diff --git a/help/cbot/E/radar.txt b/help/cbot/E/radar.txt
index 9cb36492..289d52df 100644
--- a/help/cbot/E/radar.txt
+++ b/help/cbot/E/radar.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
\b;Instruction \c;radar\n;
-With the instruction \c;radar()\n;, you can look for objects like \l;enemies\u object\mother;, bots, buildings or raw materials.
+With the instruction \c;radar();\n;, you can look for objects like \l;enemies\u object\mother;, bots, buildings or raw materials.
\b;Basic use
Write in brackets the \l;name of the object\u cbot\category; that you look for. Put the result in a variable of the \l;type\u cbot\type; \c;object\n;. Here is an example that looks for the closest ant:
@@ -78,5 +78,5 @@ When one or more parameters are not specified, the default values indicated abov
Generally, only the first parameter is specified: f. ex. \c;radar (AlienAnt)\n; detects the closest ant, wherever it may be.
\t;See also
-\l;Programming\u cbot;, \l;types\u cbot\type; and \l;categories\u cbot\category;.
+\c;\l;radarall\u cbot\radarall;();\n;, \l;programming\u cbot;, \l;types\u cbot\type; and \l;categories\u cbot\category;.
diff --git a/help/cbot/E/radarall.txt b/help/cbot/E/radarall.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..600c6578
--- /dev/null
+++ b/help/cbot/E/radarall.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+\b;Instruction \c;radarall\n;
+\c;radarall();\n; is an enhancement of the \c;\l;radar\u cbot\radar;();\n; function -- it detects all objects matching the given criteria.
+\s;object[] items;
+\s;items = radarall(PowerCell);
+\s;for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(items); ++i)
+\s; message(items[i].id);
+\b;For specialists
+\s;\c;radarall ( cat, angle, focus, min, max, sens, filter );\n;
+The function works generally the same as the \c;\l;radar\u cbot\radar;();\n; function with the only difference being that it returns an \l;array\u cbot\array; of \l;objects\u cbot\object; instead of one object. If no object is found, \c;\l;null\u cbot\null;\n; is returned.
+The order of objects in the returned array is sorted by distance and depends on the \c;sens\n; parameter. The first object in the array is the object which would be returned by the \c;radar();\n; function called with the exactly same parameters.
+\t;See also
+\c;\l;radar\u cbot\radar;();\n;, \l;programming\u cbot;, \l;types\u cbot\type; and \l;categories\u cbot\category;.
diff --git a/help/cbot/po/cbot.pot b/help/cbot/po/cbot.pot
index 484bd505..355aa01c 100644
--- a/help/cbot/po/cbot.pot
+++ b/help/cbot/po/cbot.pot
@@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ msgid "Time in seconds."
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/abstime.txt:10 ../E/acos.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:23 ../E/array.txt:41 ../E/asin.txt:11 ../E/atan.txt:11 ../E/atan2.txt:16 ../E/bloc.txt:48 ../E/bool.txt:4 ../E/break.txt:24 ../E/build.txt:27 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:22 ../E/busy.txt:14 ../E/canbuild.txt:22 ../E/canresearch.txt:14 ../E/category.txt:107 ../E/ceil.txt:12 ../E/class.txt:70 ../E/close.txt:6 ../E/cond.txt:4 ../E/continue.txt:24 ../E/cos.txt:11 ../E/deletef.txt:9 ../E/delinfo.txt:13 ../E/destroy.txt:15 ../E/detect.txt:27 ../E/direct.txt:13 ../E/dist.txt:29 ../E/dist2d.txt:13 ../E/do.txt:27 ../E/drop.txt:28 ../E/eof.txt:13 ../E/errmode.txt:32 ../E/expr.txt:197 ../E/extern.txt:29 ../E/factory.txt:21 ../E/false.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:16 ../E/fire.txt:30 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:16 ../E/flatspace.txt:25 ../E/float.txt:24 ../E/floor.txt:12 ../E/for.txt:38 ../E/function.txt:131 ../E/goto.txt:34 ../E/grab.txt:28 ../E/if.txt:39 ../E/int.txt:18 ../E/jet.txt:14 ../E/message.txt:24 ../E/motor.txt:38 ../E/move.txt:21 ../E/nan.txt:14 ../E/new.txt:20 ../E/null.txt:4 ../E/object.txt:79 ../E/open.txt:18 ../E/openfile.txt:10 ../E/pencolor.txt:14 ../E/pendown.txt:17 ../E/penup.txt:11 ../E/penwidth.txt:14 ../E/point.txt:35 ../E/pointer.txt:51 ../E/pow.txt:14 ../E/private.txt:17 ../E/produce.txt:30 ../E/public.txt:49 ../E/radar.txt:80 ../E/rand.txt:8 ../E/readln.txt:18 ../E/receive.txt:16 ../E/recycle.txt:12 ../E/research.txt:18 ../E/researched.txt:14 ../E/researches.txt:27 ../E/retobj.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:29 ../E/round.txt:12 ../E/search.txt:25 ../E/send.txt:17 ../E/shield.txt:18 ../E/sin.txt:11 ../E/sizeof.txt:21 ../E/sniff.txt:16 ../E/space.txt:22 ../E/sqrt.txt:11 ../E/static.txt:20 ../E/strfind.txt:18 ../E/string.txt:32 ../E/strleft.txt:14 ../E/strlen.txt:12 ../E/strlower.txt:10 ../E/strmid.txt:18 ../E/strright.txt:14 ../E/strupper.txt:10 ../E/strval.txt:17 ../E/switch.txt:70 ../E/synchro.txt:23 ../E/takeoff.txt:15 ../E/tan.txt:11 ../E/term.txt:30 ../E/testinfo.txt:16 ../E/this.txt:52 ../E/thump.txt:12 ../E/topo.txt:13 ../E/true.txt:4 ../E/trunc.txt:12 ../E/turn.txt:32 ../E/type.txt:32 ../E/var.txt:66 ../E/void.txt:10 ../E/wait.txt:21 ../E/while.txt:46 ../E/writeln.txt:19
+#: ../E/abstime.txt:10 ../E/acos.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:23 ../E/array.txt:41 ../E/asin.txt:11 ../E/atan.txt:11 ../E/atan2.txt:16 ../E/bloc.txt:48 ../E/bool.txt:4 ../E/break.txt:24 ../E/build.txt:27 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:22 ../E/busy.txt:14 ../E/canbuild.txt:22 ../E/canresearch.txt:14 ../E/category.txt:107 ../E/ceil.txt:12 ../E/class.txt:70 ../E/close.txt:6 ../E/cond.txt:4 ../E/continue.txt:24 ../E/cos.txt:11 ../E/deletef.txt:9 ../E/delinfo.txt:13 ../E/destroy.txt:15 ../E/detect.txt:27 ../E/direct.txt:13 ../E/dist.txt:29 ../E/dist2d.txt:13 ../E/do.txt:27 ../E/drop.txt:28 ../E/eof.txt:13 ../E/errmode.txt:32 ../E/expr.txt:197 ../E/extern.txt:29 ../E/factory.txt:21 ../E/false.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:16 ../E/fire.txt:30 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:16 ../E/flatspace.txt:25 ../E/float.txt:24 ../E/floor.txt:12 ../E/for.txt:38 ../E/function.txt:131 ../E/goto.txt:34 ../E/grab.txt:28 ../E/if.txt:39 ../E/int.txt:18 ../E/jet.txt:14 ../E/message.txt:24 ../E/motor.txt:38 ../E/move.txt:21 ../E/nan.txt:14 ../E/new.txt:20 ../E/null.txt:4 ../E/object.txt:79 ../E/open.txt:18 ../E/openfile.txt:10 ../E/pencolor.txt:14 ../E/pendown.txt:17 ../E/penup.txt:11 ../E/penwidth.txt:14 ../E/point.txt:35 ../E/pointer.txt:51 ../E/pow.txt:14 ../E/private.txt:17 ../E/produce.txt:30 ../E/public.txt:49 ../E/radar.txt:80 ../E/radarall.txt:20 ../E/rand.txt:8 ../E/readln.txt:18 ../E/receive.txt:16 ../E/recycle.txt:12 ../E/research.txt:18 ../E/researched.txt:14 ../E/researches.txt:27 ../E/retobj.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:29 ../E/round.txt:12 ../E/search.txt:25 ../E/send.txt:17 ../E/shield.txt:18 ../E/sin.txt:11 ../E/sizeof.txt:21 ../E/sniff.txt:16 ../E/space.txt:22 ../E/sqrt.txt:11 ../E/static.txt:20 ../E/strfind.txt:18 ../E/string.txt:32 ../E/strleft.txt:14 ../E/strlen.txt:12 ../E/strlower.txt:10 ../E/strmid.txt:18 ../E/strright.txt:14 ../E/strupper.txt:10 ../E/strval.txt:17 ../E/switch.txt:70 ../E/synchro.txt:23 ../E/takeoff.txt:15 ../E/tan.txt:11 ../E/term.txt:30 ../E/testinfo.txt:16 ../E/this.txt:52 ../E/thump.txt:12 ../E/topo.txt:13 ../E/true.txt:4 ../E/trunc.txt:12 ../E/turn.txt:32 ../E/type.txt:32 ../E/var.txt:66 ../E/void.txt:10 ../E/wait.txt:21 ../E/while.txt:46 ../E/writeln.txt:19
#, no-wrap
msgid "See also"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/abstime.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:24 ../E/array.txt:42 ../E/bool.txt:5 ../E/break.txt:25 ../E/busy.txt:15 ../E/cond.txt:5 ../E/continue.txt:25 ../E/deletef.txt:10 ../E/destroy.txt:16 ../E/detect.txt:28 ../E/direct.txt:14 ../E/dist.txt:30 ../E/dist2d.txt:14 ../E/drop.txt:29 ../E/errmode.txt:33 ../E/expr.txt:198 ../E/extern.txt:30 ../E/false.txt:5 ../E/fire.txt:31 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:17 ../E/flatspace.txt:26 ../E/float.txt:25 ../E/for.txt:39 ../E/function.txt:132 ../E/goto.txt:35 ../E/grab.txt:29 ../E/if.txt:40 ../E/int.txt:19 ../E/jet.txt:15 ../E/message.txt:25 ../E/move.txt:22 ../E/nan.txt:15 ../E/object.txt:80 ../E/openfile.txt:11 ../E/pencolor.txt:15 ../E/pendown.txt:18 ../E/penup.txt:12 ../E/penwidth.txt:15 ../E/point.txt:36 ../E/produce.txt:31 ../E/radar.txt:81 ../E/recycle.txt:13 ../E/retobj.txt:14 ../E/return.txt:30 ../E/search.txt:26 ../E/shield.txt:19 ../E/sizeof.txt:22 ../E/sniff.txt:17 ../E/space.txt:23 ../E/string.txt:33 ../E/switch.txt:71 ../E/takeoff.txt:16 ../E/term.txt:31 ../E/thump.txt:13 ../E/topo.txt:14 ../E/true.txt:5 ../E/turn.txt:33 ../E/type.txt:33 ../E/var.txt:67 ../E/void.txt:11 ../E/wait.txt:22
+#: ../E/abstime.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:24 ../E/array.txt:42 ../E/bool.txt:5 ../E/break.txt:25 ../E/busy.txt:15 ../E/cond.txt:5 ../E/continue.txt:25 ../E/deletef.txt:10 ../E/destroy.txt:16 ../E/detect.txt:28 ../E/direct.txt:14 ../E/dist.txt:30 ../E/dist2d.txt:14 ../E/drop.txt:29 ../E/errmode.txt:33 ../E/expr.txt:198 ../E/extern.txt:30 ../E/false.txt:5 ../E/fire.txt:31 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:17 ../E/flatspace.txt:26 ../E/float.txt:25 ../E/for.txt:39 ../E/function.txt:132 ../E/goto.txt:35 ../E/grab.txt:29 ../E/if.txt:40 ../E/int.txt:19 ../E/jet.txt:15 ../E/message.txt:25 ../E/move.txt:22 ../E/nan.txt:15 ../E/object.txt:80 ../E/openfile.txt:11 ../E/pencolor.txt:15 ../E/pendown.txt:18 ../E/penup.txt:12 ../E/penwidth.txt:15 ../E/point.txt:36 ../E/produce.txt:31 ../E/recycle.txt:13 ../E/retobj.txt:14 ../E/return.txt:30 ../E/search.txt:26 ../E/shield.txt:19 ../E/sizeof.txt:22 ../E/sniff.txt:17 ../E/space.txt:23 ../E/string.txt:33 ../E/switch.txt:71 ../E/takeoff.txt:16 ../E/term.txt:31 ../E/thump.txt:13 ../E/topo.txt:14 ../E/true.txt:5 ../E/turn.txt:33 ../E/type.txt:33 ../E/var.txt:67 ../E/void.txt:11 ../E/wait.txt:22
#, no-wrap
msgid "Programming, types and categories."
