\b;Programming - the CBOT language The CBOT language is very close in structure and syntax to C++ and Java. It has been adapted for the specific purposes of COLOBOT, and for an efficient pedagogical approach. This language is made up of instructions (see below), \l;blocks\u cbot\bloc;, \l;functions\u cbot\function;, \l;classes\u cbot\class;, \l;variables\u cbot\var;, \l;arrays\u cbot\array;, \l;expressions\u cbot\expr; and \l;conditions\u cbot\cond;. \l;o\u cheats; \c;\token;Instructions\norm;\n; In the program editor, an instruction in the CBOT language is always displayed like that: \token;instruction\norm;. If an instruction is not highlighted, this means that it has been misspelled. Instruction names are always written in lower case. o \c;\type;Type\norm;\n; The \l;type\u cbot\type; of a variable appears like that: \type;type\norm;. o \c;\const;Constants\norm;\n; Constants like \l;categories\u cbot\category; are displayed like that: \const;constant\norm;. \t;Instructions in the CBOT language: \c;\l;extern\u cbot\extern; \n;Indicate the main function \c;\l;if\u cbot\if; \n;Choice structure \c;\l;else\u cbot\if; \n;Alternative choice structure \c;\l;switch\u cbot\switch; \n;Multiple choice structure \c;\l;case\u cbot\switch; \n;One choice \c;\l;default\u cbot\switch; \n;Default choice \c;\l;for\u cbot\for; \n;Loop structure \c;\l;while\u cbot\while; \n;Control structure \c;\l;do\u cbot\do; \n;Control structure \c;\l;break\u cbot\break; \n;Exit from a loop \c;\l;continue\u cbot\continue; \n;Continues the loop \c;\l;return\u cbot\return; \n;Exit from a function \c;\l;sizeof\u cbot\sizeof; \n;Size of an array \t;Specific instructions for bots: \c;\l;detect\u cbot\detect; \n;Simple object detection \c;\l;radar\u cbot\radar; \n;Advanced object detection \c;\l;search\u cbot\search; \n;Object detection from a specific point \c;\l;direction\u cbot\direct; \n;Calculates a rotation angle \c;\l;distance\u cbot\dist; \n;Calculates a distance \c;\l;distance2d\u cbot\dist2d; \n;Calculates a distance \c;\l;wait\u cbot\wait; \n;Waits \c;\l;move\u cbot\move; \n;Moves forward or backward \c;\l;turn\u cbot\turn; \n;Turns \c;\l;goto\u cbot\goto; \n;Goes to a given position \c;\l;motor\u cbot\motor; \n;Direct motor control \c;\l;jet\u cbot\jet; \n;Direct jet engine control \c;\l;message\u cbot\message; \n;Displays a message \c;\l;retobject\u cbot\retobj; \n;Returns an object from a function \c;\l;errmode\u cbot\errmode; \n;Error treatement control \c;\l;abstime\u cbot\abstime; \n;Returns the absolute time \c;\l;pendown\u cbot\pendown; \n;Starts drawing \c;\l;penup\u cbot\penup; \n;Stops drawing \c;\l;pencolor\u cbot\pencolor; \n;Changes the pen color \c;\l;penwidth\u cbot\penwidth; \n;Changes the pen width \c;\l;canresearch\u cbot\canresearch; \n;Checks if a technology can be researched \c;\l;researched\u cbot\researched; \n;Checks if a technology is researched \t;Instructions about topology: \c;\l;space\u cbot\space; \n;Calculates a free space \c;\l;flatspace\u cbot\flatspace; \n;Calculates a free, flat space \c;\l;topo\u cbot\topo; \n;Returns the altitude of a point \c;\l;flatground\u cbot\flatgrnd; \n;Returns radius of a flat area \t;Instructions specific to some bots: \c;\l;grab\u