\b;Regular Power Cell \image power 4 4; A power cell supplies the bots and a few buildings with energy. An entirely red power cell is empty. The green section indicates the remaining capacity. A power cell can be recharged using a \l;power station\u object\station;. A \l;power plant\u object\energy; is needed to produce a new and fully charged power cell. The capacity of a regular power cell is 100 times smaller than that of a \l;nuclear power cell\u object\atomic; produced by a \l;nuclear plant\u object\nuclear; using \l;uranium ore\u object\uranore;. \t;Transport All \l;grabbers\u object\botgr; and the \l;astronaut\u object\human;. \t;Object \l;Category\u cbot\category; \c;PowerCell\n; \t;See also \l;CBOT Language\u cbot;, \l;Variables\u cbot\type; and \l;Categories\u cbot\category;.