Translate example programs for campaign

Martin Doucha 2018-07-29 12:23:07 +02:00
parent d4e43ba339
commit 17b2c8d1dc
1 changed files with 738 additions and 0 deletions

help/programs/po/cs.po Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,738 @@
# This file is part of the Colobot: Gold Edition source code
# Copyright (C) 2001-2018, Daniel Roux, EPSITEC SA & TerranovaTeam
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Colobot package.
# next_ghost <>, 2018.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 0.1.11\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: DATE\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-29 11:16+02\n"
"Last-Translator: next_ghost <>\n"
"Language-Team: Czech <>\n"
"Language: Czech\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=((n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2);\n"
"X-Language: cs_CZ\n"
"X-Source-Language: en_US\n"
#. type: \b; header
#: ../E/10_FollowPhazer.txt:1 ../E/1_SwitchCell1.txt:1 ../E/1_SwitchCell1_link.txt:1 ../E/2_Recharge1.txt:1 ../E/2_Recharge1_link.txt:1 ../E/3_Recharge2.txt:1 ../E/3_Recharge2_link.txt:1 ../E/4_CollectTitanium1.txt:1 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2.txt:1 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2_link.txt:1 ../E/6_KillAnt1.txt:1 ../E/6_KillAnt1_link.txt:1 ../E/7_CollectTitanium3.txt:1 ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:1 ../E/8_ServiceTower1_link.txt:1 ../E/9_terranova.txt:1
#, no-wrap
msgid "Programs dispatched by Houston"
msgstr "Programy poslané z Houstonu"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/1_SwitchCell1.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "Following is a program that has been developed by our engineers. It allows you to switch <a object|power>power cells</a>. A charged cell needs to be placed on the ground in front of the bot."
msgstr "Následující program vyvinuli naši inženýři. Slouží k výměně <a object|power>baterií</a>. Pro správné fungování musí na zemi před robotem ležet nabitá baterie."
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/1_SwitchCell1.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid "In order to execute this program, select the program <code>SwitchCell1</code> in the list of the programs available on the bot (on the lower left-hand corner of your screen), and click on the arrow symbol <button 21/>."
msgstr "Pro spuštění tohoto programu vyberte v seznamu nainstalovaných programů robota (v levém dolním rohu obrazovky) položku <code>SwitchCell1</code> a klikněte na tlačítko se šipkou <button 21/>."
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/1_SwitchCell1.txt:6
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"extern void object::SwitchCell1()\n"
"\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(InFront); // take the new cell in front\n"
"\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(Behind); // and drop it behind\n"
"\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(EnergyCell); // take the cell from the bot\n"
"\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(InFront); // and drop it in front\n"
"\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(Behind); // take the new cell\n"
"\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(EnergyCell); // and drop it on the bot\n"
msgstr ""
"extern void object::SwitchCell1()\n"
"\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(InFront); // zvedne baterii pred robotem\n"
"\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(Behind); // a polozi ji za sebe\n"
"\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(EnergyCell); // vynda vlastni baterii\n"
"\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(InFront); // a polozi ji pred sebe\n"
"\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(Behind); // zvedne novou baterii\n"
"\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(EnergyCell); // a vlozi ji do zdirky\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/1_SwitchCell1_link.txt:2 ../E/2_Recharge1_link.txt:2 ../E/3_Recharge2_link.txt:2 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2_link.txt:2 ../E/6_KillAnt1_link.txt:2 ../E/8_ServiceTower1_link.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "We did not develop a specific program for this mission. However, you can develop your own programs if you think it would be useful."
msgstr "Pro tuto misi jsme nevyvinuli žádný nový program. Pokud se Vám to ale bude hodit, můžete si napsat vlastní programy."
