Description of CBot instructions

krzys-h 2015-12-30 19:13:32 +01:00
parent e3c53f9912
commit 10b201b9e6
48 changed files with 297 additions and 474 deletions

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@ -23,9 +23,16 @@ namespace CBot
class CBotProgram;
* \brief Various utilities used for debugging
class CBotDebug
* \brief Dump the compiled class structure of the given program to stdout as DOT graph
* \param program Program to dump
static void DumpCompiledProgram(CBotProgram* program);

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@ -24,15 +24,19 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotBlock class An instruction block { .... }.
* \brief An instruction block - { ... }
* There is never an instance of this class - it gets compiled into CBotListInstr
* \see CBotListInstr
class CBotBlock : public CBotInstr
* \brief Compile Compiles a statement block " { i ; i ; } "
* \brief Compiles a statement block - { instr; instr; }
* \param p
* \param pStack
* \param bLocal
@ -40,8 +44,8 @@ public:
static CBotInstr* Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, bool bLocal = true);
* \brief CompileBlkOrInst
* \brief Compiles a block of instructions or a single instruction
* \param p
* \param pStack
* \param bLocal
@ -50,14 +54,8 @@ public:
static CBotInstr* CompileBlkOrInst(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, bool bLocal = false);
* \brief CBotBlock This class have no constructor because there is never an
* instance of this class the object returned by Compile is usually of type
* CBotListInstr
CBotBlock() = delete;
CBotBlock(const CBotBlock &) = delete;
CBotBlock(const CBotBlock&) = delete;
} // namespace CBot

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@ -24,11 +24,12 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotBoolExpr class Compile a statement such as "(condition)"
* the condition must be Boolean. This class has no constructor, because there
* is never an instance of this class the object returned by Compile is usually
* type CBotExpression
* \brief An expression that results in a boolean value
* There is never an instance of this class - it gets compiled into CBotExpression
* \see CBotExpression
class CBotBoolExpr : public CBotInstr
@ -41,6 +42,10 @@ public:
* \return
static CBotInstr* Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack);
CBotBoolExpr() = delete;
CBotBoolExpr(const CBotBoolExpr&) = delete;
} // namespace CBot

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@ -24,21 +24,13 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotBoolean class Defining a boolean variable int a, b = false;
* \brief Definition of boolean variable - bool a, b = false
class CBotBoolean : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotBoolean
* \brief ~CBotBoolean

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@ -24,22 +24,14 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotBreak class Compiles instruction "break" or "continu".
* \brief Instructions "break" and "continue" (with an optional label)
class CBotBreak : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotBreak
* \brief CBotBreak

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@ -24,23 +24,16 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotCase class Compiles instruction "case" we are bound to the
* statement block "switch".
* \brief Instruction "case", part of "switch" structure
* \see CBotSwitch
class CBotCase : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotCase
* \brief ~CBotCase

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@ -25,20 +25,14 @@ namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotCatch class. Compiles instruction "catch".
* \brief Instruction "catch", part of "try" structure
* \see CBotTry
class CBotCatch : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotCatch
* \brief CBotCatch

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@ -24,22 +24,24 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotClassInst class Definition of an element of any class.
* \brief Definition of class instance variable
* Examples:
* \code
* ClassName varname;
* ClassName varname();
* ClassName varname = new ClassName();
* ClassName varname = new ClassName(args);
* ClassName varname1(), varname2();
* ClassName varname1 = new ClassName(), varname2;
* \endcode
class CBotClassInst : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotClassInst
* \brief ~CBotClassInst

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@ -24,10 +24,13 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotCondition class This class has no constructor, because there
* is never an instance of this class the object returned by Compile is usually
* type CBotExpression
* \brief A condition - boolean expression enclosed in brackets - (condition)
* There is never an instance of this class - it gets compiled into CBotExpression
* \see CBotBoolExpr
* \see CBotExpression
class CBotCondition : public CBotInstr
@ -41,6 +44,10 @@ public:
* \return
static CBotInstr* Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack);
CBotCondition() = delete;
CBotCondition(const CBotCondition&) = delete;
} // namespace CBot

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@ -24,18 +24,13 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief do {...} while (...) structure
class CBotDo : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotDo Default constructor.
* \brief ~CBotDo Destructor.