msgstr ""
@@ -901,13 +901,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: \b; header, \t; header
-#: ../E/build.txt:13 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:12 ../E/canbuild.txt:12 ../E/detect.txt:4 ../E/dist.txt:17 ../E/drop.txt:11 ../E/errmode.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:10 ../E/fire.txt:9 ../E/float.txt:19 ../E/goto.txt:11 ../E/grab.txt:11 ../E/if.txt:22 ../E/int.txt:13 ../E/motor.txt:14 ../E/move.txt:7 ../E/radar.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:9 ../E/switch.txt:46 ../E/turn.txt:18 ../E/wait.txt:9 ../E/while.txt:19
+#: ../E/build.txt:13 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:12 ../E/canbuild.txt:12 ../E/detect.txt:4 ../E/dist.txt:17 ../E/drop.txt:11 ../E/errmode.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:10 ../E/fire.txt:9 ../E/float.txt:19 ../E/goto.txt:11 ../E/grab.txt:11 ../E/if.txt:22 ../E/int.txt:13 ../E/motor.txt:14 ../E/move.txt:7 ../E/radar.txt:13 ../E/radarall.txt:12 ../E/return.txt:9 ../E/switch.txt:46 ../E/turn.txt:18 ../E/wait.txt:9 ../E/while.txt:19
#, no-wrap
msgid "For specialists"
msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/abstime.txt:2 ../E/acos.txt:2 ../E/aim.txt:2 ../E/asin.txt:2 ../E/atan.txt:2 ../E/atan2.txt:2 ../E/build.txt:14 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:13 ../E/busy.txt:2 ../E/canbuild.txt:13 ../E/canresearch.txt:2 ../E/ceil.txt:2 ../E/cos.txt:2 ../E/deletef.txt:6 ../E/delinfo.txt:2 ../E/destroy.txt:2 ../E/detect.txt:5 ../E/dist.txt:18 ../E/dist2d.txt:2 ../E/do.txt:2 ../E/drop.txt:12 ../E/errmode.txt:5 ../E/factory.txt:2 ../E/fire.txt:10 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:2 ../E/flatspace.txt:2 ../E/floor.txt:2 ../E/for.txt:2 ../E/goto.txt:12 ../E/grab.txt:12 ../E/if.txt:23 ../E/jet.txt:2 ../E/message.txt:2 ../E/move.txt:8 ../E/pencolor.txt:2 ../E/pendown.txt:2 ../E/penup.txt:2 ../E/penwidth.txt:2 ../E/pow.txt:2 ../E/produce.txt:2 ../E/radar.txt:14 ../E/rand.txt:2 ../E/readln.txt:8 ../E/receive.txt:2 ../E/recycle.txt:2 ../E/research.txt:2 ../E/researched.txt:2 ../E/retobj.txt:2 ../E/round.txt:2 ../E/search.txt:2 ../E/send.txt:2 ../E/shield.txt:2 ../E/sin.txt:2 ../E/sniff.txt:2 ../E/space.txt:2 ../E/sqrt.txt:2 ../E/strfind.txt:4 ../E/strleft.txt:4 ../E/strlen.txt:4 ../E/strlower.txt:4 ../E/strmid.txt:4 ../E/strright.txt:4 ../E/strupper.txt:4 ../E/strval.txt:8 ../E/switch.txt:47 ../E/takeoff.txt:2 ../E/tan.txt:2 ../E/testinfo.txt:2 ../E/thump.txt:2 ../E/topo.txt:2 ../E/trunc.txt:2 ../E/turn.txt:19 ../E/wait.txt:10 ../E/writeln.txt:8
+#. type: Plain text, \t; header
+#: ../E/abstime.txt:2 ../E/acos.txt:2 ../E/aim.txt:2 ../E/asin.txt:2 ../E/atan.txt:2 ../E/atan2.txt:2 ../E/build.txt:14 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:13 ../E/busy.txt:2 ../E/canbuild.txt:13 ../E/canresearch.txt:2 ../E/ceil.txt:2 ../E/cos.txt:2 ../E/deletef.txt:6 ../E/delinfo.txt:2 ../E/destroy.txt:2 ../E/detect.txt:5 ../E/dist.txt:18 ../E/dist2d.txt:2 ../E/do.txt:2 ../E/drop.txt:12 ../E/errmode.txt:5 ../E/factory.txt:2 ../E/fire.txt:10 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:2 ../E/flatspace.txt:2 ../E/floor.txt:2 ../E/for.txt:2 ../E/goto.txt:12 ../E/grab.txt:12 ../E/if.txt:23 ../E/jet.txt:2 ../E/message.txt:2 ../E/move.txt:8 ../E/pencolor.txt:2 ../E/pendown.txt:2 ../E/penup.txt:2 ../E/penwidth.txt:2 ../E/pow.txt:2 ../E/produce.txt:2 ../E/radar.txt:14 ../E/radarall.txt:13 ../E/rand.txt:2 ../E/readln.txt:8 ../E/receive.txt:2 ../E/recycle.txt:2 ../E/research.txt:2 ../E/researched.txt:2 ../E/retobj.txt:2 ../E/round.txt:2 ../E/search.txt:2 ../E/send.txt:2 ../E/shield.txt:2 ../E/sin.txt:2 ../E/sniff.txt:2 ../E/space.txt:2 ../E/sqrt.txt:2 ../E/strfind.txt:4 ../E/strleft.txt:4 ../E/strlen.txt:4 ../E/strlower.txt:4 ../E/strmid.txt:4 ../E/strright.txt:4 ../E/strupper.txt:4 ../E/strval.txt:8 ../E/switch.txt:47 ../E/takeoff.txt:2 ../E/tan.txt:2 ../E/testinfo.txt:2 ../E/thump.txt:2 ../E/topo.txt:2 ../E/trunc.txt:2 ../E/turn.txt:19 ../E/wait.txt:10 ../E/writeln.txt:8
#, no-wrap
msgid "Syntax:"
msgstr ""
@@ -2869,12 +2869,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Instruction radar
msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/radar.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "With the instruction radar()
, you can look for objects like enemies, bots, buildings or raw materials."
-msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/radar.txt:5
#, no-wrap
@@ -7462,3 +7456,69 @@ msgid ""
"int numbers[] = { 10, 20, 30 };\n"
"MyClass objects[] = { new MyClass(1), new MyClass(2) };"
msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/radar.txt:81
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "radarall();, programming, types and categories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/radar.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "With the instruction radar();, you can look for objects like enemies, bots, buildings or raw materials."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: \b; header
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:1
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Instruction radarall
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "radarall(); is an enhancement of the radar(); function -- it detects all objects matching the given criteria."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: \b; header
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Example"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Source code
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:5
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"object[] items;\n"
+"items = radarall(PowerCell);\n"
+"for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(items); ++i)\n"
+" message(items[i].id);\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Source code
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:14
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "radarall ( cat, angle, focus, min, max, sens, filter );"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:16
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "The function works generally the same as the radar(); function with the only difference being that it returns an array of objects instead of one object. If no object is found, null
is returned."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:18
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "The order of objects in the returned array is sorted by distance and depends on the sens
parameter. The first object in the array is the object which would be returned by the radar(); function called with the exactly same parameters."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:21
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "radar();, programming, types and categories."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/help/cbot/po/de.po b/help/cbot/po/de.po
index d562ee4c..fb15b83c 100644
--- a/help/cbot/po/de.po
+++ b/help/cbot/po/de.po
@@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ msgid "Time in seconds."
msgstr "Zeit in Sekunden."
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/abstime.txt:10 ../E/acos.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:23 ../E/array.txt:41 ../E/asin.txt:11 ../E/atan.txt:11 ../E/atan2.txt:16 ../E/bloc.txt:48 ../E/bool.txt:4 ../E/break.txt:24 ../E/build.txt:27 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:22 ../E/busy.txt:14 ../E/canbuild.txt:22 ../E/canresearch.txt:14 ../E/category.txt:107 ../E/ceil.txt:12 ../E/class.txt:70 ../E/close.txt:6 ../E/cond.txt:4 ../E/continue.txt:24 ../E/cos.txt:11 ../E/deletef.txt:9 ../E/delinfo.txt:13 ../E/destroy.txt:15 ../E/detect.txt:27 ../E/direct.txt:13 ../E/dist.txt:29 ../E/dist2d.txt:13 ../E/do.txt:27 ../E/drop.txt:28 ../E/eof.txt:13 ../E/errmode.txt:32 ../E/expr.txt:197 ../E/extern.txt:29 ../E/factory.txt:21 ../E/false.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:16 ../E/fire.txt:30 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:16 ../E/flatspace.txt:25 ../E/float.txt:24 ../E/floor.txt:12 ../E/for.txt:38 ../E/function.txt:131 ../E/goto.txt:34 ../E/grab.txt:28 ../E/if.txt:39 ../E/int.txt:18 ../E/jet.txt:14 ../E/message.txt:24 ../E/motor.txt:38 ../E/move.txt:21 ../E/nan.txt:14 ../E/new.txt:20 ../E/null.txt:4 ../E/object.txt:79 ../E/open.txt:18 ../E/openfile.txt:10 ../E/pencolor.txt:14 ../E/pendown.txt:17 ../E/penup.txt:11 ../E/penwidth.txt:14 ../E/point.txt:35 ../E/pointer.txt:51 ../E/pow.txt:14 ../E/private.txt:17 ../E/produce.txt:30 ../E/public.txt:49 ../E/radar.txt:80 ../E/rand.txt:8 ../E/readln.txt:18 ../E/receive.txt:16 ../E/recycle.txt:12 ../E/research.txt:18 ../E/researched.txt:14 ../E/researches.txt:27 ../E/retobj.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:29 ../E/round.txt:12 ../E/search.txt:25 ../E/send.txt:17 ../E/shield.txt:18 ../E/sin.txt:11 ../E/sizeof.txt:21 ../E/sniff.txt:16 ../E/space.txt:22 ../E/sqrt.txt:11 ../E/static.txt:20 ../E/strfind.txt:18 ../E/string.txt:32 ../E/strleft.txt:14 ../E/strlen.txt:12 ../E/strlower.txt:10 ../E/strmid.txt:18 ../E/strright.txt:14 ../E/strupper.txt:10 ../E/strval.txt:17 ../E/switch.txt:70 ../E/synchro.txt:23 ../E/takeoff.txt:15 ../E/tan.txt:11 ../E/term.txt:30 ../E/testinfo.txt:16 ../E/this.txt:52 ../E/thump.txt:12 ../E/topo.txt:13 ../E/true.txt:4 ../E/trunc.txt:12 ../E/turn.txt:32 ../E/type.txt:32 ../E/var.txt:66 ../E/void.txt:10 ../E/wait.txt:21 ../E/while.txt:46 ../E/writeln.txt:19
+#: ../E/abstime.txt:10 ../E/acos.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:23 ../E/array.txt:41 ../E/asin.txt:11 ../E/atan.txt:11 ../E/atan2.txt:16 ../E/bloc.txt:48 ../E/bool.txt:4 ../E/break.txt:24 ../E/build.txt:27 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:22 ../E/busy.txt:14 ../E/canbuild.txt:22 ../E/canresearch.txt:14 ../E/category.txt:107 ../E/ceil.txt:12 ../E/class.txt:70 ../E/close.txt:6 ../E/cond.txt:4 ../E/continue.txt:24 ../E/cos.txt:11 ../E/deletef.txt:9 ../E/delinfo.txt:13 ../E/destroy.txt:15 ../E/detect.txt:27 ../E/direct.txt:13 ../E/dist.txt:29 ../E/dist2d.txt:13 ../E/do.txt:27 ../E/drop.txt:28 ../E/eof.txt:13 ../E/errmode.txt:32 ../E/expr.txt:197 ../E/extern.txt:29 ../E/factory.txt:21 ../E/false.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:16 ../E/fire.txt:30 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:16 ../E/flatspace.txt:25 ../E/float.txt:24 ../E/floor.txt:12 ../E/for.txt:38 ../E/function.txt:131 ../E/goto.txt:34 ../E/grab.txt:28 ../E/if.txt:39 ../E/int.txt:18 ../E/jet.txt:14 ../E/message.txt:24 ../E/motor.txt:38 ../E/move.txt:21 ../E/nan.txt:14 ../E/new.txt:20 ../E/null.txt:4 ../E/object.txt:79 ../E/open.txt:18 ../E/openfile.txt:10 ../E/pencolor.txt:14 ../E/pendown.txt:17 ../E/penup.txt:11 ../E/penwidth.txt:14 ../E/point.txt:35 ../E/pointer.txt:51 ../E/pow.txt:14 ../E/private.txt:17 ../E/produce.txt:30 ../E/public.txt:49 ../E/radar.txt:80 ../E/radarall.txt:20 ../E/rand.txt:8 ../E/readln.txt:18 ../E/receive.txt:16 ../E/recycle.txt:12 ../E/research.txt:18 ../E/researched.txt:14 ../E/researches.txt:27 ../E/retobj.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:29 ../E/round.txt:12 ../E/search.txt:25 ../E/send.txt:17 ../E/shield.txt:18 ../E/sin.txt:11 ../E/sizeof.txt:21 ../E/sniff.txt:16 ../E/space.txt:22 ../E/sqrt.txt:11 ../E/static.txt:20 ../E/strfind.txt:18 ../E/string.txt:32 ../E/strleft.txt:14 ../E/strlen.txt:12 ../E/strlower.txt:10 ../E/strmid.txt:18 ../E/strright.txt:14 ../E/strupper.txt:10 ../E/strval.txt:17 ../E/switch.txt:70 ../E/synchro.txt:23 ../E/takeoff.txt:15 ../E/tan.txt:11 ../E/term.txt:30 ../E/testinfo.txt:16 ../E/this.txt:52 ../E/thump.txt:12 ../E/topo.txt:13 ../E/true.txt:4 ../E/trunc.txt:12 ../E/turn.txt:32 ../E/type.txt:32 ../E/var.txt:66 ../E/void.txt:10 ../E/wait.txt:21 ../E/while.txt:46 ../E/writeln.txt:19
#, no-wrap
msgid "See also"
msgstr "Siehe auch"
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/abstime.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:24 ../E/array.txt:42 ../E/bool.txt:5 ../E/break.txt:25 ../E/busy.txt:15 ../E/cond.txt:5 ../E/continue.txt:25 ../E/deletef.txt:10 ../E/destroy.txt:16 ../E/detect.txt:28 ../E/direct.txt:14 ../E/dist.txt:30 ../E/dist2d.txt:14 ../E/drop.txt:29 ../E/errmode.txt:33 ../E/expr.txt:198 ../E/extern.txt:30 ../E/false.txt:5 ../E/fire.txt:31 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:17 ../E/flatspace.txt:26 ../E/float.txt:25 ../E/for.txt:39 ../E/function.txt:132 ../E/goto.txt:35 ../E/grab.txt:29 ../E/if.txt:40 ../E/int.txt:19 ../E/jet.txt:15 ../E/message.txt:25 ../E/move.txt:22 ../E/nan.txt:15 ../E/object.txt:80 ../E/openfile.txt:11 ../E/pencolor.txt:15 ../E/pendown.txt:18 ../E/penup.txt:12 ../E/penwidth.txt:15 ../E/point.txt:36 ../E/produce.txt:31 ../E/radar.txt:81 ../E/recycle.txt:13 ../E/retobj.txt:14 ../E/return.txt:30 ../E/search.txt:26 ../E/shield.txt:19 ../E/sizeof.txt:22 ../E/sniff.txt:17 ../E/space.txt:23 ../E/string.txt:33 ../E/switch.txt:71 ../E/takeoff.txt:16 ../E/term.txt:31 ../E/thump.txt:13 ../E/topo.txt:14 ../E/true.txt:5 ../E/turn.txt:33 ../E/type.txt:33 ../E/var.txt:67 ../E/void.txt:11 ../E/wait.txt:22
+#: ../E/abstime.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:24 ../E/array.txt:42 ../E/bool.txt:5 ../E/break.txt:25 ../E/busy.txt:15 ../E/cond.txt:5 ../E/continue.txt:25 ../E/deletef.txt:10 ../E/destroy.txt:16 ../E/detect.txt:28 ../E/direct.txt:14 ../E/dist.txt:30 ../E/dist2d.txt:14 ../E/drop.txt:29 ../E/errmode.txt:33 ../E/expr.txt:198 ../E/extern.txt:30 ../E/false.txt:5 ../E/fire.txt:31 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:17 ../E/flatspace.txt:26 ../E/float.txt:25 ../E/for.txt:39 ../E/function.txt:132 ../E/goto.txt:35 ../E/grab.txt:29 ../E/if.txt:40 ../E/int.txt:19 ../E/jet.txt:15 ../E/message.txt:25 ../E/move.txt:22 ../E/nan.txt:15 ../E/object.txt:80 ../E/openfile.txt:11 ../E/pencolor.txt:15 ../E/pendown.txt:18 ../E/penup.txt:12 ../E/penwidth.txt:15 ../E/point.txt:36 ../E/produce.txt:31 ../E/recycle.txt:13 ../E/retobj.txt:14 ../E/return.txt:30 ../E/search.txt:26 ../E/shield.txt:19 ../E/sizeof.txt:22 ../E/sniff.txt:17 ../E/space.txt:23 ../E/string.txt:33 ../E/switch.txt:71 ../E/takeoff.txt:16 ../E/term.txt:31 ../E/thump.txt:13 ../E/topo.txt:14 ../E/true.txt:5 ../E/turn.txt:33 ../E/type.txt:33 ../E/var.txt:67 ../E/void.txt:11 ../E/wait.txt:22
#, no-wrap
msgid "Programming, types and categories."
