diff --git a/tools/getI18n.sh b/tools/getI18n.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..d793bf05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/getI18n.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+# Author : BCE - 19/05.
+# extractions from i18n po files. (visualisazion only, no modifications)
+# extract all language translations for checks, grep, identify typo...
+# extract also links or tags
+# permit word i18n control (non case sensitive, with regexp)
+# identify fuzzy areas
+# (to launch in main directory colobot or into any directory containing po files)
+# designed for Colobot, some parts like -K may be specific, rest should be usable in other projects
+version=V1.0.0 #thanks to upgrade this tag in case of change.
+authorList="BCE" #thanks to upgrade this tag in case of change.
+ echo " Purpose: extract language translations for checks." >&2
+ echo " from every po files into subdirectories" >&2
+ echo "" >&2
+ echo " Usage: ${0##*/} [-l language_digram] -[AaTtKZf] [-s] [-O] [-hH] [-w pattern] [dir]" >&2
+ echo " (-l xx and -lxx are equivalent, options can be put together)" >&2
+ if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then
+ echo " dir : optionnal directory and subdirectories where looking for xx.po files, current one by default" >&2
+ echo " ==== processing types ===" >&2
+ echo " : full wanted language extraction from every lg.po into subfolders" >&2
+ echo " -a/A : tags link (zzz) extraction only (table presentation)" >&2
+ echo " -t/T : tags extraction only (zz<>/tt>) (table presentation)" >&2
+ echo " A/T : like a/t, without inside part (zz) (for ref/link comparisons)" >&2
+ echo " -K : key tags only (\\\\key option;) (table presentation)" >&2
+ echo " -Z : identify fuzzy parts (non took in account translations...)" >&2
+ echo " -f : identify filenames references alterations" >&2
+ echo " -w pattern: non case sensitive translation extraction for i18n checks (ignoring codes parts)" >&2
+ # non case sensitive...
+ # support regexp .*[]
+ # sample : getI18n.sh -Ow "d[ée]fi"
+ # support also regexp +{} but escaping them
+ # color can be disabled with C option
+ echo " -h : this help page" >&2
+ echo " -H : samples page" >&2
+ echo " ==== specializations ===" >&2
+ echo " -l lg : set language : {cs,de,fr,pl,ru,pt,..}.po sources files. (default is fr)" >&2
+ echo " -e : corresponding english i18n origins instead" >&2
+ echo " -O : origin from each line (usefull with sort)" >&2
+ echo " -s : sort & count" >&2
+ #echo " -C : disable color highlightment for -w" >&2 # further batch treatments?
+ echo " dir : directory to analyse with its subdirectories" >&2
+ echo " (last opt argument) (default:current)" >&2
+ echo "" >&2
+ echo " Designed for i18n Colobot'uses - $version - $authorList" >&2
+ else
+ echo " -h : usage help page" >&2
+ echo " ==== samples ===" >&2
+ echo " full brazilian portuguese i18n extraction" >&2
+ echo " $0 -l pt" >&2
+ echo " full fr i18n extraction with origin into a file having current date" >&2
+ echo " $0 -O -lfr > i18nFr.$(date +%y%m%d).txt" >&2
+ echo " every german tags (sorted)" >&2
+ echo " ${0##*/} -l de -ts" >&2
+ echo " compare 'a' tags between wanted lg & corresponding english (constumize spaces to be ignore)" >&2
+ echo " ${0##*/} -Asl pl> s.tmp && ${0##*/} -Asel pl> e.tmp && meld [se].tmp && rm [se].tmp" >&2