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@ -24,8 +24,9 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotEmpty class
* \brief Constant -1 of type int
* \todo Whaaaat? What is this even doing here? ~krzys_h
class CBotEmpty : public CBotInstr

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@ -24,21 +24,13 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotExprAlpha class Expression representing a string.
* \brief Expression representing a string literal - "Some text"
class CBotExprAlpha : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotExprAlpha
* \brief CBotExprAlpha

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@ -24,21 +24,13 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotExprBool class Compile a token representing true or false.
* \brief true/false constants
class CBotExprBool : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotExprBool
* \brief ~CBotExprBool

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@ -24,21 +24,13 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotExprNan class Management of the operand "nan".
* \brief The "nan" constant
class CBotExprNan : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotExprNan
* \brief ~CBotExprNan

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@ -24,21 +24,13 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotExprNull class Management of the operand "null".
* \brief The "null" constant
class CBotExprNull : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotExprNull
* \brief ~CBotExprNull

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@ -24,22 +24,16 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotExprNum class Expression representing a number.
* \brief A number literal - 5, 1, 2.5, 3.75, etc. or a predefined numerical constant (see CBotToken::DefineNum())
* Can be of type ::CBotTypInt or ::CBotTypFloat
class CBotExprNum : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotExprNum
* \brief ~CBotExprNum

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@ -24,22 +24,13 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotExprUnaire class Unary expression. Compile an unary expression
* eg : (+, * -, not, !, ~)
* \brief Unary expression - +a, -a, !a, ~a, not a
class CBotExprUnaire : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotExprUnaire
* \brief ~CBotExprUnaire

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@ -27,22 +27,16 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotExprVar class Expression for the variable name. Compile a
* variable name check that it is known on the stack and it has been initialized.
* \brief Expression representing a variable name
* Verifies that variable is known during compilation
* Verifies taht variable is initialized during execution
class CBotExprVar : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotExprVar
* \brief ~CBotExprVar

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@ -26,32 +26,22 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotExpression class Compiles a statement with or without
* assignment.
* eg :
* - x = a;
* - x * y + 3;
* - x = 123
* - z * 5 + 4
* \brief An arithmetic expression, with or without assignment
* Examples:
* \code
* x = a
* x * y + 3
* x = 123
* z * 5 + 4
* \endcode
// compiles a statement such as " " ou " z * 5 + 4 "
class CBotExpression : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotExpression
* \brief ~CBotExpression

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@ -24,22 +24,13 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotFieldExpr class Management of the fields of an instance
* (dot operator) eg : toto.x
* \brief Accessing a class field using dot operator - toto.x
class CBotFieldExpr : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotFieldExpr
* \brief ~CBotFieldExpr

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@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotFloat class Definition of a real/float variable int a, b = 12.4;
* \brief Definition of a float variable - float a, b = 12.4
class CBotFloat : public CBotInstr

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@ -24,21 +24,13 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotFor class
* \brief Instruction for (init; test; incr) { ... }
class CBotFor : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotFor
* \brief CBotFor

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@ -26,22 +26,23 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotFunction class A function declaration. Compilation of various
* functions declared by the user
* \brief A function declaration in the code
* Examples:
* \code
* void test() { ... }
* void test(int a, float b) { ... }
* int test(int a, float b, string c) { ... }
* public bool test(int a, float b, string c, SomeClass d) { ... }
* extern void test() { ... }
* void classname::test() { ... }
* \endcode
class CBotFunction : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotFunction
* \brief ~CBotFunction

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@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotIString class Define a string variable eg : int a, b = "salut";
* \brief Definition of a string variable - string a, b = "text";
class CBotIString : public CBotInstr

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@ -24,21 +24,13 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotIf class Instruction if (condition) operation1 else operation2;
* \brief Instruction if (condition) { ... } else { ... }
class CBotIf : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotIf
* \brief ~CBotIf

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@ -24,23 +24,13 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotIndexExpr class Index management for arrays
* eg :
* - array [ expression ]
* \brief Instruction accessing an array element - array[x]
class CBotIndexExpr : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotIndexExpr
* \brief ~CBotIndexExpr

