\b;Instruction \c;testinfo\n; Syntax: \s;\c;testinfo ( name, power );\n; Tests if an information exists in the closest \l;information exchange post\u object\exchange;. \t;name: \c;string\n; Name of the information to be tested in the exchange post. This name is a string: it must be written in quotation marks "". \t;power: \c;float\n; Power of the transmitter, which corresponds to the maximal distance between the transmitter and the exchange post. If the distance is longer, the function returns \c;false\n;. Default value is 10 metres. \t;Return: \c;\l;bool\u cbot\bool;\n; Return \c;true\n; if the information exists. Return and \c;false\n; if the information does not exist or if the receiver is too far away from the exchange post. \t;See also \c;\l;receive\u cbot\receive;\n;, \c;\l;send\u cbot\send;\n; and \c;\l;deleteinfo\u cbot\delinfo;\n;. \l;Programming\u cbot;, \l;types\u cbot\type; and \l;categories\u cbot\category;.