diff --git a/help/cbot/po/cbot.pot b/help/cbot/po/cbot.pot
index 9b9887ae..faa9b732 100644
--- a/help/cbot/po/cbot.pot
+++ b/help/cbot/po/cbot.pot
@@ -7002,645 +7002,3 @@ msgstr ""
#, no-wrap
msgid "You can exit from the the switch() {} instruction using break."
msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "You can stop the the switch() {} instruction using break."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Converter and bot factory have the same waiting time, so in order to not write the same instructions twice, we made multiple cases run the same code. In fact, all code after the highest case used will be executed if we do not break it."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With this conditional structure you can execute instructions1 or instructions2 ... or instructionsN or instructionsDefault depending on the value.\n"
-#~ "If the value is equal to value1, instructions1 to N (including instructionsDefault) are executed.\n"
-#~ "If the value is equal to value2, instructions2 to N (including instructionsDefault) are executed.\n"
-#~ "And so on.\n"
-#~ "If the value is equal to valueN, instructionsN and instructionsDefault are executed.\n"
-#~ "If the value is not equal to any value in the given cases, instructionsDefault are executed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "You can stop the the switch() {} instruction using break."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Note: the busy instruction might be much better to use in this scenario.\n"
-#~ "See the following function: the bot will be waiting a proper amount of time for a certain task to be completed:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "With this conditional structure you can execute instruction1 or instructions2 ... or instructionsN or instructionsDefault depending on the value. If the value is equal to value1, instructions1 to N (including instructionsDefault) are executed. If the value is equal to value2, instructions2 to N (including instructionsDefault) are executed. And so on. If the value is equal to valueN, instructionsN and instructionsDefault are executed. If the value is not equal to any value in the given cases, instructionsDefault are executed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The last three are mainly useful in code battles. You can also pass a team ID to search only for objects from a specific team."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Filters and IDs can be mixed using bitwise OR operator, for example radar(Any, 0, 360, 0, 1000, 1, 2 | FilterOnlyLanding); will detect an object from team 2 that is on the ground. Attention: you can specify only one team ID at once, but you can specify several filters at once."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The last three are mainly useful in code battles."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "FilterNoneDetects everything (default).\n"
-#~ "FilterOnlyLandingDetects only objects being on the ground\n"
-#~ "FilterOnlyFlyingDetects only objects not being on the ground\n"
-#~ "FilterFriendlyDetects only allies (objects in the same team).\n"
-#~ "FilterEnemyDetects only enemies (objects in an other team except neutral).\n"
-#~ "FilterNeutralDetects only neutral objects (e.g. resources)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Determines which type of objects should be detected. Especially useful in use with an array or \\constAny. The following filters are available:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "FilterNoneDetects everything (default).\n"
-#~ "FilterOnlyLandingDetects only objects being on the ground\n"
-#~ "FilterOnlyFlyingDetects only objects not being on the ground\n"
-#~ "FilterFriendlyDetects only allies (objects in the same team).\n"
-#~ "FilterEnemyDetects only enemies (objects in an other team except neutral).\n"
-#~ "FilterNeutralDetects only neutral objects (e.g. resources).\n"
-#~ "The last three are mainly useful in code battles."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Keyword Any if you are looking for any object."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "radar ( cat, angle, focus, min, max, sens );"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the errmode(0) instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by destroy().\n"
-#~ "== 0 The operation of destroying an object was started\n"
-#~ "!= 0 The instruction could not be done (e.g. nothing to destroy)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ " HoustonMission Control\n"
-#~ " SpaceShipSpaceship\n"
-#~ " BotFactoryRobot Factory\n"
-#~ " ResearchCenterResearch Center\n"
-#~ " RadarStationRadar\n"
-#~ " ExchangePostInformation Exchange Post\n"
-#~ " RepairCenterRepair Center\n"
-#~ " DefenseTowerDefense Tower\n"
-#~ " AutoLabOrganic Matter Analyzer \n"
-#~ " PowerStationPower Station\n"
-#~ " PowerPlantPower Cell Factory\n"
-#~ " NuclearPlantNuclear Plant\n"
-#~ " ConverterTitanium Converter\n"
-#~ " DerrickDerrick\n"
-#~ " PowerCaptorParabolic Lightning Conductor\n"
-#~ " VaultVault\n"
-#~ " StartAreaStarting Pad\n"
-#~ " GoalAreaFinishing Pad\n"
-#~ " AlienNestAlien Nest"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the errmode(0) instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by destroy().\n"
-#~ "== 0 The operation of destroying an object was started\n"
-#~ "!= 0 The instruction could not be done (e.g. it was run on an object other than destroyer)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "max: float (Default value: 1000)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "position: point\\n (default value: this.position)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "angle: float (default value0)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "focus: float (default value360)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "min: float (default value 0)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "max: float (Default value1000)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Detects the object of the given category that is closest to the given position. "
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Category of the requested object."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "sens: float (default value1)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Category of the objects that should be detected. For example, when you are looking for an ant, write radar (AlienAnt). "
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "object item; // variable declaration"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "// Look for the closest ant\n"
-#~ "item = radar(AlienAnt);"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Array of categories of the objects that should be detected. For example, when you are looking only for tracked bots:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "radar ( category, angle, focus, min, max, way );"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "way: float (default value1)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Nothing but a name can be changed in the main function. The keyword extern distinguish the main function from others."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Determines the position of the nearest free space with at least flatmin of flat ground around a given position. Works similar space();. Useful for finding a place for a building."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "canresearch ( type );"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Checks if a research can be done in the level."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction pendown(); instructs the bot to have the pen down, so it begins drawing."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction penup(); instructs the bot to have the pen up, so it ends drawing. The pen is up by default, so it should be used only after using pendown."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction pendown(); instructs the bot to change the color of the pencil."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the errmode(0) instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by pendown();.\n"
-#~ "== 0 The color was changed\n"
-#~ "!= 0 The instruction did not work"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "int object.category Category of the object\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Right/left angle of the object \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energy level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Shield level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude above ground\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Power cell on the bot\n"
-#~ "object object.load Object carried by the bot\n"
-#~ "int object.team The bot's team (see code battles)\n"
-#~ "point object.velocity Velocity of the object"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The bot's team. Used in code battles."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "int object.category Category of the object\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Right/left angle of the object \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energy level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Shield level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude above ground\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Power cell on the bot\n"
-#~ "object object.load Object carried by the bot\n"
-#~ "int object.team The bot's team (see code battles)\n"
-#~ "point object.velocity Velocity of the object"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Buildings :"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Portable Objects :"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Robots :"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Enemies :"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Miscellaneous :"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Flags and Other Indicators :"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Starts a research of the given type."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Name of the research."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the errmode(0) instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by factory().\n"
-#~ "== 0 The research successfully started\n"
-#~ "!= 0 The research could not be started"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Below are the different research names available:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ResearchTrackedTracked bots (e.g. tracked grabber)\n"
-#~ "ResearchWingedWinged bots (e.g. winged grabber)\n"
-#~ "ResearchLeggedLegged bots (e.g. legged grabber)\n"
-#~ "ResearchShooterBots with cannon (e.g. tracked shooter)\n"
-#~ "ResearchOrgaShooterBots with orgaball cannon (e.g. tracked orga shooter)\n"
-#~ "ResearchPhazerShooterPhazer shooter\n"
-#~ "ResearchSnifferSniffers (e.g. tracked sniffer)\n"
-#~ "ResearchThumperThumper\n"
-#~ "ResearchShielderShielder\n"
-#~ "ResearchRecyclerRecycler\n"
-#~ "ResearchSubberSubber\n"
-#~ "ResearchDefenseTowerDefense tower\n"
-#~ "ResearchNuclearPlantNuclear plant"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the errmode(0) instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by takeoff().\n"
-#~ "== 0 Spaceship takes off\n"
-#~ "!= 0 Spaceship could not take off"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "int object.category Category of the object\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Right/left angle of the object \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energy level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Shield level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude above ground\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Power cell on the bot\n"
-#~ "object object.load Object carried by the bot\n"
-#~ "string object.team The bot's team (see code battles)\n"
-#~ "point object.velocity Velocity of the object"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The category of an object allows you to know what it is, f. ex. what kind of bot, building, enemy, etc. "
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "ResearchCenter"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Also, some objects have additional methods (instructions). See them in the main list in |c;Instructions specific for some objects section."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "int object.category Category of the object\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Right/left angle of the object \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energy level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Shield level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude above ground\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Power cell on the bot\n"
-#~ "object object.load Object carried by the bot\n"
-#~ "string object.team The bot's team (see code battles)\n"
-#~ "point object.velocity Velocity of the object"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The bot's team. Used in code battles)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "int object.category Category of the object\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Right/left angle of the object \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energy level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Shield level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude above ground\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Power cell on the bot\n"
-#~ "object object.load Object carried by the bot\n"
-#~ "string object.team The bot's team (see code battles)\n"
-#~ "float object.velocity Velocity of the object"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Use this type for variables that contain the characteristics of an object, be it a bot, a building, some raw material, an enemy, etc. "
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "int object.category Category of the object\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Right/left angle of the object \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energy level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Shield level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude above ground\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Power cell on the bot\n"
-#~ "object object.load Object carried by the bot"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "CBOT Language, Variables and categories."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "red ResearchTrackedTracked bots (e.g. tracked grabber)\n"
-#~ "red ResearchWingedWinged bots (e.g. winged grabber)\n"
-#~ "red ResearchLeggedLegged bots (e.g. legged grabber)\n"
-#~ "red ResearchShooterBots with cannon (e.g. tracked shooter)\n"
-#~ "red ResearchOrgaShooterBots with orgaball cannon (e.g. tracked orga shooter)\n"
-#~ "red ResearchPhazerShooterPhazer shooter\n"
-#~ "red ResearchSnifferSniffers (e.g. tracked sniffer)\n"
-#~ "red ResearchThumperThumper\n"
-#~ "red ResearchShielderShielder\n"
-#~ "red ResearchRecyclerRecycler\n"
-#~ "red ResearchSubberSubber\n"
-#~ "red ResearchDefenseTowerDefence tower\n"
-#~ "red ResearchNuclearPlantNuclear plant"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ResearchTracked Tracked bots (e.g. tracked grabber)\n"
-#~ "ResearchWinged Winged bots (e.g. winged grabber)\n"
-#~ "ResearchLegged Legged bots (e.g. legged grabber)\n"
-#~ "ResearchShooter Bots with cannon (e.g. tracked shooter)\n"
-#~ "ResearchOrgaShooter Bots with orgaball cannon (e.g. tracked orga shooter)\n"
-#~ "ResearchPhazerShooter Phazer shooter\n"
-#~ "ResearchSniffer Sniffers (e.g. tracked sniffer)\n"
-#~ "ResearchThumper Thumper\n"
-#~ "ResearchShielder Shielder\n"
-#~ "ResearchRecycler Recycler\n"
-#~ "ResearchSubber Subber\n"
-#~ "ResearchDefenseTower Defence tower\n"
-#~ "ResearchNuclearPlant Nuclear plant"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Below are the different categories available :"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the errmode(0) instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by factory().\n"
-#~ "== 0 The construction successfully started\n"
-#~ "!= 0 The construction could not be started (e.g. no Titanium in the factory, the bot is not available in the level)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Nothing but a name can be changed in a main function. The keyword extern distinguish the main function from others."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "A function must be declared above the main function. Result type should be void if the function does not give any. Body is just a set of instructions. Function name must be created with the exact same rules applied to variables."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Now the program is much easier to read. It's a good practice to split the program into several functions with self-describing names."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "result_type FunctionName(optional_parameters)\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ " body\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "void Example(int a, float x, string s)\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ " message(a);\n"
-#~ " message(x);\n"
-#~ " message(s);\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With functions you can divide your program into several parts, each of them will execute a specific task.\n"
-#~ "Let's imagine following program¦:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "extern void object::Remote( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 1, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 3, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 2, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 4, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "send and wait are repeated several times. So it would be a good thing if we created a function that executes these two instructions:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "void object::SendToPost( float op )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", op, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "extern void object::Remote( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(1);\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(3);\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(2);\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(4);\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "A function can have paramteters¦:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "void Example( int a, float x, string s )"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The Example function will reveive un integer a, a floating point number x and a string s. Parameters are \"passed by value\", that is the values of parameter variables in a function are copies of the values the caller specified as variables. If you pass an int to a function, its parameter is a copy of whatever value was being passed as argument, and the function can change its parameter value without affecting values in the code that invoked the function."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "If you pass a class instance or an array as parameter to a function, the function only receives a reference to the instance or the array. That means if you modify the instance or the array in the function, the instance or the array that has been specified by the caller will be actuallay modified."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "A function can also return a result with the return instruction. Therefore the function must be declared no longer as void but as a type:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "float Mean( float a, float b )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn (a+b)/2;\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "extern void object::Test( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tfloat value;\n"
-#~ "\tvalue = Mean(2, 6);\n"
-#~ "\tmessage( value ); // will display 4\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Some other examples¦:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "float Pi( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn 3.1415;\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "string Sign( float a )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tif ( a > 0 ) return \"positive\";\n"
-#~ "\tif ( a < 0 ) return \"negative\";\n"
-#~ "\treturn \"null\";\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "You can declare several functions with the same name but different parameters¦:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "float Pythagoras( float a, float b )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn sqrt((a*a)+(b*b));\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "float Pythagoras( float a, float b, float c )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn sqrt((a*a)+(b*b)+(c*c));\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "CBOT will call either the one or the other function depending on the paramteres passed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "x: float (default value: 0);"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "x: float\\n (default value: 0);"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Angle in degrees of the gun relative to the robot. A positive value orients the gun to the right. The angle must range from -40 to +40 degrees for all shooters. This parameter is optional: if no value is provided, then x = 0."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Truncation is a method of approximating a decimal number by dropping all decimal places past a certain point without rounding. For positive numbers, it works like the floor(); function, and for negative numbers, it works like the ceil(); function. It can be said that it rounds towards zero."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "trunc, floor, ceil, programming, programming, types and expressions."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The purpose of using two arguments instead of one is to gather information on the signs of the inputs in order to return the appropriate quadrant of the computed angle, which is not possible for the single-argument \\latan();\\u cbot\\atan; function. For example, consider a point (-1, -1): atan(-1/-1); is 45.00 degrees, whereas atan2(-1, -1); is -135.00 degrees, which is obviously more correct in this case."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction build(); instructs the bot to build a building of the given category. Currently works for Grabbers, Me and Tech."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction canbuild(); lets you know if Grabbers, Me or Tech can build a building of the given category. "
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "It is similar to the canbuild instruction. However, it does not check if a required research has been done."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "It helps to prevent errors in programs using the build instruction. Here is an example:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The category of a building."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "It helps to prevent errors in programs using build instruction. Here is an example:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ " if (canbuild(BotFactory))\n"
-#~ " {\n"
-#~ " build(BotFactory);\n"
-#~ " }"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction canbuild(); instructs the bot to build a building of the given category. Currently works for Grabbers, Me and Tech"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction build(); instructs the bot to build a building of the given category. Currently works for Grabbers, Me and Tech"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "canbuild, buildingenabled,programming, types and categories."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction build(); instructs the bot to build a building of the given category. Currently works for every bot."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Arcus cosine of the value."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Arcus sine of the value."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Arcus tangent of the value."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Here is a list of mathematical functions: "
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "sin(angle) sinus\n"
-#~ "cos(angle) cosinus\n"
-#~ "tan(angle) tangent\n"
-#~ "asin(value) arc-sinus\n"
-#~ "acos(value) arc-cosinus\n"
-#~ "atan(value) arc-tangente\n"
-#~ "sqrt(value) square root\n"
-#~ "pow(x, y) x power y\n"
-#~ "rand() random value ranging between 0 and 1"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Angles are in degrees."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "This instruction sets the vertical and/or the horizontal angle of the cannon. The following robots are equipped with a cannon: "
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Angle in degrees of the gun relative to the robot. A positive value orients the gun to the right. For shooters and orga shooters, the angle must range from -40 to +40 degrees. For phazer shooters, the angle must range from -40 to 40 degrees. It is optional: if no value is provided, then x = 0."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Angle in degrees of the gun relative to the robot. A positive value orients the gun to the right. For shooters and orga shooters, the angle must range from -20 to +20 degrees. For phazer shooters, the angle must range from -20 to 45 degrees."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "aim ( angle );"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "This instruction sets the vertical angle of the cannon. The following robots are equipped with a cannon: "
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "This command is mostly useful in an attempt to build a fully automatised base, where an astronaut does not need to do anything except watching bots working. What is more, it makes beating the game by using only programming a possible task (however, it is a challenge rather for experienced gamers, who beat the whole game at least once)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction build(); instructs the bot to build a building of the given categories. Currently works for every bot."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The category of a building."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Here is an example of a program that looks for a titanium cube, goes to the position and builds a bot factory."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ " object item = radar(Titanium);\n"
-#~ " goto(item.position);\n"
-#~ " build(BotFactory);"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "This command is mostly useful in an attempt to build a fully automatised base, where an astronaut does not need to do anything except watching bots working. What is more, it makes beating the game by using only programming a possible task (however, it is rather a challenge for experienced gamers, who beat the whole game at least once)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Here is an example of a program that looks for a titanium cube, goes to the position and builds a bot factory."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ " item = radar(Titanium);\n"
-#~ " goto(item.position);\n"
-#~ " build(BotFactory);"
-#~ msgstr ""
diff --git a/help/cbot/po/de.po b/help/cbot/po/de.po
index 929a1dff..ecff592b 100644
--- a/help/cbot/po/de.po
+++ b/help/cbot/po/de.po
@@ -7805,740 +7805,3 @@ msgstr ""
#, no-wrap
msgid "You can exit from the the switch() {} instruction using break."
msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "You can stop the the switch() {} instruction using break."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Converter and bot factory have the same waiting time, so in order to not write the same instructions twice, we made multiple cases run the same code. In fact, all code after the highest case used will be executed if we do not break it."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With this conditional structure you can execute instructions1 or instructions2 ... or instructionsN or instructionsDefault depending on the value.\n"
-#~ "If the value is equal to value1, instructions1 to N (including instructionsDefault) are executed.\n"
-#~ "If the value is equal to value2, instructions2 to N (including instructionsDefault) are executed.\n"
-#~ "And so on.\n"
-#~ "If the value is equal to valueN, instructionsN and instructionsDefault are executed.\n"
-#~ "If the value is not equal to any value in the given cases, instructionsDefault are executed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "You can stop the the switch() {} instruction using break."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Note: the busy instruction might be much better to use in this scenario.\n"
-#~ "See the following function: the bot will be waiting a proper amount of time for a certain task to be completed:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "With this conditional structure you can execute instruction1 or instructions2 ... or instructionsN or instructionsDefault depending on the value. If the value is equal to value1, instructions1 to N (including instructionsDefault) are executed. If the value is equal to value2, instructions2 to N (including instructionsDefault) are executed. And so on. If the value is equal to valueN, instructionsN and instructionsDefault are executed. If the value is not equal to any value in the given cases, instructionsDefault are executed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The last three are mainly useful in code battles. You can also pass a team ID to search only for objects from a specific team."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Filters and IDs can be mixed using bitwise OR operator, for example radar(Any, 0, 360, 0, 1000, 1, 2 | FilterOnlyLanding); will detect an object from team 2 that is on the ground. Attention: you can specify only one team ID at once, but you can specify several filters at once."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The last three are mainly useful in code battles."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "FilterNoneDetects everything (default).\n"
-#~ "FilterOnlyLandingDetects only objects being on the ground\n"
-#~ "FilterOnlyFlyingDetects only objects not being on the ground\n"
-#~ "FilterFriendlyDetects only allies (objects in the same team).\n"
-#~ "FilterEnemyDetects only enemies (objects in an other team except neutral).\n"
-#~ "FilterNeutralDetects only neutral objects (e.g. resources)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Determines which type of objects should be detected. Especially useful in use with an array or \\constAny. The following filters are available:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "FilterNoneDetects everything (default).\n"
-#~ "FilterOnlyLandingDetects only objects being on the ground\n"
-#~ "FilterOnlyFlyingDetects only objects not being on the ground\n"
-#~ "FilterFriendlyDetects only allies (objects in the same team).\n"
-#~ "FilterEnemyDetects only enemies (objects in an other team except neutral).\n"
-#~ "FilterNeutralDetects only neutral objects (e.g. resources).\n"
-#~ "The last three are mainly useful in code battles."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Keyword Any if you are looking for any object."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "radar ( cat, angle, focus, min, max, sens );"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the errmode(0) instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by destroy().\n"
-#~ "== 0 The operation of destroying an object was started\n"
-#~ "!= 0 The instruction could not be done (e.g. nothing to destroy)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ " HoustonMission Control\n"
-#~ " SpaceShipSpaceship\n"
-#~ " BotFactoryRobot Factory\n"
-#~ " ResearchCenterResearch Center\n"
-#~ " RadarStationRadar\n"
-#~ " ExchangePostInformation Exchange Post\n"
-#~ " RepairCenterRepair Center\n"
-#~ " DefenseTowerDefense Tower\n"
-#~ " AutoLabOrganic Matter Analyzer \n"
-#~ " PowerStationPower Station\n"
-#~ " PowerPlantPower Cell Factory\n"
-#~ " NuclearPlantNuclear Plant\n"
-#~ " ConverterTitanium Converter\n"
-#~ " DerrickDerrick\n"
-#~ " PowerCaptorParabolic Lightning Conductor\n"
-#~ " VaultVault\n"
-#~ " StartAreaStarting Pad\n"
-#~ " GoalAreaFinishing Pad\n"
-#~ " AlienNestAlien Nest"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ " HoustonKontrollzentrum\n"
-#~ " SpaceShipRaumschiff\n"
-#~ " BotFactoryRoboterfabrik\n"
-#~ " ResearchCenterForschungszentrum\n"
-#~ " RadarStationRadar\n"
-#~ " ExchangePostInfoserver\n"
-#~ " RepairCenterReparaturzentrum\n"
-#~ " DefenseTowerGeschützturm\n"
-#~ " AutoLabAutomatisches Labor\n"
-#~ " PowerStationKraftwerk\n"
-#~ " PowerPlantBatteriefabrik\n"
-#~ " FuelCellPlantBrennstoffzellenfabrik\n"
-#~ " ConverterTitankonverter\n"
-#~ " DerrickBohrturm\n"
-#~ " PowerCaptorBlitzableiter\n"
-#~ " VaultBunker\n"
-#~ " StartAreaStartfläche\n"
-#~ " GoalAreaZielfläche\n"
-#~ " AlienNestOrgastoffquelle"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the errmode(0) instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by destroy().\n"
-#~ "== 0 The operation of destroying an object was started\n"
-#~ "!= 0 The instruction could not be done (e.g. it was run on an object other than destroyer)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "max: float (Default value: 1000)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "position: point\\n (default value: this.position)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "angle: float (default value0)"
-#~ msgstr "winkel: float (Standardwert 0)"
-#~ msgid "focus: float (default value360)"
-#~ msgstr "öffnung: float (Standardwert360)"
-#~ msgid "min: float (default value 0)"
-#~ msgstr "min: float (Standardwert 0)"
-#~ msgid "max: float (Default value1000)"
-#~ msgstr "max: float (Standardwert1000)"
-#~ msgid "Detects the object of the given category that is closest to the given position. "
-#~ msgstr "Sucht nach dem Objekt der angegebenen Kategorie, das der angegebenen Position am nächsten ist. "
-#~ msgid "Category of the requested object."
-#~ msgstr "Kategorie des gesuchten Objekts."
-#~ msgid "sens: float (default value1)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Category of the objects that should be detected. For example, when you are looking for an ant, write radar (AlienAnt). "
-#~ msgstr "Karegorie des gesuchten Objekts. Wenn Sie z.B. nach einer Ameise suchen, schreiben Sie radar(AlienAnt). Wenn Sie radar(0) schreiben, sucht das Radar nach irgendeinem Objekt, ob Feind, Batterie, Kristall, Baum oder Ruine usw. Dies ist vor allem nützlich, um nach einem Hindernis auf dem Weg eines Roboters zu suchen. Testen Sie dann (Name der Variable).category um zu erfahren, was das Radar gefunden hat."
