\b;\button 172; Information Exchange Post \image info 8 8; This building stores digital information. A post can contain up to 10 pieces of information, each one referenced by a name. For example, a post can contain 3 informations¦:\c; \tab;"Position.x" 23.45 \tab;"Position.y" -102.70 \tab;"Quantity" 3.00 \n; To put new information, you must execute the command \c;\l;send\u cbot\send;\n;. To read information from a post, you must execute the command \c;\l;receive\u cbot\receive;\n;. \t;Requirements for building Any flat surface of at least 2.5 meters wide. \t;Input None. \t;Output Digital information. \t;Power source None. \t;Duration of operation 1 second. \t;Object \l;Category\u cbot\category; \c;ExchangePost\n; \t;See also \l;CBOT Language\u cbot;, \l;Variables\u cbot\type; and \l;Categories\u cbot\category;.