#. type: \b; header
#: ../E/10_FollowPhazer.txt:40 ../E/1_SwitchCell1_link.txt:4 ../E/2_Recharge1.txt:20 ../E/2_Recharge1_link.txt:4 ../E/3_Recharge2.txt:23 ../E/3_Recharge2_link.txt:4 ../E/4_CollectTitanium1.txt:24 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2.txt:32 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2_link.txt:4 ../E/6_KillAnt1.txt:23 ../E/6_KillAnt1_link.txt:4 ../E/7_CollectTitanium3.txt:53 ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:43 ../E/8_ServiceTower1_link.txt:4 ../E/9_terranova.txt:20
#, no-wrap
msgid "Archives"
msgstr "Archivy"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/10_FollowPhazer.txt:41 ../E/1_SwitchCell1_link.txt:5 ../E/2_Recharge1.txt:21 ../E/2_Recharge1_link.txt:5 ../E/3_Recharge2.txt:24 ../E/3_Recharge2_link.txt:5 ../E/4_CollectTitanium1.txt:25 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2.txt:33 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2_link.txt:5 ../E/6_KillAnt1.txt:24 ../E/6_KillAnt1_link.txt:5 ../E/7_CollectTitanium3.txt:54 ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:44 ../E/8_ServiceTower1_link.txt:5 ../E/9_terranova.txt:21
#, no-wrap
msgid "Index of the programs dispatched in former missions:"
msgstr "Seznam programů poslaných pro předchozí mise:"
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/10_FollowPhazer.txt:50 ../E/1_SwitchCell1_link.txt:7 ../E/2_Recharge1.txt:23 ../E/2_Recharge1_link.txt:8 ../E/3_Recharge2.txt:26 ../E/3_Recharge2_link.txt:9 ../E/4_CollectTitanium1.txt:29 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2.txt:38 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2_link.txt:11 ../E/6_KillAnt1.txt:30 ../E/6_KillAnt1_link.txt:12 ../E/7_CollectTitanium3.txt:61 ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:52 ../E/8_ServiceTower1_link.txt:14 ../E/9_terranova.txt:30
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code><a programs/1_SwitchCell1>SwitchCell1</a></code>"
msgstr "<code><a programs/1_SwitchCell1>SwitchCell1</a></code>"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/2_Recharge1.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "Below is a program that has been developed by our engineers. It allows you to recharge the <a object|power>power cell</a> of a bot: it goes to the closest <a object|station>power station</a>, waits 5 seconds, and comes back to the initial position."
msgstr "Následující program vyvinuli naši inženýři. Slouží k nabití <a object|power>baterie</a> robota: Robot dojede na nejbližší <a object|station>nabíječku</a>, počká 5 sekund, a vrátí se na výchozí místo."
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/2_Recharge1.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid "Remark: If you click on an element of the program underlined in blue, your SatCom will display a text that explains this element. The texts that follow a double slash <code>//</code> are not part of the program, but are comments that help you to understand the program."
msgstr "Poznámka: Když kliknete na některý modře podtržený prvek programu, Váš SatKom zobrazí nápovědu k danému prvku. Text za dvěma lomítky <code>//</code> není součástí programu. Je to pouze komentář, který Vám má osvětlit smysl příslušných příkazů."
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/2_Recharge1.txt:6
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"extern void object::Recharge1()\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>point</a> start; // variable for initial pos.\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>object</a> item; // info. about power station\n"
"\tstart = position; // store initial position\n"
"\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>PowerStation</a>); // look for station\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // go to the power station\n"
"\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(5); // wait 5 seconds\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(start); // go back to initial pos.\n"
msgstr ""
"extern void object::Recharge1()\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>point</a> start; // promenna pro vychozi polohu\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>object</a> item; // informace o nabijecce\n"
"\tstart = position; // ulozit vychozi polohu\n"
"\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>PowerStation</a>); // najit nabijecku\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // dojet na nabijecku\n"
"\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(5); // pockat 5 skund\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(start); // zpet na vychozi misto\n"
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/10_FollowPhazer.txt:49 ../E/2_Recharge1_link.txt:7 ../E/3_Recharge2.txt:27 ../E/3_Recharge2_link.txt:8 ../E/4_CollectTitanium1.txt:28 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2.txt:37 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2_link.txt:10 ../E/6_KillAnt1.txt:29 ../E/6_KillAnt1_link.txt:11 ../E/7_CollectTitanium3.txt:60 ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:51 ../E/8_ServiceTower1_link.txt:13 ../E/9_terranova.txt:29
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code><a programs/2_Recharge1>Recharge1</a></code>"
msgstr "<code><a programs/2_Recharge1>Recharge1</a></code>"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/3_Recharge2.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "We have improved the recharge program. When it arrives at the <a object|station>power station</a>, the bot does not wait exactly 5 seconds, but only until the <a object|power>power cell</a> is fully charged. After the bot is back at the initial position, it displays a message on the screen."
