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2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
// * This file is part of the COLOBOT source code
// * Copyright (C) 2001-2008, Daniel ROUX & EPSITEC SA,
// *
// * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// * (at your option) any later version.
// *
// * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// * GNU General Public License for more details.
// *
// * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// * along with this program. If not, see
// compilation of various instructions
// compile all routines as static
// and return an object according to what was found as instruction
// compiler principle:
// compile the routines return an object of the class corresponding to the operation found
// this is always a subclass of CBotInstr.
// (CBotInstr objects are never used directly)
// compiles if the routine returns NULL is that the statement is false
// or misunderstood.
// the error is then on the stack CBotCStack :: Isok () is false
#include "CBot.h"
name = "CBotInstr";
m_next = NULL;
m_next2b = NULL;
m_next3 = NULL;
m_next3b = NULL;
delete m_next;
delete m_next2b;
delete m_next3;
delete m_next3b;
// counter of nested loops,
// to determine the break and continue valid
// list of labels used
int CBotInstr::m_LoopLvl = 0;
CBotStringArray CBotInstr::m_labelLvl = CBotStringArray();
// adds a level with a label
void CBotInstr::IncLvl(CBotString& label)
m_labelLvl[m_LoopLvl] = label;
// adds a level (switch statement)
void CBotInstr::IncLvl()
m_labelLvl[m_LoopLvl] = "#SWITCH";
// free a level
void CBotInstr::DecLvl()
// control validity of break and continue
bool CBotInstr::ChkLvl(const CBotString& label, int type)
int i = m_LoopLvl;
while (--i>=0)
if ( type == ID_CONTINUE && m_labelLvl[i] == "#SWITCH") continue;
if (label.IsEmpty()) return true;
if (m_labelLvl[i] == label) return true;
return false;
bool CBotInstr::IsOfClass(CBotString n)
return name == n;
// database management class CBotInstr
// set the token corresponding to the instruction
void CBotInstr::SetToken(CBotToken* p)
m_token = *p;
// return the type of the token assicated with the instruction
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
int CBotInstr::GetTokenType()
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2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
return m_token.GetType();
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// return associated token
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CBotToken* CBotInstr::GetToken()
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return &m_token;
// adds the statement following the other
void CBotInstr::AddNext(CBotInstr* n)
CBotInstr* p = this;
while (p->m_next != NULL) p = p->m_next;
p->m_next = n;
void CBotInstr::AddNext3(CBotInstr* n)
CBotInstr* p = this;
while (p->m_next3 != NULL) p = p->m_next3;
p->m_next3 = n;
void CBotInstr::AddNext3b(CBotInstr* n)
CBotInstr* p = this;
while (p->m_next3b != NULL) p = p->m_next3b;
p->m_next3b = n;
// returns next statement
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CBotInstr* CBotInstr::GetNext()
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return m_next;
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CBotInstr* CBotInstr::GetNext3()
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
return m_next3;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
CBotInstr* CBotInstr::GetNext3b()
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
return m_next3b;
// compile an instruction which can be
// while, do, try, throw, if, for, switch, break, continue, return
// int, float, boolean, string,
// declaration of an instance of a class
// arbitrary expression
CBotInstr* CBotInstr::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
CBotToken* pp = p;
if (p == NULL) return NULL;
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int type = p->GetType(); // what is the next token
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// is it a lable?
if (IsOfType(pp, TokenTypVar) &&
IsOfType(pp, ID_DOTS))
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
type = pp->GetType();
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// these instructions accept only lable
if (!IsOfTypeList(pp, ID_WHILE, ID_FOR, ID_DO, ID_REPEAT, 0))
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStack->SetError(TX_LABEL, pp->GetStart());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
return NULL;
// call routine corresponding to the compilation token found
switch (type)
case ID_WHILE:
return CBotWhile::Compile(p, pStack);
case ID_FOR:
return CBotFor::Compile(p, pStack);
case ID_DO:
return CBotDo::Compile(p, pStack);
return CBotRepeat::Compile(p, pStack);
case ID_BREAK:
return CBotBreak::Compile(p, pStack);
return CBotSwitch::Compile(p, pStack);
case ID_TRY:
return CBotTry::Compile(p, pStack);
case ID_THROW:
return CBotThrow::Compile(p, pStack);
return CBotStartDebugDD::Compile(p, pStack);
case ID_INT:
return CBotInt::Compile(p, pStack);
case ID_FLOAT:
return CBotFloat::Compile(p, pStack);
return CBotIString::Compile(p, pStack);
case ID_BOOL:
return CBotBoolean::Compile(p, pStack);
case ID_IF:
return CBotIf::Compile(p, pStack);
return CBotReturn::Compile(p, pStack);
case ID_ELSE:
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pStack->SetError(TX_ELSEWITHOUTIF, p->GetEnd());
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return NULL;
case ID_CASE:
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pStack->SetError(TX_OUTCASE, p->GetEnd());
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return NULL;
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2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
// should not be a reserved word DefineNum
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (p->GetType() == TokenTypDef)
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pStack->SetError(TX_RESERVED, p);
return NULL;
// this might be an instance of class definnition
CBotToken* ppp = p;
if (IsOfType(ppp, TokenTypVar))
if (CBotClass::Find(p) != NULL)
// yes, compiles the declaration of the instance
return CBotClassInst::Compile(p, pStack);
// this can be an arythmetic instruction
CBotInstr* inst = CBotExpression::Compile(p, pStack);
if (IsOfType(p, ID_SEP))
return inst;
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pStack->SetError(TX_ENDOF, p->GetStart());
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delete inst;
return NULL;
bool CBotInstr::Execute(CBotStack* &pj)
CBotString ClassManquante = name;
ASM_TRAP(); // should never go through this routine
// but use the routines of the subclasses
return false;
bool CBotInstr::Execute(CBotStack* &pj, CBotVar* pVar)
if (!Execute(pj)) return false;
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2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
return true;
void CBotInstr::RestoreState(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain)
CBotString ClassManquante = name;
ASM_TRAP(); // should never go through this routine
// but use the routines of the subclasses
bool CBotInstr::ExecuteVar(CBotVar* &pVar, CBotCStack* &pile)
ASM_TRAP(); // dad do not know, see the girls
return false;
bool CBotInstr::ExecuteVar(CBotVar* &pVar, CBotStack* &pile, CBotToken* prevToken, bool bStep, bool bExtend)
ASM_TRAP(); // dad do not know, see the girls
return false;
void CBotInstr::RestoreStateVar(CBotStack* &pile, bool bMain)
ASM_TRAP(); // dad do not know, see the girls
// this routine is defined only for the subclass CBotCase
// this allows to make the call on all instructions CompCase
// to see if it's a case to the desired value.
bool CBotInstr::CompCase(CBotStack* &pj, int val)
return false;
// compiles a statement block " { i ; i ; } "
// this class have no constructor because there is never an instance of this
// class (TODO what about default constructor?)
// the object returned by Compile is usually of type CBotListInstr
CBotInstr* CBotBlock::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, bool bLocal)
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if (IsOfType(p, ID_OPBLK))
CBotInstr* inst = CBotListInstr::Compile(p, pStack, bLocal);
if (IsOfType(p, ID_CLBLK))
return inst;
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pStack->SetError(TX_CLOSEBLK, p->GetStart()); // missing parenthesis
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delete inst;
return NULL;
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pStack->SetError(TX_OPENBLK, p->GetStart());
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return NULL;
CBotInstr* CBotBlock::CompileBlkOrInst(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, bool bLocal)
// is this a new block
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if (p->GetType() == ID_OPBLK) return CBotBlock::Compile(p, pStack);
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// otherwise, look for a single statement instead
// to handle the case with local definition instruction (*)
CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack(p, bLocal);
return pStack->Return( CBotInstr::Compile(p, pStk), // a single instruction
// (*) is the case in the following statement
// if (1 == 1) int x = 0;
// where the variable x is known only in the block following the if
// compiles a list of instructions separated by semicolons
m_Instr = NULL;
name = "CBotListInstr";
delete m_Instr;
CBotInstr* CBotListInstr::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, bool bLocal)
CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack(p, bLocal); // variables are local
CBotListInstr* inst = new CBotListInstr();
while (true)
if (p == NULL) break;
if (IsOfType(p, ID_SEP)) continue; // empty statement ignored
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if (p->GetType() == ID_CLBLK) break;
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if (IsOfType(p, 0))
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pStack->SetError(TX_CLOSEBLK, p->GetStart());
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delete inst;
return pStack->Return(NULL, pStk);
CBotInstr* i = CBotBlock::CompileBlkOrInst(p, pStk); // compiles next
if (!pStk->IsOk())
delete inst;
return pStack->Return(NULL, pStk);
if (inst->m_Instr == NULL) inst->m_Instr = i;
else inst->m_Instr->AddNext(i); // added a result
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
// executes a set of instructions
bool CBotListInstr::Execute(CBotStack* &pj)
CBotStack* pile = pj->AddStack(this, true); //needed for SetState()
if (pile->StackOver() ) return pj->Return( pile);
CBotInstr* p = m_Instr; // the first expression
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int state = pile->GetState();
while (state-->0) p = p->GetNext(); // returns to the interrupted operation
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if (p != NULL) while (true)
if (!p->Execute(pile)) return false;
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p = p->GetNext();
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if (p == NULL) break;
if (!pile->IncState()) ;//return false; // ready for next
return pj->Return(pile);
void CBotListInstr::RestoreState(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain)
if (!bMain) return;
CBotStack* pile = pj->RestoreStack(this);
if (pile == NULL) return;
CBotInstr* p = m_Instr; // the first expression
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int state = pile->GetState();
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while ( p != NULL && state-- > 0)
p->RestoreState(pile, false);
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p = p->GetNext(); // returns to the interrupted operation
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (p != NULL) p->RestoreState(pile, true);
// compilation of an element to the left of an assignment
name = "CBotLeftExprVar";
m_typevar = -1;
m_nIdent = 0;
CBotInstr* CBotLeftExprVar::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
// verifies that the token is a variable name
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (p->GetType() != TokenTypVar)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStack->SetError( TX_NOVAR, p->GetStart());
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return NULL;
CBotLeftExprVar* inst = new CBotLeftExprVar();
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
p = p->GetNext();
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return inst;
// creates a variable and assigns the result to the stack
bool CBotLeftExprVar::Execute(CBotStack* &pj)
CBotVar* var1;
CBotVar* var2;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
var1 = CBotVar::Create(m_token.GetString(), m_typevar);
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var1->SetUniqNum(m_nIdent); // with the unique identifier
pj->AddVar(var1); // place it on the stack
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var2 = pj->GetVar(); // result on the stack
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if (var2) var1->SetVal(var2); // do the assignment
return true;
void CBotLeftExprVar::RestoreState(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain)
CBotVar* var1;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
var1 = pj->FindVar(m_token.GetString());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (var1 == NULL) ASM_TRAP();
var1->SetUniqNum(m_nIdent); // with the unique identifier
// defining an array of any type
// int a[12];
// point x[];
m_var = NULL;
m_listass = NULL;
name = "CBotInstArray";
delete m_var;
delete m_listass;
CBotInstr* CBotInstArray::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, CBotTypResult type)
CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack(p);
CBotInstArray* inst = new CBotInstArray();
CBotToken* vartoken = p;
// determinse the expression is valid for the item on the left side
if (NULL != (inst->m_var = CBotLeftExprVar::Compile( p, pStk )))
if (pStk->CheckVarLocal(vartoken)) // redefinition of the variable?
