CCamera rewrite

Rewritten old code; doesn't compile yet because changes in other
modules are needed.
Piotr Dziwinski 2012-07-29 18:42:56 +02:00
parent 7c5a3514dd
commit 220ff9fe52
3 changed files with 1863 additions and 106 deletions

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@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ common/iman.cpp
# common/restext.cpp # common/restext.cpp
common/stringutils.cpp common/stringutils.cpp
graphics/core/color.cpp graphics/core/color.cpp
graphics/engine/camera.cpp # graphics/engine/camera.cpp # new code but depends on other modules
graphics/engine/cloud.cpp graphics/engine/cloud.cpp
graphics/engine/engine.cpp graphics/engine/engine.cpp
graphics/engine/lightman.cpp graphics/engine/lightman.cpp

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -29,210 +29,322 @@ class CObject;
namespace Gfx { namespace Gfx {
\enum CameraType
\brief Type of camera */
enum CameraType enum CameraType
{ {
CAMERA_NULL = 0, // camera undefined //! Undefined
CAMERA_FREE = 1, // camera free (never in principle) CAM_TYPE_NULL = 0,
CAMERA_EDIT = 2, // camera while editing a program //! Free camera (? never in principle ?)
CAMERA_ONBOARD = 3, // camera on board a robot CAM_TYPE_FREE = 1,
CAMERA_BACK = 4, // camera behind a robot //! Camera while editing a program
CAMERA_FIX = 5, // static camera following robot CAM_TYPE_EDIT = 2,
CAMERA_EXPLO = 6, // camera steady after explosion //! Camera on board a robot
CAMERA_SCRIPT = 7, // camera during a film script CAM_TYPE_ONBOARD = 3,
CAMERA_INFO = 8, // camera for displaying information //! Camera behind a robot
CAMERA_VISIT = 9, // visit instead of an error CAM_TYPE_BACK = 4,
CAMERA_DIALOG = 10, // camera for dialogue //! Static camera following robot
CAMERA_PLANE = 11, // static camera height CAM_TYPE_FIX = 5,
//! Camera steady after explosion
//! Camera during a film script
//! Camera for displaying information
//! Visit instead of an error
//! Camera for dialog
//! Static camera height
}; };
enum CameraSmooth enum CameraSmooth
{ {
CS_NONE = 0, // sharp //! Sharp
CS_NORM = 1, // normal CAM_SMOOTH_NONE = 0,
CS_HARD = 2, // hard //! Normal
CS_SPEC = 3, // special CAM_SMOOTH_NORM = 1,
//! Hard
//! Special
}; };
enum CenteringPhase enum CenteringPhase
{ {
}; };
enum CameraEffect enum CameraEffect
{ {
CE_NULL = 0, // no effect //! No effect
CE_TERRAFORM = 1, // digging in CAM_EFFECT_NULL = 0,
CE_CRASH = 2, // Vehicle driving is severely //! Digging in
CE_EXPLO = 3, // explosion CAM_EFFECT_TERRAFORM = 1,
CE_SHOT = 4, // not mortal shot //! ? Vehicle driving is severely ?
CE_VIBRATION = 5, // vibration during construction CAM_EFFECT_CRASH = 2,
CE_PET = 6, // spleen reactor //! Explosion
//! ? Not mortal shot ?
//! Vibration during construction
//! ? Spleen reactor ?
