\b;Value \c;Colors\n; Color names are used to define a specific color to use. They can be passed to functions like \l;pendown\u cbot\pendown; or \l;pencolor\u cbot\pencolor;. In a program, colors are always displayed on a \const;red background\norm;. If a color isn't highlighted in red, it is misspelled. Caps and lower cases should be kept as is. Below are the different colors available: \c;\const;White\norm;\n; \c;\const;Black\norm;\n; \c;\const;Gray\norm;\n; \c;\const;LightGray\norm;\n; \c;\const;Red\norm;\n; \c;\const;Pink\norm;\n; \c;\const;Purple\norm;\n; \c;\const;Orange\norm;\n; \c;\const;Yellow\norm;\n; \c;\const;Beige\norm;\n; \c;\const;Brown\norm;\n; \c;\const;Skin\norm;\n; \c;\const;Green\norm;\n; \c;\const;LightGreen\norm;\n; \c;\const;Blue\norm;\n; \c;\const;LightBlue\norm;\n; You can also draw colored symbols: \c;\const;BlackArrow\norm;\n; \c;\const;RedArrow\norm;\n;