extern void object::CollectTitanium2()
	// 1) Variable definition.
	object  item;            // info. about objects
	// 2) Go to the titanium ore and grab it.
	item = radar(TitaniumOre);// look for titanium ore
	goto(item.position);     // go to the position
	grab();                  // grab the titanium
	// 3) Go to the converter and drop it.
	item = radar(Converter); // look for converter
	goto(item.position);     // go to the position
	drop();                  // drop the titanium
	move(-2.5);              // step back 2.5 m
	// 4) If power cell half empty, recharges.
	if ( energyCell.energyLevel < 0.5 )
	{                               // if so:
		item = radar(PowerStation); // look for station
		goto(item.position);        // go there
		wait(5);                    // wait