Translate french comments + correct typo
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ CBotInstr* CBotDefClass::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, CBotClass* p
if (typ == CBotErrUndefCall)
// si le constructeur n'existe pas
// if the ctor don't exist
if (inst->m_parameters != nullptr) // with parameters
pStk->SetError(CBotErrNoConstruct, vartoken);
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ CBotInstr* CBotDo::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
if (!IsOfType(p, ID_DO)) return nullptr; // should never happen
CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack(pp); // un petit bout de pile svp
CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack(pp); // some space for a stack, plz
// looking for a statement block after the do
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ CBotInstr* CBotFor::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
return nullptr;
CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack(pp, true); // un petit bout de pile svp
CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack(pp, true); // some size for a stack, plz
// compiles instructions for initialization
inst->m_init = CBotListExpression::Compile(p, pStk );
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ CBotFunction* CBotFunction::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, CBotFunct
func->m_token = d;
// un nom de fonction est-il là ?
// is there a function name here ?
if (IsOfType(p, TokenTypVar))
if ( IsOfType( p, ID_DBLDOTS ) ) // method for a class
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ CBotFunction* CBotFunction::Compile1(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, CBotClas
func->m_token = d;
// un nom de fonction est-il là ?
// is there a function name here ?
if (IsOfType(p, TokenTypVar))
if ( IsOfType( p, ID_DBLDOTS ) ) // method for a class
@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ CBotFunction* CBotFunction::FindLocalOrPublic(const std::list<CBotFunction*>& lo
int i = 0;
int alpha = 0; // signature of parameters
// parameters sont-ils compatibles ?
// are parameters compatible ?
CBotDefParam* pv = pt->m_param; // list of expected parameters
CBotVar* pw = ppVars[i++]; // list of provided parameters
while ( pv != nullptr && (pw != nullptr || pv->HasDefault()) )
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ CBotInstr* CBotParExpr::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
CBotToken* pvar = p;
// no, it an "ordinaty" variable
// no, it's an "ordinaty" variable
inst = CBotExprVar::Compile(p, pStk);
CBotToken* pp = p;
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ CBotInstr* CBotSwitch::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
if (!IsOfType(p, ID_SWITCH)) return nullptr; // should never happen
CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack(pp); // un petit bout de pile svp
CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack(pp); // some space for a stack, plz
if ( IsOfType(p, ID_OPENPAR ) )
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ CBotInstr* CBotSwitch::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
if ( p->GetType() == ID_CASE || p->GetType() == ID_DEFAULT)
CBotCStack* pStk2 = pStk->TokenStack(p); // un petit bout de pile svp
CBotCStack* pStk2 = pStk->TokenStack(p); // some space for a stack, plz
CBotInstr* i = CBotCase::Compile( p, pStk2 );
if (i == nullptr)
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ CBotInstr* CBotTry::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
if (!IsOfType(p, ID_TRY)) return nullptr; // should never happen
CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack(pp); // un petit bout de pile svp
CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack(pp); // some space for a stack, plz
inst->m_block = CBotBlock::CompileBlkOrInst(p, pStk );
CBotCatch** pn = &inst->m_catchList;
@ -102,11 +102,11 @@ bool CBotTry::Execute(CBotStack* &pj)
val = pile1->GetError();
if ( val == CBotNoErr && pile1->GetTimer() == 0 ) // mode step?
return false; // does not make the catch
return false; // don't jump to the catch
pile2->SetState(val); // stores the error number
pile1->SetError(CBotNoErr); // for now there is are more errors!
pile1->SetError(CBotNoErr); // for now there are more errors!
if ( val == CBotNoErr && pile1->GetTimer() < 0 ) // mode step?
return false; // does not make the catch
@ -124,8 +124,7 @@ bool CBotTry::Execute(CBotStack* &pj)
if ( --state <= 0 )
// request to the catch block if they feel concerned
// demande au bloc catch s'il se sent concerné
// ask to the catch block if it feels concerned
if ( !pc->TestCatch(pile2, val) ) return false; // suspend !
@ -200,8 +199,7 @@ void CBotTry::RestoreState(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain)
if ( --state <= 0 )
// request to the catch block if they feel concerned
// demande au bloc catch s'il se sent concerné
// ask to the catch block if it feels concerned
pc->RestoreCondState(pile2, bMain); // suspend !
@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ bool CBotTwoOpExpr::Execute(CBotStack* &pStack)
CBotStack* pStk2 = pStk1->AddStack(); // adds an item to the stack
// or return in case of recovery
// 2e état, évalue l'opérande de droite
// 2nd state, evalute right operand
if ( pStk2->GetState() == 0 )
if ( !m_rightop->Execute(pStk2) ) return false; // interrupted here?
@ -56,8 +56,7 @@ CBotInstr* CBotWhile::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
if (!IsOfType(p, ID_WHILE)) return nullptr; // should never happen
CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack(pp); // un petit bout de pile svp
// a bit of battery please (??)
CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack(pp); // some space for a stack, plz
if ( nullptr != (inst->m_condition = CBotCondition::Compile(p, pStk )) )
@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ CBotVar::InitType CBotVar::GetInit() const
void CBotVar::SetInit(CBotVar::InitType initType)
m_binit = initType;
if (initType == CBotVar::InitType::IS_POINTER ) m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF; // cas spécial
if (initType == CBotVar::InitType::IS_POINTER ) m_binit = CBotVar::InitType::DEF; // special case
if ( m_type.Eq(CBotTypPointer) && initType == CBotVar::InitType::IS_POINTER )
@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ void CBotVar::SetVal(CBotVar* var)
m_binit = var->m_binit; // copie l'état nan s'il y a
m_binit = var->m_binit; // copy the nan status if it has
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ void CBotVarArray::SetPointer(CBotVar* pVarClass)
(static_cast<CBotVarClass*>(pVarClass))->IncrementUse(); // incement the reference
(static_cast<CBotVarClass*>(pVarClass))->IncrementUse(); // increment the reference
if ( m_pInstance != nullptr ) m_pInstance->DecrementUse();
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ CBotVarClass::CBotVarClass(const CBotToken& name, const CBotTypResult& type) : C
m_type = type;
if ( type.Eq(CBotTypArrayPointer) ) m_type.SetType( CBotTypArrayBody );
else if ( !type.Eq(CBotTypArrayBody) ) m_type.SetType( CBotTypClass );
// officel type for this object
// official type for this object
m_pClass = nullptr;
m_pParent = nullptr;
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ CBotTypResult cfopen (CBotVar* pThis, CBotVar* &pVar)
// process FILE :: close
// execeution
// execution
bool rfclose (CBotVar* pThis, CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& Exception, void* user)
// it shouldn't be any parameters
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ object-oriented language, CBOT, which can be used to program the robots availabl
The original version of the game was developed by [Epsitec]( and released in 2001.
Later, in 2005 another version named Ceebot was released. In March 2012, through attempts
by Polish Colobot fans, Epsitec agreeed to release the source code of the game on GPLv3 license.
The license was given specfifically to our community, <b>TerranovaTeam</b>,
The license was given specifically to our community, <b>TerranovaTeam</b>,
part of <b>International Colobot Community (ICC)</b> (previously known as <i>Polish Portal of Colobot (PPC)</i>;
Polish: <i>Polski Portal Colobota</i>) with our website at
@ -877,7 +877,7 @@ void CParticle::FrameParticle(float rTime)
m_track[r].drawParticle = (progress < 1.0f);
if (m_particle[i].type == PARTITRACK1) // explosion technique?
if (m_particle[i].type == PARTITRACK1) // technical explosion?
m_particle[i].zoom = 1.0f-(m_particle[i].time-m_particle[i].duration);
@ -2407,7 +2407,7 @@ void CParticle::FrameParticle(float rTime)
ti.y = ts.y+0.125f;
if (m_particle[i].type == PARTIRAY1) // rayon tour ?
if (m_particle[i].type == PARTIRAY1) // tower ray ?
if (progress >= 1.0f)
@ -2517,7 +2517,7 @@ void CParticle::TrackDraw(int i, ParticleType type)
Math::Point texInf, texSup;
if (type == PARTITRACK1) // explosion technique?
if (type == PARTITRACK1) // technical explosion?
texInf.x = 64.5f/256.0f;
texInf.y = 21.0f/256.0f;
@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ const float PORTICO_TIME_OPEN = 12.0f;
// Si progress=0, return a.
// Si progress=1, return b.
// if progress=0, return a.
// if progress=1, return b.
static float Progress(float a, float b, float progress)
@ -302,9 +302,7 @@ Error CAutoPowerStation::GetError()
return ERR_OK;
// Crée toute l'interface lorsque l'objet est sélectionné .
// Create the all interface when the object is selected.
bool CAutoPowerStation::CreateInterface(bool bSelect)
Ui::CWindow* pw;
@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ void CAutoResearch::FireStopUpdate(float progress, bool bLightOn)
4.7f, -8.2f,
if ( !bLightOn ) // <EFBFBD>teint ?
if ( !bLightOn ) // light-off ?
for ( i=0 ; i<6 ; i++ )
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ void CTaskManip::InitAngle()
float energy = GetObjectEnergy(m_object);
if ( energy == 0.0f )
m_speed *= 0.7f; // slower if more energy!
m_speed *= 0.7f; // slower if no more energy!
@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ bool CTaskTake::TransporterTakeObject()
//? cargo = SearchTakeObject(angle, 1.5f, Math::PI*0.04f);
float angle = 0.0f;
CObject* cargo = SearchTakeObject(angle, 1.5f, Math::PI*0.15f); //OK 1.9
if (cargo == nullptr) return false; // rien <20> prendre ?
if (cargo == nullptr) return false; // nothing to take ?
m_cargoType = cargo->GetType();
@ -1196,7 +1196,7 @@ void CPhysics::EffectUpdate(float aTime, float rTime)
type == OBJECT_MOBILEfc ||
type == OBJECT_MOBILEfi ||
type == OBJECT_MOBILEfs ||
type == OBJECT_MOBILEft ) // fliyng?
type == OBJECT_MOBILEft ) // flying?
if ( m_bLand ) // on the ground?
@ -121,9 +121,7 @@ bool CColor::EventProcess(const Event &event)
return true;
// Dessine le bouton.
// Draw the button.
void CColor::Draw()
Gfx::CDevice* device;
@ -194,8 +194,7 @@ CEdit* CInterface::CreateEdit(Math::Point pos, Math::Point dim, int icon, EventT
return CreateControl<CEdit>(pos, dim, icon, eventMsg);
// Creates a new pave editable.
// Creates a new editable area.
CEditValue* CInterface::CreateEditValue(Math::Point pos, Math::Point dim, int icon, EventType eventMsg)
CEditValue* ev = CreateControl<CEditValue>(pos, dim, icon, eventMsg);
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ bool CStudio::EventProcess(const Event &event)
if ( event.type == EVENT_STUDIO_EDIT ) // text modifief?
if ( event.type == EVENT_STUDIO_EDIT ) // text modified?
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