diff --git a/src/object/task/taskgoto.cpp b/src/object/task/taskgoto.cpp index 2f1b48fe..3f01ea7a 100644 --- a/src/object/task/taskgoto.cpp +++ b/src/object/task/taskgoto.cpp @@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ const float FLY_DEF_HEIGHT = 50.0f; // default flying height // Settings that define goto() accuracy: const float BM_DIM_STEP = 5.0f; // Size of one pixel on the bitmap. Setting 5 means that 5x5 square (in game units) will be represented by 1 px on the bitmap. Decreasing this value will make a bigger bitmap, and may increase accuracy. TODO: Check how it actually impacts goto() accuracy -const float BEAM_ACCURACY = 5.0f; // higher value = more accurate, but slower const float SAFETY_MARGIN = 1.5f; // Smallest distance between two objects. Smaller = less "no route to destination", but higher probability of collisions between objects. // Changing SAFETY_MARGIN (old value was 4.0f) seems to have fixed many issues with goto(). TODO: maybe we could make it even smaller? Did changing it introduce any new bugs?