-#~ msgid "object item; // variable declaration"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "// Look for the closest ant\n"
-#~ "item = radar(AlienAnt);"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Array of categories of the objects that should be detected. For example, when you are looking only for tracked bots:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "radar ( category, angle, focus, min, max, way );"
-#~ msgstr "radar ( kategorie, winkel, öffnung, min, max, richtung );"
-#~ msgid "way: float (default value1)"
-#~ msgstr "richtung: float (Standardwert 1)"
-#~ msgid "Nothing but a name can be changed in the main function. The keyword extern distinguish the main function from others."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Determines the position of the nearest free space with at least flatmin of flat ground around a given position. Works similar space();. Useful for finding a place for a building."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "canresearch ( type );"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Checks if a research can be done in the level."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction pendown(); instructs the bot to have the pen down, so it begins drawing."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction penup(); instructs the bot to have the pen up, so it ends drawing. The pen is up by default, so it should be used only after using pendown."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction pendown(); instructs the bot to change the color of the pencil."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the errmode(0) instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by pendown();.\n"
-#~ "== 0 The color was changed\n"
-#~ "!= 0 The instruction did not work"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "int object.category Category of the object\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Right/left angle of the object \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energy level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Shield level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude above ground\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Power cell on the bot\n"
-#~ "object object.load Object carried by the bot\n"
-#~ "int object.team The bot's team (see code battles)\n"
-#~ "point object.velocity Velocity of the object"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The bot's team. Used in code battles."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "int object.category Category of the object\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Right/left angle of the object \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energy level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Shield level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude above ground\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Power cell on the bot\n"
-#~ "object object.load Object carried by the bot\n"
-#~ "int object.team The bot's team (see code battles)\n"
-#~ "point object.velocity Velocity of the object"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Buildings :"
-#~ msgstr "Bauten:"
-#~ msgid "Portable Objects :"
-#~ msgstr "Tragbare Gegenstände:"
-#~ msgid "Robots :"
-#~ msgstr "Roboter:"
-#~ msgid "Enemies :"
-#~ msgstr "Feinde:"
-#~ msgid "Miscellaneous :"
-#~ msgstr "Verschiedenes:"
-#~ msgid "Flags and Other Indicators :"
-#~ msgstr "Markierungen:"
-#~ msgid "Starts a research of the given type."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Name of the research."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the errmode(0) instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by factory().\n"
-#~ "== 0 The research successfully started\n"
-#~ "!= 0 The research could not be started"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Below are the different research names available:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ResearchTrackedTracked bots (e.g. tracked grabber)\n"
-#~ "ResearchWingedWinged bots (e.g. winged grabber)\n"
-#~ "ResearchLeggedLegged bots (e.g. legged grabber)\n"
-#~ "ResearchShooterBots with cannon (e.g. tracked shooter)\n"
-#~ "ResearchOrgaShooterBots with orgaball cannon (e.g. tracked orga shooter)\n"
-#~ "ResearchPhazerShooterPhazer shooter\n"
-#~ "ResearchSnifferSniffers (e.g. tracked sniffer)\n"
-#~ "ResearchThumperThumper\n"
-#~ "ResearchShielderShielder\n"
-#~ "ResearchRecyclerRecycler\n"
-#~ "ResearchSubberSubber\n"
-#~ "ResearchDefenseTowerDefense tower\n"
-#~ "ResearchNuclearPlantNuclear plant"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the errmode(0) instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by takeoff().\n"
-#~ "== 0 Spaceship takes off\n"
-#~ "!= 0 Spaceship could not take off"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "int object.category Category of the object\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Right/left angle of the object \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energy level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Shield level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude above ground\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Power cell on the bot\n"
-#~ "object object.load Object carried by the bot\n"
-#~ "string object.team The bot's team (see code battles)\n"
-#~ "point object.velocity Velocity of the object"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The category of an object allows you to know what it is, f. ex. what kind of bot, building, enemy, etc. "
-#~ msgstr "Die Kategorie eines Objekts gibt an, worum es sich handelt, z.B. welche Art Roboter, Gebäude, Feind, usw. "
-#~ msgid "ResearchCenter"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Also, some objects have additional methods (instructions). See them in the main list in |c;Instructions specific for some objects section."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "int object.category Category of the object\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Right/left angle of the object \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energy level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Shield level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude above ground\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Power cell on the bot\n"
-#~ "object object.load Object carried by the bot\n"
-#~ "string object.team The bot's team (see code battles)\n"
-#~ "point object.velocity Velocity of the object"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The bot's team. Used in code battles)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "int object.category Category of the object\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Right/left angle of the object \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energy level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Shield level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude above ground\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Power cell on the bot\n"
-#~ "object object.load Object carried by the bot\n"
-#~ "string object.team The bot's team (see code battles)\n"
-#~ "float object.velocity Velocity of the object"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Use this type for variables that contain the characteristics of an object, be it a bot, a building, some raw material, an enemy, etc. "
-#~ msgstr "Eine Variable von diesem Typ enthält die Beschreibung eines Objekts der CBOT-Umgebung, sei es ein Roboter, ein Gebäude, ein Brocken Rohmaterial, ein feindliches Wesen, usw."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "int object.category Category of the object\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Right/left angle of the object \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energy level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Shield level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude above ground\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Power cell on the bot\n"
-#~ "object object.load Object carried by the bot"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "int object.category Kategorie des Objekts\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position des Objekts (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Ausrichtung (Gierwinkel) des Objekts\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Nickwinkel des Objekts\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Rollwinkel des Objekts \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energievorrat (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Schaden (verkehrt) (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Triebwerktemperatur(0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Flughöhe über Grund\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Alter des Objekts\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Batterie des Roboters\n"
-#~ "object object.load Vom Roboter getragener Gegenstand\n"
-#~ "Alle Winkel werden in Grad angegeben"
-#~ msgid "CBOT Language, Variables and categories."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "red ResearchTrackedTracked bots (e.g. tracked grabber)\n"
-#~ "red ResearchWingedWinged bots (e.g. winged grabber)\n"
-#~ "red ResearchLeggedLegged bots (e.g. legged grabber)\n"
-#~ "red ResearchShooterBots with cannon (e.g. tracked shooter)\n"
-#~ "red ResearchOrgaShooterBots with orgaball cannon (e.g. tracked orga shooter)\n"
-#~ "red ResearchPhazerShooterPhazer shooter\n"
-#~ "red ResearchSnifferSniffers (e.g. tracked sniffer)\n"
-#~ "red ResearchThumperThumper\n"
-#~ "red ResearchShielderShielder\n"
-#~ "red ResearchRecyclerRecycler\n"
-#~ "red ResearchSubberSubber\n"
-#~ "red ResearchDefenseTowerDefence tower\n"
-#~ "red ResearchNuclearPlantNuclear plant"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ResearchTracked Tracked bots (e.g. tracked grabber)\n"
-#~ "ResearchWinged Winged bots (e.g. winged grabber)\n"
-#~ "ResearchLegged Legged bots (e.g. legged grabber)\n"
-#~ "ResearchShooter Bots with cannon (e.g. tracked shooter)\n"
-#~ "ResearchOrgaShooter Bots with orgaball cannon (e.g. tracked orga shooter)\n"
-#~ "ResearchPhazerShooter Phazer shooter\n"
-#~ "ResearchSniffer Sniffers (e.g. tracked sniffer)\n"
-#~ "ResearchThumper Thumper\n"
-#~ "ResearchShielder Shielder\n"
-#~ "ResearchRecycler Recycler\n"
-#~ "ResearchSubber Subber\n"
-#~ "ResearchDefenseTower Defence tower\n"
-#~ "ResearchNuclearPlant Nuclear plant"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Below are the different categories available :"
-#~ msgstr "Hier ist eine Liste der verfügbaren Kategorien:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the errmode(0) instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by factory().\n"
-#~ "== 0 The construction successfully started\n"
-#~ "!= 0 The construction could not be started (e.g. no Titanium in the factory, the bot is not available in the level)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Nothing but a name can be changed in a main function. The keyword extern distinguish the main function from others."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "A function must be declared above the main function. Result type should be void if the function does not give any. Body is just a set of instructions. Function name must be created with the exact same rules applied to variables."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Now the program is much easier to read. It's a good practice to split the program into several functions with self-describing names."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "result_type FunctionName(optional_parameters)\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ " body\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "void Example(int a, float x, string s)\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ " message(a);\n"
-#~ " message(x);\n"
-#~ " message(s);\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With functions you can divide your program into several parts, each of them will execute a specific task.\n"
-#~ "Let's imagine following program¦:"
-#~ msgstr "Mit Funktionen können Sie Ihr Programm in mehrere Abschnitte unterteilen, von denen jeder eine bestimmte Aufgabe hat. Nehmen wir folgendes Programm:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "extern void object::Remote( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 1, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 3, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 2, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 4, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "extern void object::Remote( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 1, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 3, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 2, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 4, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgid "send and wait are repeated several times. So it would be a good thing if we created a function that executes these two instructions:"
-#~ msgstr "Die Anweisungen send undwait werden mehrere Male wiederholt. Es ist deshalb zweckmäßig, eine Funktion zu erstellen, die diese Anweisungen ausführt:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "void object::SendToPost( float op )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", op, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "extern void object::Remote( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(1);\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(3);\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(2);\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(4);\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "void object::SendToPost( float op )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", op, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "extern void object::Remote( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(1);\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(3);\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(2);\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(4);\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgid "A function can have paramteters¦:"
-#~ msgstr "Eine Funktion kann mehrere Parameter erhalten:"
-#~ msgid "void Example( int a, float x, string s )"
-#~ msgstr "void Beispiel( int a, float x, string s )"
-#~ msgid "The Example function will reveive un integer a, a floating point number x and a string s. Parameters are \"passed by value\", that is the values of parameter variables in a function are copies of the values the caller specified as variables. If you pass an int to a function, its parameter is a copy of whatever value was being passed as argument, and the function can change its parameter value without affecting values in the code that invoked the function."
-#~ msgstr "Die Funktion Beispiel erhält folgende Parameter: einen Wert vom Typ int (ganze Zahl), der in die Variablea kommt; einen Wert vom Typ float (Fließkommazahl), der in die Variable x kommt, und einen Wert vom Typ string (Zeichenkette), der in die Variable s kommt."
-#~ msgid "If you pass a class instance or an array as parameter to a function, the function only receives a reference to the instance or the array. That means if you modify the instance or the array in the function, the instance or the array that has been specified by the caller will be actuallay modified."
-#~ msgstr "Wenn Sie hingegen eine Instanz einer Klasse oder ein array als Parameter übergeben, erhält die Funktion nur einen \\l;Zeiger\\u cbot\\pointer; auf die Instanz oder das Array. Wenn der Inhalt der Instanz oder des Arrays verändert wird, wirkt sich das auch auf die Funktion aus, die den Parameter übergeben hat."
-#~ msgid "A function can also return a result with the return instruction. Therefore the function must be declared no longer as void but as a type:"
-#~ msgstr "Mit der Anweisung return kann die Funktion auch ein Ergebnis zurückgeben. In diesem Fall muss der Typ der Rückgabe anstelle des Typs \\c;\\l;void\\u cbot\\void;\\n; bei der Deklaration der Funktion (erste Zeile) angegeben werden:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "float Mean( float a, float b )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn (a+b)/2;\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "extern void object::Test( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tfloat value;\n"
-#~ "\tvalue = Mean(2, 6);\n"
-#~ "\tmessage( value ); // will display 4\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "float Mittel( float a, float b )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn (a+b)/2;\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "extern void object::Test( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tfloat value;\n"
-#~ "\tvalue = Mittel(2, 6);\n"
-#~ "\tmessage( value ); // wird 4 anzeigen\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgid "Some other examples¦:"
-#~ msgstr "Hier sind ein paar weitere Beispiele:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "float Pi( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn 3.1415;\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "string Sign( float a )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tif ( a > 0 ) return \"positive\";\n"
-#~ "\tif ( a < 0 ) return \"negative\";\n"
-#~ "\treturn \"null\";\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "float Pi( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn 3.1415;\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "string Sign( float a )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tif ( a > 0 ) return \"positiv\";\n"
-#~ "\tif ( a < 0 ) return \"negativ\";\n"
-#~ "\treturn \"null\";\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgid "You can declare several functions with the same name but different parameters¦:"
-#~ msgstr "Sie können mehrere Funktionen mit dem gleichen Namen, aber mit verschiedenen Parametern definieren:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "float Pythagoras( float a, float b )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn sqrt((a*a)+(b*b));\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "float Pythagoras( float a, float b, float c )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn sqrt((a*a)+(b*b)+(c*c));\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "float Pythagoras( float a, float b )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn sqrt((a*a)+(b*b));\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "float Pythagoras( float a, float b, float c )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn sqrt((a*a)+(b*b)+(c*c));\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgid "CBOT will call either the one or the other function depending on the paramteres passed."
-#~ msgstr "CBOT wird die eine oder andere Funktion aufrufen, je nach den gegebenen Parametern."
-#~ msgid "x: float (default value: 0);"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "x: float\\n (default value: 0);"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Angle in degrees of the gun relative to the robot. A positive value orients the gun to the right. The angle must range from -40 to +40 degrees for all shooters. This parameter is optional: if no value is provided, then x = 0."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Truncation is a method of approximating a decimal number by dropping all decimal places past a certain point without rounding. For positive numbers, it works like the floor(); function, and for negative numbers, it works like the ceil(); function. It can be said that it rounds towards zero."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "trunc, floor, ceil, programming, programming, types and expressions."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The purpose of using two arguments instead of one is to gather information on the signs of the inputs in order to return the appropriate quadrant of the computed angle, which is not possible for the single-argument \\latan();\\u cbot\\atan; function. For example, consider a point (-1, -1): atan(-1/-1); is 45.00 degrees, whereas atan2(-1, -1); is -135.00 degrees, which is obviously more correct in this case."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction build(); instructs the bot to build a building of the given category. Currently works for Grabbers, Me and Tech."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction canbuild(); lets you know if Grabbers, Me or Tech can build a building of the given category. "
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "It is similar to the canbuild instruction. However, it does not check if a required research has been done."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "It helps to prevent errors in programs using the build instruction. Here is an example:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The category of a building."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "It helps to prevent errors in programs using build instruction. Here is an example:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ " if (canbuild(BotFactory))\n"
-#~ " {\n"
-#~ " build(BotFactory);\n"
-#~ " }"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction canbuild(); instructs the bot to build a building of the given category. Currently works for Grabbers, Me and Tech"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction build(); instructs the bot to build a building of the given category. Currently works for Grabbers, Me and Tech"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "canbuild, buildingenabled,programming, types and categories."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction build(); instructs the bot to build a building of the given category. Currently works for every bot."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Arcus cosine of the value."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Arcus sine of the value."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Arcus tangent of the value."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Here is a list of mathematical functions: "
-#~ msgstr "Hier ist eine Liste der mathematischen Funktionen, die Ihnen zur Verfügung stehen:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "sin(angle) sinus\n"
-#~ "cos(angle) cosinus\n"
-#~ "tan(angle) tangent\n"
-#~ "asin(value) arc-sinus\n"
-#~ "acos(value) arc-cosinus\n"
-#~ "atan(value) arc-tangente\n"
-#~ "sqrt(value) square root\n"
-#~ "pow(x, y) x power y\n"
-#~ "rand() random value ranging between 0 and 1"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "sin(angle) Sinus\n"
-#~ "cos(angle) Kosinus\n"
-#~ "tan(angle) Tangens\n"
-#~ "asin(value) Arkussinus\n"
-#~ "acos(value) Arkuskosinus\n"
-#~ "atan(value) Arkustangens\n"
-#~ "sqrt(value) Quadratwurzel\n"
-#~ "pow(x, y) x hoch y\n"
-#~ "rand() Zufallsgenerierte Zahl zwischen 0 und 1"
-#~ msgid "Angles are in degrees."
-#~ msgstr "Winkel werden in Grad angegeben."
