50 */ SOUND_RECOVER = 65, /*!< Recycler sound. */ /* DUPLICATE OF SOUND_GUNDEL=50 */
SOUND_DEADi = 66, /*!< AlienInsect dying scream. */ SOUND_DEADi = 66, /*!< AlienInsect dying scream. */
SOUND_JOSTLE = 67, /*!< Leaf shaking. */ SOUND_JOSTLE = 67, /*!< Leaf shaking. */
SOUND_GFLAT = 68, /*!< FlatGround probing/Sparkle in menu #6. */ SOUND_GFLAT = 68, /*!< FlatGround probing/Menu particle #8. */
SOUND_DEADg = 69, /*!< Astronaut death "AU!". */ SOUND_DEADg = 69, /*!< Astronaut death "AU!". */
SOUND_DEADw = 70, /*!< Astronaut drown "AHU!AHU!". */ SOUND_DEADw = 70, /*!< Astronaut drown "AHU!AHU!". */
SOUND_FLYf = 71, /*!< Jet engine Overheating. */ SOUND_FLYf = 71, /*!< Jet engine overheating. */
SOUND_ALARMt = 72, /*!< Bot temperature alarm/Sparkle in menu #7. */ SOUND_ALARMt = 72, /*!< Bot temperature alarm/Menu particle #9. */
SOUND_FINDING = 73, /*!< ProxyActivating an object, opening Vault. */ /* DUPLICATE OF SOUND_WAYPOINT=64 */ SOUND_FINDING = 73, /*!< Vault opening/ProxyActivating an object. */ /* DUPLICATE OF SOUND_WAYPOINT=64 */
SOUND_THUMP = 74, /*!< Thumper thumping. */ SOUND_THUMP = 74, /*!< Thumper thumping. */
SOUND_TOUCH = 75, /*!< Bot getting damage. */ SOUND_TOUCH = 75, /*!< Bot getting damage. */
SOUND_BLITZ = 76, /*!< Thunder. */ SOUND_BLITZ = 76, /*!< Thunder. */
SOUND_MUSHROOM = 77, /*!< Mushroom poisoning. */ SOUND_MUSHROOM = 77, /*!< Mushroom poisoning. */
SOUND_FIREp = 78, /*!< PhazerShooter shooting. */ SOUND_FIREp = 78, /*!< PhazerShooter shooting. */
SOUND_EXPLOg1 = 79, /*!< ShooterBots damaging things. */ SOUND_EXPLOg1 = 79, /*!< ShooterBots damaging objects. */
SOUND_EXPLOg2 = 80, /*!< OrgaShooterBots damaging things. */ SOUND_EXPLOg2 = 80, /*!< OrgaShooterBots damaging objects. */
SOUND_MOTORd = 81, /*!< Scribbler/ToyBot engine. */ SOUND_MOTORd = 81, /*!< Scribbler/ToyBot engine. */
SOUND_MAX /** number of items in enum */ SOUND_MAX /** number of items in enum */
}; };