msgstr "Die CBOT-Sprache, Variablentypen und Kategorien."
@@ -1051,13 +1051,13 @@ msgstr ""
"\tmove(distance(position, item.position) - 40);"
#. type: \b; header, \t; header
-#: ../E/build.txt:13 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:12 ../E/canbuild.txt:12 ../E/detect.txt:4 ../E/dist.txt:17 ../E/drop.txt:11 ../E/errmode.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:10 ../E/fire.txt:9 ../E/float.txt:19 ../E/goto.txt:11 ../E/grab.txt:11 ../E/if.txt:22 ../E/int.txt:13 ../E/motor.txt:14 ../E/move.txt:7 ../E/radar.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:9 ../E/switch.txt:46 ../E/turn.txt:18 ../E/wait.txt:9 ../E/while.txt:19
+#: ../E/build.txt:13 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:12 ../E/canbuild.txt:12 ../E/detect.txt:4 ../E/dist.txt:17 ../E/drop.txt:11 ../E/errmode.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:10 ../E/fire.txt:9 ../E/float.txt:19 ../E/goto.txt:11 ../E/grab.txt:11 ../E/if.txt:22 ../E/int.txt:13 ../E/motor.txt:14 ../E/move.txt:7 ../E/radar.txt:13 ../E/radarall.txt:12 ../E/return.txt:9 ../E/switch.txt:46 ../E/turn.txt:18 ../E/wait.txt:9 ../E/while.txt:19
#, no-wrap
msgid "For specialists"
msgstr "Für Spezialisten"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/abstime.txt:2 ../E/acos.txt:2 ../E/aim.txt:2 ../E/asin.txt:2 ../E/atan.txt:2 ../E/atan2.txt:2 ../E/build.txt:14 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:13 ../E/busy.txt:2 ../E/canbuild.txt:13 ../E/canresearch.txt:2 ../E/ceil.txt:2 ../E/cos.txt:2 ../E/deletef.txt:6 ../E/delinfo.txt:2 ../E/destroy.txt:2 ../E/detect.txt:5 ../E/dist.txt:18 ../E/dist2d.txt:2 ../E/do.txt:2 ../E/drop.txt:12 ../E/errmode.txt:5 ../E/factory.txt:2 ../E/fire.txt:10 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:2 ../E/flatspace.txt:2 ../E/floor.txt:2 ../E/for.txt:2 ../E/goto.txt:12 ../E/grab.txt:12 ../E/if.txt:23 ../E/jet.txt:2 ../E/message.txt:2 ../E/move.txt:8 ../E/pencolor.txt:2 ../E/pendown.txt:2 ../E/penup.txt:2 ../E/penwidth.txt:2 ../E/pow.txt:2 ../E/produce.txt:2 ../E/radar.txt:14 ../E/rand.txt:2 ../E/readln.txt:8 ../E/receive.txt:2 ../E/recycle.txt:2 ../E/research.txt:2 ../E/researched.txt:2 ../E/retobj.txt:2 ../E/round.txt:2 ../E/search.txt:2 ../E/send.txt:2 ../E/shield.txt:2 ../E/sin.txt:2 ../E/sniff.txt:2 ../E/space.txt:2 ../E/sqrt.txt:2 ../E/strfind.txt:4 ../E/strleft.txt:4 ../E/strlen.txt:4 ../E/strlower.txt:4 ../E/strmid.txt:4 ../E/strright.txt:4 ../E/strupper.txt:4 ../E/strval.txt:8 ../E/switch.txt:47 ../E/takeoff.txt:2 ../E/tan.txt:2 ../E/testinfo.txt:2 ../E/thump.txt:2 ../E/topo.txt:2 ../E/trunc.txt:2 ../E/turn.txt:19 ../E/wait.txt:10 ../E/writeln.txt:8
+#. type: Plain text, \t; header
+#: ../E/abstime.txt:2 ../E/acos.txt:2 ../E/aim.txt:2 ../E/asin.txt:2 ../E/atan.txt:2 ../E/atan2.txt:2 ../E/build.txt:14 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:13 ../E/busy.txt:2 ../E/canbuild.txt:13 ../E/canresearch.txt:2 ../E/ceil.txt:2 ../E/cos.txt:2 ../E/deletef.txt:6 ../E/delinfo.txt:2 ../E/destroy.txt:2 ../E/detect.txt:5 ../E/dist.txt:18 ../E/dist2d.txt:2 ../E/do.txt:2 ../E/drop.txt:12 ../E/errmode.txt:5 ../E/factory.txt:2 ../E/fire.txt:10 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:2 ../E/flatspace.txt:2 ../E/floor.txt:2 ../E/for.txt:2 ../E/goto.txt:12 ../E/grab.txt:12 ../E/if.txt:23 ../E/jet.txt:2 ../E/message.txt:2 ../E/move.txt:8 ../E/pencolor.txt:2 ../E/pendown.txt:2 ../E/penup.txt:2 ../E/penwidth.txt:2 ../E/pow.txt:2 ../E/produce.txt:2 ../E/radar.txt:14 ../E/radarall.txt:13 ../E/rand.txt:2 ../E/readln.txt:8 ../E/receive.txt:2 ../E/recycle.txt:2 ../E/research.txt:2 ../E/researched.txt:2 ../E/retobj.txt:2 ../E/round.txt:2 ../E/search.txt:2 ../E/send.txt:2 ../E/shield.txt:2 ../E/sin.txt:2 ../E/sniff.txt:2 ../E/space.txt:2 ../E/sqrt.txt:2 ../E/strfind.txt:4 ../E/strleft.txt:4 ../E/strlen.txt:4 ../E/strlower.txt:4 ../E/strmid.txt:4 ../E/strright.txt:4 ../E/strupper.txt:4 ../E/strval.txt:8 ../E/switch.txt:47 ../E/takeoff.txt:2 ../E/tan.txt:2 ../E/testinfo.txt:2 ../E/thump.txt:2 ../E/topo.txt:2 ../E/trunc.txt:2 ../E/turn.txt:19 ../E/wait.txt:10 ../E/writeln.txt:8
#, no-wrap
msgid "Syntax:"
msgstr "Syntax:"
@@ -3336,12 +3336,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Instruction radar
msgstr "Anweisung radar
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/radar.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "With the instruction radar()
, you can look for objects like enemies, bots, buildings or raw materials."
-msgstr "Mit der Anweisung radar()
können Sie mit dem bordeigenen Radar nach bestimmten Objekten wie feindlichen Wesen, Robotern, Gebäuden oder Rohmaterial suchen."
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/radar.txt:5
#, no-wrap
@@ -8229,3 +8223,69 @@ msgid ""
"int numbers[] = { 10, 20, 30 };\n"
"MyClass objects[] = { new MyClass(1), new MyClass(2) };"
msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/radar.txt:81
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "radarall();, programming, types and categories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/radar.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "With the instruction radar();, you can look for objects like enemies, bots, buildings or raw materials."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: \b; header
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:1
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Instruction radarall
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "radarall(); is an enhancement of the radar(); function -- it detects all objects matching the given criteria."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: \b; header
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Example"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Source code
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:5
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"object[] items;\n"
+"items = radarall(PowerCell);\n"
+"for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(items); ++i)\n"
+" message(items[i].id);\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Source code
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:14
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "radarall ( cat, angle, focus, min, max, sens, filter );"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:16
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "The function works generally the same as the radar(); function with the only difference being that it returns an array of objects instead of one object. If no object is found, null
is returned."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:18
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "The order of objects in the returned array is sorted by distance and depends on the sens
parameter. The first object in the array is the object which would be returned by the radar(); function called with the exactly same parameters."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:21
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "radar();, programming, types and categories."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/help/cbot/po/fr.po b/help/cbot/po/fr.po
index 98cf193d..f7de6f99 100644
--- a/help/cbot/po/fr.po
+++ b/help/cbot/po/fr.po
@@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ msgid "Time in seconds."
msgstr "Temps en secondes."