-#~ msgid "This instruction sets the vertical and/or the horizontal angle of the cannon. The following robots are equipped with a cannon: "
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Angle in degrees of the gun relative to the robot. A positive value orients the gun to the right. For shooters and orga shooters, the angle must range from -40 to +40 degrees. For phazer shooters, the angle must range from -40 to 40 degrees. It is optional: if no value is provided, then x = 0."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Angle in degrees of the gun relative to the robot. A positive value orients the gun to the right. For shooters and orga shooters, the angle must range from -20 to +20 degrees. For phazer shooters, the angle must range from -20 to 45 degrees."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "aim ( angle );"
-#~ msgstr "aim ( winkel );"
-#~ msgid "This instruction sets the vertical angle of the cannon. The following robots are equipped with a cannon: "
-#~ msgstr "Mit dieser Anweisung können Sie die senkrechte Ausrichtung der Kanone einstellen. Folgende Roboter sind mit einer Kanone ausgerüstet: "
-#~ msgid "This command is mostly useful in an attempt to build a fully automatised base, where an astronaut does not need to do anything except watching bots working. What is more, it makes beating the game by using only programming a possible task (however, it is a challenge rather for experienced gamers, who beat the whole game at least once)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction build(); instructs the bot to build a building of the given categories. Currently works for every bot."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The category of a building."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Here is an example of a program that looks for a titanium cube, goes to the position and builds a bot factory."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ " object item = radar(Titanium);\n"
-#~ " goto(item.position);\n"
-#~ " build(BotFactory);"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "This command is mostly useful in an attempt to build a fully automatised base, where an astronaut does not need to do anything except watching bots working. What is more, it makes beating the game by using only programming a possible task (however, it is rather a challenge for experienced gamers, who beat the whole game at least once)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Here is an example of a program that looks for a titanium cube, goes to the position and builds a bot factory."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ " item = radar(Titanium);\n"
-#~ " goto(item.position);\n"
-#~ " build(BotFactory);"
-#~ msgstr ""
diff --git a/help/cbot/po/fr.po b/help/cbot/po/fr.po
index b536e7e5..e70bbc8b 100644
--- a/help/cbot/po/fr.po
+++ b/help/cbot/po/fr.po
@@ -7761,741 +7761,3 @@ msgstr ""
#, no-wrap
msgid "You can exit from the the switch() {} instruction using break."
msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "You can stop the the switch() {} instruction using break."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Converter and bot factory have the same waiting time, so in order to not write the same instructions twice, we made multiple cases run the same code. In fact, all code after the highest case used will be executed if we do not break it."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With this conditional structure you can execute instructions1 or instructions2 ... or instructionsN or instructionsDefault depending on the value.\n"
-#~ "If the value is equal to value1, instructions1 to N (including instructionsDefault) are executed.\n"
-#~ "If the value is equal to value2, instructions2 to N (including instructionsDefault) are executed.\n"
-#~ "And so on.\n"
-#~ "If the value is equal to valueN, instructionsN and instructionsDefault are executed.\n"
-#~ "If the value is not equal to any value in the given cases, instructionsDefault are executed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "You can stop the the switch() {} instruction using break."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Note: the busy instruction might be much better to use in this scenario.\n"
-#~ "See the following function: the bot will be waiting a proper amount of time for a certain task to be completed:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "With this conditional structure you can execute instruction1 or instructions2 ... or instructionsN or instructionsDefault depending on the value. If the value is equal to value1, instructions1 to N (including instructionsDefault) are executed. If the value is equal to value2, instructions2 to N (including instructionsDefault) are executed. And so on. If the value is equal to valueN, instructionsN and instructionsDefault are executed. If the value is not equal to any value in the given cases, instructionsDefault are executed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The last three are mainly useful in code battles. You can also pass a team ID to search only for objects from a specific team."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Filters and IDs can be mixed using bitwise OR operator, for example radar(Any, 0, 360, 0, 1000, 1, 2 | FilterOnlyLanding); will detect an object from team 2 that is on the ground. Attention: you can specify only one team ID at once, but you can specify several filters at once."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The last three are mainly useful in code battles."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "FilterNoneDetects everything (default).\n"
-#~ "FilterOnlyLandingDetects only objects being on the ground\n"
-#~ "FilterOnlyFlyingDetects only objects not being on the ground\n"
-#~ "FilterFriendlyDetects only allies (objects in the same team).\n"
-#~ "FilterEnemyDetects only enemies (objects in an other team except neutral).\n"
-#~ "FilterNeutralDetects only neutral objects (e.g. resources)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Determines which type of objects should be detected. Especially useful in use with an array or \\constAny. The following filters are available:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "FilterNoneDetects everything (default).\n"
-#~ "FilterOnlyLandingDetects only objects being on the ground\n"
-#~ "FilterOnlyFlyingDetects only objects not being on the ground\n"
-#~ "FilterFriendlyDetects only allies (objects in the same team).\n"
-#~ "FilterEnemyDetects only enemies (objects in an other team except neutral).\n"
-#~ "FilterNeutralDetects only neutral objects (e.g. resources).\n"
-#~ "The last three are mainly useful in code battles."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Keyword Any if you are looking for any object."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "radar ( cat, angle, focus, min, max, sens );"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the errmode(0) instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by destroy().\n"
-#~ "== 0 The operation of destroying an object was started\n"
-#~ "!= 0 The instruction could not be done (e.g. nothing to destroy)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ " HoustonMission Control\n"
-#~ " SpaceShipSpaceship\n"
-#~ " BotFactoryRobot Factory\n"
-#~ " ResearchCenterResearch Center\n"
-#~ " RadarStationRadar\n"
-#~ " ExchangePostInformation Exchange Post\n"
-#~ " RepairCenterRepair Center\n"
-#~ " DefenseTowerDefense Tower\n"
-#~ " AutoLabOrganic Matter Analyzer \n"
-#~ " PowerStationPower Station\n"
-#~ " PowerPlantPower Cell Factory\n"
-#~ " NuclearPlantNuclear Plant\n"
-#~ " ConverterTitanium Converter\n"
-#~ " DerrickDerrick\n"
-#~ " PowerCaptorParabolic Lightning Conductor\n"
-#~ " VaultVault\n"
-#~ " StartAreaStarting Pad\n"
-#~ " GoalAreaFinishing Pad\n"
-#~ " AlienNestAlien Nest"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ " HustonCentre de contrôle\n"
-#~ " SpaceShipVaisseau spatial\n"
-#~ " ResearchCenterCentre de recherches\n"
-#~ " BotFactoryFabrique de robots\n"
-#~ " ConverterConversion minerai en titanium\n"
-#~ " PowerStationStation de recharge\n"
-#~ " RadarStationRadar\n"
-#~ " RepairCenterCentre de réparation\n"
-#~ " DefenseTowerTour de défense\n"
-#~ " PowerPlantFabrique de piles\n"
-#~ " DerrickDerrick\n"
-#~ " NuclearPlantCentrale nucléaire\n"
-#~ " AutoLabAnalyseur de matières organiques\n"
-#~ " PowerCaptorParatonnerre\n"
-#~ " VaultCoffre-fort\n"
-#~ " ExchangePostBorne d'informations\n"
-#~ " StartAreaDépart\n"
-#~ " GoalAreaBut\n"
-#~ " AlienNestNid"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the errmode(0) instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by destroy().\n"
-#~ "== 0 The operation of destroying an object was started\n"
-#~ "!= 0 The instruction could not be done (e.g. it was run on an object other than destroyer)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "max: float (Default value: 1000)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "position: point\\n (default value: this.position)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "angle: float (default value0)"
-#~ msgstr "angle: float (0 par défaut)"
-#~ msgid "focus: float (default value360)"
-#~ msgstr "focus: float (360 par défaut)"
-#~ msgid "min: float (default value 0)"
-#~ msgstr "min: float (0 par défaut)"
-#~ msgid "max: float (Default value1000)"
-#~ msgstr "max: float (1000 par défaut)"
-#~ msgid "Detects the object of the given category that is closest to the given position. "
-#~ msgstr "Cherche l'objet d'une catégorie donnée, le plus proche d'une position donnée."
-#~ msgid "Category of the requested object."
-#~ msgstr "Catégorie d'objet cherché."
-#~ msgid "sens: float (default value1)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Category of the objects that should be detected. For example, when you are looking for an ant, write radar (AlienAnt). "
-#~ msgstr "Catégorie des objets cherchés. Par exemple, WayPoint."
-#~ msgid "object item; // variable declaration"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "// Look for the closest ant\n"
-#~ "item = radar(AlienAnt);"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Array of categories of the objects that should be detected. For example, when you are looking only for tracked bots:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "radar ( category, angle, focus, min, max, way );"
-#~ msgstr "radar ( catégorie, angle, focus, min, max, sens );"
-#~ msgid "way: float (default value1)"
-#~ msgstr "sens: float (1 par défaut)"
-#~ msgid "Nothing but a name can be changed in the main function. The keyword extern distinguish the main function from others."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Determines the position of the nearest free space with at least flatmin of flat ground around a given position. Works similar space();. Useful for finding a place for a building."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "canresearch ( type );"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Checks if a research can be done in the level."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction pendown(); instructs the bot to have the pen down, so it begins drawing."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction penup(); instructs the bot to have the pen up, so it ends drawing. The pen is up by default, so it should be used only after using pendown."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction pendown(); instructs the bot to change the color of the pencil."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the errmode(0) instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by pendown();.\n"
-#~ "== 0 The color was changed\n"
-#~ "!= 0 The instruction did not work"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "int object.category Category of the object\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Right/left angle of the object \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energy level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Shield level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude above ground\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Power cell on the bot\n"
-#~ "object object.load Object carried by the bot\n"
-#~ "int object.team The bot's team (see code battles)\n"
-#~ "point object.velocity Velocity of the object"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The bot's team. Used in code battles."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "int object.category Category of the object\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Right/left angle of the object \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energy level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Shield level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude above ground\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Power cell on the bot\n"
-#~ "object object.load Object carried by the bot\n"
-#~ "int object.team The bot's team (see code battles)\n"
-#~ "point object.velocity Velocity of the object"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Buildings :"
-#~ msgstr "Catégories des bâtiments:"
-#~ msgid "Portable Objects :"
-#~ msgstr "Catégories des objets transportables:"
-#~ msgid "Robots :"
-#~ msgstr "Catégories des robots:"
-#~ msgid "Enemies :"
-#~ msgstr "Catégories des ennemis:"
-#~ msgid "Miscellaneous :"
-#~ msgstr "Catégories spéciales:"
-#~ msgid "Flags and Other Indicators :"
-#~ msgstr "Catégories des marqueurs:"
-#~ msgid "Starts a research of the given type."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Name of the research."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the errmode(0) instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by factory().\n"
-#~ "== 0 The research successfully started\n"
-#~ "!= 0 The research could not be started"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Below are the different research names available:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ResearchTrackedTracked bots (e.g. tracked grabber)\n"
-#~ "ResearchWingedWinged bots (e.g. winged grabber)\n"
-#~ "ResearchLeggedLegged bots (e.g. legged grabber)\n"
-#~ "ResearchShooterBots with cannon (e.g. tracked shooter)\n"
-#~ "ResearchOrgaShooterBots with orgaball cannon (e.g. tracked orga shooter)\n"
-#~ "ResearchPhazerShooterPhazer shooter\n"
-#~ "ResearchSnifferSniffers (e.g. tracked sniffer)\n"
-#~ "ResearchThumperThumper\n"
-#~ "ResearchShielderShielder\n"
-#~ "ResearchRecyclerRecycler\n"
-#~ "ResearchSubberSubber\n"
-#~ "ResearchDefenseTowerDefense tower\n"
-#~ "ResearchNuclearPlantNuclear plant"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the errmode(0) instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by takeoff().\n"
-#~ "== 0 Spaceship takes off\n"
-#~ "!= 0 Spaceship could not take off"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "int object.category Category of the object\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Right/left angle of the object \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energy level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Shield level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude above ground\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Power cell on the bot\n"
-#~ "object object.load Object carried by the bot\n"
-#~ "string object.team The bot's team (see code battles)\n"
-#~ "point object.velocity Velocity of the object"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The category of an object allows you to know what it is, f. ex. what kind of bot, building, enemy, etc. "
-#~ msgstr "La catégorie de l'objet permet de savoir s'il s'agit d'un robot, d'un bâtiment, d'un ennemi, etc."
