# This file is part of the Colobot: Gold Edition source code # Copyright (C) 2001-2016, Daniel Roux, EPSITEC SA & TerranovaTeam # This file is distributed under the same license as the Colobot package. # next_ghost , 2018. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: 0.1.11\n" "POT-Creation-Date: DATE\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-03-09 22:58+01\n" "Last-Translator: next_ghost \n" "Language-Team: Czech \n" "Language: Czech\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=((n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2);\n" "X-Language: cs_CZ\n" "X-Source-Language: en_US\n" #. type: Title-text #: ../scene.txt:1 #, no-wrap msgid "Wasp Hunter 1" msgstr "Lovec vos 1" #. type: Resume-text, Plain text #: ../scene.txt:2 ../help/help.E.txt:2 #, no-wrap msgid "Shoot down the flying wasps." msgstr "Sestřelte létající vosy." #. type: ScriptName-text #: ../scene.txt:3 #, no-wrap msgid "Wasp1" msgstr "Vosa1" #. type: \b; header #: ../help/help.E.txt:1 #, no-wrap msgid "Objective" msgstr "Úkol" #. type: \t; header #: ../help/help.E.txt:4 #, no-wrap msgid "Program" msgstr "Program" #. type: Plain text #: ../help/help.E.txt:5 #, no-wrap msgid "Here is again the program of the previous exercise that shoots all ants and adapts to the terrain:" msgstr "Zde je opět program z předchozího cvičení, který zlikviduje všechny mravence a za letu kopíruje terén:" #. type: Source code #: ../help/help.E.txt:7 #, no-wrap msgid "" "extern void object::JetFighter2()\n" "{\n" "\tobject item;\n" "\t\n" "\taim(-20);\n" "\t\n" "\twhile (true)\n" "\t{\n" "\t\twhile (radar(AlienAnt, 0, 360, 0, 20) == null)\n" "\t\t{\n" "\t\t\titem = radar(AlienAnt);\n" "\t\t\tturn(direction(item.position));\n" "\t\t\tmotor(1,1);\n" "\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\tjet(0);\n" "\t\t\tif (position.z-topo(position) < 6)\n" "\t\t\t{\n" "\t\t\t\tjet(1);\n" "\t\t\t}\n" "\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\tif (position.z-topo(position) > 9)\n" "\t\t\t{\n" "\t\t\t\tjet(-1);\n" "\t\t\t}\n" "\t\t\twait(0.2);\n" "\t\t}\n" "\t\tfire(1);\n" "\t}\n" "}" msgstr "" "extern void object::Stihacka2()\n" "{\n" "\tobject item;\n" "\t\n" "\taim(-20);\n" "\t\n" "\twhile (true)\n" "\t{\n" "\t\twhile (radar(AlienAnt, 0, 360, 0, 20) == null)\n" "\t\t{\n" "\t\t\titem = radar(AlienAnt);\n" "\t\t\tturn(direction(item.position));\n" "\t\t\tmotor(1,1);\n" "\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\tjet(0);\n" "\t\t\tif (position.z-topo(position) < 6)\n" "\t\t\t{\n" "\t\t\t\tjet(1);\n" "\t\t\t}\n" "\t\t\t\n" "\t\t\tif (position.z-topo(position) > 9)\n" "\t\t\t{\n" "\t\t\t\tjet(-1);\n" "\t\t\t}\n" "\t\t\twait(0.2);\n" "\t\t}\n" "\t\tfire(1);\n" "\t}\n" "}" #. type: Plain text #: ../help/help.E.txt:37 #, no-wrap msgid "In order to adapt the program to shooting wasps, you need to make a few changes. Replace all radar(AlienAnt) with radar(AlienWasp). The cannon must aim straight forward and not downward, replace aim(-20); with aim(0);. And the bot must fly at the same height as the wasp. For this, you must compare the altitude of the bot given by position.z with the altitude of the wasp given by item.position.z: if position.z > item.position.z, go down slowly with jet(-0.3);. If position.z < item.position.z-1, climb slowly with jet(0.3);. A winged shooter is higher than a wasp, therefore it is better if the altitude of the bot is a little lower than the altitude of the wasp. In this case, we admit that the altitude of the bot ranges between the altitude of the wasp and the altitude of the wasp minus 1." msgstr "Aby tento program fungoval proti vosám, je třeba několik úprav. Změňte všechny příkazy radar(AlienAnt) na radar(AlienWasp). Kanón musí mířit rovně před sebe místo dolů, takže změňte aim(-20); na aim(0);. A robot musí letět ve stejné výšce jako vosa. Musíte tedy porovnávat letovou výšku robota danou výrazem position.z s letovou výškou vosy danou výrazem item.position.z: Když bude position.z > item.position.z, pomalu klesejte příkazem jet(-0.3);. Když bude position.z < item.position.z-1, pomalu stoupejte příkazem jet(0.3);. Létající kanón je vyšší než vosa, takže je výhodnější letět trochu níže. V tomto případě přiznáváme, že robot se bude snažit letět nejvýše ve stejné výšce jako vosa a nejníže metr pod ní." #. type: \t; header #: ../help/help.E.txt:39 #, no-wrap msgid "Further improvement" msgstr "Další vylepšení" #. type: Plain text #: ../help/help.E.txt:40 #, no-wrap msgid "Wasps move very fast. In order to increase your chances to get them, better to repeat just before the fire(1); a radar and a turn in order to perform a last readjustment of the direction before the shot." msgstr "Vosy se pohybují velmi rychle. Pro lepší šanci na zásah byste tedy před palbou příkazem fire(1); měli ještě naposledy upravit směr pomocí příkazů radar a turn." #. type: \t; header #: ../help/help.E.txt:42 #, no-wrap msgid "See also" msgstr "Užitečné odkazy" #. type: Plain text #: ../help/help.E.txt:43 #, no-wrap msgid "Programming, types and categories." msgstr "Programování, datové typy a kategorie."