Title.E text="Alien Queen" Resume.E text="Get the fourth key, open the vault and make the planet safe for human habitation." Instructions name="mhterra4.txt" Satellite name="miterra4.txt" Loading name="mlterra4.txt" SoluceFile name="msterra4.txt" HelpFile name="cbot.txt" EndingFile win=904 lost=0 Audio track=9 AmbientColor air=0.400;0.400;0.400;0.400 water=0.078;0.078;0.078;0.078 // grey FogColor air=0.816;0.784;0.875;0.000 water=0.369;0.600;0.706;0.000 // magenta VehicleColor color=0.784;0.769;0.682;0.000 // sable DeepView air=125.00 water=25.00 FogStart air=0.9 water=0.5 SecondTexture rank=1 Background up=0.937;0.875;0.878;0.000 down=0.749;0.753;0.875;0.000 cloudUp=0.306;0.306;0.498;0.000 cloudDown=0.306;0.306;0.498; ForegroundName image="lens5.png" Planet pos=3.0;0.2 dim=0.35 speed= 0.001 dir=0.4 image="planet03.png" uv1=0.5;0.5 uv2=1.0;1.0 Planet pos=0.0;0.7 dim=0.20 speed= 0.002 dir=0.3 image="planet03.png" uv1=0.0;0.5 uv2=0.5;1.0 Planet pos=0.5;0.5 dim=0.15 speed=-0.005 dir=0.5 image="planet03.png" uv1=0.5;0.0 uv2=1.0;0.5 TerrainGenerate vision=250.00 depth=1 slope=3.0 hard=0.3 TerrainWind speed=-2.0;0.0 TerrainRelief image="relief34.png" factor=1.0 TerrainResource image="res15.png" TerrainCloud image="cloud02.png" level=87.5 TerrainWater image="water12.png" level=22.5 moveX=1.0 moveY=0.3 TerrainMaterial id=1 image="roca2" u=0.00 v=0.00 up=1 down=1 left=1 right=1 hard=0.8 TerrainMaterial image="roca2" u=0.25 v=0.00 up=2 down=1 left=1 right=1 hard=0.6 TerrainMaterial image="roca2" u=0.50 v=0.00 up=1 down=1 left=1 right=2 hard=0.6 TerrainMaterial image="roca2" u=0.75 v=0.00 up=2 down=1 left=1 right=2 hard=0.6 TerrainMaterial image="roca2" u=0.00 v=0.25 up=1 down=2 left=1 right=1 hard=0.6 TerrainMaterial image="roca2" u=0.25 v=0.25 up=2 down=2 left=1 right=1 hard=0.6 TerrainMaterial image="roca2" u=0.50 v=0.25 up=1 down=2 left=1 right=2 hard=0.6 TerrainMaterial image="roca2" u=0.75 v=0.25 up=2 down=2 left=1 right=2 hard=0.6 TerrainMaterial image="roca2" u=0.00 v=0.50 up=1 down=1 left=2 right=1 hard=0.6 TerrainMaterial image="roca2" u=0.25 v=0.50 up=2 down=1 left=2 right=1 hard=0.6 TerrainMaterial image="roca2" u=0.50 v=0.50 up=1 down=1 left=2 right=2 hard=0.6 TerrainMaterial image="roca2" u=0.75 v=0.50 up=2 down=1 left=2 right=2 hard=0.6 TerrainMaterial image="roca2" u=0.00 v=0.75 up=1 down=2 left=2 right=1 hard=0.6 TerrainMaterial image="roca2" u=0.25 v=0.75 up=2 down=2 left=2 right=1 hard=0.6 TerrainMaterial image="roca2" u=0.50 v=0.75 up=1 down=2 left=2 right=2 hard=0.6 TerrainMaterial id=2 image="roca2" u=0.75 v=0.75 up=2 down=2 left=2 right=2 hard=0.3 TerrainMaterial id=3 image="rocb2" u=0.00 v=0.00 up=1 down=1 left=1 right=1 hard=0.8 TerrainMaterial image="rocb2" u=0.25 v=0.00 up=3 down=1 left=1 right=1 hard=0.4 TerrainMaterial image="rocb2" u=0.50 v=0.00 up=1 down=1 left=1 right=3 hard=0.4 TerrainMaterial image="rocb2" u=0.75 v=0.00 up=3 down=1 left=1 right=3 hard=0.4 TerrainMaterial image="rocb2" u=0.00 v=0.25 up=1 