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26 KiB
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2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
// * This file is part of the COLOBOT source code
// * Copyright (C) 2001-2008, Daniel ROUX & EPSITEC SA,
// *
// * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// * (at your option) any later version.
// *
// * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// * GNU General Public License for more details.
// *
// * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
// * along with this program. If not, see
// gestion de base d'un programme CBot
#include "CBot.h"
#include <stdio.h>
m_Prog = NULL;
m_pRun = NULL;
m_pClass = NULL;
m_pStack = NULL;
m_pInstance = NULL;
m_ErrorCode = 0;
m_Ident = 0;
m_bDebugDD = 0;
CBotProgram::CBotProgram(CBotVar* pInstance)
m_Prog = NULL;
m_pRun = NULL;
m_pClass = NULL;
m_pStack = NULL;
m_pInstance = pInstance;
m_ErrorCode = 0;
m_Ident = 0;
m_bDebugDD = 0;
// delete m_pClass;
m_pClass = NULL;
delete m_Prog;
delete m_pStack;
bool CBotProgram::Compile( const char* program, CBotStringArray& ListFonctions, void* pUser )
int error = 0;
// delete m_pClass;
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
m_pClass->Purge(); // purge les anciennes d<>finitions des classes
// mais sans d<>truire l'object
m_pClass = NULL;
delete m_Prog; m_Prog= NULL;
m_ErrorCode = 0;
if (m_pInstance != NULL && m_pInstance->m_pUserPtr != NULL)
pUser = m_pInstance->m_pUserPtr;
// transforme le programme en Tokens
CBotToken* pBaseToken = CBotToken::CompileTokens(program, error);
if ( pBaseToken == NULL ) return false;
CBotCStack* pStack = new CBotCStack(NULL);
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CBotToken* p = pBaseToken->GivNext(); // saute le 1er token (s<>parateur)
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
pStack->SetBotCall(this); // d<>fini les routines utilisables
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
// fait une premi<6D>re passe rapide juste pour prendre les ent<6E>tes de routines et de classes
while ( pStack->IsOk() && p != NULL && p->GivType() != 0)
if ( IsOfType(p, ID_SEP) ) continue; // des point-virgules qui trainent
if ( p->GivType() == ID_CLASS ||
( p->GivType() == ID_PUBLIC && p->GivNext()->GivType() == ID_CLASS ))
CBotClass* nxt = CBotClass::Compile1(p, pStack);
if (m_pClass == NULL ) m_pClass = nxt;
else m_pClass->AddNext(nxt);
CBotFunction* next = CBotFunction::Compile1(p, pStack, NULL);
if (m_Prog == NULL ) m_Prog = next;
else m_Prog->AddNext(next);
if ( !pStack->IsOk() )
m_ErrorCode = pStack->GivError(m_ErrorStart, m_ErrorEnd);
delete m_Prog;
m_Prog = NULL;
delete pBaseToken;
return false;
// CBotFunction* temp = NULL;
CBotFunction* next = m_Prog; // reprend la liste
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
p = pBaseToken->GivNext(); // revient au d<>but
while ( pStack->IsOk() && p != NULL && p->GivType() != 0 )
if ( IsOfType(p, ID_SEP) ) continue; // des point-virgules qui trainent
if ( p->GivType() == ID_CLASS ||
( p->GivType() == ID_PUBLIC && p->GivNext()->GivType() == ID_CLASS ))
m_bCompileClass = true;
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
CBotClass::Compile(p, pStack); // compl<70>te la d<>finition de la classe
m_bCompileClass = false;
CBotFunction::Compile(p, pStack, next);
if (next->IsExtern()) ListFonctions.Add(next->GivName()/* + next->GivParams()*/);
next->m_pProg = this; // garde le pointeur au module
next = next->Next();
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
// delete m_Prog; // la liste de la 1<>re passe
// m_Prog = temp; // la liste de la seconde passe