pStk->SetError(TX_REDEFVAR, vartoken);
goto error;
CBotInstr* i;
while (IsOfType(p, ID_OPBRK))
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (p->GetType() != ID_CLBRK)
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i = CBotExpression::Compile(p, pStk); // expression for the value
i = new CBotEmpty(); // if no special formula
inst->AddNext3b(i); // construct a list
type = CBotTypResult(CBotTypArrayPointer, type);
if (!pStk->IsOk() || !IsOfType(p, ID_CLBRK ))
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_CLBRK, p->GetStart());
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goto error;
CBotVar* var = CBotVar::Create(vartoken, type); // create an instance
inst->m_typevar = type;
((CBotLeftExprVar*)inst->m_var)->m_nIdent = CBotVar::NextUniqNum());
pStack->AddVar(var); // place it on the stack
if (IsOfType(p, ID_ASS)) // with an assignment
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inst->m_listass = CBotListArray::Compile(p, pStk, type.GetTypElem());
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if (pStk->IsOk()) return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
delete inst;
return pStack->Return(NULL, pStk);
// executes the definition of an array
bool CBotInstArray::Execute(CBotStack* &pj)
CBotStack* pile1 = pj->AddStack(this);
CBotStack* pile = pile1;
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if (pile1->GetState() == 0)
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// seek the maximum dimension of the table
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CBotInstr* p = GetNext3b(); // the different formulas
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int nb = 0;
while (p != NULL)
pile = pile->AddStack(); // little room to work
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if (pile->GetState() == 0)
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if (!p->Execute(pile)) return false; // size calculation //interrupted?
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p = p->GetNext3b();
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2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
p = GetNext3b();
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pile = pile1; // returns to the stack
int n = 0;
int max[100];
while (p != NULL)
pile = pile->AddStack();
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CBotVar* v = pile->GetVar(); // result
max[n] = v->GetValInt(); // value
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if (max[n]>MAXARRAYSIZE)
pile->SetError(TX_OUTARRAY, &m_token);
return pj->Return (pile);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
p = p->GetNext3b();
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while (n<100) max[n++] = 0;
m_typevar.SetArray(max); // store the limitations
// create simply a NULL pointer
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CBotVar* var = CBotVar::Create(m_var->GetToken(), m_typevar);
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delete pile1->AddStack(); // need more indices
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if (pile1->GetState() == 1)
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if (m_listass != NULL) // there is the assignment for this table
CBotVar* pVar = pj->FindVar(((CBotLeftExprVar*)m_var)->m_nIdent);
if (!m_listass->Execute(pile1, pVar)) return false;
if (pile1->IfStep()) return false;
if ( m_next2b &&
!m_next2b->Execute(pile1 )) return false;
return pj->Return(pile1);
void CBotInstArray::RestoreState(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain)
CBotStack* pile1 = pj;
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CBotVar* var = pj->FindVar(m_var->GetToken()->GetString());
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if (var != NULL) var->SetUniqNum(((CBotLeftExprVar*)m_var)->m_nIdent);
if (bMain)
pile1 = pj->RestoreStack(this);
CBotStack* pile = pile1;
if (pile == NULL) return;
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if (pile1->GetState() == 0)
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// seek the maximum dimension of the table
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CBotInstr* p = GetNext3b();
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while (p != NULL)
pile = pile->RestoreStack();
if (pile == NULL) return;
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if (pile->GetState() == 0)
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p->RestoreState(pile, bMain);
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p = p->GetNext3b();
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2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pile1->GetState() == 1 && m_listass != NULL)
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m_listass->RestoreState(pile1, bMain);
if (m_next2b ) m_next2b->RestoreState( pile1, bMain);
// special case for empty indexes
bool CBotEmpty :: Execute(CBotStack* &pj)
CBotVar* pVar = CBotVar::Create("", CBotTypInt);
return true;
void CBotEmpty :: RestoreState(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain)
// defining a list table initialization
// int [ ] a [ ] = (( 1, 2, 3 ) , ( 3, 2, 1 )) ;
m_expr = NULL;
name = "CBotListArray";
delete m_expr;
CBotInstr* CBotListArray::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, CBotTypResult type)
CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack(p);
CBotToken* pp = p;
if (IsOfType( p, ID_NULL ))
CBotInstr* inst = new CBotExprNull ();
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk); // ok with empty element
CBotListArray* inst = new CBotListArray();
if (IsOfType( p, ID_OPENPAR ))
// each element takes the one after the other
if (type.Eq( CBotTypArrayPointer ))
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type = type.GetTypElem();
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2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
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if (NULL == ( inst->m_expr = CBotListArray::Compile( p, pStk, type ) ))
goto error;
while (IsOfType( p, ID_COMMA )) // other elements?
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CBotInstr* i = CBotListArray::Compile(p, pStk, type);
if (NULL == i)
goto error;
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if (NULL == ( inst->m_expr = CBotTwoOpExpr::Compile( p, pStk )))
goto error;
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CBotVar* pv = pStk->GetVar(); // result of the expression
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if (pv == NULL || !TypesCompatibles( type, pv->GetTypResult())) // compatible type?
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2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_BADTYPE, p->GetStart());
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goto error;
while (IsOfType( p, ID_COMMA )) // other elements?
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2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotInstr* i = CBotTwoOpExpr::Compile(p, pStk) ;
if (NULL == i)
goto error;
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CBotVar* pv = pStk->GetVar(); // result of the expression
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2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pv == NULL || !TypesCompatibles( type, pv->GetTypResult())) // compatible type?
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2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_BADTYPE, p->GetStart());
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goto error;
if (!IsOfType(p, ID_CLOSEPAR) )
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pStk->SetError(TX_CLOSEPAR, p->GetStart());
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goto error;
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
delete inst;
return pStack->Return(NULL, pStk);
// executes the definition of an array
bool CBotListArray::Execute(CBotStack* &pj, CBotVar* pVar)
CBotStack* pile1 = pj->AddStack();
CBotVar* pVar2;
CBotInstr* p = m_expr;
int n = 0;
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for (; p != NULL ; n++, p = p->GetNext3())
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2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pile1->GetState() > n) continue;
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2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pVar2 = pVar->GetItem(n, true);
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if (!p->Execute(pile1, pVar2)) return false; // evaluate expression
return pj->Return(pile1);
void CBotListArray::RestoreState(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain)
if (bMain)
CBotStack* pile = pj->RestoreStack(this);
if (pile == NULL) return;
CBotInstr* p = m_expr;
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int state = pile->GetState();
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2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
while(state-- > 0) p = p->GetNext3() ;
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p->RestoreState(pile, bMain); // size calculation //interrupted!
// definition of an integer variable
// int a, b = 12;
m_next = NULL; // for multiple definitions
m_var =
m_expr = NULL;
name = "CBotInt";
delete m_var;
delete m_expr;
CBotInstr* CBotInstr::CompileArray(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, CBotTypResult type, bool first)
if (IsOfType(p, ID_OPBRK))
if (!IsOfType(p, ID_CLBRK))
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStack->SetError(TX_CLBRK, p->GetStart());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
return NULL;
CBotInstr* inst = CompileArray(p, pStack, CBotTypResult(CBotTypArrayPointer, type), false);
if (inst != NULL || !pStack->IsOk()) return inst;
// compiles an array declaration
if (first) return NULL ;
CBotInstr* inst = CBotInstArray::Compile(p, pStack, type);
if (inst == NULL) return NULL;
if (IsOfType(p, ID_COMMA)) // several definitions
if (NULL != ( inst->m_next2b = CBotInstArray::CompileArray(p, pStack, type, false))) // compiles next one
return inst;
delete inst;
return NULL;
if (IsOfType(p, ID_SEP)) // end of instruction
return inst;
delete inst;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStack->SetError(TX_ENDOF, p->GetStart());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
return NULL;
CBotInstr* CBotInt::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, bool cont, bool noskip)
CBotToken* pp = cont ? NULL : p; // no repetition of the token "int"
if (!cont && !IsOfType(p, ID_INT)) return NULL;
CBotInt* inst = (CBotInt*)CompileArray(p, pStack, CBotTypInt);
if (inst != NULL || !pStack->IsOk()) return inst;
CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack(pp);
inst = new CBotInt();
inst->m_expr = NULL;
CBotToken* vartoken = p;
// determines the expression is valid for the item on the left side
if (NULL != (inst->m_var = CBotLeftExprVar::Compile( p, pStk )))
((CBotLeftExprVar*)inst->m_var)->m_typevar = CBotTypInt;
if (pStk->CheckVarLocal(vartoken)) // redefinition of the variable
pStk->SetError(TX_REDEFVAR, vartoken);
goto error;
if (IsOfType(p, ID_OPBRK))
delete inst; // type is not CBotInt
p = vartoken; // returns the variable name
// compiles an array declaration
CBotInstr* inst2 = CBotInstArray::Compile(p, pStk, CBotTypInt);
if (!pStk->IsOk() )
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_CLBRK, p->GetStart());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
goto error;
if (IsOfType(p, ID_COMMA)) // several definition chained
if (NULL != ( inst2->m_next2b = CBotInt::Compile(p, pStk, true, noskip))) // compile the next one
return pStack->Return(inst2, pStk);
inst = (CBotInt*)inst2;
goto suite; // no assignment, variable already created
if (IsOfType(p, ID_ASS)) // with an assignment?
if (NULL == ( inst->m_expr = CBotTwoOpExpr::Compile( p, pStk )))
goto error;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pStk->GetType() >= CBotTypBoolean) // compatible type ?