+ echo " every key-tags from russian (sorted) (e:original english part) (from there)" >&2
+ echo " ${0##*/} -KsOel ru ../.." >&2
+ echo " every fuzzy (ignored translations) parts into russian" >&2
+ echo " ${0##*/} -Zl ru" >&2
+ echo " search for \"cell\" translations into czech" >&2
+ echo " ${0##*/} -ewlcz \"cell\"" >&2
+ echo " search for \"powerplant\"/\"lowerplant\" translations into polish files" >&2
+ echo " ${0##*/}"' -lpl -Oew "[PL]ower.\{0,2\}plant"' >&2
+ echo " every key translated (from Colobot root)" >&2
+ echo " ${0##*/}"' -Ksl..' >&2
+ echo " every instruction tags translated (from Colobot root)" >&2
+ echo " ${0##*/}"' -Tsl.. |grep " cbot"' >&2
+ echo " every fr files containing a pattern (from Colobot root)" >&2
+ echo " ${0##*/} -Olfr | grep -i tireur | sed 's/^.*\.\///' | uniq" >&2
+ echo " =====================" >&2
+ fi
+ usage
+ echo "" >&2
+ echo " -f, -t, -T, -K & -Z are incompatible options" >&2
+ echo " -e , -f & -Z are also incompatible options" >&2
+ exit 1
+# internals vars & default values
+language=fr #language_digram
+bColor=true # hided option, only for -w, word highlightment
+# check params
+while getopts ":esOtTaAhHl:KZvw:Cf" option ; do #IndevW
+ # echo "option $option" >&2
+ case $option in
+ e) $bFuzzy && KO
+ bEnglish=true ;;
+ s) bSort=true ;;
+ O) bOrig=true ;;
+ t) $bTags && KO
+ bTags=true ;;
+ T) $bTags && KO
+ bTags=true ; bTagsOnly=true ;;
+ a) $bTags && KO
+ bTags=true ; bTagsLinkOnly=true ;;
+ A) $bTags && KO
+ bTags=true ; bTagsLinkOnly=true ; bTagsOnly=true ;;
+ K) $bTags && KO
+ bTags=true ; bKey=true ;;
+ l) language=$OPTARG
+ case $language in
+ "cs") ;;
+ "de") ;;
+ "fr") ;;
+ "pl") ;;
+ "ru") ;;
+ "pt") ;;
+ "..") language='??' ;; #every ones
+ *) usage
+ echo "Unknown language : <$language> : not into {cs,de,fr,pl,ru,pt,..}" >&2
+ exit 1;;
+ esac ;;
+ Z) $bTags || $bEnglish && KO
+ bTags=true; bFuzzy=true ;;
+ f) $bTags || $bEnglish && KO
+ bTags=true; bFilesNameCheck=true ;;
+ h) usage; exit 1 ;;
+ H) usage 2; exit 1 ;;
+ v) echo $version ; exit 0;;
+ \?) usage
+ echo " $OPTARG : invalid option" >&2
+ exit 1 ;;
+ w) sWord=$OPTARG
+ bWord=true ;;
+ C) bColor=false;;
+ esac
+shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
+if [[ $# -gt 1 ]]; then
+ usage
+ echo " Unsupported arguments list (or option provide after the folder): $*" >&2
+ exit 1
+if [[ $# -eq 1 ]]; then
+ [[ ! -d $1 ]] &&
+ usage &&
+ echo " Unsupported arguments : not a directory : $*" >&2 &&
+ exit 1
+ dir=$1
+if $bWord ; then
+ [[ "${#sWord}" -lt 1 ]] &&
+ usage &&
+ echo " No argument provided for research of translations : $*" >&2 &&
+ exit 1
+ $bSort && usage && echo " argument -s incompatible with -w" >&2 && exit 1
+ $bTags && usage && echo " arguments -KtTZ are incompatible with -w" >&2 && exit 1
+ bTags=true
+$bTags && sTags="tags from language"
+$bKey && sTags="special keys from language"
+$bWord && $bEnglish && sTags="Translations for <$sWord>" #IndevW
+$bWord && ! $bEnglish && sTags="Translations sources for <$sWord>" #IndevW
+if $bFuzzy ; then
+ echo "~~Extraction of fuzzy translations from $language.po" >&2
+elif $bFilesNameCheck ; then
+ echo "~~Extraction of alterations translations of filenames from $language.po" >&2
+elif ! $bEnglish ; then
+ echo "~~Extraction of $sTags : $language" >&2
+ sLangFilter='/msgstr/,/msgid/p'