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/abstime.txt:10 ../E/acos.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:23 ../E/array.txt:41 ../E/asin.txt:11 ../E/atan.txt:11 ../E/atan2.txt:16 ../E/bloc.txt:48 ../E/bool.txt:4 ../E/break.txt:24 ../E/build.txt:27 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:22 ../E/busy.txt:14 ../E/canbuild.txt:22 ../E/canresearch.txt:14 ../E/category.txt:107 ../E/ceil.txt:12 ../E/class.txt:70 ../E/close.txt:6 ../E/cond.txt:4 ../E/continue.txt:24 ../E/cos.txt:11 ../E/deletef.txt:9 ../E/delinfo.txt:13 ../E/destroy.txt:15 ../E/detect.txt:27 ../E/direct.txt:13 ../E/dist.txt:29 ../E/dist2d.txt:13 ../E/do.txt:27 ../E/drop.txt:28 ../E/eof.txt:13 ../E/errmode.txt:32 ../E/expr.txt:197 ../E/extern.txt:29 ../E/factory.txt:21 ../E/false.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:16 ../E/fire.txt:30 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:16 ../E/flatspace.txt:25 ../E/float.txt:24 ../E/floor.txt:12 ../E/for.txt:38 ../E/function.txt:131 ../E/goto.txt:34 ../E/grab.txt:28 ../E/if.txt:39 ../E/int.txt:18 ../E/jet.txt:14 ../E/message.txt:24 ../E/motor.txt:38 ../E/move.txt:21 ../E/nan.txt:14 ../E/new.txt:20 ../E/null.txt:4 ../E/object.txt:79 ../E/open.txt:18 ../E/openfile.txt:10 ../E/pencolor.txt:14 ../E/pendown.txt:17 ../E/penup.txt:11 ../E/penwidth.txt:14 ../E/point.txt:35 ../E/pointer.txt:51 ../E/pow.txt:14 ../E/private.txt:17 ../E/produce.txt:30 ../E/public.txt:49 ../E/radar.txt:80 ../E/rand.txt:8 ../E/readln.txt:18 ../E/receive.txt:16 ../E/recycle.txt:12 ../E/research.txt:18 ../E/researched.txt:14 ../E/researches.txt:27 ../E/retobj.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:29 ../E/round.txt:12 ../E/search.txt:25 ../E/send.txt:17 ../E/shield.txt:18 ../E/sin.txt:11 ../E/sizeof.txt:21 ../E/sniff.txt:16 ../E/space.txt:22 ../E/sqrt.txt:11 ../E/static.txt:20 ../E/strfind.txt:18 ../E/string.txt:32 ../E/strleft.txt:14 ../E/strlen.txt:12 ../E/strlower.txt:10 ../E/strmid.txt:18 ../E/strright.txt:14 ../E/strupper.txt:10 ../E/strval.txt:17 ../E/switch.txt:70 ../E/synchro.txt:23 ../E/takeoff.txt:15 ../E/tan.txt:11 ../E/term.txt:30 ../E/testinfo.txt:16 ../E/this.txt:52 ../E/thump.txt:12 ../E/topo.txt:13 ../E/true.txt:4 ../E/trunc.txt:12 ../E/turn.txt:32 ../E/type.txt:32 ../E/var.txt:66 ../E/void.txt:10 ../E/wait.txt:21 ../E/while.txt:46 ../E/writeln.txt:19
+#: ../E/abstime.txt:10 ../E/acos.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:23 ../E/array.txt:41 ../E/asin.txt:11 ../E/atan.txt:11 ../E/atan2.txt:16 ../E/bloc.txt:48 ../E/bool.txt:4 ../E/break.txt:24 ../E/build.txt:27 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:22 ../E/busy.txt:14 ../E/canbuild.txt:22 ../E/canresearch.txt:14 ../E/category.txt:107 ../E/ceil.txt:12 ../E/class.txt:70 ../E/close.txt:6 ../E/cond.txt:4 ../E/continue.txt:24 ../E/cos.txt:11 ../E/deletef.txt:9 ../E/delinfo.txt:13 ../E/destroy.txt:15 ../E/detect.txt:27 ../E/direct.txt:13 ../E/dist.txt:29 ../E/dist2d.txt:13 ../E/do.txt:27 ../E/drop.txt:28 ../E/eof.txt:13 ../E/errmode.txt:32 ../E/expr.txt:197 ../E/extern.txt:29 ../E/factory.txt:21 ../E/false.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:16 ../E/fire.txt:30 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:16 ../E/flatspace.txt:25 ../E/float.txt:24 ../E/floor.txt:12 ../E/for.txt:38 ../E/function.txt:131 ../E/goto.txt:34 ../E/grab.txt:28 ../E/if.txt:39 ../E/int.txt:18 ../E/jet.txt:14 ../E/message.txt:24 ../E/motor.txt:38 ../E/move.txt:21 ../E/nan.txt:14 ../E/new.txt:20 ../E/null.txt:4 ../E/object.txt:79 ../E/open.txt:18 ../E/openfile.txt:10 ../E/pencolor.txt:14 ../E/pendown.txt:17 ../E/penup.txt:11 ../E/penwidth.txt:14 ../E/point.txt:35 ../E/pointer.txt:51 ../E/pow.txt:14 ../E/private.txt:17 ../E/produce.txt:30 ../E/public.txt:49 ../E/radar.txt:80 ../E/radarall.txt:20 ../E/rand.txt:8 ../E/readln.txt:18 ../E/receive.txt:16 ../E/recycle.txt:12 ../E/research.txt:18 ../E/researched.txt:14 ../E/researches.txt:27 ../E/retobj.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:29 ../E/round.txt:12 ../E/search.txt:25 ../E/send.txt:17 ../E/shield.txt:18 ../E/sin.txt:11 ../E/sizeof.txt:21 ../E/sniff.txt:16 ../E/space.txt:22 ../E/sqrt.txt:11 ../E/static.txt:20 ../E/strfind.txt:18 ../E/string.txt:32 ../E/strleft.txt:14 ../E/strlen.txt:12 ../E/strlower.txt:10 ../E/strmid.txt:18 ../E/strright.txt:14 ../E/strupper.txt:10 ../E/strval.txt:17 ../E/switch.txt:70 ../E/synchro.txt:23 ../E/takeoff.txt:15 ../E/tan.txt:11 ../E/term.txt:30 ../E/testinfo.txt:16 ../E/this.txt:52 ../E/thump.txt:12 ../E/topo.txt:13 ../E/true.txt:4 ../E/trunc.txt:12 ../E/turn.txt:32 ../E/type.txt:32 ../E/var.txt:66 ../E/void.txt:10 ../E/wait.txt:21 ../E/while.txt:46 ../E/writeln.txt:19
#, no-wrap
msgid "See also"
msgstr "Voir aussi"
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/abstime.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:24 ../E/array.txt:42 ../E/bool.txt:5 ../E/break.txt:25 ../E/busy.txt:15 ../E/cond.txt:5 ../E/continue.txt:25 ../E/deletef.txt:10 ../E/destroy.txt:16 ../E/detect.txt:28 ../E/direct.txt:14 ../E/dist.txt:30 ../E/dist2d.txt:14 ../E/drop.txt:29 ../E/errmode.txt:33 ../E/expr.txt:198 ../E/extern.txt:30 ../E/false.txt:5 ../E/fire.txt:31 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:17 ../E/flatspace.txt:26 ../E/float.txt:25 ../E/for.txt:39 ../E/function.txt:132 ../E/goto.txt:35 ../E/grab.txt:29 ../E/if.txt:40 ../E/int.txt:19 ../E/jet.txt:15 ../E/message.txt:25 ../E/move.txt:22 ../E/nan.txt:15 ../E/object.txt:80 ../E/openfile.txt:11 ../E/pencolor.txt:15 ../E/pendown.txt:18 ../E/penup.txt:12 ../E/penwidth.txt:15 ../E/point.txt:36 ../E/produce.txt:31 ../E/radar.txt:81 ../E/recycle.txt:13 ../E/retobj.txt:14 ../E/return.txt:30 ../E/search.txt:26 ../E/shield.txt:19 ../E/sizeof.txt:22 ../E/sniff.txt:17 ../E/space.txt:23 ../E/string.txt:33 ../E/switch.txt:71 ../E/takeoff.txt:16 ../E/term.txt:31 ../E/thump.txt:13 ../E/topo.txt:14 ../E/true.txt:5 ../E/turn.txt:33 ../E/type.txt:33 ../E/var.txt:67 ../E/void.txt:11 ../E/wait.txt:22
+#: ../E/abstime.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:24 ../E/array.txt:42 ../E/bool.txt:5 ../E/break.txt:25 ../E/busy.txt:15 ../E/cond.txt:5 ../E/continue.txt:25 ../E/deletef.txt:10 ../E/destroy.txt:16 ../E/detect.txt:28 ../E/direct.txt:14 ../E/dist.txt:30 ../E/dist2d.txt:14 ../E/drop.txt:29 ../E/errmode.txt:33 ../E/expr.txt:198 ../E/extern.txt:30 ../E/false.txt:5 ../E/fire.txt:31 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:17 ../E/flatspace.txt:26 ../E/float.txt:25 ../E/for.txt:39 ../E/function.txt:132 ../E/goto.txt:35 ../E/grab.txt:29 ../E/if.txt:40 ../E/int.txt:19 ../E/jet.txt:15 ../E/message.txt:25 ../E/move.txt:22 ../E/nan.txt:15 ../E/object.txt:80 ../E/openfile.txt:11 ../E/pencolor.txt:15 ../E/pendown.txt:18 ../E/penup.txt:12 ../E/penwidth.txt:15 ../E/point.txt:36 ../E/produce.txt:31 ../E/recycle.txt:13 ../E/retobj.txt:14 ../E/return.txt:30 ../E/search.txt:26 ../E/shield.txt:19 ../E/sizeof.txt:22 ../E/sniff.txt:17 ../E/space.txt:23 ../E/string.txt:33 ../E/switch.txt:71 ../E/takeoff.txt:16 ../E/term.txt:31 ../E/thump.txt:13 ../E/topo.txt:14 ../E/true.txt:5 ../E/turn.txt:33 ../E/type.txt:33 ../E/var.txt:67 ../E/void.txt:11 ../E/wait.txt:22
#, no-wrap
msgid "Programming, types and categories."
msgstr "Programmation, types et catégories."
@@ -1090,13 +1090,13 @@ msgstr ""
"\tmove(distance(position, chose.position) - 40);"
#. type: \b; header, \t; header
-#: ../E/build.txt:13 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:12 ../E/canbuild.txt:12 ../E/detect.txt:4 ../E/dist.txt:17 ../E/drop.txt:11 ../E/errmode.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:10 ../E/fire.txt:9 ../E/float.txt:19 ../E/goto.txt:11 ../E/grab.txt:11 ../E/if.txt:22 ../E/int.txt:13 ../E/motor.txt:14 ../E/move.txt:7 ../E/radar.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:9 ../E/switch.txt:46 ../E/turn.txt:18 ../E/wait.txt:9 ../E/while.txt:19
+#: ../E/build.txt:13 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:12 ../E/canbuild.txt:12 ../E/detect.txt:4 ../E/dist.txt:17 ../E/drop.txt:11 ../E/errmode.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:10 ../E/fire.txt:9 ../E/float.txt:19 ../E/goto.txt:11 ../E/grab.txt:11 ../E/if.txt:22 ../E/int.txt:13 ../E/motor.txt:14 ../E/move.txt:7 ../E/radar.txt:13 ../E/radarall.txt:12 ../E/return.txt:9 ../E/switch.txt:46 ../E/turn.txt:18 ../E/wait.txt:9 ../E/while.txt:19
#, no-wrap
msgid "For specialists"
msgstr "Pour spécialistes"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/abstime.txt:2 ../E/acos.txt:2 ../E/aim.txt:2 ../E/asin.txt:2 ../E/atan.txt:2 ../E/atan2.txt:2 ../E/build.txt:14 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:13 ../E/busy.txt:2 ../E/canbuild.txt:13 ../E/canresearch.txt:2 ../E/ceil.txt:2 ../E/cos.txt:2 ../E/deletef.txt:6 ../E/delinfo.txt:2 ../E/destroy.txt:2 ../E/detect.txt:5 ../E/dist.txt:18 ../E/dist2d.txt:2 ../E/do.txt:2 ../E/drop.txt:12 ../E/errmode.txt:5 ../E/factory.txt:2 ../E/fire.txt:10 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:2 ../E/flatspace.txt:2 ../E/floor.txt:2 ../E/for.txt:2 ../E/goto.txt:12 ../E/grab.txt:12 ../E/if.txt:23 ../E/jet.txt:2 ../E/message.txt:2 ../E/move.txt:8 ../E/pencolor.txt:2 ../E/pendown.txt:2 ../E/penup.txt:2 ../E/penwidth.txt:2 ../E/pow.txt:2 ../E/produce.txt:2 ../E/radar.txt:14 ../E/rand.txt:2 ../E/readln.txt:8 ../E/receive.txt:2 ../E/recycle.txt:2 ../E/research.txt:2 ../E/researched.txt:2 ../E/retobj.txt:2 ../E/round.txt:2 ../E/search.txt:2 ../E/send.txt:2 ../E/shield.txt:2 ../E/sin.txt:2 ../E/sniff.txt:2 ../E/space.txt:2 ../E/sqrt.txt:2 ../E/strfind.txt:4 ../E/strleft.txt:4 ../E/strlen.txt:4 ../E/strlower.txt:4 ../E/strmid.txt:4 ../E/strright.txt:4 ../E/strupper.txt:4 ../E/strval.txt:8 ../E/switch.txt:47 ../E/takeoff.txt:2 ../E/tan.txt:2 ../E/testinfo.txt:2 ../E/thump.txt:2 ../E/topo.txt:2 ../E/trunc.txt:2 ../E/turn.txt:19 ../E/wait.txt:10 ../E/writeln.txt:8
+#. type: Plain text, \t; header
+#: ../E/abstime.txt:2 ../E/acos.txt:2 ../E/aim.txt:2 ../E/asin.txt:2 ../E/atan.txt:2 ../E/atan2.txt:2 ../E/build.txt:14 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:13 ../E/busy.txt:2 ../E/canbuild.txt:13 ../E/canresearch.txt:2 ../E/ceil.txt:2 ../E/cos.txt:2 ../E/deletef.txt:6 ../E/delinfo.txt:2 ../E/destroy.txt:2 ../E/detect.txt:5 ../E/dist.txt:18 ../E/dist2d.txt:2 ../E/do.txt:2 ../E/drop.txt:12 ../E/errmode.txt:5 ../E/factory.txt:2 ../E/fire.txt:10 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:2 ../E/flatspace.txt:2 ../E/floor.txt:2 ../E/for.txt:2 ../E/goto.txt:12 ../E/grab.txt:12 ../E/if.txt:23 ../E/jet.txt:2 ../E/message.txt:2 ../E/move.txt:8 ../E/pencolor.txt:2 ../E/pendown.txt:2 ../E/penup.txt:2 ../E/penwidth.txt:2 ../E/pow.txt:2 ../E/produce.txt:2 ../E/radar.txt:14 ../E/radarall.txt:13 ../E/rand.txt:2 ../E/readln.txt:8 ../E/receive.txt:2 ../E/recycle.txt:2 ../E/research.txt:2 ../E/researched.txt:2 ../E/retobj.txt:2 ../E/round.txt:2 ../E/search.txt:2 ../E/send.txt:2 ../E/shield.txt:2 ../E/sin.txt:2 ../E/sniff.txt:2 ../E/space.txt:2 ../E/sqrt.txt:2 ../E/strfind.txt:4 ../E/strleft.txt:4 ../E/strlen.txt:4 ../E/strlower.txt:4 ../E/strmid.txt:4 ../E/strright.txt:4 ../E/strupper.txt:4 ../E/strval.txt:8 ../E/switch.txt:47 ../E/takeoff.txt:2 ../E/tan.txt:2 ../E/testinfo.txt:2 ../E/thump.txt:2 ../E/topo.txt:2 ../E/trunc.txt:2 ../E/turn.txt:19 ../E/wait.txt:10 ../E/writeln.txt:8
#, no-wrap
msgid "Syntax:"
msgstr "Syntaxe:"
@@ -3352,12 +3352,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Instruction radar
msgstr "Instruction radar
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/radar.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "With the instruction radar()
, you can look for objects like enemies, bots, buildings or raw materials."
-msgstr "Avec l'instruction radar()
, le robot peut chercher des objets comme des ennemis, des robots ou des bâtiments."