-#~ msgid "ResearchCenter"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Also, some objects have additional methods (instructions). See them in the main list in |c;Instructions specific for some objects section."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "int object.category Category of the object\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Right/left angle of the object \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energy level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Shield level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude above ground\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Power cell on the bot\n"
-#~ "object object.load Object carried by the bot\n"
-#~ "string object.team The bot's team (see code battles)\n"
-#~ "point object.velocity Velocity of the object"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The bot's team. Used in code battles)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "int object.category Category of the object\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Right/left angle of the object \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energy level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Shield level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude above ground\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Power cell on the bot\n"
-#~ "object object.load Object carried by the bot\n"
-#~ "string object.team The bot's team (see code battles)\n"
-#~ "float object.velocity Velocity of the object"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Use this type for variables that contain the characteristics of an object, be it a bot, a building, some raw material, an enemy, etc. "
-#~ msgstr "Ce type permet de représenter les caractéristiques d'un objet, qu'il s'agisse d'un robot, d'un bâtiment, d'une matière première transportable, d'un ennemi, etc."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "int object.category Category of the object\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Right/left angle of the object \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energy level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Shield level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude above ground\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Power cell on the bot\n"
-#~ "object object.load Object carried by the bot"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "int object.category Catégorie de l'objet\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position de l'objet (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation de l'objet (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Inclinaison avant/arrière de l'objet\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Inclinaison latérale de l'objet\n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Niveau d'énergie (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Niveau du bouclier (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Température du réacteur (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude par rapport au sol\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Durée de vie de l'objet\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Objet pile\n"
-#~ "object object.load Objet transporté"
-#~ msgid "CBOT Language, Variables and categories."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "red ResearchTrackedTracked bots (e.g. tracked grabber)\n"
-#~ "red ResearchWingedWinged bots (e.g. winged grabber)\n"
-#~ "red ResearchLeggedLegged bots (e.g. legged grabber)\n"
-#~ "red ResearchShooterBots with cannon (e.g. tracked shooter)\n"
-#~ "red ResearchOrgaShooterBots with orgaball cannon (e.g. tracked orga shooter)\n"
-#~ "red ResearchPhazerShooterPhazer shooter\n"
-#~ "red ResearchSnifferSniffers (e.g. tracked sniffer)\n"
-#~ "red ResearchThumperThumper\n"
-#~ "red ResearchShielderShielder\n"
-#~ "red ResearchRecyclerRecycler\n"
-#~ "red ResearchSubberSubber\n"
-#~ "red ResearchDefenseTowerDefence tower\n"
-#~ "red ResearchNuclearPlantNuclear plant"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ResearchTracked Tracked bots (e.g. tracked grabber)\n"
-#~ "ResearchWinged Winged bots (e.g. winged grabber)\n"
-#~ "ResearchLegged Legged bots (e.g. legged grabber)\n"
-#~ "ResearchShooter Bots with cannon (e.g. tracked shooter)\n"
-#~ "ResearchOrgaShooter Bots with orgaball cannon (e.g. tracked orga shooter)\n"
-#~ "ResearchPhazerShooter Phazer shooter\n"
-#~ "ResearchSniffer Sniffers (e.g. tracked sniffer)\n"
-#~ "ResearchThumper Thumper\n"
-#~ "ResearchShielder Shielder\n"
-#~ "ResearchRecycler Recycler\n"
-#~ "ResearchSubber Subber\n"
-#~ "ResearchDefenseTower Defence tower\n"
-#~ "ResearchNuclearPlant Nuclear plant"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Below are the different categories available :"
-#~ msgstr "Voici les différents types possibles:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the errmode(0) instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by factory().\n"
-#~ "== 0 The construction successfully started\n"
-#~ "!= 0 The construction could not be started (e.g. no Titanium in the factory, the bot is not available in the level)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Nothing but a name can be changed in a main function. The keyword extern distinguish the main function from others."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "A function must be declared above the main function. Result type should be void if the function does not give any. Body is just a set of instructions. Function name must be created with the exact same rules applied to variables."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Now the program is much easier to read. It's a good practice to split the program into several functions with self-describing names."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "result_type FunctionName(optional_parameters)\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ " body\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "void Example(int a, float x, string s)\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ " message(a);\n"
-#~ " message(x);\n"
-#~ " message(s);\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With functions you can divide your program into several parts, each of them will execute a specific task.\n"
-#~ "Let's imagine following program¦:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Lorsqu'un programme devient long, il est conseillé de le fragmenter en plusieurs fonctions, qui accompliront chacune une tâche bien précise.\n"
-#~ "Imaginons le programe suivant:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "extern void object::Remote( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 1, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 3, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 2, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 4, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "extern void object::Remote( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 1, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 3, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 2, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 4, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgid "send and wait are repeated several times. So it would be a good thing if we created a function that executes these two instructions:"
-#~ msgstr "On constate que les deux instructions send et wait sont répétées plusieurs fois. Il est donc judicieux de créer une fonction SendToPost qui effectue ces deux instructions:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "void object::SendToPost( float op )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", op, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "extern void object::Remote( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(1);\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(3);\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(2);\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(4);\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "extern void object::Remote( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(1);\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(3);\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(2);\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(4);\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "void object::SendToPost( float op )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", op, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgid "A function can have paramteters¦:"
-#~ msgstr "Une fonction peut recevoir des données en entrée. Il faut en donner la liste, avec à chaque fois le type de la variable et le nom qui lui est donné:"
-#~ msgid "void Example( int a, float x, string s )"
-#~ msgstr "void Example( int a, float x, string s )"
-#~ msgid "The Example function will reveive un integer a, a floating point number x and a string s. Parameters are \"passed by value\", that is the values of parameter variables in a function are copies of the values the caller specified as variables. If you pass an int to a function, its parameter is a copy of whatever value was being passed as argument, and the function can change its parameter value without affecting values in the code that invoked the function."
-#~ msgstr "La fonction Example va recevoir un nombre entier a, un nombre réel x et une chaîne s. Parameters are \"passed by value\", that is the values of parameter variables in a function are copies of the values the caller specified as variables. If you pass an int to a function, its parameter is a copy of whatever value was being passed as argument, and the function can change its parameter value without affecting values in the code that invoked the function."
-#~ msgid "If you pass a class instance or an array as parameter to a function, the function only receives a reference to the instance or the array. That means if you modify the instance or the array in the function, the instance or the array that has been specified by the caller will be actuallay modified."
-#~ msgstr "Les tableaux et les instances de classes sont toujours passées par référence. That means if you modify the instance or the array in the function, the instance or the array that has been specified by the caller will be actuallay modified."
-#~ msgid "A function can also return a result with the return instruction. Therefore the function must be declared no longer as void but as a type:"
-#~ msgstr "Une fonction peut effectuer un calcul et retourner le résultat avec l'instruction return. Therefore the function must be declared no longer as void but as a type:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "float Mean( float a, float b )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn (a+b)/2;\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "extern void object::Test( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tfloat value;\n"
-#~ "\tvalue = Mean(2, 6);\n"
-#~ "\tmessage( value ); // will display 4\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "float Moyenne( float a, float b )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn (a+b)/2;\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "extern void object::Essai( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tfloat value;\n"
-#~ "\tvalue = Moyenne(2, 6);\n"
-#~ "\tmessage( value ); // affiche 4\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgid "Some other examples¦:"
-#~ msgstr "Voici d'autres exemples de fonctions:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "float Pi( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn 3.1415;\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "string Sign( float a )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tif ( a > 0 ) return \"positive\";\n"
-#~ "\tif ( a < 0 ) return \"negative\";\n"
-#~ "\treturn \"null\";\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "float Pi( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn 3.1415;\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "string Signe( float a )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tif ( a > 0 ) return \"positif\";\n"
-#~ "\tif ( a < 0 ) return \"negatif\";\n"
-#~ "\treturn \"nul\";\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgid "You can declare several functions with the same name but different parameters¦:"
-#~ msgstr "Il est autorisé de créer plusieurs fonctions ayant le même nom mais des paramètres différents:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "float Pythagoras( float a, float b )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn sqrt((a*a)+(b*b));\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "float Pythagoras( float a, float b, float c )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn sqrt((a*a)+(b*b)+(c*c));\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "float Pythagore( float a, float b )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn sqrt((a*a)+(b*b));\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "float Pythagore( float a, float b, float c )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn sqrt((a*a)+(b*b)+(c*c));\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgid "CBOT will call either the one or the other function depending on the paramteres passed."
-#~ msgstr "Lors de l'appel à la fonction, CBOT recherche la fonction dont les paramètres correspondent au mieux."
-#~ msgid "x: float (default value: 0);"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "x: float\\n (default value: 0);"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Angle in degrees of the gun relative to the robot. A positive value orients the gun to the right. The angle must range from -40 to +40 degrees for all shooters. This parameter is optional: if no value is provided, then x = 0."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Truncation is a method of approximating a decimal number by dropping all decimal places past a certain point without rounding. For positive numbers, it works like the floor(); function, and for negative numbers, it works like the ceil(); function. It can be said that it rounds towards zero."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "trunc, floor, ceil, programming, programming, types and expressions."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The purpose of using two arguments instead of one is to gather information on the signs of the inputs in order to return the appropriate quadrant of the computed angle, which is not possible for the single-argument \\latan();\\u cbot\\atan; function. For example, consider a point (-1, -1): atan(-1/-1); is 45.00 degrees, whereas atan2(-1, -1); is -135.00 degrees, which is obviously more correct in this case."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction build(); instructs the bot to build a building of the given category. Currently works for Grabbers, Me and Tech."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction canbuild(); lets you know if Grabbers, Me or Tech can build a building of the given category. "
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "It is similar to the canbuild instruction. However, it does not check if a required research has been done."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "It helps to prevent errors in programs using the build instruction. Here is an example:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The category of a building."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "It helps to prevent errors in programs using build instruction. Here is an example:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ " if (canbuild(BotFactory))\n"
-#~ " {\n"
-#~ " build(BotFactory);\n"
-#~ " }"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction canbuild(); instructs the bot to build a building of the given category. Currently works for Grabbers, Me and Tech"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction build(); instructs the bot to build a building of the given category. Currently works for Grabbers, Me and Tech"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "canbuild, buildingenabled,programming, types and categories."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction build(); instructs the bot to build a building of the given category. Currently works for every bot."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Arcus cosine of the value."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Arcus sine of the value."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Arcus tangent of the value."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Here is a list of mathematical functions: "
-#~ msgstr "Les fonctions mathématiques suivantes sont disponibles:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "sin(angle) sinus\n"
-#~ "cos(angle) cosinus\n"
-#~ "tan(angle) tangent\n"
-#~ "asin(value) arc-sinus\n"
-#~ "acos(value) arc-cosinus\n"
-#~ "atan(value) arc-tangente\n"
-#~ "sqrt(value) square root\n"
-#~ "pow(x, y) x power y\n"
-#~ "rand() random value ranging between 0 and 1"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "sin(angle) sinus\n"
-#~ "cos(angle) cosinus\n"
-#~ "tan(angle) tangente\n"
-#~ "asin(valeur) arc-sinus\n"
-#~ "acos(valeur) arc-cosinus\n"
-#~ "atan(valeur) arc-tangente\n"
-#~ "sqrt(valeur) racine carrée\n"
-#~ "pow(x, y) x puissance y\n"
-#~ "rand() valeur aléatoire comprise entre 0 et 1\n"
-#~ "abs(valeur) valeur absolue"
-#~ msgid "Angles are in degrees."
-#~ msgstr "Les angles sont exprimés en degrés."
-#~ msgid "This instruction sets the vertical and/or the horizontal angle of the cannon. The following robots are equipped with a cannon: "
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Angle in degrees of the gun relative to the robot. A positive value orients the gun to the right. For shooters and orga shooters, the angle must range from -40 to +40 degrees. For phazer shooters, the angle must range from -40 to 40 degrees. It is optional: if no value is provided, then x = 0."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Angle in degrees of the gun relative to the robot. A positive value orients the gun to the right. For shooters and orga shooters, the angle must range from -20 to +20 degrees. For phazer shooters, the angle must range from -20 to 45 degrees."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "aim ( angle );"
-#~ msgstr "aim ( angle );"
-#~ msgid "This instruction sets the vertical angle of the cannon. The following robots are equipped with a cannon: "
-#~ msgstr "Hausse du canon, pour les robots équipés d'un canon, à savoir:"
-#~ msgid "This command is mostly useful in an attempt to build a fully automatised base, where an astronaut does not need to do anything except watching bots working. What is more, it makes beating the game by using only programming a possible task (however, it is a challenge rather for experienced gamers, who beat the whole game at least once)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction build(); instructs the bot to build a building of the given categories. Currently works for every bot."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The category of a building."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Here is an example of a program that looks for a titanium cube, goes to the position and builds a bot factory."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ " object item = radar(Titanium);\n"
-#~ " goto(item.position);\n"
-#~ " build(BotFactory);"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "This command is mostly useful in an attempt to build a fully automatised base, where an astronaut does not need to do anything except watching bots working. What is more, it makes beating the game by using only programming a possible task (however, it is rather a challenge for experienced gamers, who beat the whole game at least once)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Here is an example of a program that looks for a titanium cube, goes to the position and builds a bot factory."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ " item = radar(Titanium);\n"
-#~ " goto(item.position);\n"
-#~ " build(BotFactory);"
-#~ msgstr ""
diff --git a/help/cbot/po/pl.po b/help/cbot/po/pl.po
index c2360000..e1d77522 100644
--- a/help/cbot/po/pl.po
+++ b/help/cbot/po/pl.po
@@ -7810,741 +7810,3 @@ msgstr ""
#, no-wrap
msgid "You can exit from the the switch() {} instruction using break."
msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "You can stop the the switch() {} instruction using break."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Converter and bot factory have the same waiting time, so in order to not write the same instructions twice, we made multiple cases run the same code. In fact, all code after the highest case used will be executed if we do not break it."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With this conditional structure you can execute instructions1 or instructions2 ... or instructionsN or instructionsDefault depending on the value.\n"
-#~ "If the value is equal to value1, instructions1 to N (including instructionsDefault) are executed.\n"
-#~ "If the value is equal to value2, instructions2 to N (including instructionsDefault) are executed.\n"
-#~ "And so on.\n"
-#~ "If the value is equal to valueN, instructionsN and instructionsDefault are executed.\n"
-#~ "If the value is not equal to any value in the given cases, instructionsDefault are executed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "You can stop the the switch() {} instruction using break."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Note: the busy instruction might be much better to use in this scenario.\n"
-#~ "See the following function: the bot will be waiting a proper amount of time for a certain task to be completed:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "With this conditional structure you can execute instruction1 or instructions2 ... or instructionsN or instructionsDefault depending on the value. If the value is equal to value1, instructions1 to N (including instructionsDefault) are executed. If the value is equal to value2, instructions2 to N (including instructionsDefault) are executed. And so on. If the value is equal to valueN, instructionsN and instructionsDefault are executed. If the value is not equal to any value in the given cases, instructionsDefault are executed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The last three are mainly useful in code battles. You can also pass a team ID to search only for objects from a specific team."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Filters and IDs can be mixed using bitwise OR operator, for example radar(Any, 0, 360, 0, 1000, 1, 2 | FilterOnlyLanding); will detect an object from team 2 that is on the ground. Attention: you can specify only one team ID at once, but you can specify several filters at once."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The last three are mainly useful in code battles."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "FilterNoneDetects everything (default).\n"
-#~ "FilterOnlyLandingDetects only objects being on the ground\n"
-#~ "FilterOnlyFlyingDetects only objects not being on the ground\n"
-#~ "FilterFriendlyDetects only allies (objects in the same team).\n"
-#~ "FilterEnemyDetects only enemies (objects in an other team except neutral).\n"
-#~ "FilterNeutralDetects only neutral objects (e.g. resources)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Determines which type of objects should be detected. Especially useful in use with an array or \\constAny. The following filters are available:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "FilterNoneDetects everything (default).\n"
-#~ "FilterOnlyLandingDetects only objects being on the ground\n"
-#~ "FilterOnlyFlyingDetects only objects not being on the ground\n"
-#~ "FilterFriendlyDetects only allies (objects in the same team).\n"
-#~ "FilterEnemyDetects only enemies (objects in an other team except neutral).\n"
-#~ "FilterNeutralDetects only neutral objects (e.g. resources).\n"
-#~ "The last three are mainly useful in code battles."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Keyword Any if you are looking for any object."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "radar ( cat, angle, focus, min, max, sens );"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the errmode(0) instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by destroy().\n"
-#~ "== 0 The operation of destroying an object was started\n"
-#~ "!= 0 The instruction could not be done (e.g. nothing to destroy)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ " HoustonMission Control\n"
-#~ " SpaceShipSpaceship\n"
-#~ " BotFactoryRobot Factory\n"
-#~ " ResearchCenterResearch Center\n"
-#~ " RadarStationRadar\n"
-#~ " ExchangePostInformation Exchange Post\n"
-#~ " RepairCenterRepair Center\n"
-#~ " DefenseTowerDefense Tower\n"
-#~ " AutoLabOrganic Matter Analyzer \n"
-#~ " PowerStationPower Station\n"
-#~ " PowerPlantPower Cell Factory\n"
-#~ " NuclearPlantNuclear Plant\n"
-#~ " ConverterTitanium Converter\n"
-#~ " DerrickDerrick\n"
-#~ " PowerCaptorParabolic Lightning Conductor\n"
-#~ " VaultVault\n"
-#~ " StartAreaStarting Pad\n"
-#~ " GoalAreaFinishing Pad\n"
-#~ " AlienNestAlien Nest"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ " HoustonCentrum Kontroli Misji\n"
-#~ " SpaceShipStatek kosmiczny\n"
-#~ " BotFactoryFabryka robotów\n"
-#~ " ResearchCenterCentrum badawcze\n"
-#~ " RadarStationRadar \n"
-#~ " ExchangePostStacja przekaźnikowa informacji\n"
-#~ " RepairCenterWarsztat\n"
-#~ " DefenseTowerWieża obronna\n"
-#~ " AutoLabAnalizator materii organicznej \n"
-#~ " PowerStationElektrownia\n"
-#~ " PowerPlantFabryka ogniw elektrycznych\n"
-#~ " NuclearPlantElektrownia atomowa\n"
-#~ " ConverterHuta tytanu\n"
-#~ " DerrickKopalnia\n"
-#~ " PowerCaptorParaboliczny odgromnik\n"
-#~ " VaultSkrytka\n"
-#~ " StartAreaPodest startowy\n"
-#~ " GoalAreaPodest końcowy\n"
-#~ " AlienNestGniazdo Obcych"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the errmode(0) instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by destroy().\n"
-#~ "== 0 The operation of destroying an object was started\n"
-#~ "!= 0 The instruction could not be done (e.g. it was run on an object other than destroyer)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "max: float (Default value: 1000)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "position: point\\n (default value: this.position)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "angle: float (default value0)"
-#~ msgstr "angle: float (domyślna wartość: 0)"
-#~ msgid "focus: float (default value360)"
-#~ msgstr "focus: float (domyślna wartość: 360)"
-#~ msgid "min: float (default value 0)"
-#~ msgstr "min: float (domyślna wartość: 0)"
-#~ msgid "max: float (Default value1000)"
-#~ msgstr "max: float (domyślna wartość: 1000)"
-#~ msgid "Detects the object of the given category that is closest to the given position. "
-#~ msgstr "Znajduje obiekt o określonej kategorii, będący najbliżej podanej pozycji. "
-#~ msgid "Category of the requested object."
-#~ msgstr "Kategoria poszukiwanego obiektu."
-#~ msgid "sens: float (default value1)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Category of the objects that should be detected. For example, when you are looking for an ant, write radar (AlienAnt). "
-#~ msgstr "Kategoria poszukiwanego obiektu. Na przykład szukając mrówki, należy napisać radar (AlienAnt). "
-#~ msgid "object item; // variable declaration"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "// Look for the closest ant\n"
-#~ "item = radar(AlienAnt);"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Array of categories of the objects that should be detected. For example, when you are looking only for tracked bots:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "radar ( category, angle, focus, min, max, way );"
-#~ msgstr "radar ( category, angle, focus, min, max, way );"
-#~ msgid "way: float (default value1)"
-#~ msgstr "way: float (domyślna wartość: 1)"
-#~ msgid "Nothing but a name can be changed in the main function. The keyword extern distinguish the main function from others."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Determines the position of the nearest free space with at least flatmin of flat ground around a given position. Works similar space();. Useful for finding a place for a building."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "canresearch ( type );"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Checks if a research can be done in the level."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction pendown(); instructs the bot to have the pen down, so it begins drawing."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction penup(); instructs the bot to have the pen up, so it ends drawing. The pen is up by default, so it should be used only after using pendown."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction pendown(); instructs the bot to change the color of the pencil."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the errmode(0) instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by pendown();.\n"
-#~ "== 0 The color was changed\n"
-#~ "!= 0 The instruction did not work"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "int object.category Category of the object\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Right/left angle of the object \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energy level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Shield level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude above ground\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Power cell on the bot\n"
-#~ "object object.load Object carried by the bot\n"
-#~ "int object.team The bot's team (see code battles)\n"
-#~ "point object.velocity Velocity of the object"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The bot's team. Used in code battles."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "int object.category Category of the object\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Right/left angle of the object \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energy level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Shield level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude above ground\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Power cell on the bot\n"
-#~ "object object.load Object carried by the bot\n"
-#~ "int object.team The bot's team (see code battles)\n"
-#~ "point object.velocity Velocity of the object"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Buildings :"
-#~ msgstr "Budynki:"
-#~ msgid "Portable Objects :"
-#~ msgstr "Obiekty przenośne:"
-#~ msgid "Robots :"
-#~ msgstr "Roboty:"
-#~ msgid "Enemies :"
-#~ msgstr "Wrogowie:"
-#~ msgid "Miscellaneous :"
-#~ msgstr "Różne:"
-#~ msgid "Flags and Other Indicators :"
-#~ msgstr "Flagi i inne znaczniki:"
-#~ msgid "Starts a research of the given type."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Name of the research."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the errmode(0) instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by factory().\n"
-#~ "== 0 The research successfully started\n"
-#~ "!= 0 The research could not be started"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Below are the different research names available:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ResearchTrackedTracked bots (e.g. tracked grabber)\n"
-#~ "ResearchWingedWinged bots (e.g. winged grabber)\n"
-#~ "ResearchLeggedLegged bots (e.g. legged grabber)\n"
-#~ "ResearchShooterBots with cannon (e.g. tracked shooter)\n"
-#~ "ResearchOrgaShooterBots with orgaball cannon (e.g. tracked orga shooter)\n"
-#~ "ResearchPhazerShooterPhazer shooter\n"
-#~ "ResearchSnifferSniffers (e.g. tracked sniffer)\n"
-#~ "ResearchThumperThumper\n"
-#~ "ResearchShielderShielder\n"
-#~ "ResearchRecyclerRecycler\n"
-#~ "ResearchSubberSubber\n"
-#~ "ResearchDefenseTowerDefense tower\n"
-#~ "ResearchNuclearPlantNuclear plant"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the errmode(0) instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by takeoff().\n"
-#~ "== 0 Spaceship takes off\n"
-#~ "!= 0 Spaceship could not take off"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "int object.category Category of the object\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Right/left angle of the object \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energy level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Shield level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude above ground\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Power cell on the bot\n"
-#~ "object object.load Object carried by the bot\n"
-#~ "string object.team The bot's team (see code battles)\n"
-#~ "point object.velocity Velocity of the object"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The category of an object allows you to know what it is, f. ex. what kind of bot, building, enemy, etc. "
-#~ msgstr "Kategoria obiektu określa czym jest obiekt, tzn. określa np. rodzaj robota, budynku lub wroga, itp. "
-#~ msgid "ResearchCenter"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Also, some objects have additional methods (instructions). See them in the main list in |c;Instructions specific for some objects section."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "int object.category Category of the object\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Right/left angle of the object \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energy level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Shield level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude above ground\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Power cell on the bot\n"
-#~ "object object.load Object carried by the bot\n"
-#~ "string object.team The bot's team (see code battles)\n"
-#~ "point object.velocity Velocity of the object"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The bot's team. Used in code battles)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "int object.category Category of the object\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Right/left angle of the object \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energy level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Shield level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude above ground\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Power cell on the bot\n"
-#~ "object object.load Object carried by the bot\n"
-#~ "string object.team The bot's team (see code battles)\n"
-#~ "float object.velocity Velocity of the object"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Use this type for variables that contain the characteristics of an object, be it a bot, a building, some raw material, an enemy, etc. "
-#~ msgstr "Typ używany dla zmiennych zawierających charakterystyki obiektów, takich jak roboty, budynki, surowce, wrogowie, itp. "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "int object.category Category of the object\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Right/left angle of the object \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energy level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Shield level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude above ground\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Power cell on the bot\n"
-#~ "object object.load Object carried by the bot"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "int object.category Kategoria obiektu\n"
-#~ "point object.position Pozycja obiektu (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientacja obiektu (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Pochylenie obiektu przód/tył\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Pochylenie obiektu prawo/lewo \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Poziom energii (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Poziom osłony (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Temperatura silnika odrzutowego (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Wysokość nad poziomem ziemi\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Czas życia obiektu\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Ogniwo elektryczne robota\n"
-#~ "object object.load Przedmiot niesiony przez robota"
-#~ msgid "CBOT Language, Variables and categories."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "red ResearchTrackedTracked bots (e.g. tracked grabber)\n"
-#~ "red ResearchWingedWinged bots (e.g. winged grabber)\n"
-#~ "red ResearchLeggedLegged bots (e.g. legged grabber)\n"
-#~ "red ResearchShooterBots with cannon (e.g. tracked shooter)\n"
-#~ "red ResearchOrgaShooterBots with orgaball cannon (e.g. tracked orga shooter)\n"
-#~ "red ResearchPhazerShooterPhazer shooter\n"
-#~ "red ResearchSnifferSniffers (e.g. tracked sniffer)\n"
-#~ "red ResearchThumperThumper\n"
-#~ "red ResearchShielderShielder\n"
-#~ "red ResearchRecyclerRecycler\n"
-#~ "red ResearchSubberSubber\n"
-#~ "red ResearchDefenseTowerDefence tower\n"
-#~ "red ResearchNuclearPlantNuclear plant"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ResearchTracked Tracked bots (e.g. tracked grabber)\n"
-#~ "ResearchWinged Winged bots (e.g. winged grabber)\n"
-#~ "ResearchLegged Legged bots (e.g. legged grabber)\n"
-#~ "ResearchShooter Bots with cannon (e.g. tracked shooter)\n"
-#~ "ResearchOrgaShooter Bots with orgaball cannon (e.g. tracked orga shooter)\n"
-#~ "ResearchPhazerShooter Phazer shooter\n"
-#~ "ResearchSniffer Sniffers (e.g. tracked sniffer)\n"
-#~ "ResearchThumper Thumper\n"
-#~ "ResearchShielder Shielder\n"
-#~ "ResearchRecycler Recycler\n"
-#~ "ResearchSubber Subber\n"
-#~ "ResearchDefenseTower Defence tower\n"
-#~ "ResearchNuclearPlant Nuclear plant"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Below are the different categories available :"
-#~ msgstr "Poniżej wymienione są różne dostępne kategorie:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the errmode(0) instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by factory().\n"
-#~ "== 0 The construction successfully started\n"
-#~ "!= 0 The construction could not be started (e.g. no Titanium in the factory, the bot is not available in the level)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Nothing but a name can be changed in a main function. The keyword extern distinguish the main function from others."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "A function must be declared above the main function. Result type should be void if the function does not give any. Body is just a set of instructions. Function name must be created with the exact same rules applied to variables."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Now the program is much easier to read. It's a good practice to split the program into several functions with self-describing names."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "result_type FunctionName(optional_parameters)\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ " body\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "void Example(int a, float x, string s)\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ " message(a);\n"
-#~ " message(x);\n"
-#~ " message(s);\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With functions you can divide your program into several parts, each of them will execute a specific task.\n"
-#~ "Let's imagine following program¦:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Używając funkcji można podzielić program na kilka części, z których każda będzie wykonywała określone zadanie.\n"
-#~ "Wyobraźmy sobie następujący program¦:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "extern void object::Remote( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 1, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 3, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 2, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 4, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "extern void object::Zdalnie( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 1, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 3, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 2, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 4, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgid "send and wait are repeated several times. So it would be a good thing if we created a function that executes these two instructions:"
-#~ msgstr "Instrukcje send i wait wykonywane są wielokrotnie. Byłoby dobrze utworzyć funkcję wykonującą te dwie instrukcje:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "void object::SendToPost( float op )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", op, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "extern void object::Remote( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(1);\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(3);\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(2);\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(4);\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "void object::WyślijDoStacji( float op )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", op, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "extern void object::Zdalnie( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tWyślijDoStacji(1);\n"
-#~ "\tWyślijDoStacji(3);\n"
-#~ "\tWyślijDoStacji(2);\n"
-#~ "\tWyślijDoStacji(4);\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgid "A function can have paramteters¦:"
-#~ msgstr "Funkcja może mieć parametry¦:"
-#~ msgid "void Example( int a, float x, string s )"
-#~ msgstr "void Przykład( int a, float x, string s )"
-#~ msgid "The Example function will reveive un integer a, a floating point number x and a string s. Parameters are \"passed by value\", that is the values of parameter variables in a function are copies of the values the caller specified as variables. If you pass an int to a function, its parameter is a copy of whatever value was being passed as argument, and the function can change its parameter value without affecting values in the code that invoked the function."
