Title.F text="Minerai de titanium" Resume.F text="Développez des robots volants pour pouvoir accéder aux matières premières sur la surface accidentée de la lune." Title.E text="Titanium ore" Resume.E text="Develop flying bots to access essential raw material on the broken Moon surface." Instructions name="mhlune1.txt" Satellite name="milune1.txt" Loading name="mllune1.txt" SoluceFile name="mslune1.txt" HelpFile name="cbot.txt" EndingFile win=201 lost=0 Audio track=0 AmbiantColor air=102;102;102;102 water=20;20;20;20 // grey FogColor air=0;0;0;0 water=67;80;100;0 // magenta VehicleColor color=208;206;196;0 // sable clair DeepView air=125.00 water=25.00 FogStart air=0.8 water=0.5 SecondTexture rank=1 Background image="back46.tga" up=0;0;0;0 down=0;0;0;0 FrontsizeName image="lens1.tga" Planet mode=0 pos=0.0;0.7 dim=0.50 speed=0.002 dir=0.3 image="planet01.tga" uv1=0.0;0.0 uv2=0.5;0.5 Planet mode=1 pos=1.0;0.2 dim=0.50 speed=0.0 dir=0.3 image="planet01.tga" uv1=0.0;0.0 uv2=0.5;0.5 Planet mode=1 pos=4.1;0.1 dim=0.15 speed=0.0 dir=0.3 image="planet01.tga" uv1=0.0;0.5 uv2=0.5;1.0 TerrainGenerate vision=250.00 depth=1 hard=0.3 TerrainRelief image="textures\relief03.bmp" factor=1.0 TerrainResource image="textures\res00.bmp" TerrainInitTextures image="moon" dx=1 dy=1 table=103 TerrainCreate MaxFlyingHeight max=47.5 BeginObject CreateObject pos=12.50;-75.00 dir=0.0 type=SpaceShip run=11 CreateObject pos=12.50;-78.25 dir=1.5 type=Me CreateObject pos=15.75;-78.25 dir=1.5 type=WheeledGrabber script1="exchg1.txt" CreateObject pos= 8.75;-72.50 dir=0.0 type=PowerCell CreateObject pos=10.00;-72.50 dir=0.3 type=PowerCell CreateObject pos= 8.75;-71.25 dir=1.1 type=PowerCell CreateObject pos=10.00;-71.25 dir=0.5 type=PowerCell CreateObject pos=15.00;-72.50 dir=0.0 type=Titanium CreateObject pos=16.25;-72.50 dir=0.5 type=Titanium CreateObject pos=15.00;-71.25 dir=0.5 type=Titanium CreateObject pos=16.25;-71.25 dir=1.0 type=Titanium CreateObject pos=-136.4;-59.3 dir=0.2 type=TitaniumOre CreateObject pos=-137.5;-54.7 dir=0.9 type=TitaniumOre CreateObject pos=-137.2;-60.2 dir=1.5 type=TitaniumOre CreateObject pos=-135.0; 31.9 dir=0.0 type=TitaniumOre CreateObject pos= -18.4; 71.3 dir=0.0 type=TitaniumOre CreateObject pos= -15.4; 70.4 dir=1.6 type=TitaniumOre CreateObject pos= -16.2; 71.4 dir=0.1 type=TitaniumOre CreateObject pos= -15.5; 66.4 dir=0.9 type=TitaniumOre CreateObject pos= 67.0; 82.5 dir=0.2 type=TitaniumOre CreateObject pos= -99.0; 42.0 dir=1.2 type=ApolloLEM CreateObject pos= -61.0; 24.0 dir=0.5 type=ApolloJeep proxyActivate=1 proxyDistance=20 camera=BACK CreateObject pos= -94.0; 29.0 dir=0.5 type=ApolloFlag CreateObject pos= -84.0; 44.0 dir=0.5 type=ApolloAntenna CreateObject pos= -87.0; 49.0 dir=0.5 type=ApolloModule CreateLight dir= 0.0;-1.0; 0.0 color= 0.63; 0.63; 0.63 type=Terrain CreateLight dir= 1.0; 0.0;-1.0 color=-0.50;-0.50;-0.50 type=Terrain CreateLight dir=-1.0; 0.0; 1.0 color= 2.00; 2.00; 2.00 type=Terrain CreateLight dir=-1.0;-1.0; 1.0 color= 0.84; 0.84; 0.84 type=Object CreateLight dir= 1.0;-1.0; 1.0 color= 0.48; 0.48; 0.48 type=Object CreateLight dir=-1.0;-1.0;-1.0 color= 0.48; 0.48; 0.48 type=Object CreateLight dir= 1.0;-1.0;-1.0 color= 0.24; 0.24; 0.24 type=Object MapColor floor=165;142;107 water=154;235;255 MapZoom factor=2 NewScript name="exchg1.txt" type=WheeledGrabber NewScript name="exchg1.txt" type=TrackedGrabber NewScript name="exchg1.txt" type=WingedGrabber NewScript name="exchg1.txt" type=LeggedGrabber EnableBuild type=BotFactory EnableBuild type=ResearchCenter EnableBuild type=FlatGround EnableBuild type=Flag EnableResearch type=TRACKER EnableResearch type=WINGER DoneResearch type=TRACKER EndMissionTake pos=0.00;0.00 dist=25000.00 type=Me lost=0 EndMissionTake pos=12.50;-75.00 type=TitaniumOre min=4 EndMissionTake pos=12.50;-75.00 type=WheeledGrabber min=1 EndMissionTake pos=12.50;-75.00 type=WingedGrabber min=1 immediat=1 EndMissionDelay win=1 lost=1 Camera eye=12.50;20.0;-120.00 lookat=12.50;1.00;-78.25 delay=0