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_BADTYPE, p->GetStart());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
goto error;
CBotVar* var = CBotVar::Create(vartoken, CBotTypInt);// create the variable (evaluated after the assignment)
var->SetInit(inst->m_expr != NULL); // if initialized with assignment
var->SetUniqNum( //set it with a unique number
((CBotLeftExprVar*)inst->m_var)->m_nIdent = CBotVar::NextUniqNum());
pStack->AddVar(var); // place it on the stack
if (IsOfType(p, ID_COMMA)) // chained several definitions
if (NULL != ( inst->m_next2b = CBotInt::Compile(p, pStk, true, noskip))) // compile next one
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
if (noskip || IsOfType(p, ID_SEP)) // instruction is completed
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_ENDOF, p->GetStart());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
delete inst;
return pStack->Return(NULL, pStk);
// execute the definition of the integer variable
bool CBotInt::Execute(CBotStack* &pj)
CBotStack* pile = pj->AddStack(this); // essential for SetState()
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if ( pile->GetState()==0)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (m_expr && !m_expr->Execute(pile)) return false; // initial value // interrupted?
m_var->Execute(pile); // creates and assign the result
if (!pile->SetState(1)) return false;
if (pile->IfStep()) return false;
if ( m_next2b &&
!m_next2b->Execute(pile)) return false; // other(s) definition(s)
return pj->Return(pile); // forward below
void CBotInt::RestoreState(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain)
CBotStack* pile = pj;
if (bMain)
pile = pj->RestoreStack(this);
if (pile == NULL) return;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if ( pile->GetState()==0)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (m_expr) m_expr->RestoreState(pile, bMain); // initial value // interrupted?
m_var->RestoreState(pile, bMain);
if (m_next2b) m_next2b->RestoreState(pile, bMain); // other(s) definition(s)
// defining a boolean variable
// int a, b = false;
m_var =
m_expr = NULL;
name = "CBotBoolean";
delete m_var;
delete m_expr;
CBotInstr* CBotBoolean::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, bool cont, bool noskip)
CBotToken* pp = cont ? NULL : p;
if (!cont && !IsOfType(p, ID_BOOLEAN, ID_BOOL)) return NULL;
CBotBoolean* inst = (CBotBoolean*)CompileArray(p, pStack, CBotTypBoolean);
if (inst != NULL || !pStack->IsOk()) return inst;
CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack(pp);
inst = new CBotBoolean();
inst->m_expr = NULL;
CBotToken* vartoken = p;
CBotVar* var = NULL;
if (NULL != (inst->m_var = CBotLeftExprVar::Compile( p, pStk )))
((CBotLeftExprVar*)inst->m_var)->m_typevar = CBotTypBoolean;
if (pStk->CheckVarLocal(vartoken)) // redefinition of the variable
pStk->SetError(TX_REDEFVAR, vartoken);
goto error;
if (IsOfType(p, ID_OPBRK))
delete inst; // type is not CBotInt
p = vartoken; // resutns to the variable name
// compiles an array declaration
inst = (CBotBoolean*)CBotInstArray::Compile(p, pStk, CBotTypBoolean);
if (!pStk->IsOk() )
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_CLBRK, p->GetStart());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
goto error;
goto suite; // no assignment, variable already created
if (IsOfType(p, ID_ASS))
if (NULL == ( inst->m_expr = CBotTwoOpExpr::Compile( p, pStk )))
goto error;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (!pStk->GetTypResult().Eq(CBotTypBoolean))
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_BADTYPE, p->GetStart());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
goto error;
var = CBotVar::Create(vartoken, CBotTypBoolean);// create the variable (evaluated after the assignment)
var->SetInit(inst->m_expr != NULL);
((CBotLeftExprVar*)inst->m_var)->m_nIdent = CBotVar::NextUniqNum());
if (IsOfType(p, ID_COMMA))
if (NULL != ( inst->m_next2b = CBotBoolean::Compile(p, pStk, true, noskip)))
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
if (noskip || IsOfType(p, ID_SEP))
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_ENDOF, p->GetStart());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
delete inst;
return pStack->Return(NULL, pStk);
// executes a boolean variable definition
bool CBotBoolean::Execute(CBotStack* &pj)
CBotStack* pile = pj->AddStack(this);//essential for SetState()
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if ( pile->GetState()==0)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (m_expr && !m_expr->Execute(pile)) return false;
if (!pile->SetState(1)) return false;
if (pile->IfStep()) return false;
if ( m_next2b &&
!m_next2b->Execute(pile)) return false;
return pj->Return(pile);
void CBotBoolean::RestoreState(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain)
CBotStack* pile = pj;
if (bMain)
pile = pj->RestoreStack(this);
if (pile == NULL) return;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if ( pile->GetState()==0)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (m_expr) m_expr->RestoreState(pile, bMain); // initial value interrupted?
m_var->RestoreState(pile, bMain);
if (m_next2b)
m_next2b->RestoreState(pile, bMain); // other(s) definition(s)
// definition of a real/float variable
// int a, b = 12.4;
m_var =
m_expr = NULL;
name = "CBotFloat";
delete m_var;
delete m_expr;
CBotInstr* CBotFloat::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, bool cont, bool noskip)
CBotToken* pp = cont ? NULL : p;
if (!cont && !IsOfType(p, ID_FLOAT)) return NULL;
CBotFloat* inst = (CBotFloat*)CompileArray(p, pStack, CBotTypFloat);
if (inst != NULL || !pStack->IsOk()) return inst;
CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack(pp);
inst = new CBotFloat();
inst->m_expr = NULL;
CBotToken* vartoken = p;
CBotVar* var = NULL;
if (NULL != (inst->m_var = CBotLeftExprVar::Compile( p, pStk )))
((CBotLeftExprVar*)inst->m_var)->m_typevar = CBotTypFloat;
if (pStk->CheckVarLocal(vartoken)) // redefinition of a variable
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_REDEFVAR, vartoken->GetEnd());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
goto error;
if (IsOfType(p, ID_OPBRK))
delete inst;
p = vartoken;
inst = (CBotFloat*)CBotInstArray::Compile(p, pStk, CBotTypFloat);
if (!pStk->IsOk() )
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_CLBRK, p->GetStart());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
goto error;
goto suite; // no assignment, variable already created
if (IsOfType(p, ID_ASS))
if (NULL == ( inst->m_expr = CBotTwoOpExpr::Compile( p, pStk )))
goto error;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pStk->GetType() >= CBotTypBoolean)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_BADTYPE, p->GetStart());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
goto error;
var = CBotVar::Create(vartoken, CBotTypFloat);
var->SetInit(inst->m_expr != NULL);
((CBotLeftExprVar*)inst->m_var)->m_nIdent = CBotVar::NextUniqNum());
if (IsOfType(p, ID_COMMA))
if (NULL != ( inst->m_next2b = CBotFloat::Compile(p, pStk, true, noskip)))
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
if (noskip || IsOfType(p, ID_SEP))
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_ENDOF, p->GetStart());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
delete inst;
return pStack->Return(NULL, pStk);
// executes the definition of a real variable
bool CBotFloat::Execute(CBotStack* &pj)
CBotStack* pile = pj->AddStack(this);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if ( pile->GetState()==0)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (m_expr && !m_expr->Execute(pile)) return false;
if (!pile->SetState(1)) return false;
if (pile->IfStep()) return false;
if ( m_next2b &&
!m_next2b->Execute(pile)) return false;
return pj->Return(pile);
void CBotFloat::RestoreState(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain)
CBotStack* pile = pj;
if (bMain)
pile = pj->RestoreStack(this);
if (pile == NULL) return;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if ( pile->GetState()==0)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (m_expr) m_expr->RestoreState(pile, bMain);
m_var->RestoreState(pile, bMain);
if (m_next2b)
m_next2b->RestoreState(pile, bMain);
// define a string variable
// int a, b = "salut";
m_var =
m_expr = NULL;
name = "CBotIString";
delete m_var;
delete m_expr;
CBotInstr* CBotIString::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, bool cont, bool noskip)
CBotToken* pp = cont ? NULL : p;
if (!cont && !IsOfType(p, ID_STRING)) return NULL;
CBotIString* inst = (CBotIString*)CompileArray(p, pStack, CBotTypString);
if (inst != NULL || !pStack->IsOk()) return inst;
CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack(pp);
inst = new CBotIString();
inst->m_expr = NULL;
CBotToken* vartoken = p;
if (NULL != (inst->m_var = CBotLeftExprVar::Compile( p, pStk )))
((CBotLeftExprVar*)inst->m_var)->m_typevar = CBotTypString;
if (pStk->CheckVarLocal(vartoken))
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_REDEFVAR, vartoken->GetEnd());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
goto error;
if (IsOfType(p, ID_ASS))
if (NULL == ( inst->m_expr = CBotTwoOpExpr::Compile( p, pStk )))
goto error;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
/* if (!pStk->GetTypResult().Eq(CBotTypString)) // type compatible ?