if ( !pStack->IsOk() )
m_ErrorCode = pStack->GivError(m_ErrorStart, m_ErrorEnd);
delete m_Prog;
m_Prog = NULL;
delete pBaseToken;
delete pStack;
return (m_Prog != NULL);
bool CBotProgram::Start(const char* name)
delete m_pStack;
m_pStack = NULL;
m_pRun = m_Prog;
while (m_pRun != NULL)
if ( m_pRun->GivName() == name ) break;
m_pRun = m_pRun->m_next;
if ( m_pRun == NULL )
m_ErrorCode = TX_NORUN;
return false;
m_pStack = CBotStack::FirstStack();
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m_pStack = new CBotStack(NULL); // cr<63>e une pile d'ex<65>cution
m_pStack->SetBotCall(this); // bases pour les routines
return true; // on est pr<70>t pour un Run()
bool CBotProgram::GetPosition(const char* name, int& start, int& stop, CBotGet modestart, CBotGet modestop)
CBotFunction* p = m_Prog;
while (p != NULL)
if ( p->GivName() == name ) break;
p = p->m_next;
if ( p == NULL ) return false;
p->GetPosition(start, stop, modestart, modestop);
return true;
bool CBotProgram::Run(void* pUser, int timer)
bool ok;
if (m_pStack == NULL || m_pRun == NULL) goto error;
m_ErrorCode = 0;
if (m_pInstance != NULL && m_pInstance->m_pUserPtr != NULL)
pUser = m_pInstance->m_pUserPtr;
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
m_pStack->Reset(pUser); // vide l'<27>ventuelle erreur pr<70>c<EFBFBD>dente, et remet le timer
if ( timer >= 0 ) m_pStack->SetTimer(timer);
m_pStack->SetBotCall(this); // bases pour les routines
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// reprend l'ex<65>cution sur le haut de la pile
ok = m_pStack->Execute();
if ( ok )
#ifdef _DEBUG
CBotVar* ppVar[3];
ppVar[0] = CBotVar::Create("aa", CBotTypInt);
ppVar[1] = CBotVar::Create("bb", CBotTypInt);
ppVar[2] = NULL;
ok = m_pRun->Execute(ppVar, m_pStack, m_pInstance);
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// revient sur l'ex<65>cution normale
ok = m_pRun->Execute(NULL, m_pStack, m_pInstance);
ok = m_pRun->Execute(NULL, m_pStack, m_pInstance);
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// termin<69> sur une erreur ?
if (!ok && !m_pStack->IsOk())
m_ErrorCode = m_pStack->GivError(m_ErrorStart, m_ErrorEnd);
delete m_pStack;
m_pStack = NULL;
return true; // ex<65>cution termin<69>e !!
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if ( ok ) m_pRun = NULL; // plus de fonction en ex<65>cution
return ok;
m_ErrorCode = TX_NORUN;
return true;
void CBotProgram::Stop()
delete m_pStack;
m_pStack = NULL;
m_pRun = NULL;
bool CBotProgram::GetRunPos(const char* &FunctionName, int &start, int &end)
FunctionName = NULL;
start = end = 0;
if (m_pStack == NULL) return false;
m_pStack->GetRunPos(FunctionName, start, end);
return true;
CBotVar* CBotProgram::GivStackVars(const char* &FunctionName, int level)
FunctionName = NULL;
if (m_pStack == NULL) return NULL;
return m_pStack->GivStackVars(FunctionName, level);
void CBotProgram::SetTimer(int n)
CBotStack::SetTimer( n );
int CBotProgram::GivError()
return m_ErrorCode;
void CBotProgram::SetIdent(long n)
m_Ident = n;
long CBotProgram::GivIdent()
return m_Ident;
bool CBotProgram::GetError(int& code, int& start, int& end)
code = m_ErrorCode;
start = m_ErrorStart;
end = m_ErrorEnd;
return code > 0;
bool CBotProgram::GetError(int& code, int& start, int& end, CBotProgram* &pProg)
code = m_ErrorCode;
start = m_ErrorStart;
end = m_ErrorEnd;
pProg = this;
return code > 0;
CBotString CBotProgram::GivErrorText(int code)
CBotString TextError;
TextError.LoadString( code );
if (TextError.IsEmpty())
char buf[100];
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sprintf(buf, "Exception num<75>ro %d.", code);
