\b;Type \c;string\n; Use a variable of this type for storing characters or strings. For example: \s;\c; "Hello!" \s; "This is a string" \s; "x" \s; "" // empty string \n; You can append two strings with the \c;+\n; operator : \s;\c; "Good morning," + " " + "Sir" \n; Returns the string: \s;\c; "Good morning, Sir" \n; If you want to put a quotation mark (") or a backslash (\) in a string you must write¦: \s;\c;"This is \"very\" important" \n;which will result in the string \c; This is "very" important. \s;\c;"%user%\\ant.txt" \n;will result in \c;%user%\ant.txt \n; Following instructions can be used with strings¦: \c;\l;strlen\u cbot\strlen; \n;Get string length \c;\l;strleft\u cbot\strleft; \n;Extract left part \c;\l;strright\u cbot\strright; \n;Extract right part \c;\l;strmid\u cbot\strmid; \n;Extract center part \c;\l;strfind\u cbot\strfind; \n;Find a substring. \c;\l;strval\u cbot\strval; \n;Convert string to number \c;\l;strupper\u cbot\strupper; \n;Convert to upper case \c;\l;strlower\u cbot\strlower; \n;Convert to lower case \t;See also \l;Programming\u cbot;, \l;types\u cbot\type; and \l;categories\u cbot\category;.