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_BADTYPE, p->GetStart());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
goto error;
CBotVar* var = CBotVar::Create(vartoken, CBotTypString);
var->SetInit(inst->m_expr != NULL);
((CBotLeftExprVar*)inst->m_var)->m_nIdent = CBotVar::NextUniqNum());
if (IsOfType(p, ID_COMMA))
if (NULL != ( inst->m_next2b = CBotIString::Compile(p, pStk, true, noskip)))
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
if (noskip || IsOfType(p, ID_SEP))
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_ENDOF, p->GetStart());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
delete inst;
return pStack->Return(NULL, pStk);
// executes the definition of the string variable
bool CBotIString::Execute(CBotStack* &pj)
CBotStack* pile = pj->AddStack(this);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if ( pile->GetState()==0)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (m_expr && !m_expr->Execute(pile)) return false;
if (!pile->SetState(1)) return false;
if (pile->IfStep()) return false;
if ( m_next2b &&
!m_next2b->Execute(pile)) return false;
return pj->Return(pile);
void CBotIString::RestoreState(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain)
CBotStack* pile = pj;
if (bMain)
pile = pj->RestoreStack(this);
if (pile == NULL) return;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if ( pile->GetState()==0)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (m_expr) m_expr->RestoreState(pile, bMain);
m_var->RestoreState(pile, bMain);
if (m_next2b)
m_next2b->RestoreState(pile, bMain);
// compiles a statement such as " x = 123 " ou " z * 5 + 4 "
// with or without assignment
m_leftop = NULL;
m_rightop = NULL;
name = "CBotExpression";
delete m_leftop;
delete m_rightop;
CBotInstr* CBotExpression::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
CBotToken* pp = p;
CBotExpression* inst = new CBotExpression();
inst->m_leftop = CBotLeftExpr::Compile(p, pStack);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
int OpType = p->GetType();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if ( pStack->IsOk() &&
if (inst->m_leftop == NULL)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStack->SetError(TX_BADLEFT, p->GetEnd());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
delete inst;
return NULL;
inst->m_rightop = CBotExpression::Compile(p, pStack);
if (inst->m_rightop == NULL)
delete inst;
return NULL;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
CBotTypResult type1 = pStack->GetTypResult();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
// get the variable assigned to mark
CBotVar* var = NULL;
inst->m_leftop->ExecuteVar(var, pStack);
if (var == NULL)
delete inst;
return NULL;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (OpType != ID_ASS && var->GetInit() != IS_DEF)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
pStack->SetError(TX_NOTINIT, pp);
delete inst;
return NULL;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
CBotTypResult type2 = var->GetTypResult();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
// what types are acceptable?
switch (OpType)
case ID_ASS:
// if (type2 == CBotTypClass) type2 = -1;
if ((type1.Eq(CBotTypPointer) && type2.Eq(CBotTypPointer)) ||
(type1.Eq(CBotTypClass) && type2.Eq(CBotTypClass) ) )
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
/* CBotClass* c1 = type1.GetClass();
CBotClass* c2 = type2.GetClass();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (!c1->IsChildOf(c2)) type2.SetType(-1);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
//- if (!type1.Eq(CBotTypClass)) var->SetPointer(pStack->GetVar()->GetPointer());*/
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (type2.Eq(CBotTypBoolean) ||
type2.Eq(CBotTypPointer) ) type2 = -1; // numbers and strings
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (type2.GetType() >= CBotTypBoolean) type2 = -1; // numbers only
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (!TypeCompatible(type1, type2, OpType))
pStack->SetError(TX_BADTYPE, &inst->m_token);
delete inst;
return NULL;
return inst; // compatible type?
delete inst;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
int start, end, error = pStack->GetError(start, end);
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
p = pp; // returns to the top
pStack->SetError(0,0); // forget the error
CBotInstr* i = CBotTwoOpExpr::Compile(p, pStack); // tries without assignment
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (i != NULL && error == TX_PRIVATE && p->GetType() == ID_ASS)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
pStack->ResetError(error, start, end);
return i;
// executes an expression with assignment
bool CBotExpression::Execute(CBotStack* &pj)
CBotStack* pile = pj->AddStack(this);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
CBotToken* pToken = m_leftop->GetToken();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotVar* pVar = NULL;
CBotStack* pile1 = pile;
bool IsInit = true;
CBotVar* result = NULL;
// must be done before any indexes (stack can be changed)
if (!m_leftop->ExecuteVar(pVar, pile, NULL, false)) return false; // variable before accessing the value on the right
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if ( pile1->GetState()==0)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
pile1->SetCopyVar(pVar); // keeps the copy on the stack (if interrupted)
CBotStack* pile2 = pile->AddStack();
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if ( pile2->GetState()==0)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (m_rightop && !m_rightop->Execute(pile2)) return false; // initial value // interrupted?
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pile1->GetState() == 1)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (m_token.GetType() != ID_ASS)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pVar = pile1->GetVar(); // recovers if interrupted
IsInit = pVar->GetInit();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (IsInit == IS_NAN)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pile2->SetError(TX_OPNAN, m_leftop->GetToken());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
return pj->Return(pile2);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
result = CBotVar::Create("", pVar->GetTypResult(2));
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
switch (m_token.GetType())
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
case ID_ASS:
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
result->Add(pile1->GetVar(), pile2->GetVar());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
result->Sub(pile1->GetVar(), pile2->GetVar());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
result->Mul(pile1->GetVar(), pile2->GetVar());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (IsInit &&
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
result->Div(pile1->GetVar(), pile2->GetVar()))
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
pile2->SetError(TX_DIVZERO, &m_token);
if (IsInit &&
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
result->Modulo(pile1->GetVar(), pile2->GetVar()))
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
pile2->SetError(TX_DIVZERO, &m_token);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
result->And(pile1->GetVar(), pile2->GetVar());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
result->XOr(pile1->GetVar(), pile2->GetVar());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
case ID_ASSOR:
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
result->Or(pile1->GetVar(), pile2->GetVar());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
case ID_ASSSL:
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
result->SL(pile1->GetVar(), pile2->GetVar());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
case ID_ASSSR:
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
result->SR(pile1->GetVar(), pile2->GetVar());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
result->ASR(pile1->GetVar(), pile2->GetVar());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (!IsInit)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pile2->SetError(TX_NOTINIT, m_leftop->GetToken());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (!m_leftop->Execute( pile2, pile1 ))
return false;
return pj->Return(pile2);
void CBotExpression::RestoreState(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain)
if (bMain)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
CBotToken* pToken = m_leftop->GetToken();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotVar* pVar = NULL;
CBotStack* pile = pj->RestoreStack(this);
if (pile == NULL) return;
CBotStack* pile1 = pile;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if ( pile1->GetState()==0)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
m_leftop->RestoreStateVar(pile, true);
m_leftop->RestoreStateVar(pile, false);
CBotStack* pile2 = pile->RestoreStack();
if (pile2 == NULL) return;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if ( pile2->GetState()==0)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (m_rightop) m_rightop->RestoreState(pile2, bMain);
// compile a statement such as "(condition)"
// the condition must be Boolean
// this class has no constructor, because there is never an instance of this class
// the object returned by Compile is usually type CBotExpression
CBotInstr* CBotCondition::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (IsOfType(p, ID_OPENPAR))
CBotInstr* inst = CBotBoolExpr::Compile(p, pStack);
if (NULL != inst)
if (IsOfType(p, ID_CLOSEPAR))
return inst;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStack->SetError(TX_CLOSEPAR, p->GetStart()); // missing parenthesis
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
delete inst;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStack->SetError(TX_OPENPAR, p->GetStart()); // missing parenthesis
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
return NULL;
// compile a statement such as "(condition)"
// the condition must be Boolean
// this class has no constructor, because there is never an instance of this
// class
// the object returned by Compile is usually type CBotExpression
CBotInstr* CBotBoolExpr::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotInstr* inst = CBotTwoOpExpr::Compile(p, pStack);
if (NULL != inst)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pStack->GetTypResult().Eq(CBotTypBoolean))
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
return inst;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStack->SetError(TX_NOTBOOL, p->GetStart()); // is not a boolean
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
delete inst;
return NULL;
// compile either:
// instruction in parentheses (...)
// a unary expression (negative, not)
// variable name
// variables pre and post-incremented or decremented
// a given number DefineNum
// a constant
// procedure call
// new statement
// this class has no constructor, because there is never an instance of this class
// the object returned by Compile is the class corresponding to the instruction
CBotInstr* CBotParExpr::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack();
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
// is it an expression in parentheses?
if (IsOfType(p, ID_OPENPAR))
CBotInstr* inst = CBotExpression::Compile(p, pStk);
if (NULL != inst)
if (IsOfType(p, ID_CLOSEPAR))
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_CLOSEPAR, p->GetStart());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
delete inst;
return pStack->Return(NULL, pStk);
// is this a unary operation?
CBotInstr* inst = CBotExprUnaire::Compile(p, pStk);
if (inst != NULL || !pStk->IsOk())
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
// is it a variable name?
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (p->GetType() == TokenTypVar)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
// this may be a method call without the "this." before
inst = CBotExprVar::CompileMethode(p, pStk);
if (inst != NULL) return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
// is it a procedure call?
inst = CBotInstrCall::Compile(p, pStk);
if (inst != NULL || !pStk->IsOk())
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
CBotToken* pvar = p;
// no, it an "ordinaty" variable
inst = CBotExprVar::Compile(p, pStk);
CBotToken* pp = p;
// post incremented or decremented?
if (IsOfType(p, ID_INC, ID_DEC))
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pStk->GetType() >= CBotTypBoolean)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_BADTYPE, pp);
delete inst;
return pStack->Return(NULL, pStk);
// recompile the variable for read-only
delete inst;
p = pvar;
inst = CBotExprVar::Compile(p, pStk, PR_READ);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
p = p->GetNext();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotPostIncExpr* i = new CBotPostIncExpr();
i->m_Instr = inst; // associated statement
return pStack->Return(i, pStk);
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
// pre increpemted or pre decremented?
CBotToken* pp = p;
if (IsOfType(p, ID_INC, ID_DEC))
CBotPreIncExpr* i = new CBotPreIncExpr();
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (p->GetType() == TokenTypVar)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (NULL != (i->m_Instr = CBotExprVar::Compile(p, pStk, PR_READ)))
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pStk->GetType() >= CBotTypBoolean)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_BADTYPE, pp);
delete inst;
return pStack->Return(NULL, pStk);
return pStack->Return(i, pStk);
delete i;
return pStack->Return(NULL, pStk);
// is it a number or DefineNum?
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (p->GetType() == TokenTypNum ||
p->GetType() == TokenTypDef )
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotInstr* inst = CBotExprNum::Compile(p, pStk);
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
// is this a chaine?
