cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) # List of music files to be installed set(MUSIC_FILES Intro1 Intro2 music002 music003 music004 music005 music006 music007 music008 music009 music010 music011 music012 music013 Constructive Humanitarian Hv2 Quite Infinite Proton Prototype ) option(MUSIC "Enable music" ON) if(MUSIC) option(MUSIC_FLAC "Download music in FLAC fomat and convert it to *.ogg locally, this lets you change music quality" OFF) if(MUSIC_FLAC) set(MUSIC_QUALITY 3 CACHE STRING "Music quality [-1(very low) - 10(very high), fractional values allowed]") find_program(OGGENC oggenc) if(NOT OGGENC) message(FATAL_ERROR "oggenc not found! Music files cannot be generated!") endif() endif() if(NOT DEFINED COLOBOT_INSTALL_DATA_DIR) if(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Windows") set(COLOBOT_INSTALL_MUSIC_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/data/music CACHE PATH "Colobot shared music directory") else() set(COLOBOT_INSTALL_MUSIC_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/games/colobot/music CACHE PATH "Colobot shared music directory") endif() else() set(COLOBOT_INSTALL_MUSIC_DIR ${COLOBOT_INSTALL_DATA_DIR}/music CACHE PATH "Colobot shared music directory") endif() find_program(WGET wget) foreach(FILE ${MUSIC_FILES}) get_filename_component(FILENAME ${FILE} NAME_WE) if(MUSIC_FLAC AND NOT FILE MATCHES "Intro") # TODO: We still don't have FLAC version of Intro files, they are packaged as .ogg directly set(DOWNLOAD_FILE ${FILENAME}.flac) else() set(DOWNLOAD_FILE ${FILENAME}.ogg) endif() # If the required file is already available in source directory, don't download if(EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${DOWNLOAD_FILE}") set(DOWNLOAD_FILE_LOC "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${DOWNLOAD_FILE}") add_custom_target(download-${FILENAME}) # no operation else() if(NOT WGET) message(FATAL_ERROR "wget not found, music files can't be downloaded!") endif() message(STATUS "Adding download target for ${DOWNLOAD_FILE}") add_custom_target( download-${FILENAME} ALL ${WGET} -N "${DOWNLOAD_FILE}" COMMENT "Downloading ${DOWNLOAD_FILE}" ) set(DOWNLOAD_FILE_LOC "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${DOWNLOAD_FILE}") endif() if(MUSIC_FLAC) if(DOWNLOAD_FILE MATCHES ".ogg") message(STATUS "Adding install target for ${FILE} (FLAC not available)") install(FILES ${DOWNLOAD_FILE_LOC} DESTINATION ${COLOBOT_INSTALL_MUSIC_DIR}) else() message(STATUS "Adding OGG convert target for ${FILE}") add_custom_command( OUTPUT "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${FILENAME}.ogg" COMMAND ${OGGENC} -q ${MUSIC_QUALITY} -o "${FILENAME}.ogg" "${DOWNLOAD_FILE_LOC}" DEPENDS download-${FILENAME} "${DOWNLOAD_FILE_LOC}" ) add_custom_target(generate-${FILENAME} ALL DEPENDS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${FILENAME}.ogg") install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${FILENAME}.ogg DESTINATION ${COLOBOT_INSTALL_MUSIC_DIR}) endif() else() message(STATUS "Adding install target for ${FILE}") install(FILES ${DOWNLOAD_FILE_LOC} DESTINATION ${COLOBOT_INSTALL_MUSIC_DIR}) endif() endforeach() endif()