TextError = buf;
return TextError;
CBotFunction* CBotProgram::GivFunctions()
return m_Prog;
bool CBotProgram::AddFunction(const char* name,
bool rExec (CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& Exception, void* pUser),
CBotTypResult rCompile (CBotVar* &pVar, void* pUser))
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
// m<>morise les pointeurs aux deux fonctions
return CBotCall::AddFunction(name, rExec, rCompile);
bool WriteWord(FILE* pf, unsigned short w)
size_t lg;
lg = fwrite(&w, sizeof( unsigned short ), 1, pf );
return (lg == 1);
bool ReadWord(FILE* pf, unsigned short& w)
size_t lg;
lg = fread(&w, sizeof( unsigned short ), 1, pf );
return (lg == 1);
bool WriteFloat(FILE* pf, float w)
size_t lg;
lg = fwrite(&w, sizeof( float ), 1, pf );
return (lg == 1);
bool ReadFloat(FILE* pf, float& w)
size_t lg;
lg = fread(&w, sizeof( float ), 1, pf );
return (lg == 1);
bool WriteLong(FILE* pf, long w)
size_t lg;
lg = fwrite(&w, sizeof( long ), 1, pf );
return (lg == 1);
bool ReadLong(FILE* pf, long& w)
size_t lg;
lg = fread(&w, sizeof( long ), 1, pf );
return (lg == 1);
bool WriteString(FILE* pf, CBotString s)
size_t lg1, lg2;
lg1 = s.GivLength();
if (!WriteWord(pf, lg1)) return false;
lg2 = fwrite(s, 1, lg1, pf );
return (lg1 == lg2);
bool ReadString(FILE* pf, CBotString& s)
unsigned short w;
char buf[1000];
size_t lg1, lg2;
if (!ReadWord(pf, w)) return false;
lg1 = w;
lg2 = fread(buf, 1, lg1, pf );
buf[lg2] = 0;
s = buf;
return (lg1 == lg2);
bool WriteType(FILE* pf, CBotTypResult type)
int typ = type.GivType();
if ( typ == CBotTypIntrinsic ) typ = CBotTypClass;
if ( !WriteWord(pf, typ) ) return false;
if ( typ == CBotTypClass )
CBotClass* p = type.GivClass();
if ( !WriteString(pf, p->GivName()) ) return false;
if ( type.Eq( CBotTypArrayBody ) ||
type.Eq( CBotTypArrayPointer ) )
if ( !WriteWord(pf, type.GivLimite()) ) return false;
if ( !WriteType(pf, type.GivTypElem()) ) return false;
return true;
bool ReadType(FILE* pf, CBotTypResult& type)
unsigned short w, ww;
if ( !ReadWord(pf, w) ) return false;
if ( type.Eq( CBotTypIntrinsic ) )
type = CBotTypResult( w, "point" );
if ( type.Eq( CBotTypClass ) )
CBotString s;
if ( !ReadString(pf, s) ) return false;
type = CBotTypResult( w, s );
if ( type.Eq( CBotTypArrayPointer ) ||
type.Eq( CBotTypArrayBody ) )
CBotTypResult r;
if ( !ReadWord(pf, ww) ) return false;
if ( !ReadType(pf, r) ) return false;
type = CBotTypResult( w, r );
return true;
bool CBotProgram::DefineNum(const char* name, long val)
return CBotToken::DefineNum(name, val);
bool CBotProgram::SaveState(FILE* pf)
if (!WriteWord( pf, CBOTVERSION)) return false;
if ( m_pStack != NULL )
if (!WriteWord( pf, 1)) return false;
if (!WriteString( pf, m_pRun->GivName() )) return false;
if (!m_pStack->SaveState(pf)) return false;
if (!WriteWord( pf, 0)) return false;
return true;
bool CBotProgram::RestoreState(FILE* pf)
unsigned short w;
CBotString s;
if (!ReadWord( pf, w )) return false;
if ( w != CBOTVERSION ) return false;
if (!ReadWord( pf, w )) return false;
if ( w == 0 ) return true;
if (!ReadString( pf, s )) return false;
Start(s); // point de reprise
delete m_pStack;
m_pStack = NULL;
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
// r<>cup<75>re la pile depuis l'enregistrement
// utilise un pointeur NULL (m_pStack) mais c'est ok comme <20>a
if (!m_pStack->RestoreState(pf, m_pStack)) return false;
m_pStack->SetBotCall(this); // bases pour les routines
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// r<>tabli certains <20>tats dans la pile selon la structure
m_pRun->RestoreState(NULL, m_pStack, m_pInstance);