}; };
enum OverEffect enum CameraOverEffect
{ {
OE_NULL = 0, // no effect //! No effect
OE_BLOOD = 1, // flash red CAM_OVER_EFFECT_NULL = 0,
OE_FADEINw = 2, // white -> nothing //! Flash red
OE_FADEOUTw = 3, // nothing -> white CAM_OVER_EFFECT_BLOOD = 1,
OE_FADEOUTb = 4, // nothing -> blue //! White -> nothing
//! Nothing -> white
//! Nothing -> blue
//! Lightning
}; };
\class CCamera
\brief Camera moving in 3D scene
... */
class CCamera { class CCamera {
public: public:
CCamera(CInstanceManager* iMan); CCamera(CInstanceManager* iMan);
~CCamera(); ~CCamera();
//! Management of an event
bool EventProcess(const Event &event); bool EventProcess(const Event &event);
//! Initializes the camera
void Init(Math::Vector eye, Math::Vector lookat, float delay); void Init(Math::Vector eye, Math::Vector lookat, float delay);
//! Sets the object controlling the camera
void SetObject(CObject* object); void SetObject(CObject* object);
CObject* RetObject(); CObject* GetObject();
void SetType(CameraType type); //! Change the type of camera
CameraType RetType(); void SetType(Gfx::CameraType type);
Gfx::CameraType GetType();
void SetSmooth(CameraSmooth type); //! Management of the smoothing mode
CameraSmooth RetSmoth(); void SetSmooth(CameraSmooth type);
Gfx::CameraSmooth GetSmoth();
//! Management of the setback distance
void SetDist(float dist); void SetDist(float dist);
float RetDist(); float GetDist();
//! Manage angle mode Gfx::CAM_TYPE_FIX
void SetFixDirection(float angle); void SetFixDirection(float angle);
float RetFixDirection(); float GetFixDirection();
//! Managing the triggering mode of the camera panning
void SetRemotePan(float value); void SetRemotePan(float value);
float RetRemotePan(); float GetRemotePan();
//! Management of the remote zoom (0 .. 1) of the camera
void SetRemoteZoom(float value); void SetRemoteZoom(float value);
float RetRemoteZoom(); float GetRemoteZoom();
//! Start with a tour round the camera
void StartVisit(Math::Vector goal, float dist); void StartVisit(Math::Vector goal, float dist);
//! Circular end of a visit with the camera
void StopVisit(); void StopVisit();
void RetCamera(Math::Vector &eye, Math::Vector &lookat); //! Returns the point of view of the camera
void GetCamera(Math::Vector &eye, Math::Vector &lookat);
//! Specifies a special movement of camera to frame action
bool StartCentering(CObject *object, float angleH, float angleV, float dist, float time); bool StartCentering(CObject *object, float angleH, float angleV, float dist, float time);
//! Ends a special movement of camera to frame action
bool StopCentering(CObject *object, float time); bool StopCentering(CObject *object, float time);
//! Stop framing special in the current position
void AbortCentering(); void AbortCentering();
//! Removes the special effect with the camera
void FlushEffect(); void FlushEffect();
void StartEffect(CameraEffect effect, Math::Vector pos, float force); //! Starts a special effect with the camera
void StartEffect(Gfx::CameraEffect effect, Math::Vector pos, float force);
//! Removes the effect of superposition in the foreground
void FlushOver(); void FlushOver();
//! Specifies the base color
void SetOverBaseColor(Gfx::Color color); void SetOverBaseColor(Gfx::Color color);
void StartOver(OverEffect effect, Math::Vector pos, float force); void StartOver(Gfx::CameraOverEffect effect, Math::Vector pos, float force);
//! Sets the soft movement of the camera
void FixCamera(); void FixCamera();
void SetScriptEye(Math::Vector eye); void SetScriptEye(Math::Vector eye);
void SetScriptLookat(Math::Vector lookat); void SetScriptLookat(Math::Vector lookat);
void SetEffect(bool bEnable); void SetEffect(bool enable);
void SetCameraScroll(bool bScroll); void SetCameraScroll(bool scroll);
void SetCameraInvertX(bool bInvert); void SetCameraInvertX(bool invert);
void SetCameraInvertY(bool bInvert); void SetCameraInvertY(bool invert);
float RetMotorTurn(); //! Returns an additional force to turn
