\b;Instruction \c;canresearch\n; Syntax: \s;\c;canresearch ( research );\n; Checks if the \l;research\u cbot\researches; can be done in the level. \t;research: \c;\l;int\u cbot\int;\n; \l;Research name\u cbot\researches;. \t;Return value: \c;\l;bool\u cbot\bool;\n; \const;true\norm; if the research can be done (even if it is already done, to check that, use the \l;researched\u cbot\researched; instruction) \const;false\norm; if the research cannot be done \t;See also \l;Research names\u cbot\researches;, \l;research\u cbot\research;, \l;researched\u cbot\researched;, \l;programming\u cbot;, \l;types\u cbot\type; and \l;categories\u cbot\category;.