return true;
int CBotProgram::GivVersion()
CBotCall* CBotCall::m_ListCalls = NULL;
CBotCall::CBotCall(const char* name,
bool rExec (CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& Exception, void* pUser),
CBotTypResult rCompile (CBotVar* &pVar, void* pUser))
m_name = name;
m_rExec = rExec;
m_rComp = rCompile;
m_next = NULL;
m_nFuncIdent = CBotVar::NextUniqNum();
if (m_next) delete m_next;
m_next = NULL;
void CBotCall::Free()
delete CBotCall::m_ListCalls;
bool CBotCall::AddFunction(const char* name,
bool rExec (CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& Exception, void* pUser),
CBotTypResult rCompile (CBotVar* &pVar, void* pUser))
CBotCall* p = m_ListCalls;
CBotCall* pp = NULL;
if ( p != NULL ) while ( p->m_next != NULL )
if ( p->GivName() == name )
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
// lib<69>re une fonction qu'on red<65>fini
if ( pp ) pp->m_next = p->m_next;
else m_ListCalls = p->m_next;
pp = p;
p = p->m_next;
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
pp->m_next = NULL; // ne pas d<>truire la suite de la liste
delete pp;
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
pp = p; // pointeur pr<70>c<EFBFBD>dent
p = p->m_next;
pp = new CBotCall(name, rExec, rCompile);
if (p) p->m_next = pp;
else m_ListCalls = pp;
return true;
// transforme le tableau de pointeurs aux variables
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
// en une liste de variables cha<68>n<EFBFBD>es
CBotVar* MakeListVars(CBotVar** ppVars, bool bSetVal=false)
int i = 0;
CBotVar* pVar = NULL;
while( true )
if ( ppVars[i] == NULL ) break;
CBotVar* pp = CBotVar::Create(ppVars[i]);
if (bSetVal) pp->Copy(ppVars[i]);
if ( ppVars[i]->GivType() == CBotTypPointer )
pp->SetClass( ppVars[i]->GivClass());
// copier le pointeur selon indirection
if (pVar == NULL) pVar = pp;
else pVar->AddNext(pp);
return pVar;
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
// trouve un appel acceptable selon le nom de la proc<6F>dure
// et les param<61>tres donn<6E>s
CBotTypResult CBotCall::CompileCall(CBotToken* &p, CBotVar** ppVar, CBotCStack* pStack, long& nIdent)
nIdent = 0;
CBotCall* pt = m_ListCalls;
CBotString name = p->GivString();
while ( pt != NULL )
if ( pt->m_name == name )
CBotVar* pVar = MakeListVars(ppVar);
CBotVar* pVar2 = pVar;
CBotTypResult r = pt->m_rComp(pVar2, m_pUser);
int ret = r.GivType();
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
// si une classe est retourn<72>e, c'est en fait un pointeur
if ( ret == CBotTypClass ) r.SetType( ret = CBotTypPointer );
if ( ret > 20 )
if (pVar2) pStack->SetError(ret, p /*pVar2->GivToken()*/ );
delete pVar;
nIdent = pt->m_nFuncIdent;
return r;
pt = pt->m_next;
return -1;
void* CBotCall::m_pUser = NULL;
void CBotCall::SetPUser(void* pUser)
m_pUser = pUser;
bool CBotCall::CheckCall(const char* name)
CBotCall* p = m_ListCalls;
while ( p != NULL )
if ( name == p->GivName() ) return true;
p = p->m_next;
return false;
CBotString CBotCall::GivName()
return m_name;
CBotCall* CBotCall::Next()
return m_next;
int CBotCall::DoCall(long& nIdent, CBotToken* token, CBotVar** ppVar, CBotStack* pStack, CBotTypResult& rettype)
CBotCall* pt = m_ListCalls;
if ( nIdent ) while ( pt != NULL )
if ( pt->m_nFuncIdent == nIdent )
goto fund;
pt = pt->m_next;
pt = m_ListCalls;
if ( token != NULL )
CBotString name = token->GivString();
while ( pt != NULL )
if ( pt->m_name == name )
nIdent = pt->m_nFuncIdent;
goto fund;
pt = pt->m_next;
return -1;
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
// fait la liste des param<61>tres selon le contenu de la pile (pStackVar)
CBotVar* pVar = MakeListVars(ppVar, true);
