\b;Controls You are advised to play with one hand on the arrow keys and the other hand on the mouse. \t;Bots \key;\key left;\norm; = turn left \key;\key right;\norm; = turn right \key;\key up;\norm; = move forward \key;\key down;\norm; = move back These controls are unavailable when working with the \l;practice bots\u object\bottr;. \key;\key gup;\norm; = take off and climb \button 28; \key;\key gdown;\norm; = descend and land \button 29; These controls are of course restricted to the \l;astronaut\u object\human; as well as the various \l;winged bots\u object\botgj; and in selected missions only. mouse forward = higher aim mouse backward = lower aim mouse right = aim right mouse left = aim left These controls are only available to the \l;shooters\u object\botfr;, the \l;orga shooters\u object\botor; and the \l;phazer shooter\u object\botphaz;. \key;\key action;\norm; = main action for a given selection (human or bot) This control will for example operate the arm of a \l;grabber\u object\botgr; or fire a \l;shooter\u object\botfr; \button 42;. \t;Selections \key;\key next;\norm; = selects next object \key;\key human;\norm; = selects astronaut \key;\key desel;\norm; = previous selection \button 10; \t;Camera \key;\key camera;\norm; = shifts between onboard and following cameras \button 13; \key;\key near;\norm; = zoom in \key;\key away;\norm; = zoom out \key;\key visit;\norm; = pauses the game and shows where the latest message originated. Press again to show origin of previous message. \t;Help \key;\key help;\norm; = mission instructions \key;\key prog;\norm; = programming help \t;Game \key;\key speed_dec;\norm; = slow down speed by half \key;\key speed_reset;\norm; = normal speed x1 \key;\key speed_inc;\norm; = increase speed twice \key;\key quicksave;\norm; = quick save \key;\key quickload;\norm; = quick load \key;\key quit;\norm; = exits mission \button 11; All these commands can be redefined in the options/controls menu.