\b;Walkthrough 1) Quickly build a \l;power captor\u object\captor; near the blue flag. All subsequent buildings should be erected within the <range> \button 41; covered by the power captor. 2) Carry some empty \l;power cells\u object\power; under the power captor. When lightning strikes, they will be recharged. 3) Build a \l;derrick\u object\derrick;. 4) Build a \l;converter\u object\convert;. 5) Execute the program \c;CollectTitanium3\n; in order to produce \l;titanium\u object\titan;. 6) Build a \l;bot factory\u object\factory;. 7) Manufacture a \l;winged orga shooter\u object\botoj;. 8) Build a \l;radar\u object\radar;. 9) Locate and terminate all \l;ants\u object\ant;. 10) Return to your \l;spaceship\u object\base; and take off. \t;See also \l;Controls\u command;