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (p->GetType() == TokenTypString)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotInstr* inst = CBotExprAlpha::Compile(p, pStk);
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
// is a "true" or "false"
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (p->GetType() == ID_TRUE ||
p->GetType() == ID_FALSE )
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotInstr* inst = CBotExprBool::Compile(p, pStk);
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
// is an object to be created with new
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (p->GetType() == ID_NEW)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotInstr* inst = CBotNew::Compile(p, pStk);
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
// is a null pointer
if (IsOfType(p, ID_NULL))
CBotInstr* inst = new CBotExprNull ();
CBotVar* var = CBotVar::Create("", CBotTypNullPointer);
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
// is a number nan
if (IsOfType(p, ID_NAN))
CBotInstr* inst = new CBotExprNan ();
CBotVar* var = CBotVar::Create("", CBotTypInt);
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
return pStack->Return(NULL, pStk);
// Management of pre-and post increment / decrement
// There is no routine Compiles, the object is created directly
// Compiles in CBotParExpr ::
m_Instr = NULL;
name = "CBotPostIncExpr";
delete m_Instr;
m_Instr = NULL;
name = "CBotPreIncExpr";
delete m_Instr;
bool CBotPostIncExpr::Execute(CBotStack* &pj)
CBotStack* pile1 = pj->AddStack(this);
CBotStack* pile2 = pile1;
CBotVar* var1 = NULL;
// retrieves the variable fields and indexes according
if (!((CBotExprVar*)m_Instr)->ExecuteVar(var1, pile2, NULL, true)) return false;
pile1->SetCopyVar(var1); // places the result (before incrementation);
CBotStack* pile3 = pile2->AddStack(this);
if (pile3->IfStep()) return false;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (var1->GetInit() == IS_NAN)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
pile1->SetError(TX_OPNAN, &m_token);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (var1->GetInit() != IS_DEF)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
pile1->SetError(TX_NOTINIT, &m_token);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (GetTokenType() == ID_INC) var1->Inc();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
else var1->Dec();
return pj->Return(pile1); // operation done, result on pile2
void CBotPostIncExpr::RestoreState(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain)
if (!bMain) return;
CBotStack* pile1 = pj->RestoreStack(this);
if (pile1 == NULL) return;
((CBotExprVar*)m_Instr)->RestoreStateVar(pile1, bMain);
if (pile1 != NULL) pile1->RestoreStack(this);
bool CBotPreIncExpr::Execute(CBotStack* &pj)
CBotStack* pile = pj->AddStack(this);
if (pile->IfStep()) return false;
CBotVar* var1;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pile->GetState() == 0)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotStack* pile2 = pile;
// retrieves the variable fields and indexes according
// pile2 is modified on return
if (!((CBotExprVar*)m_Instr)->ExecuteVar(var1, pile2, NULL, true)) return false;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (var1->GetInit() == IS_NAN)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
pile->SetError(TX_OPNAN, &m_token);
return pj->Return(pile); // operation performed
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (var1->GetInit() != IS_DEF)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
pile->SetError(TX_NOTINIT, &m_token);
return pj->Return(pile); // operation performed
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (GetTokenType() == ID_INC) var1->Inc();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
else var1->Dec(); // ((CBotVarInt*)var1)->m_val
if (!m_Instr->Execute(pile)) return false;
return pj->Return(pile); // operation performed
void CBotPreIncExpr::RestoreState(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain)
if (!bMain) return;
CBotStack* pile = pj->RestoreStack(this);
if (pile == NULL) return;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pile->GetState() == 0)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
m_Instr->RestoreState(pile, bMain);
// compile an unary expression
// +
// -
// not
// !
// ~
m_Expr = NULL;
name = "CBotExprUnaire";
delete m_Expr;
CBotInstr* CBotExprUnaire::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
int op = p->GetType();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotToken* pp = p;
if (!IsOfTypeList( p, ID_ADD, ID_SUB, ID_LOG_NOT, ID_TXT_NOT, ID_NOT, 0 )) return NULL;
CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack(pp);
CBotExprUnaire* inst = new CBotExprUnaire();
if (NULL != (inst->m_Expr = CBotParExpr::Compile( p, pStk )))
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (op == ID_ADD && pStk->GetType() < CBotTypBoolean) // only with the number
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (op == ID_SUB && pStk->GetType() < CBotTypBoolean) // only with the numer
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (op == ID_NOT && pStk->GetType() < CBotTypFloat) // only with an integer
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (op == ID_LOG_NOT && pStk->GetTypResult().Eq(CBotTypBoolean))// only with boolean
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (op == ID_TXT_NOT && pStk->GetTypResult().Eq(CBotTypBoolean))// only with boolean
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
pStk->SetError(TX_BADTYPE, &inst->m_token);
delete inst;
return pStack->Return(NULL, pStk);
// executes unary expression
bool CBotExprUnaire::Execute(CBotStack* &pj)
CBotStack* pile = pj->AddStack(this);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pile->GetState() == 0)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (!m_Expr->Execute(pile)) return false; // interrupted ?
CBotStack* pile2 = pile->AddStack();
if (pile2->IfStep()) return false;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
CBotVar* var = pile->GetVar(); // get the result on the stack
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
switch (GetTokenType())
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
case ID_ADD:
case ID_SUB:
var->Neg(); // change the sign
case ID_NOT:
case ID_LOG_NOT:
case ID_TXT_NOT:
return pj->Return(pile); // forwards below
void CBotExprUnaire::RestoreState(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain)
if (!bMain) return;
CBotStack* pile = pj->RestoreStack(this);
if ( pile == NULL) return;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pile->GetState() == 0)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
m_Expr->RestoreState(pile, bMain); // interrupted here!
// index management for arrays
// array [ expression ]
m_expr = NULL;
name = "CBotIndexExpr";
delete m_expr;
// finds a field from the instance at compile time
bool CBotIndexExpr::ExecuteVar(CBotVar* &pVar, CBotCStack* &pile)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pVar->GetType(1) != CBotTypArrayPointer)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pVar = ((CBotVarArray*)pVar)->GetItem(0, false); // at compile time makes the element [0]
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (pVar == NULL)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pile->SetError(TX_OUTARRAY, m_token.GetEnd());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
return false;
if (m_next3 != NULL) return m_next3->ExecuteVar(pVar, pile);
return true;
// attention, changes the pointer to the stack intentionally
// place the index calculated on the additional stack
bool CBotIndexExpr::ExecuteVar(CBotVar* &pVar, CBotStack* &pile, CBotToken* prevToken, bool bStep, bool bExtend)
CBotStack* pj = pile;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pVar->GetType(1) != CBotTypArrayPointer)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
pile = pile->AddStack();
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pile->GetState() == 0)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (!m_expr->Execute(pile)) return false;
// handles array
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
CBotVar* p = pile->GetVar(); // result on the stack
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (p == NULL || p->GetType() > CBotTypDouble)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
pile->SetError(TX_BADINDEX, prevToken);
return pj->Return(pile);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
int n = p->GetValInt(); // position in the table
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pVar = ((CBotVarArray*)pVar)->GetItem(n, bExtend);
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (pVar == NULL)
pile->SetError(TX_OUTARRAY, prevToken);
return pj->Return(pile);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pVar->Maj(pile->GetPUser(), true);
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if ( m_next3 != NULL &&
!m_next3->ExecuteVar(pVar, pile, prevToken, bStep, bExtend) ) return false;
// does not release the stack
// to avoid recalculation of the index twice where appropriate
return true;
void CBotIndexExpr::RestoreStateVar(CBotStack* &pile, bool bMain)
pile = pile->RestoreStack();
if (pile == NULL) return;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (bMain && pile->GetState() == 0)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
m_expr->RestoreState(pile, true);
if (m_next3)
m_next3->RestoreStateVar(pile, bMain);
// field management in an instance (dot operator)
// toto.x
name = "CBotFieldExpr";
m_nIdent = 0;
void CBotFieldExpr::SetUniqNum(int num)
m_nIdent = num;
// find a field from the instance at compile
bool CBotFieldExpr::ExecuteVar(CBotVar* &pVar, CBotCStack* &pile)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pVar->GetType(1) != CBotTypPointer)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pVar = pVar->GetItemRef(m_nIdent);
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (pVar == NULL)
pile->SetError(TX_NOITEM, &m_token);
return false;
if ( m_next3 != NULL &&
!m_next3->ExecuteVar(pVar, pile) ) return false;
return true;
bool CBotFieldExpr::ExecuteVar(CBotVar* &pVar, CBotStack* &pile, CBotToken* prevToken, bool bStep, bool bExtend)
CBotStack* pj = pile;
pile = pile->AddStack(this); // changes in output stack
if (pile == EOX) return true;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pVar->GetType(1) != CBotTypPointer)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
CBotVarClass* pItem = pVar->GetPointer();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (pItem == NULL)
pile->SetError(TX_NULLPT, prevToken);
return pj->Return(pile);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pItem->GetUserPtr() == OBJECTDELETED)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
pile->SetError(TX_DELETEDPT, prevToken);
return pj->Return(pile);
if (bStep && pile->IfStep()) return false;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pVar = pVar->GetItemRef(m_nIdent);
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (pVar == NULL)
pile->SetError(TX_NOITEM, &m_token);
return pj->Return(pile);
if (pVar->IsStatic())
// for a static variable, takes it in the class itself
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
CBotClass* pClass = pItem->GetClass();
pVar = pClass->GetItem(m_token.GetString());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
// request the update of the element, if applicable
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pVar->Maj(pile->GetPUser(), true);
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if ( m_next3 != NULL &&
!m_next3->ExecuteVar(pVar, pile, &m_token, bStep, bExtend) ) return false;
// does not release the stack
// to maintain the state SetState () corresponding to step
return true;
void CBotFieldExpr::RestoreStateVar(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain)
pj = pj->RestoreStack(this);
if (pj == NULL) return;
if (m_next3 != NULL)
m_next3->RestoreStateVar(pj, bMain);
// compile a left operand for an assignment
name = "CBotLeftExpr";
m_nIdent = 0;
// compiles an expression for a left-operand (left of an assignment)
// this can be
// toto
// toto[ 3 ]
// toto.x
// toto.pos.x
// toto[2].pos.x
// toto[1].pos[2].x
// toto[1][2][3]
CBotLeftExpr* CBotLeftExpr::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack();
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
// is it a variable name?