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/radar.txt:5
#, no-wrap
@@ -8197,3 +8191,69 @@ msgid ""
"int numbers[] = { 10, 20, 30 };\n"
"MyClass objects[] = { new MyClass(1), new MyClass(2) };"
msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/radar.txt:81
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "radarall();, programming, types and categories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/radar.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "With the instruction radar();, you can look for objects like enemies, bots, buildings or raw materials."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: \b; header
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:1
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Instruction radarall
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "radarall(); is an enhancement of the radar(); function -- it detects all objects matching the given criteria."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: \b; header
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Example"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Source code
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:5
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"object[] items;\n"
+"items = radarall(PowerCell);\n"
+"for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(items); ++i)\n"
+" message(items[i].id);\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Source code
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:14
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "radarall ( cat, angle, focus, min, max, sens, filter );"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:16
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "The function works generally the same as the radar(); function with the only difference being that it returns an array of objects instead of one object. If no object is found, null
is returned."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:18
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "The order of objects in the returned array is sorted by distance and depends on the sens
parameter. The first object in the array is the object which would be returned by the radar(); function called with the exactly same parameters."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:21
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "radar();, programming, types and categories."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/help/cbot/po/pl.po b/help/cbot/po/pl.po
index 9e025880..7f96b422 100644
--- a/help/cbot/po/pl.po
+++ b/help/cbot/po/pl.po
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Instruction abstime
msgstr "Instrukcja abstime
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/abstime.txt:2 ../E/acos.txt:2 ../E/aim.txt:2 ../E/asin.txt:2 ../E/atan.txt:2 ../E/atan2.txt:2 ../E/build.txt:14 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:13 ../E/busy.txt:2 ../E/canbuild.txt:13 ../E/canresearch.txt:2 ../E/ceil.txt:2 ../E/cos.txt:2 ../E/deletef.txt:6 ../E/delinfo.txt:2 ../E/destroy.txt:2 ../E/detect.txt:5 ../E/dist.txt:18 ../E/dist2d.txt:2 ../E/do.txt:2 ../E/drop.txt:12 ../E/errmode.txt:5 ../E/factory.txt:2 ../E/fire.txt:10 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:2 ../E/flatspace.txt:2 ../E/floor.txt:2 ../E/for.txt:2 ../E/goto.txt:12 ../E/grab.txt:12 ../E/if.txt:23 ../E/jet.txt:2 ../E/message.txt:2 ../E/move.txt:8 ../E/pencolor.txt:2 ../E/pendown.txt:2 ../E/penup.txt:2 ../E/penwidth.txt:2 ../E/pow.txt:2 ../E/produce.txt:2 ../E/radar.txt:14 ../E/rand.txt:2 ../E/readln.txt:8 ../E/receive.txt:2 ../E/recycle.txt:2 ../E/research.txt:2 ../E/researched.txt:2 ../E/retobj.txt:2 ../E/round.txt:2 ../E/search.txt:2 ../E/send.txt:2 ../E/shield.txt:2 ../E/sin.txt:2 ../E/sniff.txt:2 ../E/space.txt:2 ../E/sqrt.txt:2 ../E/strfind.txt:4 ../E/strleft.txt:4 ../E/strlen.txt:4 ../E/strlower.txt:4 ../E/strmid.txt:4 ../E/strright.txt:4 ../E/strupper.txt:4 ../E/strval.txt:8 ../E/switch.txt:47 ../E/takeoff.txt:2 ../E/tan.txt:2 ../E/testinfo.txt:2 ../E/thump.txt:2 ../E/topo.txt:2 ../E/trunc.txt:2 ../E/turn.txt:19 ../E/wait.txt:10 ../E/writeln.txt:8
+#. type: Plain text, \t; header
+#: ../E/abstime.txt:2 ../E/acos.txt:2 ../E/aim.txt:2 ../E/asin.txt:2 ../E/atan.txt:2 ../E/atan2.txt:2 ../E/build.txt:14 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:13 ../E/busy.txt:2 ../E/canbuild.txt:13 ../E/canresearch.txt:2 ../E/ceil.txt:2 ../E/cos.txt:2 ../E/deletef.txt:6 ../E/delinfo.txt:2 ../E/destroy.txt:2 ../E/detect.txt:5 ../E/dist.txt:18 ../E/dist2d.txt:2 ../E/do.txt:2 ../E/drop.txt:12 ../E/errmode.txt:5 ../E/factory.txt:2 ../E/fire.txt:10 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:2 ../E/flatspace.txt:2 ../E/floor.txt:2 ../E/for.txt:2 ../E/goto.txt:12 ../E/grab.txt:12 ../E/if.txt:23 ../E/jet.txt:2 ../E/message.txt:2 ../E/move.txt:8 ../E/pencolor.txt:2 ../E/pendown.txt:2 ../E/penup.txt:2 ../E/penwidth.txt:2 ../E/pow.txt:2 ../E/produce.txt:2 ../E/radar.txt:14 ../E/radarall.txt:13 ../E/rand.txt:2 ../E/readln.txt:8 ../E/receive.txt:2 ../E/recycle.txt:2 ../E/research.txt:2 ../E/researched.txt:2 ../E/retobj.txt:2 ../E/round.txt:2 ../E/search.txt:2 ../E/send.txt:2 ../E/shield.txt:2 ../E/sin.txt:2 ../E/sniff.txt:2 ../E/space.txt:2 ../E/sqrt.txt:2 ../E/strfind.txt:4 ../E/strleft.txt:4 ../E/strlen.txt:4 ../E/strlower.txt:4 ../E/strmid.txt:4 ../E/strright.txt:4 ../E/strupper.txt:4 ../E/strval.txt:8 ../E/switch.txt:47 ../E/takeoff.txt:2 ../E/tan.txt:2 ../E/testinfo.txt:2 ../E/thump.txt:2 ../E/topo.txt:2 ../E/trunc.txt:2 ../E/turn.txt:19 ../E/wait.txt:10 ../E/writeln.txt:8
#, no-wrap
msgid "Syntax:"
msgstr "Składnia:"
@@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ msgid "Time in seconds."
msgstr "Czas w sekundach."
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/abstime.txt:10 ../E/acos.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:23 ../E/array.txt:41 ../E/asin.txt:11 ../E/atan.txt:11 ../E/atan2.txt:16 ../E/bloc.txt:48 ../E/bool.txt:4 ../E/break.txt:24 ../E/build.txt:27 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:22 ../E/busy.txt:14 ../E/canbuild.txt:22 ../E/canresearch.txt:14 ../E/category.txt:107 ../E/ceil.txt:12 ../E/class.txt:70 ../E/close.txt:6 ../E/cond.txt:4 ../E/continue.txt:24 ../E/cos.txt:11 ../E/deletef.txt:9 ../E/delinfo.txt:13 ../E/destroy.txt:15 ../E/detect.txt:27 ../E/direct.txt:13 ../E/dist.txt:29 ../E/dist2d.txt:13 ../E/do.txt:27 ../E/drop.txt:28 ../E/eof.txt:13 ../E/errmode.txt:32 ../E/expr.txt:197 ../E/extern.txt:29 ../E/factory.txt:21 ../E/false.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:16 ../E/fire.txt:30 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:16 ../E/flatspace.txt:25 ../E/float.txt:24 ../E/floor.txt:12 ../E/for.txt:38 ../E/function.txt:131 ../E/goto.txt:34 ../E/grab.txt:28 ../E/if.txt:39 ../E/int.txt:18 ../E/jet.txt:14 ../E/message.txt:24 ../E/motor.txt:38 ../E/move.txt:21 ../E/nan.txt:14 ../E/new.txt:20 ../E/null.txt:4 ../E/object.txt:79 ../E/open.txt:18 ../E/openfile.txt:10 ../E/pencolor.txt:14 ../E/pendown.txt:17 ../E/penup.txt:11 ../E/penwidth.txt:14 ../E/point.txt:35 ../E/pointer.txt:51 ../E/pow.txt:14 ../E/private.txt:17 ../E/produce.txt:30 ../E/public.txt:49 ../E/radar.txt:80 ../E/rand.txt:8 ../E/readln.txt:18 ../E/receive.txt:16 ../E/recycle.txt:12 ../E/research.txt:18 ../E/researched.txt:14 ../E/researches.txt:27 ../E/retobj.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:29 ../E/round.txt:12 ../E/search.txt:25 ../E/send.txt:17 ../E/shield.txt:18 ../E/sin.txt:11 ../E/sizeof.txt:21 ../E/sniff.txt:16 ../E/space.txt:22 ../E/sqrt.txt:11 ../E/static.txt:20 ../E/strfind.txt:18 ../E/string.txt:32 ../E/strleft.txt:14 ../E/strlen.txt:12 ../E/strlower.txt:10 ../E/strmid.txt:18 ../E/strright.txt:14 ../E/strupper.txt:10 ../E/strval.txt:17 ../E/switch.txt:70 ../E/synchro.txt:23 ../E/takeoff.txt:15 ../E/tan.txt:11 ../E/term.txt:30 ../E/testinfo.txt:16 ../E/this.txt:52 ../E/thump.txt:12 ../E/topo.txt:13 ../E/true.txt:4 ../E/trunc.txt:12 ../E/turn.txt:32 ../E/type.txt:32 ../E/var.txt:66 ../E/void.txt:10 ../E/wait.txt:21 ../E/while.txt:46 ../E/writeln.txt:19
+#: ../E/abstime.txt:10 ../E/acos.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:23 ../E/array.txt:41 ../E/asin.txt:11 ../E/atan.txt:11 ../E/atan2.txt:16 ../E/bloc.txt:48 ../E/bool.txt:4 ../E/break.txt:24 ../E/build.txt:27 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:22 ../E/busy.txt:14 ../E/canbuild.txt:22 ../E/canresearch.txt:14 ../E/category.txt:107 ../E/ceil.txt:12 ../E/class.txt:70 ../E/close.txt:6 ../E/cond.txt:4 ../E/continue.txt:24 ../E/cos.txt:11 ../E/deletef.txt:9 ../E/delinfo.txt:13 ../E/destroy.txt:15 ../E/detect.txt:27 ../E/direct.txt:13 ../E/dist.txt:29 ../E/dist2d.txt:13 ../E/do.txt:27 ../E/drop.txt:28 ../E/eof.txt:13 ../E/errmode.txt:32 ../E/expr.txt:197 ../E/extern.txt:29 ../E/factory.txt:21 ../E/false.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:16 ../E/fire.txt:30 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:16 ../E/flatspace.txt:25 ../E/float.txt:24 ../E/floor.txt:12 ../E/for.txt:38 ../E/function.txt:131 ../E/goto.txt:34 ../E/grab.txt:28 ../E/if.txt:39 ../E/int.txt:18 ../E/jet.txt:14 ../E/message.txt:24 ../E/motor.txt:38 ../E/move.txt:21 ../E/nan.txt:14 ../E/new.txt:20 ../E/null.txt:4 ../E/object.txt:79 ../E/open.txt:18 ../E/openfile.txt:10 ../E/pencolor.txt:14 ../E/pendown.txt:17 ../E/penup.txt:11 ../E/penwidth.txt:14 ../E/point.txt:35 ../E/pointer.txt:51 ../E/pow.txt:14 ../E/private.txt:17 ../E/produce.txt:30 ../E/public.txt:49 ../E/radar.txt:80 ../E/radarall.txt:20 ../E/rand.txt:8 ../E/readln.txt:18 ../E/receive.txt:16 ../E/recycle.txt:12 ../E/research.txt:18 ../E/researched.txt:14 ../E/researches.txt:27 ../E/retobj.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:29 ../E/round.txt:12 ../E/search.txt:25 ../E/send.txt:17 ../E/shield.txt:18 ../E/sin.txt:11 ../E/sizeof.txt:21 ../E/sniff.txt:16 ../E/space.txt:22 ../E/sqrt.txt:11 ../E/static.txt:20 ../E/strfind.txt:18 ../E/string.txt:32 ../E/strleft.txt:14 ../E/strlen.txt:12 ../E/strlower.txt:10 ../E/strmid.txt:18 ../E/strright.txt:14 ../E/strupper.txt:10 ../E/strval.txt:17 ../E/switch.txt:70 ../E/synchro.txt:23 ../E/takeoff.txt:15 ../E/tan.txt:11 ../E/term.txt:30 ../E/testinfo.txt:16 ../E/this.txt:52 ../E/thump.txt:12 ../E/topo.txt:13 ../E/true.txt:4 ../E/trunc.txt:12 ../E/turn.txt:32 ../E/type.txt:32 ../E/var.txt:66 ../E/void.txt:10 ../E/wait.txt:21 ../E/while.txt:46 ../E/writeln.txt:19
#, no-wrap
msgid "See also"
msgstr "Zobacz również"
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/abstime.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:24 ../E/array.txt:42 ../E/bool.txt:5 ../E/break.txt:25 ../E/busy.txt:15 ../E/cond.txt:5 ../E/continue.txt:25 ../E/deletef.txt:10 ../E/destroy.txt:16 ../E/detect.txt:28 ../E/direct.txt:14 ../E/dist.txt:30 ../E/dist2d.txt:14 ../E/drop.txt:29 ../E/errmode.txt:33 ../E/expr.txt:198 ../E/extern.txt:30 ../E/false.txt:5 ../E/fire.txt:31 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:17 ../E/flatspace.txt:26 ../E/float.txt:25 ../E/for.txt:39 ../E/function.txt:132 ../E/goto.txt:35 ../E/grab.txt:29 ../E/if.txt:40 ../E/int.txt:19 ../E/jet.txt:15 ../E/message.txt:25 ../E/move.txt:22 ../E/nan.txt:15 ../E/object.txt:80 ../E/openfile.txt:11 ../E/pencolor.txt:15 ../E/pendown.txt:18 ../E/penup.txt:12 ../E/penwidth.txt:15 ../E/point.txt:36 ../E/produce.txt:31 ../E/radar.txt:81 ../E/recycle.txt:13 ../E/retobj.txt:14 ../E/return.txt:30 ../E/search.txt:26 ../E/shield.txt:19 ../E/sizeof.txt:22 ../E/sniff.txt:17 ../E/space.txt:23 ../E/string.txt:33 ../E/switch.txt:71 ../E/takeoff.txt:16 ../E/term.txt:31 ../E/thump.txt:13 ../E/topo.txt:14 ../E/true.txt:5 ../E/turn.txt:33 ../E/type.txt:33 ../E/var.txt:67 ../E/void.txt:11 ../E/wait.txt:22
+#: ../E/abstime.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:24 ../E/array.txt:42 ../E/bool.txt:5 ../E/break.txt:25 ../E/busy.txt:15 ../E/cond.txt:5 ../E/continue.txt:25 ../E/deletef.txt:10 ../E/destroy.txt:16 ../E/detect.txt:28 ../E/direct.txt:14 ../E/dist.txt:30 ../E/dist2d.txt:14 ../E/drop.txt:29 ../E/errmode.txt:33 ../E/expr.txt:198 ../E/extern.txt:30 ../E/false.txt:5 ../E/fire.txt:31 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:17 ../E/flatspace.txt:26 ../E/float.txt:25 ../E/for.txt:39 ../E/function.txt:132 ../E/goto.txt:35 ../E/grab.txt:29 ../E/if.txt:40 ../E/int.txt:19 ../E/jet.txt:15 ../E/message.txt:25 ../E/move.txt:22 ../E/nan.txt:15 ../E/object.txt:80 ../E/openfile.txt:11 ../E/pencolor.txt:15 ../E/pendown.txt:18 ../E/penup.txt:12 ../E/penwidth.txt:15 ../E/point.txt:36 ../E/produce.txt:31 ../E/recycle.txt:13 ../E/retobj.txt:14 ../E/return.txt:30 ../E/search.txt:26 ../E/shield.txt:19 ../E/sizeof.txt:22 ../E/sniff.txt:17 ../E/space.txt:23 ../E/string.txt:33 ../E/switch.txt:71 ../E/takeoff.txt:16 ../E/term.txt:31 ../E/thump.txt:13 ../E/topo.txt:14 ../E/true.txt:5 ../E/turn.txt:33 ../E/type.txt:33 ../E/var.txt:67 ../E/void.txt:11 ../E/wait.txt:22
#, no-wrap
msgid "Programming, types and categories."
msgstr "Programowanie, typy i kategorie."
