\b;Keyword \c;super\n; This keyword is similar to \c;\l;this\u cbot\this;\n;, however, it grants access to methods from the parent class (see the \c;\l;extends\u cbot\extends;\n; keyword), which is especially useful for method overriding. \t;Example \c; \s;public class Parent \s;{ \s; protected int field; \s; \s; void Parent() \s; { \s; field = 0; \s; } \s; \s; void Print() \s; { \s; message("Parent's field: " + field); \s; } \s;} \s; \s;public class Child extends Parent \s;{ \s; private int childsField; \s; \s; void Child() \s; { \s; super.Parent(); \s; childsField = field + 1; \s; } \s; \s; void Print() \s; { \s; super.Print(); \s; message("Child's field: " + childsField); \s; } \s;} \s; \s;extern void object::Test() \s;{ \s; Child child(); \s; child.Print(); // Will show both 0 and 1 \s;} \n; \t;See also \c;\l;class\u cbot\class;\n;, \c;\l;this\u cbot\this;\n; \l;Programming\u cbot;, \l;types\u cbot\type; and \l;categories\u cbot\category;.