+ sLangFilter2="s/^msgid .*//"
+ sLangFilter3='s/^msgstr //'
+ echo "~~Extraction of $sTags : english from $language files" >&2
+ sLangFilter='/msgid/,/msgstr/p'
+ sLangFilter2="s/^msgstr .*//"
+ sLangFilter3="s/^msgid //"
+# corpus
+if ! $bTags ; then # full wanted language extraction
+ for fic in $(find $dir -name "$language.po" |sort) ; do
+ # echo "~~~~~~~ Extraction from : $fic ~~~~~~~ " #>&2 #(not synchro)
+ [[ $bOrig == true ]] &&
+ sSrc="s:$:\t${fic}:"
+ sed '1,17d' $fic <(echo "msgid ") |
+ sed '/^#/d' |
+ sed -n "$sLangFilter" |
+ sed -e "$sLangFilter2" \
+ -e "$sLangFilter3" \
+ -e 's/^\"//' \
+ -e 's/\"$//' \
+ -e '/^$/d' \
+ -e "$sSrc"
+ done | if $bSort ; then sort -i |uniq -ci ; else cat; fi
+else # {$bTags == true} (+bTagsLinkOnly or not)
+ # t/T : tags extraction or a/A : a tags extraction
+ # zz<>/tt> or zz<>/a>
+ sInside=""
+ $bTagsOnly &&
+ sInside="s:>:>\n:g"
+ if ! $bWord && ! $bKey && ! $bFuzzy && ! $bFilesNameCheck ; then #tags
+ for fic in $(find $dir -name "$language.po" |sort) ; do
+ $bOrig &&
+ sSrc="s:>:¯${fic}>:g"
+ # echo "~~~~~~~ Extraction from : $fic ~~~~~~~ " >&2
+ sed '1,17d' $fic <(echo "msgid ") |
+ sed '/^#/d' |
+ sed -n "$sLangFilter" |
+ sed -e "$sLangFilter2" \
+ -e "$sLangFilter3" \
+ -e '/^$/d' \
+ -e '/^""$/d' \
+ -e 's::\n:g' \
+ -e 's:\([^<]\)/:\1¯:' \
+ -e "$sSrc" \
+ -e "$sInside" \
+ -e 's:|:¯:g' \
+ -e 's:\\\\:¯:' |
+ if $bTagsLinkOnly ; then
+ grep '' | sed -e "s/' | sed -e 's/^' | sed -e "s/<\([^>\/]*\)/\n<\1/g" -e "s/<\//\n/g" |
+ grep -i '<.*>' | sed -e 's/^/' -e 's:/>.*:>:' #|
+ #grep -ve '^a[ ¯]' | grep -ve '^button[ ¯]' | grep -ve '^code[ ¯]' | grep -ve '^c[ ¯]' #tmp for other checks
+ fi |
+ if $bTagsOnly ; then
+ sed -e 's/>//'
+ else
+ sed -e 's/>/¯/'
+ fi |
+ sed -e '/^$/d' |
+ if $bTagsOnly && ! $bOrig ; then # t , TO, a, AO
+ cat
+ else
+ sed -e 's:^\([^¯]*\)¯\([^¯]*\)$:\1¯ ¯\2:'
+ fi |
+ if ! $bTagsOnly && $bOrig ; then # tO , aO
+ sed -e 's:^\([^¯]*\)¯\([^¯]*\)¯\([^¯]*\)$:\1¯ ¯\2¯\3:'
+ else
+ cat
+ fi
+ done |
+ if $bSort ; then
+ sort -i | column -t -s "¯" |uniq -c
+ else
+ column -t -s "¯" | uniq
+ fi
+ elif ! $bWord && ! $bFuzzy && ! $bFilesNameCheck ; then #bKey
+ # -K : key tags only (\\\\key option;) (table presentation)
+ sSrc="s:;:;\n:g"
+ for fic in $(find $dir -name "$language.po" |sort) ; do
+ $bOrig &&
+ sSrc="s:;:¯${fic};\n:g"
+ # echo "~~~~~~~ Extraction from : $fic ~~~~~~~ " >&2
+ sed '1,17d' $fic <(echo "msgid ") |
+ sed '/^#/d' |
+ sed -n "$sLangFilter" |
+ sed -e "$sLangFilter2" \
+ -e "$sLangFilter3" \
+ -e "$sSrc" \
+ -e '/^$/d' \
+ -e '/^""$/d'
+ done |
+ grep -e '\\\\[^;]*;' |
+ sed -e 's/.*\\\\/\\\\/' \
+ -e 's/;//' \
+ -e 's:^\([^¯ ]*\)[¯ ]\([^¯ ]*\)$:\1¯ ¯\2:' |
+ if $bSort ; then
+ sort -i | column -t -s "¯ " | uniq -ci
+ else
+ column -t -s "¯ " | uniq
+ fi
+ elif ! $bWord && ! $bFilesNameCheck ; then #bFuzzy
+ # extract fuzzy part en & translation to be validate
+ sLangFilter='/fuzzy/,/^$/p'
+ for fic in $(find $dir -name "$language.po" |sort) ; do
+ $bOrig &&
+ sSrc="s:\(fuzzy.*\)$:\1¯${fic}:"
+ sed '1,17d' $fic <(echo "msgid ") |
+ sed -n "$sLangFilter" |
+ sed -e "$sSrc" \
+ -e 's/^#/\n~\n#/' \
+ -e '/^$/d' \
+ -e '/^""$/d'
+ done | column -t -s "¯" | uniq
+ elif $bFilesNameCheck ; then #bFilesNameCheck
+ # pattern to check :
+ # #. type: Image filename
+ # ...
