\b;\button 167; Power Plant \image energy 8 8; The power plant is a \l;power cell\u object\power; factory. It transforms a \l;titanium cube\u object\titan; into a regular power cell fully charged and ready for use. A power plant requires some energy in the subsoil. If the satellite report says that energy is available only at some places, you will need a \l;sniffer bot\u object\botsr; to prospect the subsoil. The marks it lays down provide information about the specifics of its findings: a \l;green cross\u object\enerspot; means that there is an energy deposit at this location beneath the surface, which is indispensable for the construction of a power plant or a \l;power station\u object\station;. If the large power cell at the base of the plant remains red after the construction is completed, this means that the site is not geologically adequate. \t;Requirements for building Any flat and geologically adequate surface of at least 4 meters wide. \t;Input Titanium. \t;Output Regular power cell. \t;Power source Subsoil energy. \t;Duration of operation 12 seconds. \t;Object \l;Category\u cbot\category; \c;PowerPlant\n; \t;See also \l;CBOT Language\u cbot;, \l;Variables\u cbot\type; and \l;Categories\u cbot\category;.