\b;\button 160; Bot Factory \image factory 8 8; This building is intended for the manufacturing of bots using \l;titanium\u object\titan;. 1) Place the titanium cube inside the factory. 2) Step back out. 3) Select the factory. 4) Click on the button showing the diagram of the bot you want the factory to assemble (e.g. \button 137; for a \l;wheeled grabber\u object\botgr;). The finished bot does not include an onboard \l;power cell\u object\power;. You'll need to supply it with one for it to be able to leave the factory. The list of feasible bots will depend upon the research your \l;research center\u object\research; has completed at this time. \t;Requirements for building Any flat surface of at least 7.5 meters wide. \t;Input Titanium. \t;Output Completed bot. \t;Power source None. \t;Duration of operation 15 seconds. \t;Object \l;Category\u cbot\category; \c;BotFactory\n; \t;See also \l;CBOT Language\u cbot;, \l;Variables\u cbot\type; and \l;Categories\u cbot\category;.