@@ -1101,7 +1101,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tmove(distance(position, item.position) - 40);"
#. type: \b; header, \t; header
-#: ../E/build.txt:13 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:12 ../E/canbuild.txt:12 ../E/detect.txt:4 ../E/dist.txt:17 ../E/drop.txt:11 ../E/errmode.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:10 ../E/fire.txt:9 ../E/float.txt:19 ../E/goto.txt:11 ../E/grab.txt:11 ../E/if.txt:22 ../E/int.txt:13 ../E/motor.txt:14 ../E/move.txt:7 ../E/radar.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:9 ../E/switch.txt:46 ../E/turn.txt:18 ../E/wait.txt:9 ../E/while.txt:19
+#: ../E/build.txt:13 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:12 ../E/canbuild.txt:12 ../E/detect.txt:4 ../E/dist.txt:17 ../E/drop.txt:11 ../E/errmode.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:10 ../E/fire.txt:9 ../E/float.txt:19 ../E/goto.txt:11 ../E/grab.txt:11 ../E/if.txt:22 ../E/int.txt:13 ../E/motor.txt:14 ../E/move.txt:7 ../E/radar.txt:13 ../E/radarall.txt:12 ../E/return.txt:9 ../E/switch.txt:46 ../E/turn.txt:18 ../E/wait.txt:9 ../E/while.txt:19
#, no-wrap
msgid "For specialists"
msgstr "Dla specjalistów"
@@ -3382,12 +3382,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Instruction radar
msgstr "Instrukcja radar
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/radar.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "With the instruction radar()
, you can look for objects like enemies, bots, buildings or raw materials."
-msgstr "Przy użyciu instrukcji radar()
, można znajdować różne obiekty, takie jak wrogów, roboty, budynki lub surowce."
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/radar.txt:5
#, no-wrap
@@ -8414,3 +8408,69 @@ msgid ""
"int numbers[] = { 10, 20, 30 };\n"
"MyClass objects[] = { new MyClass(1), new MyClass(2) };"
msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/radar.txt:81
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "radarall();, programming, types and categories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/radar.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "With the instruction radar();, you can look for objects like enemies, bots, buildings or raw materials."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: \b; header
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:1
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Instruction radarall
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "radarall(); is an enhancement of the radar(); function -- it detects all objects matching the given criteria."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: \b; header
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Example"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Source code
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:5
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"object[] items;\n"
+"items = radarall(PowerCell);\n"
+"for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(items); ++i)\n"
+" message(items[i].id);\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Source code
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:14
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "radarall ( cat, angle, focus, min, max, sens, filter );"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:16
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "The function works generally the same as the radar(); function with the only difference being that it returns an array of objects instead of one object. If no object is found, null
is returned."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:18
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "The order of objects in the returned array is sorted by distance and depends on the sens
parameter. The first object in the array is the object which would be returned by the radar(); function called with the exactly same parameters."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:21
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "radar();, programming, types and categories."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/help/cbot/po/ru.po b/help/cbot/po/ru.po
index d50bf80a..046e5b62 100644
--- a/help/cbot/po/ru.po
+++ b/help/cbot/po/ru.po
@@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ msgid "Time in seconds."
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/abstime.txt:10 ../E/acos.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:23 ../E/array.txt:41 ../E/asin.txt:11 ../E/atan.txt:11 ../E/atan2.txt:16 ../E/bloc.txt:48 ../E/bool.txt:4 ../E/break.txt:24 ../E/build.txt:27 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:22 ../E/busy.txt:14 ../E/canbuild.txt:22 ../E/canresearch.txt:14 ../E/category.txt:107 ../E/ceil.txt:12 ../E/class.txt:70 ../E/close.txt:6 ../E/cond.txt:4 ../E/continue.txt:24 ../E/cos.txt:11 ../E/deletef.txt:9 ../E/delinfo.txt:13 ../E/destroy.txt:15 ../E/detect.txt:27 ../E/direct.txt:13 ../E/dist.txt:29 ../E/dist2d.txt:13 ../E/do.txt:27 ../E/drop.txt:28 ../E/eof.txt:13 ../E/errmode.txt:32 ../E/expr.txt:197 ../E/extern.txt:29 ../E/factory.txt:21 ../E/false.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:16 ../E/fire.txt:30 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:16 ../E/flatspace.txt:25 ../E/float.txt:24 ../E/floor.txt:12 ../E/for.txt:38 ../E/function.txt:131 ../E/goto.txt:34 ../E/grab.txt:28 ../E/if.txt:39 ../E/int.txt:18 ../E/jet.txt:14 ../E/message.txt:24 ../E/motor.txt:38 ../E/move.txt:21 ../E/nan.txt:14 ../E/new.txt:20 ../E/null.txt:4 ../E/object.txt:79 ../E/open.txt:18 ../E/openfile.txt:10 ../E/pencolor.txt:14 ../E/pendown.txt:17 ../E/penup.txt:11 ../E/penwidth.txt:14 ../E/point.txt:35 ../E/pointer.txt:51 ../E/pow.txt:14 ../E/private.txt:17 ../E/produce.txt:30 ../E/public.txt:49 ../E/radar.txt:80 ../E/rand.txt:8 ../E/readln.txt:18 ../E/receive.txt:16 ../E/recycle.txt:12 ../E/research.txt:18 ../E/researched.txt:14 ../E/researches.txt:27 ../E/retobj.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:29 ../E/round.txt:12 ../E/search.txt:25 ../E/send.txt:17 ../E/shield.txt:18 ../E/sin.txt:11 ../E/sizeof.txt:21 ../E/sniff.txt:16 ../E/space.txt:22 ../E/sqrt.txt:11 ../E/static.txt:20 ../E/strfind.txt:18 ../E/string.txt:32 ../E/strleft.txt:14 ../E/strlen.txt:12 ../E/strlower.txt:10 ../E/strmid.txt:18 ../E/strright.txt:14 ../E/strupper.txt:10 ../E/strval.txt:17 ../E/switch.txt:70 ../E/synchro.txt:23 ../E/takeoff.txt:15 ../E/tan.txt:11 ../E/term.txt:30 ../E/testinfo.txt:16 ../E/this.txt:52 ../E/thump.txt:12 ../E/topo.txt:13 ../E/true.txt:4 ../E/trunc.txt:12 ../E/turn.txt:32 ../E/type.txt:32 ../E/var.txt:66 ../E/void.txt:10 ../E/wait.txt:21 ../E/while.txt:46 ../E/writeln.txt:19
+#: ../E/abstime.txt:10 ../E/acos.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:23 ../E/array.txt:41 ../E/asin.txt:11 ../E/atan.txt:11 ../E/atan2.txt:16 ../E/bloc.txt:48 ../E/bool.txt:4 ../E/break.txt:24 ../E/build.txt:27 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:22 ../E/busy.txt:14 ../E/canbuild.txt:22 ../E/canresearch.txt:14 ../E/category.txt:107 ../E/ceil.txt:12 ../E/class.txt:70 ../E/close.txt:6 ../E/cond.txt:4 ../E/continue.txt:24 ../E/cos.txt:11 ../E/deletef.txt:9 ../E/delinfo.txt:13 ../E/destroy.txt:15 ../E/detect.txt:27 ../E/direct.txt:13 ../E/dist.txt:29 ../E/dist2d.txt:13 ../E/do.txt:27 ../E/drop.txt:28 ../E/eof.txt:13 ../E/errmode.txt:32 ../E/expr.txt:197 ../E/extern.txt:29 ../E/factory.txt:21 ../E/false.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:16 ../E/fire.txt:30 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:16 ../E/flatspace.txt:25 ../E/float.txt:24 ../E/floor.txt:12 ../E/for.txt:38 ../E/function.txt:131 ../E/goto.txt:34 ../E/grab.txt:28 ../E/if.txt:39 ../E/int.txt:18 ../E/jet.txt:14 ../E/message.txt:24 ../E/motor.txt:38 ../E/move.txt:21 ../E/nan.txt:14 ../E/new.txt:20 ../E/null.txt:4 ../E/object.txt:79 ../E/open.txt:18 ../E/openfile.txt:10 ../E/pencolor.txt:14 ../E/pendown.txt:17 ../E/penup.txt:11 ../E/penwidth.txt:14 ../E/point.txt:35 ../E/pointer.txt:51 ../E/pow.txt:14 ../E/private.txt:17 ../E/produce.txt:30 ../E/public.txt:49 ../E/radar.txt:80 ../E/radarall.txt:20 ../E/rand.txt:8 ../E/readln.txt:18 ../E/receive.txt:16 ../E/recycle.txt:12 ../E/research.txt:18 ../E/researched.txt:14 ../E/researches.txt:27 ../E/retobj.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:29 ../E/round.txt:12 ../E/search.txt:25 ../E/send.txt:17 ../E/shield.txt:18 ../E/sin.txt:11 ../E/sizeof.txt:21 ../E/sniff.txt:16 ../E/space.txt:22 ../E/sqrt.txt:11 ../E/static.txt:20 ../E/strfind.txt:18 ../E/string.txt:32 ../E/strleft.txt:14 ../E/strlen.txt:12 ../E/strlower.txt:10 ../E/strmid.txt:18 ../E/strright.txt:14 ../E/strupper.txt:10 ../E/strval.txt:17 ../E/switch.txt:70 ../E/synchro.txt:23 ../E/takeoff.txt:15 ../E/tan.txt:11 ../E/term.txt:30 ../E/testinfo.txt:16 ../E/this.txt:52 ../E/thump.txt:12 ../E/topo.txt:13 ../E/true.txt:4 ../E/trunc.txt:12 ../E/turn.txt:32 ../E/type.txt:32 ../E/var.txt:66 ../E/void.txt:10 ../E/wait.txt:21 ../E/while.txt:46 ../E/writeln.txt:19
#, no-wrap
msgid "See also"
msgstr "См. также"
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/abstime.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:24 ../E/array.txt:42 ../E/bool.txt:5 ../E/break.txt:25 ../E/busy.txt:15 ../E/cond.txt:5 ../E/continue.txt:25 ../E/deletef.txt:10 ../E/destroy.txt:16 ../E/detect.txt:28 ../E/direct.txt:14 ../E/dist.txt:30 ../E/dist2d.txt:14 ../E/drop.txt:29 ../E/errmode.txt:33 ../E/expr.txt:198 ../E/extern.txt:30 ../E/false.txt:5 ../E/fire.txt:31 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:17 ../E/flatspace.txt:26 ../E/float.txt:25 ../E/for.txt:39 ../E/function.txt:132 ../E/goto.txt:35 ../E/grab.txt:29 ../E/if.txt:40 ../E/int.txt:19 ../E/jet.txt:15 ../E/message.txt:25 ../E/move.txt:22 ../E/nan.txt:15 ../E/object.txt:80 ../E/openfile.txt:11 ../E/pencolor.txt:15 ../E/pendown.txt:18 ../E/penup.txt:12 ../E/penwidth.txt:15 ../E/point.txt:36 ../E/produce.txt:31 ../E/radar.txt:81 ../E/recycle.txt:13 ../E/retobj.txt:14 ../E/return.txt:30 ../E/search.txt:26 ../E/shield.txt:19 ../E/sizeof.txt:22 ../E/sniff.txt:17 ../E/space.txt:23 ../E/string.txt:33 ../E/switch.txt:71 ../E/takeoff.txt:16 ../E/term.txt:31 ../E/thump.txt:13 ../E/topo.txt:14 ../E/true.txt:5 ../E/turn.txt:33 ../E/type.txt:33 ../E/var.txt:67 ../E/void.txt:11 ../E/wait.txt:22
+#: ../E/abstime.txt:11 ../E/aim.txt:24 ../E/array.txt:42 ../E/bool.txt:5 ../E/break.txt:25 ../E/busy.txt:15 ../E/cond.txt:5 ../E/continue.txt:25 ../E/deletef.txt:10 ../E/destroy.txt:16 ../E/detect.txt:28 ../E/direct.txt:14 ../E/dist.txt:30 ../E/dist2d.txt:14 ../E/drop.txt:29 ../E/errmode.txt:33 ../E/expr.txt:198 ../E/extern.txt:30 ../E/false.txt:5 ../E/fire.txt:31 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:17 ../E/flatspace.txt:26 ../E/float.txt:25 ../E/for.txt:39 ../E/function.txt:132 ../E/goto.txt:35 ../E/grab.txt:29 ../E/if.txt:40 ../E/int.txt:19 ../E/jet.txt:15 ../E/message.txt:25 ../E/move.txt:22 ../E/nan.txt:15 ../E/object.txt:80 ../E/openfile.txt:11 ../E/pencolor.txt:15 ../E/pendown.txt:18 ../E/penup.txt:12 ../E/penwidth.txt:15 ../E/point.txt:36 ../E/produce.txt:31 ../E/recycle.txt:13 ../E/retobj.txt:14 ../E/return.txt:30 ../E/search.txt:26 ../E/shield.txt:19 ../E/sizeof.txt:22 ../E/sniff.txt:17 ../E/space.txt:23 ../E/string.txt:33 ../E/switch.txt:71 ../E/takeoff.txt:16 ../E/term.txt:31 ../E/thump.txt:13 ../E/topo.txt:14 ../E/true.txt:5 ../E/turn.txt:33 ../E/type.txt:33 ../E/var.txt:67 ../E/void.txt:11 ../E/wait.txt:22
#, no-wrap
msgid "Programming, types and categories."
msgstr "Программирование, типы и категории."