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (p->GetType() == TokenTypVar)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotLeftExpr* inst = new CBotLeftExpr(); // creates the object
CBotVar* var;
if (NULL != (var = pStk->FindVar(p))) // seek if known variable
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
inst->m_nIdent = var->GetUniqNum();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (inst->m_nIdent > 0 && inst->m_nIdent < 9000)
if ( var->IsPrivate(PR_READ) &&
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_PRIVATE, p);
goto err;
// this is an element of the current class
// adds the equivalent of this. before
CBotToken pthis("this");
inst->m_nIdent = -2; // indent for this
CBotFieldExpr* i = new CBotFieldExpr(); // new element
i->SetToken(p); // keeps the name of the token
inst->AddNext3(i); // add after
var = pStk->FindVar(pthis);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
var = var->GetItem(p->GetString());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
p = p->GetNext(); // next token
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
while (true)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (var->GetType() == CBotTypArrayPointer)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (IsOfType( p, ID_OPBRK ))
CBotIndexExpr* i = new CBotIndexExpr();
i->m_expr = CBotExpression::Compile(p, pStk);
inst->AddNext3(i); // add to the chain
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
var = ((CBotVarArray*)var)->GetItem(0,true); // gets the component [0]
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (i->m_expr == NULL)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_BADINDEX, p->GetStart());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
goto err;
if (!pStk->IsOk() || !IsOfType( p, ID_CLBRK ))
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_CLBRK, p->GetStart());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
goto err;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (var->GetType(1) == CBotTypPointer) // for classes
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (IsOfType(p, ID_DOT))
CBotToken* pp = p;
CBotFieldExpr* i = new CBotFieldExpr(); // new element
i->SetToken(pp); // keeps the name of the token
inst->AddNext3(i); // adds after
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (p->GetType() == TokenTypVar) // must be a name
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
var = var->GetItem(p->GetString()); // get item correspondent
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (var != NULL)
if ( var->IsPrivate(PR_READ) &&
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_PRIVATE, pp);
goto err;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
p = p->GetNext(); // skips the name
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_NOITEM, p);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_DOT, p->GetStart());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
goto err;
if (pStk->IsOk()) return (CBotLeftExpr*) pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
pStk->SetError(TX_UNDEFVAR, p);
delete inst;
return (CBotLeftExpr*) pStack->Return(NULL, pStk);
return (CBotLeftExpr*) pStack->Return(NULL, pStk);
// runs, is a variable and assigns the result to the stack
bool CBotLeftExpr::Execute(CBotStack* &pj, CBotStack* array)
CBotStack* pile = pj->AddStack();
CBotVar* var1 = NULL;
CBotVar* var2 = NULL;
// fetch a variable (not copy)
if (!ExecuteVar(var1, array, NULL, false)) return false;
if (pile->IfStep()) return false;
if (var1)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
var2 = pj->GetVar(); // result on the input stack
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (var2)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
CBotTypResult t1 = var1->GetTypResult();
CBotTypResult t2 = var2->GetTypResult();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (t2.Eq(CBotTypPointer))
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
CBotClass* c1 = t1.GetClass();
CBotClass* c2 = t2.GetClass();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if ( !c2->IsChildOf(c1))
CBotToken* pt = &m_token;
pile->SetError(TX_BADTYPE, pt);
return pj->Return(pile); // operation performed
var1->SetVal(var2); // do assignment
pile->SetCopyVar(var1); // replace the stack with the copy of the variable
// (for name)
return pj->Return(pile); // operation performed
// fetch a variable during compilation
bool CBotLeftExpr::ExecuteVar(CBotVar* &pVar, CBotCStack* &pile)
pVar = pile->FindVar(m_token);
if (pVar == NULL) return false;
if ( m_next3 != NULL &&
!m_next3->ExecuteVar(pVar, pile) ) return false;
return true;
// fetch the variable at runtume
bool CBotLeftExpr::ExecuteVar(CBotVar* &pVar, CBotStack* &pile, CBotToken* prevToken, bool bStep)
pile = pile->AddStack(this);
pVar = pile->FindVar(m_nIdent);
if (pVar == NULL)
#ifdef _DEBUG
pile->SetError(2, &m_token);
return false;
if (bStep && m_next3 == NULL && pile->IfStep()) return false;
if ( m_next3 != NULL &&
!m_next3->ExecuteVar(pVar, pile, &m_token, bStep, true) ) return false;
return true;
void CBotLeftExpr::RestoreStateVar(CBotStack* &pile, bool bMain)
pile = pile->RestoreStack(this);
if (pile == NULL) return;
if (m_next3 != NULL)
m_next3->RestoreStateVar(pile, bMain);
// converts a string into integer
// may be of the form 0xabc123
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
long GetNumInt(const char* p)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
long num = 0;
while (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9')
num = num * 10 + *p - '0';
if (*p == 'x' || *p == 'X')
while (*++p != 0)
if (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9')
num = num * 16 + *p - '0';
if (*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'F')
num = num * 16 + *p - 'A' + 10;
if (*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'f')
num = num * 16 + *p - 'a' + 10;
return num;
// converts a string into a float number
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
extern float GetNumFloat(const char* p)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
double num = 0;
double div = 10;
bool bNeg = false;
if (*p == '-')
bNeg = true;
while (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9')
num = num * 10. + (*p - '0');
if (*p == '.')
while (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9')
num = num + (*p - '0') / div;
div = div * 10;
int exp = 0;
if (*p == 'e' || *p == 'E')
char neg = 0;
if (*p == '-' || *p == '+') neg = *p++;
while (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9')
exp = exp * 10 + (*p - '0');
if (neg == '-') exp = -exp;
while (exp > 0)
num *= 10.0;
while (exp < 0)
num /= 10.0;
if (bNeg) num = -num;
return (float)num;
// compiles a token representing a number
name = "CBotExprNum";
CBotInstr* CBotExprNum::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack();
CBotExprNum* inst = new CBotExprNum();
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
CBotString s = p->GetString();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
inst->m_numtype = CBotTypInt;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (p->GetType() == TokenTypDef)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
inst->m_valint = p->GetIdKey();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (s.Find('.') >= 0 || ( s.Find('x') < 0 && ( s.Find('e') >= 0 || s.Find('E') >= 0 ) ))
inst->m_numtype = CBotTypFloat;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
inst->m_valfloat = GetNumFloat(s);
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
inst->m_valint = GetNumInt(s);
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (pStk->NextToken(p))
CBotVar* var = CBotVar::Create((CBotToken*)NULL, inst->m_numtype);
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
delete inst;
return pStack->Return(NULL, pStk);
// execute, returns the corresponding number
bool CBotExprNum::Execute(CBotStack* &pj)
CBotStack* pile = pj->AddStack(this);
if (pile->IfStep()) return false;
CBotVar* var = CBotVar::Create((CBotToken*)NULL, m_numtype);
CBotString nombre ;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (m_token.GetType() == TokenTypDef)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
nombre = m_token.GetString();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
switch (m_numtype)
case CBotTypShort:
case CBotTypInt:
var->SetValInt(m_valint, nombre);
case CBotTypFloat:
pile->SetVar(var); // place on the stack
return pj->Return(pile); // it's ok
void CBotExprNum::RestoreState(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain)
if (bMain) pj->RestoreStack(this);
// compile a token representing a string
name = "CBotExprAlpha";
CBotInstr* CBotExprAlpha::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack();
CBotExprAlpha* inst = new CBotExprAlpha();
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
p = p->GetNext();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotVar* var = CBotVar::Create((CBotToken*)NULL, CBotTypString);
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
// execute, returns the corresponding string
bool CBotExprAlpha::Execute(CBotStack* &pj)
CBotStack* pile = pj->AddStack(this);
if (pile->IfStep()) return false;
CBotVar* var = CBotVar::Create((CBotToken*)NULL, CBotTypString);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
CBotString chaine = m_token.GetString();
chaine = chaine.Mid(1, chaine.GetLength()-2); // removes the quotes
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
var->SetValString(chaine); // value of the number
pile->SetVar(var); // put on the stack
return pj->Return(pile);
void CBotExprAlpha::RestoreState(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain)
if (bMain) pj->RestoreStack(this);
// compile a token representing true or false
name = "CBotExprBool";
CBotInstr* CBotExprBool::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack();
CBotExprBool* inst = NULL;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if ( p->GetType() == ID_TRUE ||
p->GetType() == ID_FALSE )
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
inst = new CBotExprBool();
inst->SetToken(p); // stores the operation false or true
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
p = p->GetNext();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotVar* var = CBotVar::Create((CBotToken*)NULL, CBotTypBoolean);
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
// executes, returns true or false
bool CBotExprBool::Execute(CBotStack* &pj)
CBotStack* pile = pj->AddStack(this);
if (pile->IfStep()) return false;
CBotVar* var = CBotVar::Create((CBotToken*)NULL, CBotTypBoolean);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (GetTokenType() == ID_TRUE) var->SetValInt(1);
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
else var->SetValInt(0);
pile->SetVar(var); // put on the stack
return pj->Return(pile); // forwards below
void CBotExprBool::RestoreState(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain)
if (bMain) pj->RestoreStack(this);
// management of the operand "null"
name = "CBotExprNull";
// executes, returns an empty pointer
bool CBotExprNull::Execute(CBotStack* &pj)
CBotStack* pile = pj->AddStack(this);
if (pile->IfStep()) return false;
CBotVar* var = CBotVar::Create((CBotToken*)NULL, CBotTypNullPointer);
var->SetInit(true); // null pointer valid
pile->SetVar(var); // place on the stack
return pj->Return(pile); // forwards below
void CBotExprNull::RestoreState(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain)
if (bMain) pj->RestoreStack(this);
// management of the operand "nan"
name = "CBotExprNan";
// executes, returns null pointer
bool CBotExprNan::Execute(CBotStack* &pj)
CBotStack* pile = pj->AddStack(this);
if (pile->IfStep()) return false;
CBotVar* var = CBotVar::Create((CBotToken*)NULL, CBotTypInt);
var->SetInit(IS_NAN); // nan
pile->SetVar(var); // put on the stack
return pj->Return(pile); // forward below
void CBotExprNan::RestoreState(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain)
if (bMain) pj->RestoreStack(this);
// compile a variable name
// check that it is known on the stack
// and it has been initialized
name = "CBotExprVar";
m_nIdent = 0;
CBotInstr* CBotExprVar::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, int privat)
CBotToken* pDebut = p;
CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack();
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
// is it a variable?