+ # msgid "xxx"
+ # msgstr "xxx"
+ # or
+ # msgstr ""
+ # other msgstr are displayed...
+ # : possible specific i18n image with translated legends
+ sLangFilter='/#\..*type:.*filename/,/^$/p'
+ sTrslFrom=""
+ sTrslTo=""
+ sPlomp=""
+ for fic in $(find $dir -name "$language.po" |sort) ; do
+ $bOrig &&
+ sSrc="s:\(filename.*\)$:\1¯${fic}:"
+ sed '1,17d' $fic <(echo -e "\n\n#\. type: filename\nmsgid zz12 \nmsgstr zz1\n\n") |
+ sed -n "$sLangFilter" |
+ grep -E "msgid|msgstr|filename|\#:" |
+ sed -e "$sSrc" \
+ -e 's/^#/\n~\n#/' \
+ -e '/^$/d' \
+ -e '/^""$/d'
+ done |
+ while read -r sLine ; do
+ if [[ "${sLine::6}" == "msgstr" ]] ; then #begin with msgstr
+ sTrslTo="${sLine:6}"
+ [[ $sTrslTo == $sTrslFrom ]] &&
+ sPlomp="" &&
+ continue
+ [[ $sTrslTo == ' ""' ]] &&
+ sPlomp="" &&
+ continue
+ # [[ "${sTrslFrom%\"}_cs\"" == "$sTrslTo" ]] && # those alterate images exist !
+ # sPlomp="" &&
+ # continue
+ sPlomp="$sPlomp\n$sLine"
+ echo -e "$sPlomp"
+ sPlomp=""
+ elif [[ "${sLine::5}" == "msgid" ]] ; then #begin with msgid
+ sTrslFrom="${sLine:5}"
+ sPlomp="$sPlomp\n$sLine"
+ elif [[ "${sLine::2}" == "#:" ]] ; then #begin with msgid
+ sPlomp="${sPlomp%%\\n\\n~}^?¯(->${sLine:2})"
+ else
+ sPlomp="$sPlomp\n$sLine"
+ fi
+ done | column -t -s "¯" |
+ # if 0 output, next lines + prev pipe are commentable
+ # thoses few lines just to get an output in case of success
+ tee /dev/tty |
+ (
+ nb=0
+ while read -r sLine ; do
+ (( nb++ ))
+ break
+ done
+ [[ nb -lt 1 ]] &&
+ echo " => No alterations found !" >&2
+ )
+ else #bWord .. -non case senstive research- manage plural forms
+ # + ignore most of detectable "code parts"
+ # even grep -i is more efficient, it detects codes and only matched line.