CBotVar* pVarToDelete = pVar;
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
// cr<63>e une variable pour le r<>sultat
CBotVar* pResult = rettype.Eq(0) ? NULL : CBotVar::Create("", rettype);
CBotVar* pRes = pResult;
int Exception = 0;
int res = pt->m_rExec(pVar, pResult, Exception, pStack->GivPUser());
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if ( pResult != pRes ) delete pRes; // si r<>sultat diff<66>rent rendu
delete pVarToDelete;
if (res == false)
if (Exception!=0)
pStack->SetError(Exception, token);
delete pResult;
return false;
if ( rettype.GivType() > 0 && pResult == NULL )
pStack->SetError(TX_NORETVAL, token);
nIdent = pt->m_nFuncIdent;
return true;
CBotStack* pile = pStack->AddStackEOX(pt);
if ( pile == EOX ) return true;
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
// fait la liste des param<61>tres selon le contenu de la pile (pStackVar)
CBotVar* pVar = MakeListVars(ppVar, true);
CBotVar* pVarToDelete = pVar;
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
// cr<63>e une variable pour le r<>sultat
CBotVar* pResult = rettype.Eq(0) ? NULL : CBotVar::Create("", rettype);
pile->SetVar( pVar );
CBotStack* pile2 = pile->AddStack();
pile2->SetVar( pResult );
pile->SetError(0, token); // pour la position en cas d'erreur + loin
return pt->Run( pStack );
bool CBotCall::RestoreCall(long& nIdent, CBotToken* token, CBotVar** ppVar, CBotStack* pStack)
CBotCall* pt = m_ListCalls;
CBotString name = token->GivString();
while ( pt != NULL )
if ( pt->m_name == name )
nIdent = pt->m_nFuncIdent;
CBotStack* pile = pStack->RestoreStackEOX(pt);
if ( pile == NULL ) return true;
CBotStack* pile2 = pile->RestoreStack();
return true;
pt = pt->m_next;
return false;
bool CBotCall::Run(CBotStack* pStack)
CBotStack* pile = pStack->AddStackEOX(this);
if ( pile == EOX ) return true;
CBotVar* pVar = pile->GivVar();
CBotStack* pile2 = pile->AddStack();
CBotVar* pResult = pile2->GivVar();
CBotVar* pRes = pResult;
int Exception = 0;
int res = m_rExec(pVar, pResult, Exception, pStack->GivPUser());
if (res == false)
if (Exception!=0)
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if ( pResult != pRes ) delete pResult; // si r<>sultat diff<66>rent rendu
return false;
if ( pResult != NULL ) pStack->SetCopyVar( pResult );
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if ( pResult != pRes ) delete pResult; // si r<>sultat diff<66>rent rendu
return true;
CBotCallMethode::CBotCallMethode(const char* name,
bool rExec (CBotVar* pThis, CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& Exception),
CBotTypResult rCompile (CBotVar* pThis, CBotVar* &pVar))
m_name = name;
m_rExec = rExec;
m_rComp = rCompile;
m_next = NULL;
m_nFuncIdent = CBotVar::NextUniqNum();
delete m_next;
m_next = NULL;
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
// trouve un appel acceptable selon le nom de la proc<6F>dure
// et les param<61>tres donn<6E>s
CBotTypResult CBotCallMethode::CompileCall(const char* name, CBotVar* pThis,
CBotVar** ppVar, CBotCStack* pStack,
long& nIdent)
CBotCallMethode* pt = this;
nIdent = 0;
while ( pt != NULL )
if ( pt->m_name == name )
CBotVar* pVar = MakeListVars(ppVar, true);
CBotVar* pVar2 = pVar;
CBotTypResult r = pt->m_rComp(pThis, pVar2);
int ret = r.GivType();
if ( ret > 20 )
if (pVar2) pStack->SetError(ret, pVar2->GivToken());
delete pVar;
nIdent = pt->m_nFuncIdent;
return r;
pt = pt->m_next;
return CBotTypResult(-1);
CBotString CBotCallMethode::GivName()
return m_name;
CBotCallMethode* CBotCallMethode::Next()
return m_next;
void CBotCallMethode::AddNext(CBotCallMethode* pt)
CBotCallMethode* p = this;
