\b;Walkthrough In order to kill all ants and spiders in this large and mountainous region, you will need a \l;winged orga shooter\u object\botfj; powered with \l;nuclear power cells\u object\atomic;. In a small valley to the southeast you will find everything you need: \l;titanium cubes\u object\titanium;, \l;power cells\u object\power; and even a \l;winged grabber\u object\botgj; in working condition. 1) Build a \l;radar\u object\radar; and a \l;winged shooter\u object\botfj; and power it. Kill the ant that is watching over the \l;uranium ore\u object\uranore; further north. 2) Use the abandoned \l;nuclear plant\u object\nuclear; on the hill above and the \l;winged grabber\u object\botgj; to produce several \l;nuclear power cells\u object\atomic;, and use one to power the \l;winged shooter\u object\botfj;. 3) Wipe out all insects from the region. There is one isolated ant in the northwest hidden in a hole: an approach from the west thorough the deep valley will make it easier to hit. \t;See also \l;Controls\u command;