msgstr "Vylepšili jsme nabíjecí program. Když robot dojede na <a object|station>nabíječku</a>, nebude čekat přesně 5 sekund, ale jen dokud se mu plně nenabije <a object|power>baterie</a>. Až se pak vrátí na výchozí místo, zobrazí zprávu na obrazovce."
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/3_Recharge2.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"extern void object::Recharge2()\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>point</a> start; // variable for initial pos.\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>object</a> item; // info. about power station\n"
"\tstart = position; // store initial position\n"
"\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>PowerStation</a>); // look for station\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // go to the power station\n"
"\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( <a cbot|object>energyCell.energyLevel</a> < 1 )\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(1); // wait until recharged\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(start); // go back to initial pos.\n"
"\t<a cbot|message>message</a>(\"Recharge completed\");\n"
msgstr ""
"extern void object::Recharge2()\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>point</a> start; // promenna pro vychozi polohu\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>object</a> item; // informace o nabijecce\n"
"\tstart = position; // ulozit vychozi polohu\n"
"\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>PowerStation</a>); // najit nabijecku\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // dojet na nabijecku\n"
"\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( <a cbot|object>energyCell.energyLevel</a> < 1 )\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(1); // cekat na nabiti baterie\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(start); // zpet na vychozi misto\n"
"\t<a cbot|message>message</a>(\"Recharge completed\");\n"
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/10_FollowPhazer.txt:48 ../E/3_Recharge2_link.txt:7 ../E/4_CollectTitanium1.txt:27 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2.txt:36 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2_link.txt:9 ../E/6_KillAnt1.txt:28 ../E/6_KillAnt1_link.txt:10 ../E/7_CollectTitanium3.txt:59 ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:50 ../E/8_ServiceTower1_link.txt:12 ../E/9_terranova.txt:28
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code><a programs/3_Recharge2>Recharge2</a></code>"
msgstr "<code><a programs/3_Recharge2>Recharge2</a></code>"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/4_CollectTitanium1.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Below is one of the programs that has been developed by our engineers.\n"
"It instructs a <a object|botgr>grabber</a> to retrieve the nearest chunk of <a object|titanore>titanium ore</a> and place it on the <a object|convert>converter</a>."
msgstr ""
"Následující program vyvinuli naši inženýři.\n"
"Slouží k řízení <a object|botgr>robotického ramena</a>, aby našlo nejbližší hroudu <a object|titanore>titanové rudy</a> a odvezlo ji do <a object|convert>konvertoru</a>."
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/4_CollectTitanium1.txt:5
#, no-wrap
msgid "In order to execute this program, select the program <code>CollectTitanium1</code> in the list of the programs available on the bot (on the lower left-hand corner of your screen), and click on the arrow symbol <button 21/>. At any moment you can stop the program and take over at the controls with the stop button <button 8/>."
msgstr "Pro spuštění tohoto programu vyberte v seznamu nainstalovaných programů robota (v levém dolním rohu obrazovky) položku <code>CollectTitanium1</code> a klikněte na tlačítko se šipkou <button 21/>. Program můžete kdykoliv vypnout a převzít ovládání robota tlačítkem Zastavit <button 8/>."