@@ -1100,13 +1100,13 @@ msgstr ""
"\tmove(distance(position, item.position) - 40);"
#. type: \b; header, \t; header
-#: ../E/build.txt:13 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:12 ../E/canbuild.txt:12 ../E/detect.txt:4 ../E/dist.txt:17 ../E/drop.txt:11 ../E/errmode.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:10 ../E/fire.txt:9 ../E/float.txt:19 ../E/goto.txt:11 ../E/grab.txt:11 ../E/if.txt:22 ../E/int.txt:13 ../E/motor.txt:14 ../E/move.txt:7 ../E/radar.txt:13 ../E/return.txt:9 ../E/switch.txt:46 ../E/turn.txt:18 ../E/wait.txt:9 ../E/while.txt:19
+#: ../E/build.txt:13 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:12 ../E/canbuild.txt:12 ../E/detect.txt:4 ../E/dist.txt:17 ../E/drop.txt:11 ../E/errmode.txt:4 ../E/file.txt:10 ../E/fire.txt:9 ../E/float.txt:19 ../E/goto.txt:11 ../E/grab.txt:11 ../E/if.txt:22 ../E/int.txt:13 ../E/motor.txt:14 ../E/move.txt:7 ../E/radar.txt:13 ../E/radarall.txt:12 ../E/return.txt:9 ../E/switch.txt:46 ../E/turn.txt:18 ../E/wait.txt:9 ../E/while.txt:19
#, no-wrap
msgid "For specialists"
msgstr "Для специалистов"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/abstime.txt:2 ../E/acos.txt:2 ../E/aim.txt:2 ../E/asin.txt:2 ../E/atan.txt:2 ../E/atan2.txt:2 ../E/build.txt:14 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:13 ../E/busy.txt:2 ../E/canbuild.txt:13 ../E/canresearch.txt:2 ../E/ceil.txt:2 ../E/cos.txt:2 ../E/deletef.txt:6 ../E/delinfo.txt:2 ../E/destroy.txt:2 ../E/detect.txt:5 ../E/dist.txt:18 ../E/dist2d.txt:2 ../E/do.txt:2 ../E/drop.txt:12 ../E/errmode.txt:5 ../E/factory.txt:2 ../E/fire.txt:10 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:2 ../E/flatspace.txt:2 ../E/floor.txt:2 ../E/for.txt:2 ../E/goto.txt:12 ../E/grab.txt:12 ../E/if.txt:23 ../E/jet.txt:2 ../E/message.txt:2 ../E/move.txt:8 ../E/pencolor.txt:2 ../E/pendown.txt:2 ../E/penup.txt:2 ../E/penwidth.txt:2 ../E/pow.txt:2 ../E/produce.txt:2 ../E/radar.txt:14 ../E/rand.txt:2 ../E/readln.txt:8 ../E/receive.txt:2 ../E/recycle.txt:2 ../E/research.txt:2 ../E/researched.txt:2 ../E/retobj.txt:2 ../E/round.txt:2 ../E/search.txt:2 ../E/send.txt:2 ../E/shield.txt:2 ../E/sin.txt:2 ../E/sniff.txt:2 ../E/space.txt:2 ../E/sqrt.txt:2 ../E/strfind.txt:4 ../E/strleft.txt:4 ../E/strlen.txt:4 ../E/strlower.txt:4 ../E/strmid.txt:4 ../E/strright.txt:4 ../E/strupper.txt:4 ../E/strval.txt:8 ../E/switch.txt:47 ../E/takeoff.txt:2 ../E/tan.txt:2 ../E/testinfo.txt:2 ../E/thump.txt:2 ../E/topo.txt:2 ../E/trunc.txt:2 ../E/turn.txt:19 ../E/wait.txt:10 ../E/writeln.txt:8
+#. type: Plain text, \t; header
+#: ../E/abstime.txt:2 ../E/acos.txt:2 ../E/aim.txt:2 ../E/asin.txt:2 ../E/atan.txt:2 ../E/atan2.txt:2 ../E/build.txt:14 ../E/buildingenabled.txt:13 ../E/busy.txt:2 ../E/canbuild.txt:13 ../E/canresearch.txt:2 ../E/ceil.txt:2 ../E/cos.txt:2 ../E/deletef.txt:6 ../E/delinfo.txt:2 ../E/destroy.txt:2 ../E/detect.txt:5 ../E/dist.txt:18 ../E/dist2d.txt:2 ../E/do.txt:2 ../E/drop.txt:12 ../E/errmode.txt:5 ../E/factory.txt:2 ../E/fire.txt:10 ../E/flatgrnd.txt:2 ../E/flatspace.txt:2 ../E/floor.txt:2 ../E/for.txt:2 ../E/goto.txt:12 ../E/grab.txt:12 ../E/if.txt:23 ../E/jet.txt:2 ../E/message.txt:2 ../E/move.txt:8 ../E/pencolor.txt:2 ../E/pendown.txt:2 ../E/penup.txt:2 ../E/penwidth.txt:2 ../E/pow.txt:2 ../E/produce.txt:2 ../E/radar.txt:14 ../E/radarall.txt:13 ../E/rand.txt:2 ../E/readln.txt:8 ../E/receive.txt:2 ../E/recycle.txt:2 ../E/research.txt:2 ../E/researched.txt:2 ../E/retobj.txt:2 ../E/round.txt:2 ../E/search.txt:2 ../E/send.txt:2 ../E/shield.txt:2 ../E/sin.txt:2 ../E/sniff.txt:2 ../E/space.txt:2 ../E/sqrt.txt:2 ../E/strfind.txt:4 ../E/strleft.txt:4 ../E/strlen.txt:4 ../E/strlower.txt:4 ../E/strmid.txt:4 ../E/strright.txt:4 ../E/strupper.txt:4 ../E/strval.txt:8 ../E/switch.txt:47 ../E/takeoff.txt:2 ../E/tan.txt:2 ../E/testinfo.txt:2 ../E/thump.txt:2 ../E/topo.txt:2 ../E/trunc.txt:2 ../E/turn.txt:19 ../E/wait.txt:10 ../E/writeln.txt:8
#, no-wrap
msgid "Syntax:"
msgstr "Синтаксис:"
@@ -3369,12 +3369,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Instruction radar
msgstr "Инструкция radar
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/radar.txt:2
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "With the instruction radar()
, you can look for objects like enemies, bots, buildings or raw materials."
-msgstr "С помощью инструкции radar()
вы можете следить за такими объектами как враги, боты, здания или природные ископаемые."
#. type: Plain text
#: ../E/radar.txt:5
#, no-wrap
@@ -8208,3 +8202,69 @@ msgid ""
"int numbers[] = { 10, 20, 30 };\n"
"MyClass objects[] = { new MyClass(1), new MyClass(2) };"
msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/radar.txt:81
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "radarall();, programming, types and categories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/radar.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "With the instruction radar();, you can look for objects like enemies, bots, buildings or raw materials."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: \b; header
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:1
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Instruction radarall
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:2
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "radarall(); is an enhancement of the radar(); function -- it detects all objects matching the given criteria."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: \b; header
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:4
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Example"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Source code
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:5
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"object[] items;\n"
+"items = radarall(PowerCell);\n"
+"for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(items); ++i)\n"
+" message(items[i].id);\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Source code
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:14
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "radarall ( cat, angle, focus, min, max, sens, filter );"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:16
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "The function works generally the same as the radar(); function with the only difference being that it returns an array of objects instead of one object. If no object is found, null
is returned."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:18
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "The order of objects in the returned array is sorted by distance and depends on the sens
parameter. The first object in the array is the object which would be returned by the radar(); function called with the exactly same parameters."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/radarall.txt:21
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "radar();, programming, types and categories."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/help/generic/E/cbot.txt b/help/generic/E/cbot.txt
index f4a81250..509dcba6 100644
--- a/help/generic/E/cbot.txt
+++ b/help/generic/E/cbot.txt
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Constants like \l;categories\u cbot\category; are displayed like that: \const;co
\t;Specific instructions for bots:
\c;\l;detect\u cbot\detect; \n;Simple object detection
\c;\l;radar\u cbot\radar; \n;Advanced object detection
+\c;\l;radarall\u cbot\radarall; \n;Advanced multiple objects detection
\c;\l;search\u cbot\search; \n;Object detection from a specific point
\c;\l;direction\u cbot\direct; \n;Calculates a rotation angle
\c;\l;distance\u cbot\dist; \n;Calculates a distance
diff --git a/help/generic/po/de.po b/help/generic/po/de.po
index f6e2f302..27ebced9 100644
--- a/help/generic/po/de.po
+++ b/help/generic/po/de.po
@@ -87,25 +87,25 @@ msgid "Specific instructions for bots:"
msgstr "Befehle für die Steuerung der Roboter:"
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:53
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:54
#, no-wrap
msgid "Instructions about topology:"
msgstr "Befehle für die Erforschung des Geländes:"
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:59
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:60
#, no-wrap
msgid "Instructions specific to some bots:"
msgstr "Befehle für bestimmte Roboter:"
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:78
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:79
#, no-wrap
msgid "Specific instructions for exchange posts:"
msgstr "Befehle für den Austausch mit Infoservern:"
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:79
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:80
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Receives an information\n"
@@ -119,13 +119,13 @@ msgstr ""
Löscht eine Information"
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:84
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:85
#, no-wrap
msgid "Specific instructions for classes:"
msgstr "Befehle für die Verwaltung von Klassen:"
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:85
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:86
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Class declararion\n"
@@ -145,13 +145,13 @@ msgstr ""
Bezieht sich auf die laufende Instanz"
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:93
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:94
#, no-wrap
msgid "Specific instructions for strings:"
msgstr "Befehle für die Verarbeitung von Strings (Zeichenketten):"
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:94
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:95
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Gets string length\n"
@@ -173,13 +173,13 @@ msgstr ""
Umwandlung in Kleinbuchstaben"
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:103
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:104
#, no-wrap
msgid "Specific instructions for files:"
msgstr "Befehle für die Dateiverwaltung:"
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:104
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:105
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Opens a file\n"
@@ -197,13 +197,13 @@ msgstr ""
Löscht eine Datei"
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/battles.txt:53 ../E/cbot.txt:127 ../E/freehelp.txt:4
+#: ../E/battles.txt:53 ../E/cbot.txt:128 ../E/freehelp.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid "See also"
msgstr "Siehe auch"
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:128
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:129
#, no-wrap
msgid "Types and categories."
msgstr "Variablentypen und Kategorien."
@@ -637,35 +637,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:30
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
Simple object detection\n"
Advanced object detection\n"
Object detection from a specific point\n"
Calculates a rotation angle\n"
Calculates a distance\n"
Calculates a distance\n"
Moves forward or backward\n"
Goes to a given position\n"
Direct motor control\n"
Direct jet engine control\n"
Displays a message\n"
Returns an object from a function\n"
Error treatement control\n"
Returns the absolute time\n"
Starts drawing\n"
Stops drawing\n"
Changes the pen color\n"
Changes the pen width\n"
Checks if a technology can be researched\n"
Checks if a technology is researched"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:54
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:55
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Calculates a free space\n"
@@ -675,7 +647,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:60
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:61
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Picks up an object\n"
@@ -692,13 +664,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:72
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:73
#, no-wrap
msgid "Instructions specific for some objects:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:73
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:74
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Starts construction of a bot\n"
@@ -708,13 +680,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:111
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:112
#, no-wrap
msgid "Mathematical functions:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:112
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:113
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Returns a random value\n"
@@ -1093,3 +1065,32 @@ msgstr ""
#, no-wrap
msgid "One can also switch to the free camera view by clicking somewhere on the map. One can move around in this view by using the numerical keyboard and PageUp/PageDown keys."
msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:30
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
Simple object detection\n"
Advanced object detection\n"
Advanced multiple objects detection\n"
Object detection from a specific point\n"
Calculates a rotation angle\n"
Calculates a distance\n"
Calculates a distance\n"
Moves forward or backward\n"
Goes to a given position\n"
Direct motor control\n"
Direct jet engine control\n"
Displays a message\n"
Returns an object from a function\n"
Error treatement control\n"
Returns the absolute time\n"
Starts drawing\n"
Stops drawing\n"
Changes the pen color\n"
Changes the pen width\n"
Checks if a technology can be researched\n"
Checks if a technology is researched"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/help/generic/po/fr.po b/help/generic/po/fr.po
index d748c216..6ec5746a 100644
--- a/help/generic/po/fr.po
+++ b/help/generic/po/fr.po
@@ -99,25 +99,25 @@ msgid "Specific instructions for bots:"
msgstr "Instructions pour les robots:"
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:53
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:54
#, no-wrap
msgid "Instructions about topology:"
msgstr "Instructions sur le terrain:"
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:59
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:60
#, no-wrap
msgid "Instructions specific to some bots:"
msgstr "Instructions spécifiques à certains robots:"
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:78
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:79
#, no-wrap
msgid "Specific instructions for exchange posts:"
msgstr "Instructions pour les bornes d'infomation:"
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:79
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:80
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Receives an information\n"
@@ -131,13 +131,13 @@ msgstr ""
Supprime une information"
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:84
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:85
#, no-wrap
msgid "Specific instructions for classes:"
msgstr "Instructions pour les classes:"
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:85
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:86
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Class declararion\n"
@@ -157,13 +157,13 @@ msgstr ""
Référence l'instance courante"
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:93
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:94
#, no-wrap
msgid "Specific instructions for strings:"
msgstr "Instructions pour les chaînes de caractères:"
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:94
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:95
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Gets string length\n"
@@ -185,13 +185,13 @@ msgstr ""
Convertit en minuscules."