-#~ msgstr "Funkcja Przykład dostaje jako parametry liczbę całkowitą a, liczbę zmiennoprzecinkową x oraz łańcuch s. Parametry są \"przekazywane przez wartość\", czyli są kopią wartości określonych jako zmienne podczas wywołania. Przy przekazaniu zmiennej int funkcji, jej parametr jest kopią wartości przekazanej jako argument, wobec czego funkcja może zmieniać wartość parametru bez zmiany wartości w miejscu, z którego była wywołana funkcja."
-#~ msgid "If you pass a class instance or an array as parameter to a function, the function only receives a reference to the instance or the array. That means if you modify the instance or the array in the function, the instance or the array that has been specified by the caller will be actuallay modified."
-#~ msgstr "Przy przekazaniu instancji klasy lub tablicy jako parametru, funkcja otrzymuje jedynie wskaźnik do instancji lub tablicy. Oznacza to, że w przypadku modyfikacji instancji lub tablicy wewnątrz funkcji, w rzeczywistości zostanie zmodyfikowana instancja lub tablica określona podczas wywołania."
-#~ msgid "A function can also return a result with the return instruction. Therefore the function must be declared no longer as void but as a type:"
-#~ msgstr "Funkcja może również zwrócić wynik przy użyciu instrukcji return. Jednakże powinna być wówczas zadeklarowana nie jako void, ale powinna mieć określony typ:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "float Mean( float a, float b )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn (a+b)/2;\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "extern void object::Test( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tfloat value;\n"
-#~ "\tvalue = Mean(2, 6);\n"
-#~ "\tmessage( value ); // will display 4\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "float Średnia( float a, float b )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn (a+b)/2;\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "extern void object::Test( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tfloat wartość;\n"
-#~ "\twartość = Średnia(2, 6);\n"
-#~ "\tmessage( wartość ); // wyświetli liczbę 4\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgid "Some other examples¦:"
-#~ msgstr "I jeszcze kilka przykładów¦:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "float Pi( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn 3.1415;\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "string Sign( float a )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tif ( a > 0 ) return \"positive\";\n"
-#~ "\tif ( a < 0 ) return \"negative\";\n"
-#~ "\treturn \"null\";\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "float Pi( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn 3.1415;\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "string Znak( float a )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tif ( a > 0 ) return \"dodatnia\";\n"
-#~ "\tif ( a < 0 ) return \"ujemna\";\n"
-#~ "\treturn \"zero\";\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgid "You can declare several functions with the same name but different parameters¦:"
-#~ msgstr "Można zadeklarować kilka funkcji o tej samej nazwie lecz o różnych parametrach¦:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "float Pythagoras( float a, float b )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn sqrt((a*a)+(b*b));\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "float Pythagoras( float a, float b, float c )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn sqrt((a*a)+(b*b)+(c*c));\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "float Pitagoras( float a, float b )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn sqrt((a*a)+(b*b));\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "float Pitagoras( float a, float b, float c )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn sqrt((a*a)+(b*b)+(c*c));\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgid "CBOT will call either the one or the other function depending on the paramteres passed."
-#~ msgstr "CBOT wywoła jedną z nich, w zależności od przekazanych parametrów."
-#~ msgid "x: float (default value: 0);"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "x: float\\n (default value: 0);"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Angle in degrees of the gun relative to the robot. A positive value orients the gun to the right. The angle must range from -40 to +40 degrees for all shooters. This parameter is optional: if no value is provided, then x = 0."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Truncation is a method of approximating a decimal number by dropping all decimal places past a certain point without rounding. For positive numbers, it works like the floor(); function, and for negative numbers, it works like the ceil(); function. It can be said that it rounds towards zero."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "trunc, floor, ceil, programming, programming, types and expressions."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The purpose of using two arguments instead of one is to gather information on the signs of the inputs in order to return the appropriate quadrant of the computed angle, which is not possible for the single-argument \\latan();\\u cbot\\atan; function. For example, consider a point (-1, -1): atan(-1/-1); is 45.00 degrees, whereas atan2(-1, -1); is -135.00 degrees, which is obviously more correct in this case."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction build(); instructs the bot to build a building of the given category. Currently works for Grabbers, Me and Tech."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction canbuild(); lets you know if Grabbers, Me or Tech can build a building of the given category. "
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "It is similar to the canbuild instruction. However, it does not check if a required research has been done."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "It helps to prevent errors in programs using the build instruction. Here is an example:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The category of a building."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "It helps to prevent errors in programs using build instruction. Here is an example:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ " if (canbuild(BotFactory))\n"
-#~ " {\n"
-#~ " build(BotFactory);\n"
-#~ " }"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction canbuild(); instructs the bot to build a building of the given category. Currently works for Grabbers, Me and Tech"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction build(); instructs the bot to build a building of the given category. Currently works for Grabbers, Me and Tech"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "canbuild, buildingenabled,programming, types and categories."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction build(); instructs the bot to build a building of the given category. Currently works for every bot."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Arcus cosine of the value."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Arcus sine of the value."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Arcus tangent of the value."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Here is a list of mathematical functions: "
-#~ msgstr "Oto lista funkcji matematycznych: "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "sin(angle) sinus\n"
-#~ "cos(angle) cosinus\n"
-#~ "tan(angle) tangent\n"
-#~ "asin(value) arc-sinus\n"
-#~ "acos(value) arc-cosinus\n"
-#~ "atan(value) arc-tangente\n"
-#~ "sqrt(value) square root\n"
-#~ "pow(x, y) x power y\n"
-#~ "rand() random value ranging between 0 and 1"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "sin(angle) sinus\n"
-#~ "cos(angle) cosinus\n"
-#~ "tan(angle) tangens\n"
-#~ "asin(value) arcus sinus\n"
-#~ "acos(value) arcus cosinus\n"
-#~ "atan(value) arcus tangens\n"
-#~ "sqrt(value) pierwiastek kwadratowy\n"
-#~ "pow(x, y) x do potęgi y\n"
-#~ "rand() losowa wartość pomiędzy 0 i 1"
-#~ msgid "Angles are in degrees."
-#~ msgstr "Kąty podawane są w stopniach."
-#~ msgid "This instruction sets the vertical and/or the horizontal angle of the cannon. The following robots are equipped with a cannon: "
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Angle in degrees of the gun relative to the robot. A positive value orients the gun to the right. For shooters and orga shooters, the angle must range from -40 to +40 degrees. For phazer shooters, the angle must range from -40 to 40 degrees. It is optional: if no value is provided, then x = 0."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Angle in degrees of the gun relative to the robot. A positive value orients the gun to the right. For shooters and orga shooters, the angle must range from -20 to +20 degrees. For phazer shooters, the angle must range from -20 to 45 degrees."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "aim ( angle );"
-#~ msgstr "aim ( kąt );"
-#~ msgid "This instruction sets the vertical angle of the cannon. The following robots are equipped with a cannon: "
-#~ msgstr "Instrukcja ta umożliwia zmianę położenia lufy w pionie. Następujące roboty mogą strzelać: "
-#~ msgid "This command is mostly useful in an attempt to build a fully automatised base, where an astronaut does not need to do anything except watching bots working. What is more, it makes beating the game by using only programming a possible task (however, it is a challenge rather for experienced gamers, who beat the whole game at least once)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction build(); instructs the bot to build a building of the given categories. Currently works for every bot."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The category of a building."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Here is an example of a program that looks for a titanium cube, goes to the position and builds a bot factory."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ " object item = radar(Titanium);\n"
-#~ " goto(item.position);\n"
-#~ " build(BotFactory);"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "This command is mostly useful in an attempt to build a fully automatised base, where an astronaut does not need to do anything except watching bots working. What is more, it makes beating the game by using only programming a possible task (however, it is rather a challenge for experienced gamers, who beat the whole game at least once)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Here is an example of a program that looks for a titanium cube, goes to the position and builds a bot factory."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ " item = radar(Titanium);\n"
-#~ " goto(item.position);\n"
-#~ " build(BotFactory);"
-#~ msgstr ""
diff --git a/help/cbot/po/ru.po b/help/cbot/po/ru.po
index a6e1dc6a..51ff43e1 100644
--- a/help/cbot/po/ru.po
+++ b/help/cbot/po/ru.po
@@ -7770,743 +7770,3 @@ msgstr ""
#, no-wrap
msgid "You can exit from the the switch() {} instruction using break."
msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "You can stop the the switch() {} instruction using break."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Converter and bot factory have the same waiting time, so in order to not write the same instructions twice, we made multiple cases run the same code. In fact, all code after the highest case used will be executed if we do not break it."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With this conditional structure you can execute instructions1 or instructions2 ... or instructionsN or instructionsDefault depending on the value.\n"
-#~ "If the value is equal to value1, instructions1 to N (including instructionsDefault) are executed.\n"
-#~ "If the value is equal to value2, instructions2 to N (including instructionsDefault) are executed.\n"
-#~ "And so on.\n"
-#~ "If the value is equal to valueN, instructionsN and instructionsDefault are executed.\n"
-#~ "If the value is not equal to any value in the given cases, instructionsDefault are executed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "You can stop the the switch() {} instruction using break."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Note: the busy instruction might be much better to use in this scenario.\n"
-#~ "See the following function: the bot will be waiting a proper amount of time for a certain task to be completed:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "With this conditional structure you can execute instruction1 or instructions2 ... or instructionsN or instructionsDefault depending on the value. If the value is equal to value1, instructions1 to N (including instructionsDefault) are executed. If the value is equal to value2, instructions2 to N (including instructionsDefault) are executed. And so on. If the value is equal to valueN, instructionsN and instructionsDefault are executed. If the value is not equal to any value in the given cases, instructionsDefault are executed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The last three are mainly useful in code battles. You can also pass a team ID to search only for objects from a specific team."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Filters and IDs can be mixed using bitwise OR operator, for example radar(Any, 0, 360, 0, 1000, 1, 2 | FilterOnlyLanding); will detect an object from team 2 that is on the ground. Attention: you can specify only one team ID at once, but you can specify several filters at once."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The last three are mainly useful in code battles."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "FilterNoneDetects everything (default).\n"
-#~ "FilterOnlyLandingDetects only objects being on the ground\n"
-#~ "FilterOnlyFlyingDetects only objects not being on the ground\n"
-#~ "FilterFriendlyDetects only allies (objects in the same team).\n"
-#~ "FilterEnemyDetects only enemies (objects in an other team except neutral).\n"
-#~ "FilterNeutralDetects only neutral objects (e.g. resources)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Determines which type of objects should be detected. Especially useful in use with an array or \\constAny. The following filters are available:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "FilterNoneDetects everything (default).\n"
-#~ "FilterOnlyLandingDetects only objects being on the ground\n"
-#~ "FilterOnlyFlyingDetects only objects not being on the ground\n"
-#~ "FilterFriendlyDetects only allies (objects in the same team).\n"
-#~ "FilterEnemyDetects only enemies (objects in an other team except neutral).\n"
-#~ "FilterNeutralDetects only neutral objects (e.g. resources).\n"
-#~ "The last three are mainly useful in code battles."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Keyword Any if you are looking for any object."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "radar ( cat, angle, focus, min, max, sens );"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the errmode(0) instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by destroy().\n"
-#~ "== 0 The operation of destroying an object was started\n"
-#~ "!= 0 The instruction could not be done (e.g. nothing to destroy)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ " HoustonMission Control\n"
-#~ " SpaceShipSpaceship\n"
-#~ " BotFactoryRobot Factory\n"
-#~ " ResearchCenterResearch Center\n"
-#~ " RadarStationRadar\n"
-#~ " ExchangePostInformation Exchange Post\n"
-#~ " RepairCenterRepair Center\n"
-#~ " DefenseTowerDefense Tower\n"
-#~ " AutoLabOrganic Matter Analyzer \n"
-#~ " PowerStationPower Station\n"
-#~ " PowerPlantPower Cell Factory\n"
-#~ " NuclearPlantNuclear Plant\n"
-#~ " ConverterTitanium Converter\n"
-#~ " DerrickDerrick\n"
-#~ " PowerCaptorParabolic Lightning Conductor\n"
-#~ " VaultVault\n"
-#~ " StartAreaStarting Pad\n"
-#~ " GoalAreaFinishing Pad\n"
-#~ " AlienNestAlien Nest"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ " HoustonУправление Миссией\n"
-#~ " SpaceShipКорабль\n"
-#~ " BotFactoryФабрика ботов\n"
-#~ " ResearchCenterИсследовательский Центр\n"
-#~ " RadarStationРадар\n"
-#~ " ExchangePostПост Обмена Информацией\n"
-#~ " RepairCenterРемонтный Центр\n"
-#~ " DefenseTowerЗащитная Башня\n"
-#~ " AutoLabАнализатор Органической Материи\n"
-#~ " PowerStationСиловая Станция\n"
-#~ " PowerPlantФабрика батареек\n"
-#~ " NuclearPlantЯдерная фабрика\n"
-#~ " ConverterТитановый Конвертер\n"
-#~ " DerrickБуровая Вышка\n"
-#~ " PowerCaptorПараболический громоотвод\n"
-#~ " VaultХранилище\n"
-#~ " StartAreaСтартовая площадка\n"
-#~ " FinishAreaФинальная Площадка\n"
-#~ " AlienNestГнездо Чужих"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the errmode(0) instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by destroy().\n"
-#~ "== 0 The operation of destroying an object was started\n"
-#~ "!= 0 The instruction could not be done (e.g. it was run on an object other than destroyer)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "max: float (Default value: 1000)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "position: point\\n (default value: this.position)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "angle: float (default value0)"
-#~ msgstr "угол: float (значение по умолчанию0)"
-#~ msgid "focus: float (default value360)"
-#~ msgstr "фокус: float (значение по умолчанию360)"
-#~ msgid "min: float (default value 0)"
-#~ msgstr "мин: float (значение по умолчанию 0)"
-#~ msgid "max: float (Default value1000)"
-#~ msgstr "макс: float (Значение по умолчанию1000)"
-#~ msgid "Detects the object of the given category that is closest to the given position. "
-#~ msgstr "Обнаруживает объект указанной категории, который ближе всего к указанной позиции."
