\b;Instruction \c;continue\n; Syntax : \s;\c;while ( condition ) \s;{ \s; continue; \s;} \n; With this instruction, you can jump over the rest of instructions in the \c;\l;bloc\u cbot\bloc;\n; of a \c;\l;while\u cbot\while;\n; or \c;\l;for\u cbot\for;\n; loop: The execution will resume at the beginning of the bloc, the next time the loop is repeated. Here is an example: \s;\c;int i = 0; \s;while ( i < 5 ) \s;{ \s; i = i+1; \s; if ( i == 3 ) \s; { \s; continue; \s; } \s; \n;Instructions ...\c; \s;} \n; The instructions will only be executed for the values of \c;i\n; 1, 2, 4 and 5. \t;See also \l;Programming\u cbot;, \l;types\u cbot\type; and \l;categories\u cbot\category;.