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/4_CollectTitanium1.txt:7
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"extern void object::CollectTitanium1()\n"
"\t// 1) Variable definition.\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>object</a> item; // info. about objects\n"
"\t// 2) Go to the titanium ore and grab it.\n"
"\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>TitaniumOre</a>);// look for titanium ore\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // go to the position\n"
"\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(); // grab the titanium\n"
"\t// 3) Go to the converter and drop it.\n"
"\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>Converter</a>); // look for converter\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // go to the position\n"
"\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(); // drop the titanium\n"
"\t<a cbot|move>move</a>(-2.5); // step back 2.5 m\n"
msgstr ""
"extern void object::CollectTitanium1()\n"
"\t// 1) Deklarace promennych.\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>object</a> item; // informace o objektech\n"
"\t// 2) Dojet k titanove rude a zvednout ji.\n"
"\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>TitaniumOre</a>);// najit titanovou rudu\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // dojet na misto\n"
"\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(); // zvednout rudu\n"
"\t// 3) Dojet do konvertoru a polozit rudu.\n"
"\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>Converter</a>); // najit konvertor\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // dojet na misto\n"
"\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(); // pozolit rudu\n"
"\t<a cbot|move>move</a>(-2.5); // zacouvat 2,5m\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/5_CollectTitanium2.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Below is one of the programs that has been developed by our engineers.\n"
"An upgrade on the previous program: the <a object|botgr>grabber</a>, on its way back from the converter, makes a stop, if necessary, at the <a object|station>power station</a> to recharge its power cell."
msgstr ""
"Níže je jeden z programů vyvinutých našimi inženýry.\n"
"Vylepšení předchozího programu: Když to bude třeba, <a object|botgr>robotické rameno</a> se cestou z konvertoru zastaví na <a object|station>nabíječce</a> a nabije si baterii."
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/5_CollectTitanium2.txt:5
#, no-wrap
msgid "This program also works on <a object|botgj>winged grabbers</a>, if the <a object|derrick>derrick</a> is on another island than the <a object|convert>converter</a>."
msgstr "Tento program funguje i na <a object|botgj>létajících ramenech</a>, když je <a object|derrick>vrtná věž</a> na jiném ostrově než <a object|convert>konvertor</a>."
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/5_CollectTitanium2.txt:7
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"extern void object::CollectTitanium2()\n"
"\t// 1) Variable definition.\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>object</a> item; // info. about objects\n"
"\t// 2) Go to the titanium ore and grab it.\n"
"\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>TitaniumOre</a>);// look for titanium ore\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // go to the position\n"
"\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(); // grab the titanium\n"
"\t// 3) Go to the converter and drop it.\n"
"\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>Converter</a>); // look for converter\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // go to the position\n"
"\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(); // drop the titanium\n"
"\t<a cbot|move>move</a>(-2.5); // step back 2.5 m\n"
"\t// 4) If power cell half empty, recharges.\n"
"\tif ( energyCell.energyLevel < 0.5 )\n"
"\t{ // if so:\n"
"\t\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>PowerStation</a>); // look for station\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // go there\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(5); // wait\n"
msgstr ""
"extern void object::CollectTitanium2()\n"
"\t// 1) Deklarace promennych.\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>object</a> item; // informace o objektech\n"
"\t// 2) Dojet k titanove rude a zvednout ji.\n"
"\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>TitaniumOre</a>);// najit titanovou rudu\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // dojet na misto\n"
"\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(); // zvednout rudu\n"
"\t// 3) Dojet do konvertoru a polozit rudu.\n"
"\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>Converter</a>); // najit konvertor\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // dojet na misto\n"
"\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(); // polozit rudu\n"
"\t<a cbot|move>move</a>(-2.5); // zacouvat 2,5m\n"
"\t// 4) Pokud je baterie poloprazdna, nabit se.\n"
"\tif ( energyCell.energyLevel < 0.5 )\n"
"\t{ // kdyz podminka plati:\n"
"\t\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>PowerStation</a>); // najit nabijecku\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // dojet tam\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(5); // pockat\n"
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/10_FollowPhazer.txt:47 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2.txt:35 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2_link.txt:8 ../E/6_KillAnt1.txt:27 ../E/6_KillAnt1_link.txt:9 ../E/7_CollectTitanium3.txt:58 ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:49 ../E/8_ServiceTower1_link.txt:11 ../E/9_terranova.txt:27
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code><a programs/4_CollectTitanium1>CollectTitanium1</a></code>"
msgstr "<code><a programs/4_CollectTitanium1>CollectTitanium1</a></code>"
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/10_FollowPhazer.txt:46 ../E/5_CollectTitanium2_link.txt:7 ../E/6_KillAnt1.txt:26 ../E/6_KillAnt1_link.txt:8 ../E/7_CollectTitanium3.txt:57 ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:48 ../E/8_ServiceTower1_link.txt:10 ../E/9_terranova.txt:26
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code><a programs/5_CollectTitanium2>CollectTitanium2</a></code>"
msgstr "<code><a programs/5_CollectTitanium2>CollectTitanium2</a></code>"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/6_KillAnt1.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "Execute the program <code>KillAnt1</code> immediately on your <a object|botfr>wheeled shooter</a>, it will protect your west flank. Meantime you can elaborate your defense strategy."