while ( p->m_next != NULL ) p = p->m_next;
p->m_next = pt;
int CBotCallMethode::DoCall(long& nIdent, const char* name, CBotVar* pThis, CBotVar** ppVars, CBotVar* &pResult, CBotStack* pStack, CBotToken* pToken)
CBotCallMethode* pt = this;
// recherche selon l'identificateur
if ( nIdent ) while ( pt != NULL )
if ( pt->m_nFuncIdent == nIdent )
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
// fait la liste des param<61>tres selon le contenu de la pile (pStackVar)
CBotVar* pVar = MakeListVars(ppVars, true);
CBotVar* pVarToDelete = pVar;
// puis appelle la routine externe au module
int Exception = 0;
int res = pt->m_rExec(pThis, pVar, pResult, Exception);
if (res == false)
if (Exception!=0)
// pStack->SetError(Exception, pVar->GivToken());
pStack->SetError(Exception, pToken);
delete pVarToDelete;
return false;
delete pVarToDelete;
return true;
pt = pt->m_next;
// recherche selon le nom
while ( pt != NULL )
if ( pt->m_name == name )
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
// fait la liste des param<61>tres selon le contenu de la pile (pStackVar)
CBotVar* pVar = MakeListVars(ppVars, true);
CBotVar* pVarToDelete = pVar;
int Exception = 0;
int res = pt->m_rExec(pThis, pVar, pResult, Exception);
if (res == false)
if (Exception!=0)
// pStack->SetError(Exception, pVar->GivToken());
pStack->SetError(Exception, pToken);
delete pVarToDelete;
return false;
delete pVarToDelete;
nIdent = pt->m_nFuncIdent;
return true;
pt = pt->m_next;
return -1;
bool rSizeOf( CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& ex, void* pUser )
if ( pVar == NULL ) return TX_LOWPARAM;
int i = 0;
pVar = pVar->GivItemList();
while ( pVar != NULL )
pVar = pVar->GivNext();
return true;
CBotTypResult cSizeOf( CBotVar* &pVar, void* pUser )
if ( pVar == NULL ) return CBotTypResult( TX_LOWPARAM );
if ( pVar->GivType() != CBotTypArrayPointer )
return CBotTypResult( TX_BADPARAM );
return CBotTypResult( CBotTypInt );
CBotString CBotProgram::m_DebugVarStr = "";
bool rCBotDebug( CBotVar* pVar, CBotVar* pResult, int& ex, void* pUser )
pResult->SetValString( CBotProgram::m_DebugVarStr );
return true;
CBotTypResult cCBotDebug( CBotVar* &pVar, void* pUser )
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
// pas de param<61>tre
if ( pVar != NULL ) return CBotTypResult( TX_OVERPARAM );
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
// la fonction retourne un r<>sultat "string"
return CBotTypResult( CBotTypString );
#include "StringFunctions.cpp"
void CBotProgram::Init()
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrOpenPar", 5000) ; // manque la parenth<74>se ouvrante
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrClosePar", 5001) ; // manque la parenth<74>se fermante
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrNotBoolean", 5002) ; // l'expression doit <20>tre un boolean
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrUndefVar", 5003) ; // variable non d<>clar<61>e
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrBadLeft", 5004) ; // assignation impossible ( 5 = ... )
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrNoTerminator", 5005) ;// point-virgule attendu
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrCaseOut", 5006) ; // case en dehors d'un switch
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrCloseBlock", 5008) ; // manque " } "
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrElseWhitoutIf", 5009) ;// else sans if correspondant
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrOpenBlock", 5010) ; // manque " { "
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrBadType1", 5011) ; // mauvais type pour l'assignation