+ sTrslFrom=""
+ sTrslTo=""
+ sSrc=""
+ bLastIsId=false
+ $bColor &&
+ sColor="s/\($sWord\)/$(tput setaf 2)\1$(tput sgr 0)/gI"
+ shopt -s nocasematch
+ for fic in $(find $dir -name "$language.po" |sort) ; do
+ # echo "~~~~~~~ Extraction from : $fic ~~~~~~~ " >&2
+ $bOrig &&
+ sSrc="s,^$,\n~~~~ ${fic},"
+ bInCode=false
+ bInCodeComment=false
+ sed '1,17d' $fic <(echo -e "\n\nmsgid EOF1\nmsgstr EOF2\n\n") |
+ sed -e 's/^#.*$//' \
+ -e '/^$/d' \
+ -e 's/]*>//g' \
+ -e 's/[^/]*<\/code>/ ~~SOME_CODES~~ /g' \
+ -e 's/[^><]*\(\/\/[^><]*\)<\/code>/ ~~SOME_CODES~~ \1 ~EOC~ /g' \
+ -e 's// /g' \
+ -e 's/[^/]*/ ~SOME_CODES~ /g' \
+ -e 's:[^/]*//\([^/><]*\): ~SOME_CODES~ \1 ~EOC~ :g' \
+ -e 's/\([^\"]\)/<\/code>"\n"/g' \
+ -e 's/\\/\\\\/g' |
+ # -e 's/<[stb]\/>/ /g'
+ while read -r sLine ; do
+ # ignoring codes without comments (cleaning sLine)
+ ! $bInCode &&
+ if $( echo "$sLine" | grep -q "^\"[^/]*//" ) ; then
+ sLine=$( echo $sLine | sed "s/[^/]*/ ~SomeCodes~ /" )
+ bInCode=true
+ bInCodeComment=true
+ fi
+ ! $bInCode &&
+ if $( echo "$sLine" | grep -qe "^\"[^/]*$" ) ; then
+ if $( echo "$sLine" | grep -q "
" ) ; then
+ bInCode=false
+ sLine=$( echo $sLine | sed "s/.*<\/code>/ ~PeaceOfCode~ /" )
+ bInCode=false
+ else
+ sLine=" ~SomeCodes~ "
+ bInCode=true
+ fi
+ fi
+ ! $bInCode &&
+ if [[ "${sLine::6}" == "" ]] ; then
+ #check if slash are from other xml peaces... or from a comment...
+ sBeg=$( echo $sLine | sed "s:]*>::g" ) &&
+ sBeg="$sEnd"
+ if [[ $sBeg == $sEnd ]] ; then #no comment nor divide
+ if $( echo "$sLine" | grep -q "
" ) ; then
+ sLine=$( echo $sLine | sed "s/.*<\/code>/ ~PeaceOfCode2~ /" )
+ bInCode=false
+ else
+ sLine=" ~SomeCodes2~ "
+ bInCode=true
+ fi
+ #else
+ # ; #TODO : manage++ lines with multine code, slashes & comments
+ fi
+ fi
+ $bInCode &&
+ if $( echo "$sLine" | grep -q "
" ) ; then
+ bInCode=false
+ sBeg=$( echo $sLine | sed "s/<\/code>$//" )
+ sEnd=""
+ if $( echo "$sBeg" | grep -q "//" ) ; then
+ sBeg=$( echo $sLine | sed "s:^.*\(//.*\)<\/code>.*$:\1:" )
+ else
+ sBeg=""
+ fi
+ bInCode=false
+ bInCodeComment=false
+ sLine="$sBeg ~Codes~ $sEnd"
+ elif $( echo "$sLine" | grep -q "//" ) ; then
+ sLine=$( echo $sLine | sed "s:^.*\(//.*\)$: ~~ALineOfCodeWithCom~~ \1:" )
+ else
+ sLine=" ~~A_LINE_OF_CODES~~ "
+ fi
+ # std treatments
+ if [[ "${sLine::6}" == "msgstr" ]] ; then #begin with msgstr
+ $bEnglish &&
+ [[ ${#sTrslFrom} -gt 1 ]] &&
+ ! $( echo "$sTrslFrom"| grep -iq "$sWord" ) &&
+ sTrslFrom="" &&
+ sTrslTo="" &&
+ bLastIsId=false &&
+ continue
+ $bLastIsId &&
+ sTrslTo="${sLine:7}" ||
+ sTrslTo="$sTrslTo\n${sLine:7}"
+ bLastIsId=false;
+ elif [[ "${sLine::5}" == "msgid" ]] ; then #begin with msgid
+ if ! $bLastIsId ; then
+ ! $bEnglish &&
+ [[ ${#sTrslTo} -gt 1 ]] &&
+ ! $( echo "$sTrslTo"| grep -iq "$sWord" ) &&
+ sTrslFrom="" &&
+ sTrslTo=""
+ # clean before display
+ [[ ${#sTrslFrom} -gt 0 ]] &&
