\b;Instructions \c;if\n; and \c;else\n; With the instruction \c;if() {}\n; you can execute a set of instructions only if a certain condition is true. Write the condition in brackets \c;()\n;, and the instructions in braces \c;{}\n;. \b;Basic use Here is a concrete example: The bot will shoot only if the target is closer than 40 meters: \c; \s; item = \l;radar\u cbot\radar;(AlienAnt); \s; if (\l;distance\u cbot\dist;(position, item.position) < 40) \s; { \s; fire(1); \s; } \n; You can also test if an object exists at all. If the instruction \c;\l;radar\u cbot\radar;();\n; does not find the requested object, it returns the value \c;null\n;. So you can test if an object does not exists with the condition \c;(item == null)\n;, or test if it exists with \c;(item != null)\n;. Two equal signs \c;==\n; test equality, an exclamation mark followed by an equal sign \c;!=\n; test inequality. Here is a test that will go to rechage the \l;power cell\u object\power; only if there is a \l;power station\u object\station;: \c; \s; item = \l;radar\u cbot\radar;(PowerStation); \s; if (item != null) \s; { \s; \l;goto\u cbot\goto;(item.position); \s; \l;wait\u cbot\wait;(5); \s; } \n; \b;For specialists Syntax: \s;\c;if ( condition ) \s;{ \s; \n;Instructions A ...\c; \s;} \s;else \s;{ \s; \n;Instructions B ...\c; \s;} \n; With this conditional structure you can execute a \l;bloc\u cbot\bloc; A or a \l;bloc\u cbot\bloc; B depending on a \l;condition\u cbot\cond;. If the condition is true, bloc A is executed. If the condition is false, bloc B is executed. Part \c;else { }\n; is not compulsory. \t;Attention Do not put a \l;semicolon\u cbot\term; at the end of the line \c;if ( )\n;. \t;See also \l;Programming\u cbot;, \l;types\u cbot\type; and \l;categories\u cbot\category;.