Possible workaround for #738

Align text rendering to character, not tile size
Piotr Dziwinski 2016-03-25 14:37:41 +13:00
parent b84e24d662
commit 4e331f1f54
1 changed files with 4 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -940,16 +940,14 @@ void CText::DrawCharAndAdjustPos(UTF8Char ch, FontType font, float size, Math::P
CharTexture tex = GetCharTexture(ch, font, size);
Math::Point charInterfaceSize = m_engine->WindowToInterfaceSize(tex.charSize);
Math::Point texInterfaceSize = m_engine->WindowToInterfaceSize(tex.tileSize);
Math::Point p1(pos.x, pos.y + charInterfaceSize.y - texInterfaceSize.y);
Math::Point p2(pos.x + texInterfaceSize.x, pos.y + charInterfaceSize.y);
Math::Point p1(pos.x, pos.y);
Math::Point p2(pos.x + charInterfaceSize.x, pos.y + charInterfaceSize.y);
Math::Point texCoord1(static_cast<float>(tex.charPos.x) / FONT_TEXTURE_SIZE.x,
static_cast<float>(tex.charPos.y) / FONT_TEXTURE_SIZE.y);
Math::Point texCoord2(static_cast<float>(tex.charPos.x + tex.tileSize.x) / FONT_TEXTURE_SIZE.x,
static_cast<float>(tex.charPos.y + tex.tileSize.y) / FONT_TEXTURE_SIZE.y);
Math::Point texCoord2(static_cast<float>(tex.charPos.x + tex.charSize.x) / FONT_TEXTURE_SIZE.x,
static_cast<float>(tex.charPos.y + tex.charSize.y) / FONT_TEXTURE_SIZE.y);
Math::Vector n(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); // normal
Vertex quad[4] =