\b;Instruction \c;produce\n; Syntax: \s;\c;produce ( position, orientation, category, program, power );\n; or \s;\c;produce ( category, power );\n; Immediately creates an \l;object\u cbot\category;. \t;position: \c;\l;point\u cbot\point;\n; Where object will be created. The second syntax creates the object at the current bot's position. \t;orientation: \c;\l;float\u cbot\float;\n; Orientation (angle) of the object. \t;category: \c;\l;int\u cbot\int;\n; \l;Category\u cbot\category; of the object. \t;program: \c;\l;string\u cbot\string;\n; Program for the object. Will have effect only for programmable objects like robots or aliens. \t;power: \c;\l;float\u cbot\float;\n; Energy level. \t;Return: \c;\l;void\u cbot\void;\n; Nothing. \b;Example usage It is used by \l;AlienQueen\u object\mother; to produce \l;AlienEggs\u object\egg;. \t;See also \l;Programming\u cbot;, \l;types\u cbot\type; and \l;categories\u cbot\category;.