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:103
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:104
#, no-wrap
msgid "Specific instructions for files:"
msgstr "Instructions pour les fichiers:"
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:104
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:105
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Opens a file\n"
@@ -209,13 +209,13 @@ msgstr ""
Supprime un fichier"
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/battles.txt:53 ../E/cbot.txt:127 ../E/freehelp.txt:4
+#: ../E/battles.txt:53 ../E/cbot.txt:128 ../E/freehelp.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid "See also"
msgstr "Voir aussi"
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:128
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:129
#, no-wrap
msgid "Types and categories."
msgstr "Types et catégories."
@@ -632,35 +632,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:30
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
Simple object detection\n"
Advanced object detection\n"
Object detection from a specific point\n"
Calculates a rotation angle\n"
Calculates a distance\n"
Calculates a distance\n"
Moves forward or backward\n"
Goes to a given position\n"
Direct motor control\n"
Direct jet engine control\n"
Displays a message\n"
Returns an object from a function\n"
Error treatement control\n"
Returns the absolute time\n"
Starts drawing\n"
Stops drawing\n"
Changes the pen color\n"
Changes the pen width\n"
Checks if a technology can be researched\n"
Checks if a technology is researched"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:54
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:55
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Calculates a free space\n"
@@ -670,7 +642,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:60
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:61
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Picks up an object\n"
@@ -687,13 +659,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:72
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:73
#, no-wrap
msgid "Instructions specific for some objects:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:73
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:74
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Starts construction of a bot\n"
@@ -703,13 +675,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:111
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:112
#, no-wrap
msgid "Mathematical functions:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:112
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:113
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Returns a random value\n"
@@ -1088,3 +1060,32 @@ msgstr ""
#, no-wrap
msgid "One can also switch to the free camera view by clicking somewhere on the map. One can move around in this view by using the numerical keyboard and PageUp/PageDown keys."
msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:30
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
Simple object detection\n"
Advanced object detection\n"
Advanced multiple objects detection\n"
Object detection from a specific point\n"
Calculates a rotation angle\n"
Calculates a distance\n"
Calculates a distance\n"
Moves forward or backward\n"
Goes to a given position\n"
Direct motor control\n"
Direct jet engine control\n"
Displays a message\n"
Returns an object from a function\n"
Error treatement control\n"
Returns the absolute time\n"
Starts drawing\n"
Stops drawing\n"
Changes the pen color\n"
Changes the pen width\n"
Checks if a technology can be researched\n"
Checks if a technology is researched"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/help/generic/po/generic.pot b/help/generic/po/generic.pot
index 77b8b446..92a6f6d3 100644
--- a/help/generic/po/generic.pot
+++ b/help/generic/po/generic.pot
@@ -85,25 +85,25 @@ msgid "Specific instructions for bots:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:53
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:54
#, no-wrap
msgid "Instructions about topology:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:59
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:60
#, no-wrap
msgid "Instructions specific to some bots:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:78
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:79
#, no-wrap
msgid "Specific instructions for exchange posts:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:79
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:80
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Receives an information\n"
@@ -113,13 +113,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:84
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:85
#, no-wrap
msgid "Specific instructions for classes:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:85
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:86
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Class declararion\n"
@@ -132,13 +132,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:93
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:94
#, no-wrap
msgid "Specific instructions for strings:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:94
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:95
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Gets string length\n"
@@ -152,13 +152,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:103
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:104
#, no-wrap
msgid "Specific instructions for files:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:104
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:105
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Opens a file\n"
@@ -170,13 +170,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/battles.txt:53 ../E/cbot.txt:127 ../E/freehelp.txt:4
+#: ../E/battles.txt:53 ../E/cbot.txt:128 ../E/freehelp.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid "See also"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:128
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:129
#, no-wrap
msgid "Types and categories."
msgstr ""
@@ -572,35 +572,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:30
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
Simple object detection\n"
Advanced object detection\n"
Object detection from a specific point\n"
Calculates a rotation angle\n"
Calculates a distance\n"
Calculates a distance\n"
Moves forward or backward\n"
Goes to a given position\n"
Direct motor control\n"
Direct jet engine control\n"
Displays a message\n"
Returns an object from a function\n"
Error treatement control\n"
Returns the absolute time\n"
Starts drawing\n"
Stops drawing\n"
Changes the pen color\n"
Changes the pen width\n"
Checks if a technology can be researched\n"
Checks if a technology is researched"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:54
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:55
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Calculates a free space\n"
@@ -610,7 +582,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:60
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:61
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Picks up an object\n"
@@ -627,13 +599,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:72
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:73
#, no-wrap
msgid "Instructions specific for some objects:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:73
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:74
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Starts construction of a bot\n"
@@ -643,13 +615,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:111
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:112
#, no-wrap
msgid "Mathematical functions:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:112
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:113
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Returns a random value\n"
@@ -1028,3 +1000,32 @@ msgstr ""
#, no-wrap
msgid "One can also switch to the free camera view by clicking somewhere on the map. One can move around in this view by using the numerical keyboard and PageUp/PageDown keys."
msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:30
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
Simple object detection\n"
Advanced object detection\n"
Advanced multiple objects detection\n"
Object detection from a specific point\n"
Calculates a rotation angle\n"
Calculates a distance\n"
Calculates a distance\n"
Moves forward or backward\n"
Goes to a given position\n"
Direct motor control\n"
Direct jet engine control\n"
Displays a message\n"
Returns an object from a function\n"
Error treatement control\n"
Returns the absolute time\n"
Starts drawing\n"
Stops drawing\n"
Changes the pen color\n"
Changes the pen width\n"
Checks if a technology can be researched\n"
Checks if a technology is researched"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/help/generic/po/pl.po b/help/generic/po/pl.po
index b01c4908..9d770374 100644
--- a/help/generic/po/pl.po
+++ b/help/generic/po/pl.po
@@ -101,25 +101,25 @@ msgid "Specific instructions for bots:"
msgstr "Instrukcje specyficzne dla robotów:"
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:53
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:54
#, no-wrap
msgid "Instructions about topology:"
msgstr "Instrukcje związane z topologią terenu:"
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:59
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:60
#, no-wrap
msgid "Instructions specific to some bots:"
msgstr "Instrukcje specyficzne dla niektórych robotów:"
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:78
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:79
#, no-wrap
msgid "Specific instructions for exchange posts:"
msgstr "Instrukcje specyficzne dla stacji przekaźnikowych:"
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:79
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:80
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Receives an information\n"
@@ -133,13 +133,13 @@ msgstr ""
Usuwa istniejącą informację"
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:84
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:85
#, no-wrap
msgid "Specific instructions for classes:"
msgstr "Instrukcje specyficzne dla klas:"
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:85
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:86
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Class declararion\n"
@@ -159,13 +159,13 @@ msgstr ""
Odwołanie do bieżącej instancji"
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:93
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:94
#, no-wrap
msgid "Specific instructions for strings:"
msgstr "Instrukcje specyficzne dla łańcuchów:"
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:94
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:95
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Gets string length\n"
@@ -187,13 +187,13 @@ msgstr ""
Zamienia litery na małe"
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:103
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:104
#, no-wrap
msgid "Specific instructions for files:"
msgstr "Instrukcje specyficzne dla plików:"
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:104
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:105
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Opens a file\n"
@@ -211,13 +211,13 @@ msgstr ""
Usuwa plik"
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/battles.txt:53 ../E/cbot.txt:127 ../E/freehelp.txt:4
+#: ../E/battles.txt:53 ../E/cbot.txt:128 ../E/freehelp.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid "See also"
msgstr "Zobacz również"
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:128
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:129
#, no-wrap
msgid "Types and categories."
msgstr "Typy i kategorie."
@@ -667,57 +667,7 @@ msgstr ""
Wielkość tablicy"
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:30
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
Simple object detection\n"
Advanced object detection\n"
Object detection from a specific point\n"
Calculates a rotation angle\n"
Calculates a distance\n"
Calculates a distance\n"
Moves forward or backward\n"
Goes to a given position\n"
Direct motor control\n"
Direct jet engine control\n"
Displays a message\n"
Returns an object from a function\n"
Error treatement control\n"
Returns the absolute time\n"
Starts drawing\n"
Stops drawing\n"
Changes the pen color\n"
Changes the pen width\n"
Checks if a technology can be researched\n"
Checks if a technology is researched"
-msgstr ""
Proste wykrywanie obiektów\n"
Zaawansowane wykrywnie obiektów\n"
Wykrywanie obiektów w pobliżu okrelonego punktu\n"
Oblicza kąt obrotu\n"
Oblicza odległość\n"
Oblicza odległość\n"
Przesuwa naprzód lub wstecz\n"
Przemieszcza się do zadanej pozycji\n"
Bezpośrednia kontrola nad silnikiem\n"
Bezpośrednia kontrola nad odrzutem\n"
Wyświetla komunikat\n"
Zwraca obiekt z funkcji\n"
Sposób traktowania błędów\n"
Zwraca czas absolutny\n"
Rozpoczęcie rysowania\n"
Zakończenie rysowania\n"
Zmiana koloru pióra\n"
Zmiana grubości pióra\n"
Sprawdza czy można przeprowadzić badanie\n"
Sprawdza czy przeprowadzono badanie"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:54
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:55
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Calculates a free space\n"
@@ -731,7 +681,7 @@ msgstr ""
Zwraca promień płaskiej przestrzenii"
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:60
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:61
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Picks up an object\n"
@@ -759,13 +709,13 @@ msgstr ""
Sprawdza czy budynek może być zbudowany na tym poziomie"
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:72
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:73
#, no-wrap
msgid "Instructions specific for some objects:"
msgstr "Instrukcje specyficzne dla niektórych obiektów:"
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:73
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:74
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Starts construction of a bot\n"
@@ -779,13 +729,13 @@ msgstr ""
Sprawdza czy obiekt jest zajęty"
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:111
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:112
#, no-wrap
msgid "Mathematical functions:"
msgstr "Funkcje matematyczne:"
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:112
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:113
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Returns a random value\n"
@@ -1185,3 +1135,32 @@ msgstr "Można powrócić do zwykłego widoku poprzez wciśnięcie przycisku PageUp/PageDown keys."
msgstr "Można przełączyć się do wolnej kamery klikając gdziekolwiek na mapie. Można się w niej poruszać przy pomocy klawiatury numerycznej oraz przycisków PageUp i PageDown."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:30
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
Simple object detection\n"
Advanced object detection\n"
Advanced multiple objects detection\n"
Object detection from a specific point\n"
Calculates a rotation angle\n"
Calculates a distance\n"
Calculates a distance\n"
Moves forward or backward\n"
Goes to a given position\n"
Direct motor control\n"
Direct jet engine control\n"
Displays a message\n"
Returns an object from a function\n"
Error treatement control\n"
Returns the absolute time\n"
Starts drawing\n"
Stops drawing\n"
Changes the pen color\n"
Changes the pen width\n"
Checks if a technology can be researched\n"
Checks if a technology is researched"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/help/generic/po/ru.po b/help/generic/po/ru.po
index 17c5374d..c7956385 100644
--- a/help/generic/po/ru.po
+++ b/help/generic/po/ru.po
@@ -97,25 +97,25 @@ msgid "Specific instructions for bots:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:53
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:54
#, no-wrap
msgid "Instructions about topology:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:59
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:60
#, no-wrap
msgid "Instructions specific to some bots:"
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:78
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:79
#, no-wrap
msgid "Specific instructions for exchange posts:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:79
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:80
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Receives an information\n"
@@ -125,13 +125,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:84
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:85
#, no-wrap
msgid "Specific instructions for classes:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:85
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:86
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Class declararion\n"
@@ -144,13 +144,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:93
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:94
#, no-wrap
msgid "Specific instructions for strings:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:94
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:95
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Gets string length\n"
@@ -164,13 +164,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:103
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:104
#, no-wrap
msgid "Specific instructions for files:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:104
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:105
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Opens a file\n"
@@ -182,13 +182,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/battles.txt:53 ../E/cbot.txt:127 ../E/freehelp.txt:4
+#: ../E/battles.txt:53 ../E/cbot.txt:128 ../E/freehelp.txt:4
#, no-wrap
msgid "See also"
msgstr "См. также"
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:128
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:129
#, no-wrap
msgid "Types and categories."
msgstr ""
@@ -610,35 +610,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:30
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
Simple object detection\n"
Advanced object detection\n"
Object detection from a specific point\n"
Calculates a rotation angle\n"
Calculates a distance\n"
Calculates a distance\n"
Moves forward or backward\n"
Goes to a given position\n"
Direct motor control\n"
Direct jet engine control\n"
Displays a message\n"
Returns an object from a function\n"
Error treatement control\n"
Returns the absolute time\n"
Starts drawing\n"
Stops drawing\n"
Changes the pen color\n"
Changes the pen width\n"
Checks if a technology can be researched\n"
Checks if a technology is researched"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:54
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:55
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Calculates a free space\n"
@@ -648,7 +620,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:60
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:61
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Picks up an object\n"
@@ -665,13 +637,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:72
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:73
#, no-wrap
msgid "Instructions specific for some objects:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:73
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:74
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Starts construction of a bot\n"
@@ -681,13 +653,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: \t; header
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:111
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:112
#, no-wrap
msgid "Mathematical functions:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: ../E/cbot.txt:112
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:113
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
Returns a random value\n"
@@ -1066,3 +1038,32 @@ msgstr ""
#, no-wrap
msgid "One can also switch to the free camera view by clicking somewhere on the map. One can move around in this view by using the numerical keyboard and PageUp/PageDown keys."
msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: ../E/cbot.txt:30
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
Simple object detection\n"
Advanced object detection\n"
Advanced multiple objects detection\n"
Object detection from a specific point\n"
Calculates a rotation angle\n"
Calculates a distance\n"
Calculates a distance\n"
Moves forward or backward\n"
Goes to a given position\n"
Direct motor control\n"
Direct jet engine control\n"
Displays a message\n"
Returns an object from a function\n"
Error treatement control\n"
Returns the absolute time\n"
Starts drawing\n"
Stops drawing\n"
Changes the pen color\n"
Changes the pen width\n"
Checks if a technology can be researched\n"
Checks if a technology is researched"
+msgstr ""