Gfx::EngineMouseType RetMouseDef(Math::Point pos); float GetMotorTurn();
//! Returns the default sprite to use for the mouse
Gfx::EngineMouseType GetMouseDef(Math::Point pos);
protected: protected:
//! Changes the camera according to the mouse moved
bool EventMouseMove(const Event &event); bool EventMouseMove(const Event &event);
//! Mouse wheel operation
void EventMouseWheel(int dir); void EventMouseWheel(int dir);
//! Changes the camera according to the time elapsed
bool EventFrame(const Event &event); bool EventFrame(const Event &event);
//! Moves the point of view
bool EventFrameFree(const Event &event); bool EventFrameFree(const Event &event);
//! Moves the point of view
bool EventFrameEdit(const Event &event); bool EventFrameEdit(const Event &event);
//! Moves the point of view
bool EventFrameDialog(const Event &event); bool EventFrameDialog(const Event &event);
//! Moves the point of view
bool EventFrameBack(const Event &event); bool EventFrameBack(const Event &event);
//! Moves the point of view
bool EventFrameFix(const Event &event); bool EventFrameFix(const Event &event);
//! Moves the point of view
bool EventFrameExplo(const Event &event); bool EventFrameExplo(const Event &event);
//! Moves the point of view
bool EventFrameOnBoard(const Event &event); bool EventFrameOnBoard(const Event &event);
//! Moves the point of view
bool EventFrameInfo(const Event &event); bool EventFrameInfo(const Event &event);
//! Moves the point of view
bool EventFrameVisit(const Event &event); bool EventFrameVisit(const Event &event);
//! Moves the point of view
bool EventFrameScript(const Event &event); bool EventFrameScript(const Event &event);
//! Specifies the location and direction of view to the 3D engine
void SetViewTime(const Math::Vector &vEyePt, const Math::Vector &vLookatPt, float rTime); void SetViewTime(const Math::Vector &vEyePt, const Math::Vector &vLookatPt, float rTime);
//! Avoid the obstacles
bool IsCollision(Math::Vector &eye, Math::Vector lookat); bool IsCollision(Math::Vector &eye, Math::Vector lookat);
//! Avoid the obstacles
bool IsCollisionBack(Math::Vector &eye, Math::Vector lookat); bool IsCollisionBack(Math::Vector &eye, Math::Vector lookat);
//! Avoid the obstacles
bool IsCollisionFix(Math::Vector &eye, Math::Vector lookat); bool IsCollisionFix(Math::Vector &eye, Math::Vector lookat);
Math::Vector ExcludeTerrain(Math::Vector eye, Math::Vector lookat, float &angleH, float &angleV); //! Adjusts the camera not to enter the ground
Math::Vector ExcludeObject(Math::Vector eye, Math::Vector lookat, float &angleH, float &angleV); Math::Vector ExcludeTerrain(Math::Vector eye, Math::Vector lookat, float &angleH, float &angleV);
//! Adjusts the camera not to enter an object
Math::Vector ExcludeObject(Math::Vector eye, Math::Vector lookat, float &angleH, float &angleV);
//! Specifies the location and direction of view
void SetViewParams(const Math::Vector &eye, const Math::Vector &lookat, const Math::Vector &up); void SetViewParams(const Math::Vector &eye, const Math::Vector &lookat, const Math::Vector &up);
//! Advances the effect of the camera
void EffectFrame(const Event &event); void EffectFrame(const Event &event);
//! Advanced overlay effect in the foreground
void OverFrame(const Event &event); void OverFrame(const Event &event);
protected: protected:
CInstanceManager* m_iMan; CInstanceManager* m_iMan;
Gfx::CEngine* m_engine; Gfx::CEngine* m_engine;
CTerrain* m_terrain; Gfx::CTerrain* m_terrain;
CWater* m_water; Gfx::CWater* m_water;
CameraType m_type; // the type of camera (CAMERA *) //! The type of camera
CameraSmooth m_smooth; // type of smoothing Gfx::CameraType m_type;
CObject* m_cameraObj; // object linked to the camera //! Type of smoothing
Gfx::CameraSmooth m_smooth;
//! Object linked to the camera
CObject* m_cameraObj;
float m_eyeDistance; // distance between the eyes //! Distance between the eyes
float m_initDelay; // time of initial centering float m_eyeDistance;
//! Time of initial centering
float m_initDelay;
//! Current eye