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@ -24,24 +24,20 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotInstArray class Definition of an array.
* Defining an array of any type
* \brief Definition of an array (of any type)
* Examples:
* \code
* int a[12];
* point x[];
* float x[];
* bool[] z;
* \endcode
class CBotInstArray : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotInstArray
* \brief ~CBotInstArray
@ -68,7 +64,7 @@ public:
void RestoreState(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain) override;
virtual const std::string GetDebugName() { return "CBotInstrArray"; }
virtual const std::string GetDebugName() { return "CBotInstArray"; }
virtual std::string GetDebugData();
virtual std::map<std::string, CBotInstr*> GetDebugLinks();

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@ -28,26 +28,59 @@ namespace CBot
class CBotDebug;
for example, the following program
int x[]; x[1] = 4;
int y[x[1]][10], z;
is generated
m_next3b-> CBotEmpty
CBotExpression ....
m_next3b-> CBotExpression ('x') ( m_next3-> CBotIndexExpr ('1') )
m_next3b-> CBotExpression ('10')
m_next2-> 'z'
* \brief Class for one CBot instruction
* For example, for program:
* \code
* int x[]; x[1] = 4;
* int y[x[1]][10], z;
* \endcode
* the following structure is generated:
* \dot
* # Generated using the CBot_compile_graph tool
* # and slightly modified
* digraph {
* start [label=<START> shape=box3d color=cyan]
* instr00000000015304D0 [label=<<b>CBotInstrArray</b><br/>int[]>]
* instr0000000001530870 [label=<<b>CBotExpression</b>>]
* instr0000000001530920 [label=<<b>CBotLeftExpr</b><br/>x>]
* instr00000000015309D0 [label=<<b>CBotIndexExpr</b>>]
* instr0000000001530DC0 [label=<<b>CBotExprNum</b><br/>(int) 1>]
* instr00000000015309D0 -> instr0000000001530DC0 [label="m_expr" weight=5]
* instr0000000001530920 -> instr00000000015309D0 [label="m_next3" weight=5]
* instr0000000001530870 -> instr0000000001530920 [label="m_leftop" weight=5]
* instr0000000001530E80 [label=<<b>CBotInstrArray</b><br/>int[][]>]
* instr00000000015315F0 [label=<<b>CBotInt</b>>]
* instr0000000001531C20 [label=<<b>CBotLeftExprVar</b><br/>z>]
* instr00000000015315F0 -> instr0000000001531C20 [label="m_var" weight=5]
* instr0000000001530E80 -> instr00000000015315F0 [label="m_next2b" weight=5]
* { rank=same; instr0000000001530E80; instr00000000015315F0; }
* instr0000000001530B50 [label=<<b>CBotExprVar</b><br/>x>]
* instr0000000001531700 [label=<<b>CBotIndexExpr</b>>]
* instr0000000001531B60 [label=<<b>CBotExprNum</b><br/>(int) 1>]
* instr0000000001531700 -> instr0000000001531B60 [label="m_expr" weight=5]
* instr0000000001530B50 -> instr0000000001531700 [label="m_next3" weight=5]
* instr0000000001531A00 [label=<<b>CBotExprNum</b><br/>(int) 10>]
* instr0000000001530B50 -> instr0000000001531A00 [label="m_next3b" weight=5]
* instr0000000001530E80 -> instr0000000001530B50 [label="m_next3b" weight=5]
* instr0000000001530A80 [label=<<b>CBotLeftExprVar</b><br/>y>]
* instr0000000001530E80 -> instr0000000001530A80 [label="m_var" weight=5]
* instr0000000001530870 -> instr0000000001530E80 [label="m_next" weight=1]
* { rank=same; instr0000000001530870; instr0000000001530E80; }
* instr0000000001530C80 [label=<<b>CBotExprNum</b><br/>(int) 4>]
* instr0000000001530870 -> instr0000000001530C80 [label="m_rightop" weight=5]
* instr00000000015304D0 -> instr0000000001530870 [label="m_next" weight=1]
* { rank=same; instr00000000015304D0; instr0000000001530870; }
* instr0000000001530670 [label=<<b>CBotEmpty</b>>]
* instr00000000015304D0 -> instr0000000001530670 [label="m_next3b" weight=5]
* instr00000000015305A0 [label=<<b>CBotLeftExprVar</b><br/>x>]
* instr00000000015304D0 -> instr00000000015305A0 [label="m_var" weight=5]
* { rank=same; start; instr00000000015304D0; }
* start -> instr00000000015304D0
* }
* \enddot
* \todo More documentation
class CBotInstr
@ -250,12 +283,23 @@ public:
friend class CBotDebug;
* \brief Returns the name of this class
* \see CBotDebug
virtual const std::string GetDebugName() = 0;
* \brief Returns additional data associated with this instruction for debugging purposes
* \see CBotDebug
virtual std::string GetDebugData() { return ""; }
* Returns a map of all instructions connected with this one
* \see CBotDebug
virtual std::map<std::string, CBotInstr*> GetDebugLinks();
//! Keeps the token.
CBotToken m_token;
//! Linked command.