down=3 left=1 right=1 hard=0.4 TerrainMaterial image="rocb2" u=0.25 v=0.25 up=3 down=3 left=1 right=1 hard=0.4 TerrainMaterial image="rocb2" u=0.50 v=0.25 up=1 down=3 left=1 right=3 hard=0.4 TerrainMaterial image="rocb2" u=0.75 v=0.25 up=3 down=3 left=1 right=3 hard=0.4 TerrainMaterial image="rocb2" u=0.00 v=0.50 up=1 down=1 left=3 right=1 hard=0.4 TerrainMaterial image="rocb2" u=0.25 v=0.50 up=3 down=1 left=3 right=1 hard=0.4 TerrainMaterial image="rocb2" u=0.50 v=0.50 up=1 down=1 left=3 right=3 hard=0.4 TerrainMaterial image="rocb2" u=0.75 v=0.50 up=3 down=1 left=3 right=3 hard=0.4 TerrainMaterial image="rocb2" u=0.00 v=0.75 up=1 down=3 left=3 right=1 hard=0.4 TerrainMaterial image="rocb2" u=0.25 v=0.75 up=3 down=3 left=3 right=1 hard=0.4 TerrainMaterial image="rocb2" u=0.50 v=0.75 up=1 down=3 left=3 right=3 hard=0.4 TerrainMaterial id=4 image="rocb2" u=0.75 v=0.75 up=3 down=3 left=3 right=3 hard=0.0 TerrainInit id=3 TerrainLevel id=1 min= 0.0 max=99.0 slope=0.0 freq= 50.0 // roc1 TerrainLevel id=2 min=17.5 max=25.0 slope=3.0 freq= 70.0 // grass TerrainLevel id=4 min=37.5 max=99.0 slope=9.0 freq= 80.0 // snow TerrainLevel id=2 min=25.0 max=37.5 slope=9.0 freq= 70.0 // grass TerrainCreate GroundSpot color=0.000;0.502;1.000 min=-10 max=24 smooth=10 GroundSpot pos=-92;261 radius=70 color=0.000;1.000;0.000 // pondeuse GroundSpot pos=-250;-47 radius=100 color=1.000;0.502;0.000 // ouest (uranium) GroundSpot pos=256;-49 radius=60 color=0.000;0.502;0.502 // est (cl) MaxFlyingHeight max=45 BeginObject CreateObject pos= 0.00; 0.00 dir=0.0 type=SpaceShip run=1 CreateObject pos= 0.00;-3.25 dir=1.5 type=Me //CreateObject pos=-90;200 dir=1.5 type=Me CreateObject pos=-3.25;-3.25 dir=1.5 type=Shielder power=20 script1="shield03.txt" CreateObject pos= 3.25;-3.25 dir=1.5 type=Subber script2="charge2.txt" script1="titan3.txt" //CreateObject pos= 3.25;20.00 dir=1.5 type=WingedGrabber script2="charge2.txt" script1="titan3.txt"//** CreateObject pos=-1.00;-2.00 dir=0.5 type=KeyA CreateObject pos= 0.00;-2.00 dir=0.5 type=KeyB CreateObject pos= 1.00;-2.00 dir=0.5 type=KeyC CreateObject pos=-3.75; 2.50 dir=0.0 type=Titanium CreateObject pos=-2.50; 2.50 dir=0.0 type=Titanium //CreateObject pos=-0.62; 2.50 dir=0.0 type=Titanium //CreateObject pos= 0.63; 2.50 dir=0.0 type=Titanium CreateObject pos= 2.50; 2.50 dir=0.0 type=Titanium CreateObject pos= 3.75; 2.50 dir=0.0 type=Titanium CreateObject pos=-3.75; 3.75 dir=0.0 type=PowerCell CreateObject pos=-2.50; 3.75 dir=0.0 type=PowerCell //CreateObject pos=-0.62; 3.75 dir=0.0 type=PowerCell //CreateObject pos= 0.63; 3.75 dir=0.0 type=PowerCell CreateObject pos= 2.50; 3.75 dir=0.0 type=PowerCell CreateObject pos= 3.75; 3.75 dir=0.0 type=PowerCell //CreateObject pos= 3.25;40.25 dir=1.5 type=PhazerShooter power=100 //CreateObject pos=-3.25;40.25 dir=1.5 type=WingedOrgaShooter power=100 // Lac sud-ouest CreateObject pos=-51;-72 dir=0.0 type=TitaniumOre CreateObject pos=-53;-69 dir=0.2 type=TitaniumOre