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (p->GetType() == TokenTypVar)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotInstr* inst = new CBotExprVar(); // create the object
CBotVar* var;
if (NULL != (var = pStk->FindVar(p))) // seek if known variable
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
int ident = var->GetUniqNum();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
((CBotExprVar*)inst)->m_nIdent = ident; // identifies variable by its number
if (ident > 0 && ident < 9000)
if ( var->IsPrivate(privat) &&
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_PRIVATE, p);
goto err;
// This is an element of the current class
// ads the equivalent of this. before
/// \TODO need to be fixed revised and fixed after adding unit
CBotToken token("this");
((CBotExprVar*)inst)->m_nIdent = -2; // identificator for this
CBotFieldExpr* i = new CBotFieldExpr(); // new element
i->SetToken(p); // keeps the name of the token
inst->AddNext3(i); // added after
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
p = p->GetNext(); // next token
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
while (true)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (var->GetType() == CBotTypArrayPointer)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (IsOfType( p, ID_OPBRK )) // check if there is an aindex
CBotIndexExpr* i = new CBotIndexExpr();
i->m_expr = CBotExpression::Compile(p, pStk); // compile the formula
inst->AddNext3(i); // add to the chain
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
var = ((CBotVarArray*)var)->GetItem(0,true); // gets the component [0]
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (i->m_expr == NULL)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_BADINDEX, p->GetStart());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
goto err;
if (!pStk->IsOk() || !IsOfType( p, ID_CLBRK ))
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_CLBRK, p->GetStart());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
goto err;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (var->GetType(1) == CBotTypPointer) // for classes
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (IsOfType(p, ID_DOT))
CBotToken* pp = p;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (p->GetType() == TokenTypVar) // must be a name
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (p->GetNext()->GetType() == ID_OPENPAR) // a method call?
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotInstr* i = CBotInstrMethode::Compile(p, pStk, var);
if (!pStk->IsOk()) goto err;
inst->AddNext3(i); // added after
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
CBotFieldExpr* i = new CBotFieldExpr(); // new element
i->SetToken(pp); // keeps the name of the token
inst->AddNext3(i); // add after
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
var = var->GetItem(p->GetString()); // get item correspondent
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (var != NULL)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if ( var->IsPrivate() &&
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_PRIVATE, pp);
goto err;
if (var != NULL)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
p = p->GetNext(); // skips the name
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_NOITEM, p);
goto err;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStk->SetError(TX_DOT, p->GetStart());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
goto err;
pStk->SetCopyVar(var); // place the copy of the variable on the stack (for type)
if (pStk->IsOk()) return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
pStk->SetError(TX_UNDEFVAR, p);
delete inst;
return pStack->Return(NULL, pStk);
return pStack->Return(NULL, pStk);
CBotInstr* CBotExprVar::CompileMethode(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
CBotToken* pp = p;
CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack();
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
// is it a variable ?
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pp->GetType() == TokenTypVar)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotToken pthis("this");
CBotVar* var = pStk->FindVar(pthis);
if (var == 0) return pStack->Return(NULL, pStk);
CBotInstr* inst = new CBotExprVar();
// this is an element of the current class
// adds the equivalent of this. before
((CBotExprVar*)inst)->m_nIdent = -2; // ident for this
CBotToken* pp = p;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pp->GetType() == TokenTypVar)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pp->GetNext()->GetType() == ID_OPENPAR) // a method call?
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotInstr* i = CBotInstrMethode::Compile(pp, pStk, var);
if (pStk->IsOk())
inst->AddNext3(i); // add after
p = pp; // previous instruction
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
pStk->SetError(0,0); // the error is not adressed here
delete inst;
return pStack->Return(NULL, pStk);
// execute, making the value of a variable
bool CBotExprVar::Execute(CBotStack* &pj)
CBotVar* pVar = NULL;
CBotStack* pile = pj->AddStack(this);
CBotStack* pile1 = pile;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pile1->GetState() == 0)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (!ExecuteVar(pVar, pile, NULL, true)) return false; // Get the variable fields and indexes according
if (pVar) pile1->SetCopyVar(pVar); // place a copy on the stack
return pj->Return(pile1);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pVar = pile1->GetVar();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (pVar == NULL)
return pj->Return(pile1);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pVar->GetInit() == IS_UNDEF)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotToken* pt = &m_token;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
while (pt->GetNext() != NULL) pt = pt->GetNext();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
pile1->SetError(TX_NOTINIT, pt);
return pj->Return(pile1);
return pj->Return(pile1); // operation completed
void CBotExprVar::RestoreState(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain)
if (!bMain) return;
CBotStack* pile = pj->RestoreStack(this);
if (pile == NULL) return;
CBotStack* pile1 = pile;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pile1->GetState() == 0)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
RestoreStateVar(pile, bMain); // retrieves the variable fields and indexes according
// fetch a variable at runtime
bool CBotExprVar::ExecuteVar(CBotVar* &pVar, CBotStack* &pj, CBotToken* prevToken, bool bStep)
CBotStack* pile = pj;
pj = pj->AddStack(this);
if (bStep && m_nIdent>0 && pj->IfStep()) return false;
pVar = pj->FindVar(m_nIdent, true); // tries with the variable update if necessary
if (pVar == NULL)
#ifdef _DEBUG
pj->SetError(1, &m_token);
return false;
if ( m_next3 != NULL &&
!m_next3->ExecuteVar(pVar, pj, &m_token, bStep, false) )
return false; // field of an instance, table, methode
return pile->ReturnKeep(pj); // does not put on stack but get the result if a method was called
// fetch variable at runtime
void CBotExprVar::RestoreStateVar(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain)
pj = pj->RestoreStack(this);
if (pj == NULL) return;
if (m_next3 != NULL)
m_next3->RestoreStateVar(pj, bMain);
// compile a list of parameters
CBotInstr* CompileParams(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, CBotVar** ppVars)
bool first = true;
CBotInstr* ret = NULL; // to return to the list
CBotCStack* pile = pStack;
int i = 0;
if (IsOfType(p, ID_OPENPAR))
int start, end;
if (!IsOfType(p, ID_CLOSEPAR)) while (true)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
start = p->GetStart();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
pile = pile->TokenStack(); // keeps the result on the stack
if (first) pStack->SetStartError(start);
first = false;
CBotInstr* param = CBotExpression::Compile(p, pile);
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
end = p->GetStart();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (!pile->IsOk())
return pStack->Return(NULL, pile);
if (ret == NULL) ret = param;
else ret->AddNext(param); // construct the list
if (param != NULL)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pile->GetTypResult().Eq(99))
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
delete pStack->TokenStack();
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStack->SetError(TX_VOID, p->GetStart());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
return NULL;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
ppVars[i] = pile->GetVar();
ppVars[i]->GetToken()->SetPos(start, end);
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (IsOfType(p, ID_COMMA)) continue; // skips the comma
if (IsOfType(p, ID_CLOSEPAR)) break;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStack->SetError(TX_CLOSEPAR, p->GetStart());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
delete pStack->TokenStack();
return NULL;
ppVars[i] = NULL;
return ret;
// compile a method call
m_Parameters = NULL;
m_MethodeIdent = 0;
name = "CBotInstrMethode";
delete m_Parameters;
CBotInstr* CBotInstrMethode::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, CBotVar* var)
CBotInstrMethode* inst = new CBotInstrMethode();
inst->SetToken(p); // corresponding token
if (NULL != var)
CBotToken* pp = p;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
p = p->GetNext();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (p->GetType() == ID_OPENPAR)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
inst->m_NomMethod = pp->GetString();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
// compiles the list of parameters
CBotVar* ppVars[1000];
inst->m_Parameters = CompileParams(p, pStack, ppVars);
if (pStack->IsOk())
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
CBotClass* pClass = var->GetClass(); // pointer to the class
inst->m_ClassName = pClass->GetName(); // name of the class
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotTypResult r = pClass->CompileMethode(inst->m_NomMethod, var, ppVars,
pStack, inst->m_MethodeIdent);
delete pStack->TokenStack(); // release parameters on the stack
inst->m_typRes = r;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (inst->m_typRes.GetType() > 20)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStack->SetError(inst->m_typRes.GetType(), pp);
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
delete inst;
return NULL;
// put the result on the stack to have something
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (inst->m_typRes.GetType() > 0)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotVar* pResult = CBotVar::Create("", inst->m_typRes);
if (inst->m_typRes.Eq(CBotTypClass))
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
return inst;
delete inst;
return NULL;
pStack->SetError(1234, p);
delete inst;
return NULL;
// execute the method call
bool CBotInstrMethode::ExecuteVar(CBotVar* &pVar, CBotStack* &pj, CBotToken* prevToken, bool bStep, bool bExtend)
CBotVar* ppVars[1000];
CBotStack* pile1 = pj->AddStack(this, true); // a place for the copy of This
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pVar->GetPointer() == NULL)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
pj->SetError(TX_NULLPT, prevToken);
if (pile1->IfStep()) return false;
CBotStack* pile2 = pile1->AddStack(); // for the next parameters
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if ( pile1->GetState() == 0)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotVar* pThis = CBotVar::Create(pVar);
// this value should be taken before the evaluation parameters
// Test.Action (Test = Other);
// action must act on the value before test = Other!
int i = 0;
CBotInstr* p = m_Parameters;
// evaluate the parameters
// and places the values on the stack
// to be interrupted at any time
if (p != NULL) while ( true)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pile2->GetState() == 0)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (!p->Execute(pile2)) return false; // interrupted here?
if (!pile2->SetState(1)) return false; // special mark to recognize parameters
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
ppVars[i++] = pile2->GetVar(); // construct the list of pointers
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
pile2 = pile2->AddStack(); // space on the stack for the result
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
p = p->GetNext();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if ( p == NULL) break;
ppVars[i] = NULL;
CBotClass* pClass = CBotClass::Find(m_ClassName);
CBotVar* pThis = pile1->FindVar(-2);
CBotVar* pResult = NULL;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (m_typRes.GetType() > 0) pResult = CBotVar::Create("", m_typRes);
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (m_typRes.Eq(CBotTypClass))
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotVar* pRes = pResult;
if ( !pClass->ExecuteMethode(m_MethodeIdent, m_NomMethod,
pThis, ppVars,
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pResult, pile2, GetToken())) return false;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (pRes != pResult) delete pRes;
pVar = NULL; // does not return value for this
return pj->Return(pile2); // release the entire stack
void CBotInstrMethode::RestoreStateVar(CBotStack* &pile, bool bMain)
if (!bMain) return;
CBotVar* ppVars[1000];
CBotStack* pile1 = pile->RestoreStack(this); // place for the copy of This
if (pile1 == NULL) return;
CBotStack* pile2 = pile1->RestoreStack(); // and for the parameters coming
if (pile2 == NULL) return;
CBotVar* pThis = pile1->FindVar("this");
int i = 0;
CBotInstr* p = m_Parameters;
// evaluate the parameters
// and places the values on the stack
// to be interrupted at any time
if (p != NULL) while ( true)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pile2->GetState() == 0)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
p->RestoreState(pile2, true); // interrupted here!
