\b;\button 166; Autolab
\image labo 8 8;
The lab is intended for the analysis of \l;organic matter\u object\bullet;. It will help \l;you\u object\human; become familiar with the insects' very own technology and perhaps even use it to your advantage. Place a chunk of \l;organic matter\u object\bullet; on the platform, select the lab, and click the button corresponding to the desired research program.

\t;Requirements for building
Any flat surface of at least 6 meters wide.

Organic matter.

New and improved technologies.

\t;Power source

\t;Duration of operation
20 seconds.

\t;Object \l;Category\u cbot\category;

\t;See also
\l;CBOT Language\u cbot;, \l;Variables\u cbot\type; and \l;Categories\u cbot\category;.