CreateObject pos=-57;-71 dir=0.1 type=TitaniumOre CreateObject pos=-59;-69 dir=0.5 type=TitaniumOre CreateObject pos=-60;-67 dir=0.2 type=TitaniumOre CreateObject pos=-64;-68 dir=0.1 type=TitaniumOre CreateObject pos=-71;-67 dir=0.0 type=TitaniumOre CreateObject pos=-72;-70 dir=0.3 type=TitaniumOre CreateObject pos=-74;-72 dir=0.2 type=TitaniumOre CreateObject pos=-80;-76 dir=0.0 type=TitaniumOre CreateObject pos=-84;-78 dir=0.1 type=TitaniumOre CreateObject pos=-92;-76 dir=0.4 type=TitaniumOre // Plaine sud CreateObject pos= 42;-118 dir=0.5 type=RuinBaseCamp h=-9.0 CreateObject pos= 21;-126 dir=0.6 type=RuinHeadCamp CreateObject pos=100; -93 dir=0.0 type=Vault proxyActivate=1 proxyDistance=20 CreateObject pos=100; -92.5 dir=0.5 type=PhazerShooter power=100 // Plaine est CreateObject pos=225;-47 dir=0.3 type=RuinBotFactory CreateObject pos=225;-47 dir=0.0 type=KeyD //CreateObject pos=217;-33 cmdline=217;-33;218;-33 dir=0.0 type=AlienAnt script1="ant05.txt" run=1 //CreateObject pos=226;-38 cmdline=226;-38;228;-41 dir=0.0 type=AlienAnt script1="ant05.txt" run=1 //CreateObject pos=223;-41 cmdline=223;-41;222;-42 dir=0.0 type=AlienAnt script1="ant05.txt" run=1 //CreateObject pos=218;-50 cmdline=218;-50;219;-52 dir=0.0 type=AlienAnt script1="ant05.txt" run=1 //CreateObject pos=225;-55 cmdline=225;-55;227;-56 dir=0.0 type=AlienAnt script1="ant05.txt" run=1 //CreateObject pos=233;-63 cmdline=233;-63;238;-67 dir=0.0 type=AlienAnt script1="ant05.txt" run=1 CreateObject pos=217;-33 cmdline=225;-45; 20 dir=0.0 type=AlienAnt script1="antict.txt" run=1 CreateObject pos=226;-38 cmdline=225;-45; 20 dir=0.0 type=AlienAnt script1="antict.txt" run=1 CreateObject pos=223;-41 cmdline=225;-45; 20 dir=0.0 type=AlienAnt script1="antict.txt" run=1 CreateObject pos=218;-50 cmdline=225;-45; 20 dir=0.0 type=AlienAnt script1="antict.txt" run=1 CreateObject pos=225;-55 cmdline=225;-45; 20 dir=0.0 type=AlienAnt script1="antict.txt" run=1 CreateObject pos=233;-63 cmdline=225;-45; 20 dir=0.0 type=AlienAnt script1="antict.txt" run=1 // Plaine ouest CreateObject pos=-244; 28 dir=0.1 type=UraniumOre CreateObject pos=-249; 29 dir=0.4 type=UraniumOre CreateObject pos=-251; 27 dir=0.7 type=UraniumOre CreateObject pos=-241; 21 dir=0.2 type=UraniumOre CreateObject pos=-234;-65 dir=0.6 type=UraniumOre CreateObject pos=-230;-73 dir=0.1 type=UraniumOre // Chemin vers le nord CreateObject pos=-14; 75 dir=0.4 type=Mushroom2 h= 1 CreateObject pos= -8; 83 dir=1.2 type=Mushroom2 h= 2 CreateObject pos= 2; 77 dir=0.5 type=Mushroom2 h= 0 CreateObject pos= 1; 87 dir=0.0 type=Mushroom2 h= 1 CreateObject pos= 10; 85 dir=1.1 type=Mushroom2 h=-1 CreateObject pos= 7; 97 dir=1.8 type=Mushroom2 h= 1 CreateObject pos= 20;120 dir=0.5 type=Mushroom2 h= 0 CreateObject pos= 11;117 dir=0.0 type=Mushroom2 h=-2 CreateObject pos= 10;121 dir=0.0 type=Mushroom2 h= 1 CreateObject pos= 2;125 dir=1.9 type=Mushroom2 h= 0 CreateObject pos= 3;136 dir=0.3 type=Mushroom2 h= 3 CreateObject pos= -9;134 dir=1.0 