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrRedefVar", 5012) ; // red<65>finition de la variable
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrBadType2", 5013) ; // 2 op<6F>randes de type incompatibles
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrUndefCall", 5014) ; // routine inconnue
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrNoDoubleDots", 5015) ;// " : " attendu
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrBreakOutside", 5017) ;// break en dehors d'une boucle
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrUndefLabel", 5019) ; // label inconnu
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrLabel", 5018) ; // label ne peut se mettre ici
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrNoCase", 5020) ; // manque " case "
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrBadNum", 5021) ; // nombre attendu
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrVoid", 5022) ; // " void " pas possible ici
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrNoType", 5023) ; // d<>claration de type attendue
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrNoVar", 5024) ; // nom de variable attendu
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrNoFunc", 5025) ; // nom de fonction attendu
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrOverParam", 5026) ; // trop de param<61>tres
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrRedefFunc", 5027) ; // cette fonction existe d<>j<EFBFBD>
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrLowParam", 5028) ; // pas assez de param<61>tres
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrBadParam", 5029) ; // mauvais types de param<61>tres
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrNbParam", 5030) ; // mauvais nombre de param<61>tres
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrUndefItem", 5031) ; // <20>l<EFBFBD>ment n'existe pas dans la classe
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrUndefClass", 5032) ; // variable n'est pas une classe
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrNoConstruct", 5033) ; // pas de constructeur appropri<72>
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrRedefClass", 5034) ; // classe existe d<>j<EFBFBD>
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrCloseIndex", 5035) ; // " ] " attendu
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrReserved", 5036) ; // mot r<>serv<72> (par un DefineNum)
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
// voici la liste des erreurs pouvant <20>tre retourn<72>es par le module
// pour l'ex<65>cution
2012-03-19 11:44:39 +00:00
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrZeroDiv", 6000) ; // division par z<>ro
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrNotInit", 6001) ; // variable non initialis<69>e
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrBadThrow", 6002) ; // throw d'une valeur n<>gative
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrNoRetVal", 6003) ; // fonction n'a pas retourn<72> de r<>sultat
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrNoRun", 6004) ; // Run() sans fonction active
CBotToken::DefineNum( "CBotErrUndefFunc", 6005) ; // appel d'une fonction qui n'existe plus
CBotProgram::AddFunction("sizeof", rSizeOf, cSizeOf );
// une fonction juste pour les debug divers
CBotProgram::AddFunction("CBOTDEBUGDD", rCBotDebug, cCBotDebug);
//TODO implement this deletion
// DeleteFile("CbotDebug.txt");
void CBotProgram::Free()
CBotToken::Free() ;
CBotCall ::Free() ;
CBotClass::Free() ;