msgstr "Na svém <a object|botfr>pojízdném kanónu</a> ihned spusťte program <code>KillAnt1</code>, bude Vám hlídat západní stranu. Pak se můžete věnovat budování obranného perimetru."
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/6_KillAnt1.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"extern void object::KillAnt1()\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>object</a> item; // info. about object\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(-30, 0); // go west\n"
"\t<a cbot|aim>aim</a>(0); // aim straight\n"
"\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( true ) // repeat forever:\n"
"\t\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>AlienAnt</a>, 0, 360, 0, 40);\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|if>if</a> ( item != null ) // ant detected ?\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|turn>turn</a>(<a cbot|direct>direction</a>(item.position));\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|fire>fire</a>(0.5); // shoot 0.5 s\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(1); // wait 1 second\n"
msgstr ""
"extern void object::KillAnt1()\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>object</a> item; // informace o objektech\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(-30, 0); // jet na zapad\n"
"\t<a cbot|aim>aim</a>(0); // namirit rovne pred sebe\n"
"\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( true ) // opakovat stale dokola:\n"
"\t\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>AlienAnt</a>, 0, 360, 0, 40);\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|if>if</a> ( item != null ) // nalezen mravenec?\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|turn>turn</a>(<a cbot|direct>direction</a>(item.position));\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|fire>fire</a>(0.5); // vystrelit 0,5s\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(1); // pockat 1 sekundu\n"
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/10_FollowPhazer.txt:45 ../E/6_KillAnt1_link.txt:7 ../E/7_CollectTitanium3.txt:56 ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:47 ../E/8_ServiceTower1_link.txt:9 ../E/9_terranova.txt:25
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code><a programs/6_KillAnt1>KillAnt1</a></code>"
msgstr "<code><a programs/6_KillAnt1>KillAnt1</a></code>"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/7_CollectTitanium3.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "As you will need lots of titanium for this mission, we have made the program <code>CollectTitanium</code> still more efficient. It gathers a whole series of titanium cubes on a free surface, so you can let it work on its own. It also recharges itself at the <a object|station>power station</a> if necessary."
msgstr "Protože v této misi budete potřebovat spoustu titanu, opět jsme vylepšili program <code>CollectTitanium</code>. Robot bude vyrábět kostky titanu do zásoby a odkládat je na volném místě, takže ho můžete nechat pracovat samostatně. V případě potřeby si navíc sám dobije baterii na <a object|station>nabíječce</a>."