Math::Vector m_actualEye;
//! Current aim
Math::Vector m_actualLookat;
//! Final eye
Math::Vector m_finalEye;
//! Final aim
Math::Vector m_finalLookat;
//! Normal eye
Math::Vector m_normEye;
//! Normal aim
Math::Vector m_normLookat;
Math::Vector m_actualEye; // current eye
Math::Vector m_actualLookat; // aim current
Math::Vector m_finalEye; // final eye
Math::Vector m_finalLookat; // aim final
Math::Vector m_normEye; // normal eye
Math::Vector m_normLookat; // aim normal
float m_focus; float m_focus;
bool m_bRightDown; bool m_rightDown;
Math::Point m_rightPosInit; Math::Point m_rightPosInit;
Math::Point m_rightPosCenter; Math::Point m_rightPosCenter;
Math::Point m_rightPosMove; Math::Point m_rightPosMove;
Math::Vector m_eyePt; // CAMERA_FREE: eye //! CAM_TYPE_FREE: eye
float m_directionH; // CAMERA_FREE: horizontal direction Math::Vector m_eyePt;
float m_directionV; // CAMERA_FREE: vertical direction //! CAM_TYPE_FREE: horizontal direction
float m_heightEye; // CAMERA_FREE: height above the ground float m_directionH;
float m_heightLookat; // CAMERA_FREE: height above the ground //! CAM_TYPE_FREE: vertical direction
float m_speed; // CAMERA_FREE: speed of movement float m_directionV;
//! CAM_TYPE_FREE: height above the ground
float m_heightEye;
//! CAM_TYPE_FREE: height above the ground
float m_heightLookat;
//! CAM_TYPE_FREE: speed of movement
float m_speed;
float m_backDist; // CAMERA_BACK: distance //! CAM_TYPE_BACK: distance
float m_backMin; // CAMERA_BACK: distance minimal float m_backDist;
float m_addDirectionH; // CAMERA_BACK: additional direction //! CAM_TYPE_BACK: distance minimal
float m_addDirectionV; // CAMERA_BACK: additional direction float m_backMin;
bool m_bTransparency; //! CAM_TYPE_BACK: additional direction
float m_addDirectionH;
//! CAM_TYPE_BACK: additional direction
float m_addDirectionV;
bool m_transparency;
float m_fixDist; // CAMERA_FIX: distance //! CAM_TYPE_FIX: distance
float m_fixDirectionH; // CAMERA_FIX: direction float m_fixDist;
float m_fixDirectionV; // CAMERA_FIX: direction //! CAM_TYPE_FIX: direction
float m_fixDirectionH;
//! CAM_TYPE_FIX: direction
float m_fixDirectionV;
Math::Vector m_visitGoal; // CAMERA_VISIT: target position //! CAM_TYPE_VISIT: target position
float m_visitDist; // CAMERA_VISIT: distance Math::Vector m_visitGoal;
float m_visitTime; // CAMERA_VISIT: relative time //! CAM_TYPE_VISIT: distance
CameraType m_visitType; // CAMERA_VISIT: initial type float m_visitDist;
float m_visitDirectionH; // CAMERA_VISIT: direction //! CAM_TYPE_VISIT: relative time
float m_visitDirectionV; // CAMERA_VISIT: direction float m_visitTime;
//! CAM_TYPE_VISIT: initial type
Gfx::CameraType m_visitType;
//! CAM_TYPE_VISIT: direction
float m_visitDirectionH;
//! CAM_TYPE_VISIT: direction
float m_visitDirectionV;
float m_editHeight; // CAMERA_EDIT: height //! CAM_TYPE_EDIT: height
float m_editHeight;
float m_remotePan; float m_remotePan;
float m_remoteZoom; float m_remoteZoom;
Math::Point m_mousePos; Math::Point m_mousePos;
float m_mouseDirH; float m_mouseDirH;
float m_mouseDirV; float m_mouseDirV;
float m_mouseMarging; float m_mouseMarging;
float m_motorTurn; float m_motorTurn;
CenteringPhase m_centeringPhase; Gfx::CenteringPhase m_centeringPhase;
float m_centeringAngleH; float m_centeringAngleH;
float m_centeringAngleV; float m_centeringAngleV;
float m_centeringDist; float m_centeringDist;
@ -256,13 +368,17 @@ protected:
float m_overFadeIn; float m_overFadeIn;
float m_overFadeOut; float m_overFadeOut;
Math::Vector m_scriptEye; Math::Vector m_scriptEye;
Math::Vector m_scriptLookat; Math::Vector m_scriptLookat;
bool m_bEffect; // shocks if explosion? //! Shocks if explosion?
bool m_bCameraScroll; // scroll in the edges? bool m_effect;
bool m_bCameraInvertX; // X inversion in the edges? //! Scroll in the edges?
bool m_bCameraInvertY; // Y inversion in the edges? bool m_cameraScroll;
//! X inversion in the edges?
bool m_cameraInvertX;
//! Y inversion in the edges?
bool m_cameraInvertY;
}; };