type=Mushroom2 h= 1 CreateObject pos= -8;144 dir=0.2 type=Mushroom2 h=-1 CreateObject pos= -7;147 dir=1.0 type=Mushroom2 h= 0 CreateObject pos=-22;155 dir=1.4 type=Mushroom2 h= 1 CreateObject pos=-19;166 dir=0.2 type=Mushroom2 h= 0 CreateObject pos=-12;183 dir=0.8 type=Mushroom2 h=-1 // Plaine nord CreateObject pos=-90;222 cmdline=-90;222;-123;240;-125;277;-99;301;-68;295;-57;269;-64;232 dir=1.0 type=AlienQueen script1="lady02.txt" run=1 CreateLight dir= 0.0;-1.0; 0.0 color= 0.63; 0.63; 0.63 type=Terrain CreateLight dir= 1.0; 0.0;-1.0 color=-0.70;-0.70;-0.70 type=Terrain CreateLight dir=-1.0; 0.0; 1.0 color= 1.40; 1.40; 1.40 type=Terrain CreateLight dir=-1.0;-1.0; 1.0 color= 0.56; 0.56; 0.56 type=Object CreateLight dir= 1.0;-1.0; 1.0 color= 0.32; 0.32; 0.32 type=Object CreateLight dir=-1.0;-1.0;-1.0 color= 0.32; 0.32; 0.32 type=Object CreateLight dir= 1.0;-1.0;-1.0 color= 0.16; 0.16; 0.16 type=Object WaterColor color=-0.3;0.0;0.2 MapColor floor=0.647;0.557;0.420 water=0.604;0.922;1.000 MapZoom factor=2 NewScript name="shield3.txt" type=Shielder NewScript name="tower1.txt" type=WheeledGrabber NewScript name="tower1.txt" type=TrackedGrabber NewScript name="tower1.txt" type=WingedGrabber NewScript name="tower1.txt" type=LeggedGrabber NewScript name="titan3.txt" type=WheeledGrabber NewScript name="titan3.txt" type=TrackedGrabber NewScript name="titan3.txt" type=WingedGrabber NewScript name="titan3.txt" type=LeggedGrabber NewScript name="titan3.txt" type=Subber NewScript name="charge2.txt" type=All NewScript name="exchg1.txt" type=WheeledGrabber NewScript name="exchg1.txt" type=TrackedGrabber NewScript name="exchg1.txt" type=WingedGrabber NewScript name="exchg1.txt" type=LeggedGrabber EnableBuild type=ResearchCenter EnableBuild type=BotFactory EnableBuild type=Derrick EnableBuild type=Converter EnableBuild type=RadarStation EnableBuild type=PowerPlant EnableBuild type=NuclearPlant EnableBuild type=PowerStation EnableBuild type=RepairCenter EnableBuild type=DefenseTower EnableBuild type=ResearchCenter //EnableBuild type=AutoLab EnableBuild type=ExchangePost EnableBuild type=FlatGround EnableBuild type=Flag EnableResearch type=TRACKER EnableResearch type=WINGER EnableResearch type=SHOOTER EnableResearch type=TOWER EnableResearch type=ATOMIC EnableResearch type=THUMPER EnableResearch type=iPAW EnableResearch type=iGUN EnableResearch type=SHIELDER DoneResearch type=TRACKER DoneResearch type=WINGER DoneResearch type=SHOOTER DoneResearch type=TOWER DoneResearch type=ATOMIC DoneResearch type=THUMPER DoneResearch type=iPAW DoneResearch type=iGUN DoneResearch type=SHIELDER DoneResearch type=SUBBER DoneResearch type=SNIFFER DoneResearch type=RECYCLER EndMissionTake pos=0.00;0.00 dist=25000.00 type=Me lost=0 EndMissionTake pos=0.00;0.00 dist=1000.00 type=AlienAnt min=0 max=0 EndMissionTake pos=0.00;0.00 dist=1000.00 type=AlienQueen min=0 max=0 immediat=1 EndMissionDelay win=5 lost=1 Camera eye=0.00;5.00;0.00 lookat=0.00;1.00;0.00 delay=0