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/7_CollectTitanium3.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"extern void object::CollectTitanium3()\n"
"\t// 1) Variable definition.\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>object</a> item; // info. about objects\n"
"\t<a cbot|while>while</a> (true) // repeat forever\n"
"\t\t// 2) Go to the titanium ore and grab it.\n"
"\t\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>TitaniumOre</a>);// look for titanium\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // go to the position\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(); // grab the titanium\n"
"\t\t// 3) Go to the converter and drop it.\n"
"\t\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>Converter</a>); // look for converter\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // go to the position\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(); // drop the titanium\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|move>move</a>(-2.5); // step back 2.5 m\n"
"\t\t// 4) Wait until titanium converted and grab it\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|do>do</a>\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(1); // wait for cube\n"
"\t\t\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>Titanium</a>, 0, 45, 0, 5);\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( item == null );\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position);\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(); // grab it\n"
"\t\t// 5) Drop on a free space\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(<a cbot|space>space</a>(position)); // go to free space\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(); // drop titanium\n"
"\t\t// 6) If power cell half empty, recharges.\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|if>if</a> ( energyCell.energyLevel < 0.5 )\n"
"\t\t{ // if so:\n"
"\t\t\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>PowerStation</a>);\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|if>if</a> ( item != null ) // station found ?\n"
"\t\t\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // go there\n"
"\t\t\t\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( energyCell.energyLevel < 1 )\n"
"\t\t\t\t{ // until recharged:\n"
"\t\t\t\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(1); // wait\n"
msgstr ""
"extern void object::CollectTitanium3()\n"
"\t// 1) Deklarace promennych.\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>object</a> item; // informace o objektech\n"
"\t<a cbot|while>while</a> (true) // opakovat porad dokola\n"
"\t\t// 2) Dojet k titanove rude a zvednout ji.\n"
"\t\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>TitaniumOre</a>);// najit titanovou rudu\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // dojet na misto\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(); // zvednout rudu\n"
"\t\t// 3) Dojet do konvertoru a polozit rudu.\n"
"\t\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>Converter</a>); // najit konvertor\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // dojet na misto\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(); // polozit rudu\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|move>move</a>(-2.5); // zacouvat 2,5m\n"
"\t\t// 4) Pockat na dokonceni vyroby a zvednout titan.\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|do>do</a>\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(1); // cekat na kostku titanu\n"
"\t\t\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>Titanium</a>, 0, 45, 0, 5);\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( item == null );\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position);\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(); // zvednout ji\n"
"\t\t// 5) Odlozit na volnem miste.\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(<a cbot|space>space</a>(position)); // dojet na volne misto\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(); // polozit titan\n"
"\t\t// 6) Pokud je baterie poloprazdna, nabit se.\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|if>if</a> ( energyCell.energyLevel < 0.5 )\n"
"\t\t{ // pokud podminka plati:\n"
"\t\t\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>PowerStation</a>);\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|if>if</a> ( item != null ) // existuje nabijecka?\n"
"\t\t\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(item.position); // dojet na ni\n"
"\t\t\t\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( energyCell.energyLevel < 1 )\n"
"\t\t\t\t{ // dokud baterie neni nabita:\n"
"\t\t\t\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(1); // cekat\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "We have developed a program that takes care of recharging the power cell of a <a object|tower>defense tower</a>:"
msgstr "Vyvinuli jsme program, který se postará o nabíjení baterie <a object|tower>obranné věže</a>:"
#. type: Bullet: '1)'
#: ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid "Go to a <a object|tower>defense tower</a>."
msgstr "Dojet k <a object|tower>obranné věži</a>."
#. type: Bullet: '2)'
#: ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:5
#, no-wrap
msgid "Wait until the <a object|power>power cell</a> is 80% empty."
msgstr "Počkat, až bude <a object|power>baterie</a> z 80 % vybitá."
#. type: Bullet: '3)'
#: ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "Grab the <a object|power>power cell</a> and recharge it on a <a object|station>power station</a>."
msgstr "Vzít <a object|power>baterii</a> a nabít ji na <a object|station>nabíječce</a>."
#. type: Bullet: '4)'
#: ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:7
#, no-wrap
msgid "Put it back on the <a object|tower>defense tower</a>."
msgstr "Vrátit ji zpět do <a object|tower>obranné věže</a>."
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:9
#, no-wrap
msgid "Build the <a object|station>power station</a> as close as possible to the tower in order to reduce the time when the tower has got no power cell. A good trick is to place a power cell on the ground in front of the tower. The wasp will attack the power cell, and if the first shoot misses or a wasp arrives when the defense tower has got no energy, only the power cell is destroyed and not the defense tower."
msgstr "<a object|station>Nabíječku</a> postavte co nejblíže k obranné věži, aby byla věž bez baterie co nejkratší dobu. Také můžete využít trik s druhou baterií, kterou položte před věž. Když pak přiletí vosa a věž první ranou netrefí nebo zrovna bude bez energie, vosa zničí pouze odloženou baterii."