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@ -24,21 +24,15 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotInstrCall class Calls of these functions.
* \brief A call to a function - func()
* \see CBotInstrMethode for class methods
class CBotInstrCall : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotInstrCall
* \brief ~CBotInstrCall

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@ -24,21 +24,13 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotInstrMethode class A call of method. Compile a method call.
* \brief A call to class method - var.func()
class CBotInstrMethode : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotInstrMethode
* \brief ~CBotInstrMethode

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@ -24,22 +24,13 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotInt class Definition of an integer variable
* int a, b = 12;
* \brief Definition of an integer variable - int a, b = 12
class CBotInt : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotInt
* \brief ~CBotInt

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@ -24,36 +24,29 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotLeftExpr class Accept the expressions that be to the left of
* assignment.
* \brief Compilation of left side of an assignment
* Some examples:
* \code
* varname
* varname[3]
* varname.x
* varname.pos.x
* varname[2].pos.x
* varname[1].pos[2].x
* varname[1][2][3]
* \endcode
class CBotLeftExpr : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotLeftExpr
* \brief ~CBotLeftExpr
* \brief Compile Compiles an expression for a left-operand
* (left of an assignment).
* eg :
* - toto
* - toto[ 3 ]
* - toto.x
* - toto.pos.x
* - toto[2].pos.x
* - toto[1].pos[2].x
* - toto[1][2][3]
* \param p
* \param pStack
* \return

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ namespace CBot
* \brief Expression on the left side of an assignment
* \brief A variable on the left side of an assignment
class CBotLeftExprVar : public CBotInstr

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@ -24,23 +24,13 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotListArray class Definition of a assignment list for a table
* int [ ] a [ ] = ( ( 1, 2, 3 ) , ( 3, 2, 1 ) ) ;
* \brief Compilation of assignment of an array - {{1, 2, 3}, {3, 2, 1}}
class CBotListArray : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotListArray
* \brief ~CBotListArray

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@ -24,22 +24,29 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotListExpression class. Compiles a list of expressions is used
* only in "for" statement in incrementing and intitialisation.
* \brief Compile a comma-separated list of expressions or variable definitions
* Used by for() in initialization and increment statements
* Examples:
* \code
* int a
* a = 0
* a = 0, int b = 3
* a = 5, b = 7
* int a = 3, b = 8 // TODO: does that compile into declaration of two variables or declaration and assignment?
* i++
* i++, j++
* int a = 5, j++
* \endcode
* \see CBotFor
class CBotListExpression : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotListExpression
* \brief CBotListExpression

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@ -24,22 +24,13 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotListInstr class Compiles a list of instructions separated by
* semicolons eg : ... ; ... ; ... ; ... ;
* \brief A list of instructions separated by semicolons - ...; ...; ...; ...;
class CBotListInstr : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotListInstr
* \brief ~CBotListInstr

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@ -24,21 +24,16 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotLogicExpr class
* \brief An "inline if" operator - condition ? if_true : if_false
* \todo I don't remember the proper name of this thing :/ ~krzys_h
* Compiled in CBotTwoOpExpr
class CBotLogicExpr : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotLogicExpr
* \brief ~CBotLogicExpr

