\b;References (for specialists)
CBOT uses references for \l;classes\u cbot\class; and \l;arrays\u cbot\array;. Any class variable actually contains a reference to the instance. The instance actually contains the class fields. Several references can reference the same instance. A \c;\l;null\u cbot\null;\n; reference references nothing. You can compare an instance to a suitcase and a reference to a carrier. Each time we need a new suitcase we create a new instance with a carrier. But a suitcase can be carried by more than one carrier. A carrier who carries no suitcase is a \c;\l;null\u cbot\null;\n; reference.

\s;	MyClass item1(); // create a new instance
\s;	                 // referenced by item1
\s;	MyClass item2;   // create a null reference
\s;	item2 = item1;   // copy the reference,
\s;	                 // item2 and item1 now reference
\s;	                 // the same instance
\s;	item1.a = 12;    // modifies the instance
\s;	                 // referenced by item1 (and item2)
\s;	message(item2.a);// displays 12
If you pass a \l;class\u cbot\class; instance as parameter to a function, the function only receives a reference to the instance. That means if you modify the instance in the function, the instance that has been specified by the caller will be actuallay modified.

\c;\s;void Test( MyClass item )
\s;	item.a = 12;          // modify the original instance
\s;	item = new MyClass(); // new local instance
\s;	item.a = 33;          // modifie the local instance
Calling the fucntion \c;Test()\n;¦:
\s;	MyClass toto();
\s;	Test(toto);
\s;	message(toto.a);  // displays 12
The instance containing the field \c;a = 33\n; is referenced only by the newly created instance \c;item\n; inside the fucntion \c;Test\n;. At the end of \c;Test\n; this newly created instance referenced by \c;item\n; is automatically deleted.

A function can return an instance¦:
\c;\s;MyClass Test2( )
\s;	MyClass item = new MyClass();
\s;	item.x = 33;
\s;	return item;
Call the function like this:
\s;	MyClass toto;
\s;	toto = Test2(); // toto will contain a reference to
\s;	                // the instance created by Test2()
\s;	message(toto.a); // displays 33
\t;See also
\c;\l;class\u cbot\class;\n;, \c;\l;new\u cbot\new;\n;
\l;Programming\u cbot;, \l;types\u cbot\type; and \l;categories\u cbot\category;.