+ sTrslFrom=$(echo $sTrslFrom |
+ sed -e 's/\"\"\n//' \
+ -e 's/\"\"//' \
+ -e 's/\"$//' \
+ -e 's/^"/'
+ )
+ [[ ${#sTrslTo} -gt 0 ]] &&
+ sTrslTo=$(echo $sTrslTo |
+ sed -e 's/\"\"\n//' \
+ -e 's/\"\"//' \
+ -e 's/\"$//' \
+ -e 's/^"/>/'
+ )
+ if [[ ${#sTrslTo} -gt 0 ]] ; then
+ [[ ${#sTrslFrom} -gt 0 ]] &&
+ echo -e "\n${sTrslFrom//\\\\n}\n${sTrslTo//\\\\n}"
+ # echo -n
+ else
+ [[ ${#sTrslFrom} -gt 0 ]] &&
+ echo -e "\n${sTrslFrom//\\\\n}"
+ fi | sed -e "$sColor" \
+ -e "$sSrc"
+ fi
+ #new ... = > prepare next
+ sTrslTo=""
+ ! $bLastIsId &&
+ sTrslFrom="${sLine:6}" ||
+ sTrslFrom="$sTrslFrom\n${sLine:6}"
+ bLastIsId=true;
+ else
+ #next... or empty
+ [[ ${#sLine} -lt 2 ]] &&
+ continue
+ if $bLastIsId ; then
+ [[ ${#sTrslFrom} -gt 2 ]] &&
+ sTrslFrom="$sTrslFrom\n$sLine" ||
+ sTrslFrom="$sLine"
+ else
+ [[ ${#sTrslTo} -gt 2 ]] &&
+ sTrslTo="$sTrslTo\n$sLine" ||
+ sTrslTo="$sLine"
+ fi
+ fi
+ done # every sLines
+ done # every xx.po files
+ fi
+echo "!! $0 END" >&2
diff --git a/tools/patchLokalizeWrapping.sh b/tools/patchLokalizeWrapping.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..d285154d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/patchLokalizeWrapping.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Author : BCE - 1905 - 1906
+# correction into i18n po files.
+# restablish fake wrapping done by lokalize...
+# checking non existing save
+# preventively creating a save before eventual modifications
+# and removing it if no alteration
+# Histo
+# V0.1
+# base
+# non treatment for po commented lines
+# ...
+# V1.0
+# checking save don't exist => checking non existing save
+# + trace only for modified files
+# issue : sometimes to launch twice...
+lg=fr # language digramme xx.po
+# forcing a save name (v 0.2)
+# sav=sav0 # permit indental saves use sav, sav1, sav2, ... (v 0.2)
+# for fic in $(find . -name $lg.po |sort) ; do
+# [[ -e $fic.$sav ]] &&
+# echo -e "=== $fic.$sav preexist\n\t\t ABANDON" >&2 &&
+# exit -1
+# done
+# autofinding a non used savename (v 1.0)
+echo "Seeking for a non used save name..." >&2
+while : ; do
+ j=$i
+ sav=sav$i # permit indental saves use sav1, sav2, ...
+ nb=$(find . -name $lg.po.$sav -print -quit 2> /dev/null | wc -l)
+ [[ $nb -eq 0 ]] && break
+ (( ++i ))
+echo "OK, no save $sav preexist ! => processing saving $lg.po into $lg.po.$sav" >&2
+sleep 1
+ # -exec echo " == restablishing {} ==" >&2 \; \
+find . -name $lg.po -type f \
+ -exec sed -i.$sav \
+ -e '/^[^#]/ s/\\n\([^"]\)/\\n"\n"\1/g' \
+ -e '/^msgid "[^"]/ N;s/^msgid \("[^\n]\+"\)\n"/msgid ""\n\1\n"/' \
+ -e '/^msgstr "[^"]/ N;s/^msgstr \(".\+"\)\n"/msgstr ""\n\1\n"/' \
+ -e '/^[^#]/ s/\\n\([^"]\)/\\n"\n"\1/g' \
+ {} \; \
+ -exec bash -c '[[ $(diff {} {}.'$sav' 2>/dev/null | wc -l ) == 0 ]] && rm {}.'$sav' || echo " cleaning {} !!" >&2' \;
+ # note : doubling s/\\n\([^"]\)/../g to cover the case : ".*\\n\\n.*"
+echo "!! END $0 !" >&2