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:11
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"extern void object::ServiceTower1()\n"
"\t<a cbot|object>object</a> tower; // info. about tower\n"
"\t<a cbot|object>object</a> station; // info. about station\n"
"\t// 1) go to the defense tower\n"
"\ttower = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(DefenseTower); // look for tower\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(tower.position); // go there\n"
"\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( true ) // repeat forever\n"
"\t\t// 2) wait until power cell is empty\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( tower.energyCell.energyLevel > 0.2 )\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(2);\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(); // grab the power cell\n"
"\t\t// 3) go to the power station to recharge\n"
"\t\tstation = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(PowerStation);\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(station.position); // go there\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( load.energyLevel < 1 )\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(1); // wait until recharged\n"
"\t\t// 4) go back to defense tower\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(tower.position); // go to tower\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(); // drop the power cell\n"
msgstr ""
"extern void object::ServiceTower1()\n"
"\t<a cbot|object>object</a> tower; // informace o vezi\n"
"\t<a cbot|object>object</a> station; // informace o nabijecce\n"
"\t// 1) dojet k obranne vezi\n"
"\ttower = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(DefenseTower); // najit vez\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(tower.position); // dojet na misto\n"
"\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( true ) // opakovat stale dokola\n"
"\t\t// 2) cekat, az bude baterie vybita\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( tower.energyCell.energyLevel > 0.2 )\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(2);\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|grab>grab</a>(); // vzit baterii\n"
"\t\t// 3) dojet na nabijecku a nabit baterii\n"
"\t\tstation = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(PowerStation);\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(station.position); // dojet na misto\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( load.energyLevel < 1 )\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(1); // cekat na nabiti\n"
"\t\t// 4) dojet zpet k vezi\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(tower.position); // dojet k vezi\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|drop>drop</a>(); // polozit baterii\n"
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/10_FollowPhazer.txt:44 ../E/8_ServiceTower1.txt:46 ../E/8_ServiceTower1_link.txt:8 ../E/9_terranova.txt:24
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code><a programs/7_CollectTitanium3>CollectTitanium3</a></code>"
msgstr "<code><a programs/7_CollectTitanium3>CollectTitanium3</a></code>"
#. type: Bullet: 'o'
#: ../E/10_FollowPhazer.txt:43 ../E/8_ServiceTower1_link.txt:7 ../E/9_terranova.txt:23
#, no-wrap
msgid "<code><a programs/8_ServiceTower1>ServiceTower1</a></code>"
msgstr "<code><a programs/8_ServiceTower1>ServiceTower1</a></code>"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/10_FollowPhazer.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "Below is a program that has been developed by our engineers."
msgstr "Následující program vyvinuli naši inženýři."
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/10_FollowPhazer.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid "It instructs the <a object|botshld>shielder</a> to follow and protect the <a object|botphaz>phazer</a>."
msgstr "Slouží k řízení <a object|botshld>mobilního štítu</a>, aby jezdil za <a object|botphaz>fázovým dělem</a> a chránil ho."
