\b;Instruction \c;synchronized\n; (for specialists) A \l;class\u cbot\class; method can be declared \c;synchronized\n;. This is to make sure that the method is never being executed by more than one bot at the same time. The following example illustrates the problem: \c; \s;class blocking \s;{ \s; static int nb = 33; \s; synchronized int inc( ) \s; { \s; int val = nb; \s; wait ( 2 ); // wait 2 sec. \s; nb = nb + 1; \s; return val; \s; } \s;} \n; What happens if two bots execute the \c;inc\n; method at the same time? Both of them will execute \c;val=nb\n; and wait 2 seconds so both of them will have \c;val=33\n;. With \c;synchronized\n; the first bot starts execution with \c;val=33\n; and then waits 2 seconds and returns. Only once the first bot has returned from the \c;inc\n; method, the second bot will be allowed to enter the \c;inc\n; method and therefore the second bot will always have \c;val=34\n;. You can have more than one synchronized method in your \l;class\u cbot\class; in order to prevent simultaneous execution across more than one method. In other words: as long as a bot's program is inside a synchronized method, no other bot can enter any synchronized method of the same class. \t;See also \c;\l;class\u cbot\class;\n;, \c;\l;static\u cbot\static;\n; \l;Programming\u cbot;, \l;types\u cbot\type; and \l;categories\u cbot\category;.