\b;Alien Queen \image mother 8 8; This huge insect is the mother of them all. It lays \l;eggs\u object\egg; and from these eggs will hatch all the various kinds of insects \l;you\u object\human;'re likely to encounter. All of them are extremely hazardous to yourself and your mission. The queen's protective shell is particularly resistant to attack. It gives birth to the following insects : o \l;ants\u object\ant; o \l;spiders\u object\spider; o \l;wasps\u object\wasp; o \l;worms\u object\worm; \t;Object \l;Category\u cbot\category; \c;AlienQueen\n; \t;See also \l;CBOT Language\u cbot;, \l;Variables\u cbot\type; and \l;Categories\u cbot\category;.