Updated constants for "catch"
* removed compile-time errors since they cannot be caught anyway * added missing runtime errorsdev-time-step
@ -1023,85 +1023,27 @@ CBotTypResult cSizeOf( CBotVar* &pVar, void* pUser )
CBotString CBotProgram::m_DebugVarStr = "";
bool rCBotDebug( CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& ex, void* pUser )
pResult->SetValString( CBotProgram::m_DebugVarStr );
return true;
CBotTypResult cCBotDebug( CBotVar* &pVar, void* pUser )
// no parameter
if ( pVar != nullptr ) return CBotTypResult( TX_OVERPARAM );
// function returns a result "string"
return CBotTypResult( CBotTypString );
// TODO: Refactor this - including .cpp files is bad
#include "StringFunctions.cpp"
void CBotProgram::Init()
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrOpenPar", 5000) ; // missing the opening parenthesis
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrClosePar", 5001) ; // missing the closing parenthesis
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrNotBoolean", 5002) ; // expression must be a boolean
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrUndefVar", 5003) ; // undeclared variable
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrBadLeft", 5004) ; // impossible assignment (5 = ...)
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrNoTerminator", 5005) ;// semicolon expected
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrCaseOut", 5006) ; // case outside a switch
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrCloseBlock", 5008) ; // missing " } "
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrElseWhitoutIf", 5009) ;// else without matching if
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrOpenBlock", 5010) ; // missing " { "
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrBadType1", 5011) ; // wrong type for the assignment
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrRedefVar", 5012) ; // redefinition of the variable
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrBadType2", 5013) ; // two operands are incompatible
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrUndefCall", 5014) ; // routine unknown
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrNoDoubleDots", 5015) ;// " : " expected
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrBreakOutside", 5017) ;// break outside of a loop
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrUndefLabel", 5019) ; // unknown label
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrLabel", 5018) ; // label can not get here
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrNoCase", 5020) ; // missing " case "
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrBadNum", 5021) ; // expected number
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrVoid", 5022) ; // " void " not possble here
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrNoType", 5023) ; // type declaration expected
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrNoVar", 5024) ; // variable name expected
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrNoFunc", 5025) ; // expected function name
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrOverParam", 5026) ; // too many parameters
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrRedefFunc", 5027) ; // this function already exists
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrLowParam", 5028) ; // not enough parameters
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrBadParam", 5029) ; // mauvais types de paramètres
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrNbParam", 5030) ; // wrong number of parameters
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrUndefItem", 5031) ; // element does not exist in the class
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrUndefClass", 5032) ; // variable is not a class
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrNoConstruct", 5033) ; // no appropriate constructor
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrRedefClass", 5034) ; // Class already exists
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrCloseIndex", 5035) ; // " ] " expected
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrReserved", 5036) ; // reserved word (for a DefineNum)
// Here are the list of errors that can be returned by the module
// for the execution
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrZeroDiv", 6000) ; // division by zero
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrNotInit", 6001) ; // uninitialized variable
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrBadThrow", 6002) ; // throw a negative value
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrNoRetVal", 6003) ; // function did not return results
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrNoRun", 6004) ; // active Run () without a function
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrUndefFunc", 6005) ; // Calling a function that no longer exists
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrZeroDiv", TX_DIVZERO); // division by zero
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrNotInit", TX_NOTINIT); // uninitialized variable
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrBadThrow", TX_BADTHROW); // throw a negative value
//CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrNoRetVal", 6003); // function did not return results // TODO: Not used. I'm pretty sure not returning a value crashes the game :P
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrNoRun", TX_NORUN); // active Run () without a function // TODO: Is this actually a runtime error?
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrUndefFunc", TX_NOCALL); // Calling a function that no longer exists
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrUndefClass", TX_NOCLASS); // Class no longer exists
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrNullPointer", TX_NULLPT); // Attempted to use a null pointer
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrNan", TX_OPNAN); // Can't do operations on nan
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrOutOfBounds", TX_OUTARRAY); // Attempted access out of bounds of an array
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrStackOverflow", TX_STACKOVER); // Stack overflow
CBotToken::DefineNum("CBotErrDeletedObject", TX_DELETEDPT); // Attempted to use deleted object
CBotProgram::AddFunction("sizeof", rSizeOf, cSizeOf );
// just a function for various debug
CBotProgram::AddFunction("CBOTDEBUGDD", rCBotDebug, cCBotDebug);
//TODO implement this deletion
// DeleteFile("CbotDebug.txt");
void CBotProgram::Free()
Reference in New Issue