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
ppVars[i++] = pile2->GetVar(); // construct the list of pointers
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
pile2 = pile2->RestoreStack();
if (pile2 == NULL) return;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
p = p->GetNext();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if ( p == NULL) break;
ppVars[i] = NULL;
CBotClass* pClass = CBotClass::Find(m_ClassName);
CBotVar* pResult = NULL;
CBotVar* pRes = pResult;
pClass->RestoreMethode(m_MethodeIdent, m_NomMethod,
pThis, ppVars, pile2);
bool CBotInstrMethode::Execute(CBotStack* &pj)
CBotVar* ppVars[1000];
CBotStack* pile1 = pj->AddStack(this, true); // place for the copy of This
if (pile1->IfStep()) return false;
CBotStack* pile2 = pile1->AddStack(); // and for the parameters coming
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if ( pile1->GetState() == 0)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotVar* pThis = pile1->CopyVar(m_token);
// this value should be taken before the evaluation parameters
// Test.Action (Test = Other);
// Action must act on the value before test = Other!
int i = 0;
CBotInstr* p = m_Parameters;
// evaluate the parameters
// and places the values on the stack
// to be interrupted at any time
if (p != NULL) while ( true)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pile2->GetState() == 0)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (!p->Execute(pile2)) return false; // interrupted here?
if (!pile2->SetState(1)) return false; // special mark to recognize parameters
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
ppVars[i++] = pile2->GetVar(); // construct the list of pointers
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
pile2 = pile2->AddStack(); // space on the stack for the results
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
p = p->GetNext();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if ( p == NULL) break;
ppVars[i] = NULL;
CBotClass* pClass = CBotClass::Find(m_ClassName);
CBotVar* pThis = pile1->FindVar("this");
CBotVar* pResult = NULL;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (m_typRes.GetType()>0) pResult = CBotVar::Create("", m_typRes);
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (m_typRes.Eq(CBotTypClass))
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotVar* pRes = pResult;
if ( !pClass->ExecuteMethode(m_MethodeIdent, m_NomMethod,
pThis, ppVars,
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pResult, pile2, GetToken())) return false; // interupted
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
// set the new value of this in place of the old variable
CBotVar* old = pile1->FindVar(m_token);
old->Copy(pThis, false);
if (pRes != pResult) delete pRes;
return pj->Return(pile2); // release the entire stack
// compile an instruction "new"
name = "CBotNew";
m_Parameters = NULL;
m_nMethodeIdent = 0;
CBotInstr* CBotNew::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
CBotToken* pp = p;
if (!IsOfType(p, ID_NEW)) return NULL;
// verifies that the token is a class name
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (p->GetType() != TokenTypVar) return NULL;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
CBotClass* pClass = CBotClass::Find(p);
if (pClass == NULL)
pStack->SetError(TX_BADNEW, p);
return NULL;
CBotNew* inst = new CBotNew();
inst->m_vartoken = p;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
p = p->GetNext();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
// creates the object on the "job"
// with a pointer to the object
CBotVar* pVar = CBotVar::Create("", pClass);
// do the call of the creator
CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack();
// check if there are parameters
CBotVar* ppVars[1000];
inst->m_Parameters = CompileParams(p, pStk, ppVars);
if (!pStk->IsOk()) goto error;
// constructor exist?
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
CBotTypResult r = pClass->CompileMethode(pClass->GetName(), pVar, ppVars, pStk, inst->m_nMethodeIdent);
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
delete pStk->TokenStack(); // release extra stack
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
int typ = r.GetType();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
// if there is no constructor, and no parameters either, it's ok
if (typ == TX_UNDEFCALL && inst->m_Parameters == NULL) typ = 0;
pVar->SetInit(true); // mark the instance as init
if (typ>20)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pStk->SetError(typ, inst->m_vartoken.GetEnd());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
goto error;
// if the constructor does not exist, but there are parameters
if (typ<0 && inst->m_Parameters != NULL)
pStk->SetError(TX_NOCONST, &inst->m_vartoken);
goto error;
// makes pointer to the object on the stack
return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
delete inst;
return pStack->Return(NULL, pStk);
// executes instruction "new"
bool CBotNew::Execute(CBotStack* &pj)
CBotStack* pile = pj->AddStack(this); //main stack
if (pile->IfStep()) return false;
CBotStack* pile1 = pj->AddStack2(); //secondary stack
CBotVar* pThis = NULL;
CBotToken* pt = &m_vartoken;
CBotClass* pClass = CBotClass::Find(pt);
// create the variable "this" pointer type to the stack
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if ( pile->GetState()==0)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
// create an instance of the requested class
// and initialize the pointer to that object
pThis = CBotVar::Create("this", pClass);
pThis->SetUniqNum(-2) ;
pile1->SetVar(pThis); // place on stack1
// fetch the this pointer if it was interrupted
if ( pThis == NULL)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pThis = pile1->GetVar(); // find the pointer
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
// is there an assignment or parameters (constructor)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if ( pile->GetState()==1)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
// evaluates the constructor of the instance
CBotVar* ppVars[1000];
CBotStack* pile2 = pile;
int i = 0;
CBotInstr* p = m_Parameters;
// evaluate the parameters
// and places the values on the stack
// to be interrupted at any time
if (p != NULL) while ( true)
pile2 = pile2->AddStack(); // space on the stack for the result
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pile2->GetState() == 0)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (!p->Execute(pile2)) return false; // interrupted here?
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
ppVars[i++] = pile2->GetVar();
p = p->GetNext();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if ( p == NULL) break;
ppVars[i] = NULL;
// create a variable for the result
CBotVar* pResult = NULL; // constructos still void
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if ( !pClass->ExecuteMethode(m_nMethodeIdent, pClass->GetName(),
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
pThis, ppVars,
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pResult, pile2, GetToken())) return false; // interrupt
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
pThis->ConstructorSet(); // indicates that the constructor has been called
return pj->Return(pile1); // passes below
void CBotNew::RestoreState(CBotStack* &pj, bool bMain)
if (!bMain) return;
CBotStack* pile = pj->RestoreStack(this); //primary stack
if (pile == NULL) return;
CBotStack* pile1 = pj->AddStack2(); //secondary stack
CBotToken* pt = &m_vartoken;
CBotClass* pClass = CBotClass::Find(pt);
// create the variable "this" pointer type to the object
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if ( pile->GetState()==0)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
CBotVar* pThis = pile1->GetVar(); // find the pointer
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
// is ther an assignment or parameters (constructor)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if ( pile->GetState()==1)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
// evaluates the constructor of the instance
CBotVar* ppVars[1000];
CBotStack* pile2 = pile;
int i = 0;
CBotInstr* p = m_Parameters;
// evaluate the parameters
// and places the values on the stack
// to be interrupted at any time
if (p != NULL) while ( true)
pile2 = pile2->RestoreStack(); // space on the stack for the result
if (pile2 == NULL) return;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
if (pile2->GetState() == 0)
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
p->RestoreState(pile2, bMain); // interrupt here!
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
ppVars[i++] = pile2->GetVar();
p = p->GetNext();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if ( p == NULL) break;
ppVars[i] = NULL;
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
pClass->RestoreMethode(m_nMethodeIdent, m_vartoken.GetString(), pThis,
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
ppVars, pile2) ; // interrupt here!
// check if two results are consistent to make an operation
bool TypeCompatible(CBotTypResult& type1, CBotTypResult& type2, int op)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
int t1 = type1.GetType();
int t2 = type2.GetType();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
int max = (t1 > t2) ? t1 : t2;
if (max == 99) return false; // result is void?
// special case for strin concatenation
if (op == ID_ADD && max >= CBotTypString) return true;
if (op == ID_ASSADD && max >= CBotTypString) return true;
if (op == ID_ASS && t1 == CBotTypString) return true;
if (max >= CBotTypBoolean)
if ( (op == ID_EQ || op == ID_NE) &&
(t1 == CBotTypPointer && t2 == CBotTypNullPointer)) return true;
if ( (op == ID_EQ || op == ID_NE || op == ID_ASS) &&
(t2 == CBotTypPointer && t1 == CBotTypNullPointer)) return true;
if ( (op == ID_EQ || op == ID_NE) &&
(t1 == CBotTypArrayPointer && t2 == CBotTypNullPointer)) return true;
if ( (op == ID_EQ || op == ID_NE || op == ID_ASS) &&
(t2 == CBotTypArrayPointer && t1 == CBotTypNullPointer)) return true;
if (t2 != t1) return false;
if (t1 == CBotTypArrayPointer) return type1.Compare(type2);
if (t1 == CBotTypPointer ||
t1 == CBotTypClass ||
t1 == CBotTypIntrinsic )
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
CBotClass* c1 = type1.GetClass();
CBotClass* c2 = type2.GetClass();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
return c1->IsChildOf(c2) || c2->IsChildOf(c1);
// accept the case in reverse
// the transaction will be denied at runtime if the pointer is not
// compatible
return true;
return true;
// check if two variables are compatible for parameter passing
bool TypesCompatibles(const CBotTypResult& type1, const CBotTypResult& type2)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
int t1 = type1.GetType();
int t2 = type2.GetType();
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (t1 == CBotTypIntrinsic) t1 = CBotTypClass;
if (t2 == CBotTypIntrinsic) t2 = CBotTypClass;
int max = (t1 > t2) ? t1 : t2;
if (max == 99) return false; // result is void?
if (max >= CBotTypBoolean)
if (t2 != t1) return false;
if (max == CBotTypArrayPointer)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
return TypesCompatibles(type1.GetTypElem(), type2.GetTypElem());
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
if (max == CBotTypClass || max == CBotTypPointer)
2012-08-11 18:59:35 +00:00
return type1.GetClass() == type2.GetClass() ;
2012-08-07 13:46:04 +00:00
return true ;
return true;
// file management
// necessary because it is not possible to do the fopen in the main program
// fwrite and fread in a dll or using the FILE * returned.
FILE* fOpen(const char* name, const char* mode)
return fopen(name, mode);
int fClose(FILE* filehandle)
return fclose(filehandle);
size_t fWrite(const void *buffer, size_t elemsize, size_t length, FILE* filehandle)
return fwrite(buffer, elemsize, length, filehandle);
size_t fRead(void *buffer, size_t elemsize, size_t length, FILE* filehandle)
return fread(buffer, elemsize, length, filehandle);
size_t fWrite(const void *buffer, size_t length, FILE* filehandle)
return fwrite(buffer, 1, length, filehandle);
size_t fRead(void *buffer, size_t length, FILE* filehandle)
return fread(buffer, 1, length, filehandle);