1) Quickly build a \l;defense tower\u object\tower; north of your spaceship.  After you \l;powered\u object\power; it, execute the program \c;ServiceTower1\n; on one of the \l;grabbers\u object\botgr; which will recharge the power cell when it is empty. Place another power cell 2 m north of the tower as a first target for the attacking wasps.

2) Build a \l;power station\u object\station; close to the defense tower.

3) Build a \l;converter\u object\convert; south of the spaceship and execute the program \c;CollectTitanium3\n; on the second \l;grabber\u object\botgr; in order to produce some \l;titanium\u object\titan;.

4) Build a \l;bot factory\u object\factory; and a \l;winged shooter\u object\botfj; to eliminate the \l;ants\u object\ant;.

5) Use a \l;winged grabber\u object\botgj; to bring back some \l;organic matter\u object\bullet; from the island in the middle of the lava lake.

6) Build an \l;autolab\u object\labo;, drop the \l;organic matter\u object\bullet; on the platform and click the button \button 109; in order to develop the blueprints for legged bots.

7) As soon as the organic matter has been analyzed, produce a \l;legged grabber\u object\botgs; and bring it aboard the spaceship.

8) Take off.

\t;See also
\l;Controls\u command;