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@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ CBotInstr* CBotNew::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
inst->m_vartoken = *p;
p = p->GetNext();
// creates the object on the "job"
// creates the object on the stack
// with a pointer to the object
CBotVar* pVar = CBotVar::Create("", pClass);

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@ -24,21 +24,13 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotNew class Compile an instruction "new".
* \brief Creation of a class instance - "new" operator - new SomeClass()
class CBotNew : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotNew
* \brief ~CBotNew

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@ -24,27 +24,24 @@
namespace CBot
// possibly an expression in parentheses ( ... )
// there is never an instance of this class
// being the object returned inside the parenthesis
// compile either:
// instruction in parentheses (...)
// a unary expression (negative, not)
// variable name
// variables pre and post-incremented or decremented
// a given number DefineNum
// a constant
// procedure call
// new statement
// this class has no constructor, because there is never an instance of this class
// the object returned by Compile is the class corresponding to the instruction
* \brief The CBotParExpr class
* \brief An expression
* There is never an instance of this class
* Compiles either:
* * an arithmetic expression in parentheses -- CBotExpression -- (...)
* * unary operation -- CBotExprUnaire -- -a, +a, ~a, !a, not a
* * a variable name -- CBotExprVar
* * pre- or post- incremented or decremented variable -- CBotPreIncExpr, CBotPostIncExpr -- a++, ++a, a--, --a
* * a function call -- CBotInstrCall
* * a class method call -- CBotInstrMethode
* * number literal (or numerical constant from CBotToken::DefineNum()) -- CBotExprNum
* * string literal -- CBotExprAlpha
* * boolean literal -- CBotExprBool -- true/false
* * null -- CBotExprNull
* * nan -- CBotExprNan
* * class instance creation with "new" -- CBotNew
class CBotParExpr : public CBotInstr
@ -56,6 +53,10 @@ public:
* \return
static CBotInstr* Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack);
CBotParExpr() = delete;
CBotParExpr(const CBotParExpr&) = delete;
} // namespace CBot

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@ -24,27 +24,15 @@
namespace CBot
// Management of pre-and post increment / decrement
// There is no routine Compiles, the object is created directly
// Compiles in CBotParExpr ::
* \brief The CBotPostIncExpr class
* \brief Post increment/decrement
* Compiled in CBotParExpr
class CBotPostIncExpr : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotPostIncExpr
* \brief ~CBotPostIncExpr

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@ -24,22 +24,15 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotPreIncExpr class Management of pre increment. There is no
* routine Compiles, the object is created directly. Compiles in CBotParExpr
* \brief Pre increment/decrement
* Compiled in CBotParExpr
class CBotPreIncExpr : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotPreIncExpr
* \brief ~CBotPreIncExpr

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@ -24,21 +24,13 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotReturn class. Return parameters
* \brief The "return" instruction
class CBotReturn : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotReturn
* \brief ~CBotReturn

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@ -24,21 +24,15 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotSwitch class. Compiles instruction "switch"
* \brief The switch structure
* \see CBotCase
class CBotSwitch : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotSwitch
* \brief CBotSwitch

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@ -24,21 +24,13 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotThrow class Compiles instruction "throw".
* \brief The "throw" instruction
class CBotThrow : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotThrow
* \brief ~CBotThrow

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@ -24,21 +24,15 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotTry class Compiles instruction "try"
* \brief The "try" structure
* \see CBotCatch
class CBotTry : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotTry
* \brief ~CBotTry

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@ -24,28 +24,23 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotTwoOpExpr class All operations with two operands.
* eg :
* - Opérande1 + Opérande2
* - Opérande1 > Opérande2
* \brief Any expression with two operands
* Examples:
* \code
* op1 + op2
* op1 > op2
* \endcode
class CBotTwoOpExpr : public CBotInstr
* \brief CBotTwoOpExpr
* \brief ~CBotTwoOpExpr
* \brief Compile Compiles a instruction of type A op B.
* \brief Compiles CBotTwoOpExpr or CBotLogicExpr
* \param p
* \param pStack
* \param pOperations

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@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
namespace CBot
* \brief The CBotWhile class Compile an instruction "while".
* \brief The "while" loop - while (condition) { ... }
class CBotWhile : public CBotInstr