\b;Instruction \c;strfind\n; Find a substring in a string and returns the position of the first substring found or \l;nan\u cbot\nan; if the substring has not been found. Syntax: \s;\c;strfind ( string, sub );\n; \t;string: \c;\l;string\u cbot\string;\n; String we are searching in. \t;sub: \c;\l;string\u cbot\string;\n; Substring we are searching for. Examples: \s;\c; int pos = strfind("abcdef", "ab"); // pos will be 0 \s; int pos = strfind("abcdef", "de"); // pos will be 3 \s; int pos = strfind("abcdef", "xy"); // pos will be \l;nan\u cbot\nan; \n; \t;See also \c;\l;strlen\u cbot\strlen;\n;, \c;\l;strleft\u cbot\strleft;\n;, \c;\l;strright\u cbot\strright;\n;, \c;\l;strmid\u cbot\strmid;\n;, \c;\l;strval\u cbot\strval;\n;, \c;\l;strupper\u cbot\strupper;\n;, \c;\l;strlower\u cbot\strlower;\n; \l;Programming\u cbot;, \l;types\u cbot\type; and \l;categories\u cbot\category;.