\b;Instruction \c;search\n; Syntax: \s;\c;search ( category, position );\n; Detects the object of the given category that is closest to the given position. \t;category: \c;\l;int\u cbot\int;\n; \l;Category\u cbot\category; of the requested object. \t;position: \c;\l;point\u cbot\point;\n; \c;search\n; returns the object of the given category that is closest to the position indicated here. \t;Return value: \c;\l;object\u cbot\object;\n; Characteristics of the object that has been found. The value \c;\l;null\u cbot\null;\n; means that no object of this category has been found. \t;See also \l;Programming\u cbot;, \l;types\u cbot\type; and \l;categories\u cbot\category;.