cbot\grab; \n;Picks up an object \c;\l;drop\u cbot\drop; \n;Puts down an object \c;\l;sniff\u cbot\sniff; \n;Sounds the subsoil \c;\l;thump\u cbot\thump; \n;Overturns alien insects \c;\l;recycle\u cbot\recycle; \n;Recycles a derelict bot \c;\l;shield\u cbot\shield; \n;Extends or withdraws the shield \c;\l;fire\u cbot\fire; \n;Fires the cannon \c;\l;aim\u cbot\aim; \n;Rotates the cannon \c;\l;build\u cbot\build; \n;Builds a building \c;\l;canbuild\u cbot\canbuild; \n;Checks if a building can be built \c;\l;buildingenabled\u cbot\buildingenabled; \n;Checks if a building can be built in the level \t;Instructions specific for some \l;objects\u cbot\object;: \c;\l;factory\u cbot\factory; \n;Starts construction of a bot \c;\l;research\u cbot\research; \n;Starts a research \c;\l;takeoff\u cbot\takeoff; \n;Takes off a spaceship \c;\l;busy\u cbot\busy; \n;Checks if object is busy \t;Specific instructions for exchange posts: \c;\l;receive\u cbot\receive; \n;Receives an information \c;\l;send\u cbot\send; \n;Sends a new information \c;\l;testinfo\u cbot\testinfo; \n;Tests if an information exists \c;\l;deleteinfo\u cbot\delinfo; \n;Deletes an existing information \t;Specific instructions for classes: \c;\l;class\u cbot\class; \n;Class declararion \c;\l;public\u cbot\public; \n;Declares a public function \c;\l;private\u cbot\private; \n;Declares a private class member \c;\l;static\u cbot\static; \n;Declares a static class member \c;\l;synchronized\u cbot\synchro; \n;Prevents simultaneous execution \c;\l;new\u cbot\new; \n;Creates a new instance \c;\l;this\u cbot\this; \n;Reference to the current instance \t;Specific instructions for strings: \c;\l;strlen\u cbot\strlen; \n;Gets string length \c;\l;strleft\u cbot\strleft; \n;Extracts left part \c;\l;strright\u cbot\strright; \n;Extracts right part \c;\l;strmid\u cbot\strmid; \n;Extracts center part \c;\l;strfind\u cbot\strfind; \n;Finds a substring. \c;\l;strval\u cbot\strval; \n;Converts string to number \c;\l;strupper\u cbot\strupper; \n;Converts to upper case \c;\l;strlower\u cbot\strlower; \n;Converts to lower case \t;Specific instructions for files: \c;\l;open\u cbot\open; \n;Opens a file \c;\l;close\u cbot\close; \n;Closes a file \c;\l;writeln\u cbot\writeln; \n;Writes line to a file \c;\l;readln\u cbot\readln; \n;Reads line from a file \c;\l;eof\u cbot\eof; \n;Tests if end of file \c;\l;deletefile\u cbot\deletef; \n;Deletes a file \t;Mathematical functions: \c;\l;rand\u cbot\rand; \n;Returns a random value \c;\l;pow\u cbot\pow; \n;Returns a power \c;\l;sqrt\u cbot\sqrt; \n;Returns a square root \c;\l;floor\u cbot\floor; \n;Returns the largest previous integer \c;\l;ceil\u cbot\ceil; \n;Returns the smallest following integer \c;\l;round\u cbot\round; \n;Returns a rounded number \c;\l;trunc\u cbot\trunc; \n;Returns a truncated number \c;\l;sin\u cbot\sin; \n;Returns a sine \c;\l;cos\u cbot\cos; \n;Returns a cosine \c;\l;tan\u cbot\tan; \n;Returns a tangent \c;\l;asin\u cbot\asin; \n;Returns an arcus sine \c;\l;acos\u cbot\acos; \n;Returns an arcus cosine \c;\l;atan\u cbot\atan; \n;Returns an arcus tangent \c;\l;atan2\u cbot\atan2; \n;Returns an arcus tangent, has two arguments \t;See also \l;Types\u cbot\type; and \l;categories\u cbot\category;.