# Colobot Data Files This repository contains the data files for the Colobot project (https://github.com/colobot/colobot). It currently includes: * mission files * textures * model files * sounds and music * ai scripts * in-game help * some documents describing the formats * conversion scripts and tools for packaging # Installation CMake project files in main and data repositories are integrated and when invoked during compilation, produce output files to be installed. As of 0.1.2-alpha, the generated files are different from source files. Consequently, running the game with data files directly from this source repository is not supported. Please see the [INSTALL.md](https://github.com/colobot/colobot/blob/master/INSTALL.md) instructions in main repository for details. Some details of how data file translation is achieved can be found in [README.i18n.md](https://github.com/colobot/colobot-data/blob/master/README.i18n.md) file. # License The source code contained here was released by Epsitec -- the original creator of the game -- on open source (GPLv3) license. The code was given and the rights granted specifically to PPC community in March 2012. Since then, we have been modifying the code and working on our goals, which are briefly summed up below.