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/10_FollowPhazer.txt:6
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"extern void object::FollowPhazer()\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>object</a> item; // info. about phazer\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>point</a> dest; // position where to go\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>float</a> dist; // distance to phazer\n"
"\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>PhazerShooter</a>);\n"
"\t<a cbot|if>if</a> ( item == null )\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|message>message</a>(\"No phazer found\");\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|return>return</a>; // stop the program\n"
"\t<a cbot|shield>shield</a>(1, 25); // activate the shield\n"
"\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( true ) // repeat forever\n"
"\t\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(PhazerShooter);// look for phazer\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|if>if</a> ( item == null ) break;\n"
"\t\tdist = <a cbot|dist>distance</a>(item.position, position);\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|if>if</a> ( dist < 5 )\n"
"\t\t{ // if closer than 5 m:\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(1); // wait\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|if>else</a> // otherwise:\n"
"\t\t{ // Calculate a position 5 m before the phazer\n"
"\t\t\tdest.x = (item.position.x-position.x)*((dist-5)/dist)+position.x;\n"
"\t\t\tdest.y = (item.position.y-position.y)*((dist-5)/dist)+position.y;\n"
"\t\t\tdest.z = (item.position.z-position.z)*((dist-5)/dist)+position.z;\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(dest, 0, 1, 1); // and go there\n"
msgstr ""
"extern void object::FollowPhazer()\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>object</a> item; // informace o fazovem delu\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>point</a> dest; // misto, kam jet\n"
"\t<a cbot|type>float</a> dist; // vzdalenost k fazovemu delu\n"
"\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(<a cbot|category>PhazerShooter</a>);\n"
"\t<a cbot|if>if</a> ( item == null )\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|message>message</a>(\"No phazer found\");\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|return>return</a>; // ukoncit program\n"
"\t<a cbot|shield>shield</a>(1, 25); // zapnout stit\n"
"\t<a cbot|while>while</a> ( true ) // opakovat stale dokola\n"
"\t\titem = <a cbot|radar>radar</a>(PhazerShooter);// najit fazove delo\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|if>if</a> ( item == null ) break;\n"
"\t\tdist = <a cbot|dist>distance</a>(item.position, position);\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|if>if</a> ( dist < 5 )\n"
"\t\t{ // pokud je delo blize nez 5m\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|wait>wait</a>(1); // cekat\n"
"\t\t<a cbot|if>else</a> // jinak:\n"
"\t\t{ // Vypocitat bod 5m od fazoveho dela\n"
"\t\t\tdest.x = (item.position.x-position.x)*((dist-5)/dist)+position.x;\n"
"\t\t\tdest.y = (item.position.y-position.y)*((dist-5)/dist)+position.y;\n"
"\t\t\tdest.z = (item.position.z-position.z)*((dist-5)/dist)+position.z;\n"
"\t\t\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(dest, 0, 1, 1); // a dojet tam\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/9_terranova.txt:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "According to the data transmitted by the satellite, our engineers have developed two programs. The first one guides the <a object|botshld>shielder bot</a> through the narrow valley north close to the place where the key has been located. You can follow it without fearing any attack:"
msgstr "Naši inženýři podle dat získaných ze satelitu vyvinuli dva programy. První program pošle <a object|botshld>mobilní štít</a> skrz úzké údolí na severu k místu, kde byl nalezen klíč. Vy můžete údolím spolu se štítem bezpečně projít:"
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/9_terranova.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"extern void object::Outward()\n"
"\t<a cbot|shield>shield</a>(1,15); // activate the shield\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(6,160); // go close to the key\n"
"\t<a cbot|shield>shield</a>(0,15); // deactivate the shield\n"
msgstr ""
"extern void object::Outward()\n"
"\t<a cbot|shield>shield</a>(1,15); // zapnout silove pole\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(6,160); // dojet ke klici\n"
"\t<a cbot|shield>shield</a>(0,15); // vypnout silove pole\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/9_terranova.txt:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "The second program guides the <a object|botshld>shielder bot</a> back to the <a object|base>spaceship</a>:"
msgstr "Druhý program pošle <a object|botshld>mobilní štít</a> zpět k <a object|base>raketě</a>:"
#. type: Source code
#: ../E/9_terranova.txt:13
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"extern void object::Return()\n"
"\t<a cbot|shield>shield</a>(1,15); // activate the shield\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(8,60); // go to the spaceship\n"
"\t<a cbot|shield>shield</a>(0,15); // deactivate the shield\n"
msgstr ""
"extern void object::Return()\n"
"\t<a cbot|shield>shield</a>(1,15); // zapnout silove pole\n"
"\t<a cbot|goto>goto</a>(8,60); // dojet k rakete\n"
"\t<a cbot|shield>shield</a>(0,15); // vypnout silove pole\n"