\b;Instruction \c;while\n; The instruction \c;while () {}\n; is used to repeat a set of instructions several times. \b;Basic use The most frequent use of \c;while\n; consists in repeating a set of instructions again and again. In order to achieve this, write \c;while (true) {}\n; and put the instructions to be repeated in braces \c;{}\n;. As an example, here is a program that repeats again and again the following actions: o look for a spider, o turn towards it, o shoot. \c; \s; while (true) \s; { \s; item = \l;radar\u cbot\radar;(AlienSpider); \s; \l;turn\u cbot\turn;(direction(item.position)); \s; \l;fire\u cbot\fire;(1); \s; } \n; Just execute this program once, and it will kill all spiders around it. \b;For specialists Syntax : \s;\c;while ( condition ) \s;{ \s; \n;Instructions ...\c; \s;} \n; This instruction allows you to perform the instructions inside the \l;block\u cbot\bloc; several times. Be careful not to confuse the instruction \c;while( ) { }\n; with the instruction \c;\l;do\u cbot\do; { } while( );\n;; the latter tests the condition only after the instructions in the block have been performed a first time. \t;\c;condition\n; The instructions in the block are performed over and over again, as long as the \l;condition\u cbot\cond; is true. Here is an example : \s;\c;int i = 0; \s;while ( i < 10 ) \s;{ \s; \n;Instructions ...\c; \s; i = i+1; \s;} \n; \t;Attention Do not put a \l;semicolon\u cbot\term; at the end of the line \c;while ( )\n;. The instructions \c;\l;break\u cbot\break;\n; and \c;\l;continue\u cbot\continue;\n; can be useful inside a block following the instruction \c;while { }\n;. \t;See also \l;Instructions\u cbot;, \l;types\u cbot\type; and \l;categories\u cbot\category;.