-#~ msgid "Category of the requested object."
-#~ msgstr "Категория нужного объекта."
-#~ msgid "sens: float (default value1)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Category of the objects that should be detected. For example, when you are looking for an ant, write radar (AlienAnt). "
-#~ msgstr "Категория объекта, который нужно обнаружить. Например когда вы ищете муравья, напишите radar (AlienAnt)."
-#~ msgid "object item; // variable declaration"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "// Look for the closest ant\n"
-#~ "item = radar(AlienAnt);"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Array of categories of the objects that should be detected. For example, when you are looking only for tracked bots:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "radar ( category, angle, focus, min, max, way );"
-#~ msgstr "radar ( категория, угол, фокус, мин, макс, путь );"
-#~ msgid "way: float (default value1)"
-#~ msgstr "путь: float (значение по умолчанию1)"
-#~ msgid "Nothing but a name can be changed in the main function. The keyword extern distinguish the main function from others."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Determines the position of the nearest free space with at least flatmin of flat ground around a given position. Works similar space();. Useful for finding a place for a building."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "canresearch ( type );"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Checks if a research can be done in the level."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction pendown(); instructs the bot to have the pen down, so it begins drawing."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction penup(); instructs the bot to have the pen up, so it ends drawing. The pen is up by default, so it should be used only after using pendown."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction pendown(); instructs the bot to change the color of the pencil."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the errmode(0) instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by pendown();.\n"
-#~ "== 0 The color was changed\n"
-#~ "!= 0 The instruction did not work"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "int object.category Category of the object\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Right/left angle of the object \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energy level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Shield level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude above ground\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Power cell on the bot\n"
-#~ "object object.load Object carried by the bot\n"
-#~ "int object.team The bot's team (see code battles)\n"
-#~ "point object.velocity Velocity of the object"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The bot's team. Used in code battles."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "int object.category Category of the object\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Right/left angle of the object \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energy level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Shield level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude above ground\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Power cell on the bot\n"
-#~ "object object.load Object carried by the bot\n"
-#~ "int object.team The bot's team (see code battles)\n"
-#~ "point object.velocity Velocity of the object"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Buildings :"
-#~ msgstr "Здания:"
-#~ msgid "Portable Objects :"
-#~ msgstr "Переносные обьекты:"
-#~ msgid "Robots :"
-#~ msgstr "Роботы:"
-#~ msgid "Enemies :"
-#~ msgstr "Враги :"
-#~ msgid "Miscellaneous :"
-#~ msgstr "Разное:"
-#~ msgid "Flags and Other Indicators :"
-#~ msgstr "Флаги и другие индикаторы:"
-#~ msgid "Starts a research of the given type."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Name of the research."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the errmode(0) instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by factory().\n"
-#~ "== 0 The research successfully started\n"
-#~ "!= 0 The research could not be started"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Below are the different research names available:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ResearchTrackedTracked bots (e.g. tracked grabber)\n"
-#~ "ResearchWingedWinged bots (e.g. winged grabber)\n"
-#~ "ResearchLeggedLegged bots (e.g. legged grabber)\n"
-#~ "ResearchShooterBots with cannon (e.g. tracked shooter)\n"
-#~ "ResearchOrgaShooterBots with orgaball cannon (e.g. tracked orga shooter)\n"
-#~ "ResearchPhazerShooterPhazer shooter\n"
-#~ "ResearchSnifferSniffers (e.g. tracked sniffer)\n"
-#~ "ResearchThumperThumper\n"
-#~ "ResearchShielderShielder\n"
-#~ "ResearchRecyclerRecycler\n"
-#~ "ResearchSubberSubber\n"
-#~ "ResearchDefenseTowerDefense tower\n"
-#~ "ResearchNuclearPlantNuclear plant"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the errmode(0) instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by takeoff().\n"
-#~ "== 0 Spaceship takes off\n"
-#~ "!= 0 Spaceship could not take off"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "int object.category Category of the object\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Right/left angle of the object \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energy level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Shield level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude above ground\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Power cell on the bot\n"
-#~ "object object.load Object carried by the bot\n"
-#~ "string object.team The bot's team (see code battles)\n"
-#~ "point object.velocity Velocity of the object"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The category of an object allows you to know what it is, f. ex. what kind of bot, building, enemy, etc. "
-#~ msgstr "Категория объекта позволяет вам узнать, что это такое, то есть например какой это вид бота, здания, врага и так далее."
-#~ msgid "ResearchCenter"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Also, some objects have additional methods (instructions). See them in the main list in |c;Instructions specific for some objects section."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "int object.category Category of the object\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Right/left angle of the object \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energy level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Shield level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude above ground\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Power cell on the bot\n"
-#~ "object object.load Object carried by the bot\n"
-#~ "string object.team The bot's team (see code battles)\n"
-#~ "point object.velocity Velocity of the object"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The bot's team. Used in code battles)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "int object.category Category of the object\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Right/left angle of the object \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energy level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Shield level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude above ground\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Power cell on the bot\n"
-#~ "object object.load Object carried by the bot\n"
-#~ "string object.team The bot's team (see code battles)\n"
-#~ "float object.velocity Velocity of the object"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Use this type for variables that contain the characteristics of an object, be it a bot, a building, some raw material, an enemy, etc. "
-#~ msgstr "Используйте этот тип для переменных, которые должны содержать характеристики объекта, это может быть бот, здание, какие природные ископаемые, враг и так далее."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "int object.category Category of the object\n"
-#~ "point object.position Position of the object (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Orientation of the object (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Forward/backward angle of the object\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Right/left angle of the object \n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Energy level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Shield level (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Jet temperature (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Altitude above ground\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Power cell on the bot\n"
-#~ "object object.load Object carried by the bot"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "int object.category Категория объекта\n"
-#~ "point object.position Положение объекта (x,y,z)\n"
-#~ "float object.orientation Ориентация объекта (0..360)\n"
-#~ "float object.pitch Передний/задний угол объекта\n"
-#~ "float object.roll Правый/левый угол объекта\n"
-#~ "float object.energyLevel Уровень энергии (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.shieldLevel Уровень полей (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.temperature Температура двигателя (0..1)\n"
-#~ "float object.altitude Высота над землей\n"
-#~ "float object.lifeTime Lifetime of the object\n"
-#~ "object object.energyCell Энергетические ячейки бота\n"
-#~ "object object.load Объект, который несет бот"
-#~ msgid "CBOT Language, Variables and categories."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "red ResearchTrackedTracked bots (e.g. tracked grabber)\n"
-#~ "red ResearchWingedWinged bots (e.g. winged grabber)\n"
-#~ "red ResearchLeggedLegged bots (e.g. legged grabber)\n"
-#~ "red ResearchShooterBots with cannon (e.g. tracked shooter)\n"
-#~ "red ResearchOrgaShooterBots with orgaball cannon (e.g. tracked orga shooter)\n"
-#~ "red ResearchPhazerShooterPhazer shooter\n"
-#~ "red ResearchSnifferSniffers (e.g. tracked sniffer)\n"
-#~ "red ResearchThumperThumper\n"
-#~ "red ResearchShielderShielder\n"
-#~ "red ResearchRecyclerRecycler\n"
-#~ "red ResearchSubberSubber\n"
-#~ "red ResearchDefenseTowerDefence tower\n"
-#~ "red ResearchNuclearPlantNuclear plant"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "ResearchTracked Tracked bots (e.g. tracked grabber)\n"
-#~ "ResearchWinged Winged bots (e.g. winged grabber)\n"
-#~ "ResearchLegged Legged bots (e.g. legged grabber)\n"
-#~ "ResearchShooter Bots with cannon (e.g. tracked shooter)\n"
-#~ "ResearchOrgaShooter Bots with orgaball cannon (e.g. tracked orga shooter)\n"
-#~ "ResearchPhazerShooter Phazer shooter\n"
-#~ "ResearchSniffer Sniffers (e.g. tracked sniffer)\n"
-#~ "ResearchThumper Thumper\n"
-#~ "ResearchShielder Shielder\n"
-#~ "ResearchRecycler Recycler\n"
-#~ "ResearchSubber Subber\n"
-#~ "ResearchDefenseTower Defence tower\n"
-#~ "ResearchNuclearPlant Nuclear plant"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Below are the different categories available :"
-#~ msgstr "Ниже даются все известные категории:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Normally an error stops the program. You can prevent the program from stopping on errors by using the errmode(0) instruction. A value different from zero if an error occurred is then returned by factory().\n"
-#~ "== 0 The construction successfully started\n"
-#~ "!= 0 The construction could not be started (e.g. no Titanium in the factory, the bot is not available in the level)"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Nothing but a name can be changed in a main function. The keyword extern distinguish the main function from others."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "A function must be declared above the main function. Result type should be void if the function does not give any. Body is just a set of instructions. Function name must be created with the exact same rules applied to variables."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Now the program is much easier to read. It's a good practice to split the program into several functions with self-describing names."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "result_type FunctionName(optional_parameters)\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ " body\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "void Example(int a, float x, string s)\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ " message(a);\n"
-#~ " message(x);\n"
-#~ " message(s);\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With functions you can divide your program into several parts, each of them will execute a specific task.\n"
-#~ "Let's imagine following program¦:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "С помощью функций программу можно разделить на несколько частей, которые будут выполнять каждая свою работу.\n"
-#~ "Давайте представим следующую программу¦:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "extern void object::Remote( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 1, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 3, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 2, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 4, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "extern void object::Remote( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 1, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 3, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 2, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", 4, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgid "send and wait are repeated several times. So it would be a good thing if we created a function that executes these two instructions:"
-#~ msgstr "send и wait повторяются много раз. Поэтому, мы можем сделать функцию, которая заменит их:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "void object::SendToPost( float op )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", op, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "extern void object::Remote( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(1);\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(3);\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(2);\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(4);\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "void object::SendToPost( float op )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tsend(\"order\", op, 100);\n"
-#~ "\twait(5);\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "extern void object::Remote( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(1);\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(3);\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(2);\n"
-#~ "\tSendToPost(4);\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgid "A function can have paramteters¦:"
-#~ msgstr "Функции могут иметь параметры¦:"
-#~ msgid "void Example( int a, float x, string s )"
-#~ msgstr "void Example( int a, float x, string s )"
-#~ msgid "The Example function will reveive un integer a, a floating point number x and a string s. Parameters are \"passed by value\", that is the values of parameter variables in a function are copies of the values the caller specified as variables. If you pass an int to a function, its parameter is a copy of whatever value was being passed as argument, and the function can change its parameter value without affecting values in the code that invoked the function."
-#~ msgstr "Функция Example функция получит целое a, число с плавающей точкой x и строку s. Параметры - это ничто иное, как просто копии значений в переменных. Если вы передадите int функции, то ее параметр станет копией этого значения, т.е. функция сможет изменять эту копию незатрагивая оригинал."
-#~ msgid "If you pass a class instance or an array as parameter to a function, the function only receives a reference to the instance or the array. That means if you modify the instance or the array in the function, the instance or the array that has been specified by the caller will be actuallay modified."
-#~ msgstr "Если вы передадите классу массив array как параметр функции, то функция получит только ссылку к экземпляру массива. Это означает, что если вы измените массив в функции, то будет модифицирован только экземпляр этой функции."
-#~ msgid "A function can also return a result with the return instruction. Therefore the function must be declared no longer as void but as a type:"
-#~ msgstr "Функция может возвращать результат с помощью инструкции return. Поэтому функции должны быть объявлены только как тип:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "float Mean( float a, float b )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn (a+b)/2;\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "extern void object::Test( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tfloat value;\n"
-#~ "\tvalue = Mean(2, 6);\n"
-#~ "\tmessage( value ); // will display 4\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "float Mean( float a, float b )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn (a+b)/2;\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "extern void object::Test( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tfloat value;\n"
-#~ "\tvalue = Mean(2, 6);\n"
-#~ "\tmessage( value ); // will display 4\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgid "Some other examples¦:"
-#~ msgstr "Пример¦:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "float Pi( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn 3.1415;\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "string Sign( float a )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tif ( a > 0 ) return \"positive\";\n"
-#~ "\tif ( a < 0 ) return \"negative\";\n"
-#~ "\treturn \"null\";\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "float Pi( )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn 3.1415;\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "string Sign( float a )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\tif ( a > 0 ) return \"positive\";\n"
-#~ "\tif ( a < 0 ) return \"negative\";\n"
-#~ "\treturn \"null\";\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgid "You can declare several functions with the same name but different parameters¦:"
-#~ msgstr "вы также можете объявить несколько функций с одинаковыми именами, но разными параметрами¦:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "float Pythagoras( float a, float b )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn sqrt((a*a)+(b*b));\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "float Pythagoras( float a, float b, float c )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn sqrt((a*a)+(b*b)+(c*c));\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "float Pythagoras( float a, float b )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn sqrt((a*a)+(b*b));\n"
-#~ "}\n"
-#~ "\n"
-#~ "float Pythagoras( float a, float b, float c )\n"
-#~ "{\n"
-#~ "\treturn sqrt((a*a)+(b*b)+(c*c));\n"
-#~ "}"
-#~ msgid "CBOT will call either the one or the other function depending on the paramteres passed."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "CBOT будет вызывать ту или иную функцию так, что вызов будет зависеть отт параметров.\n"
-#~ "Вы также можете объявить функцию общедоступной, так что ее смогут использовать остальне боты."
-#~ msgid "x: float (default value: 0);"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "x: float\\n (default value: 0);"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Angle in degrees of the gun relative to the robot. A positive value orients the gun to the right. The angle must range from -40 to +40 degrees for all shooters. This parameter is optional: if no value is provided, then x = 0."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Truncation is a method of approximating a decimal number by dropping all decimal places past a certain point without rounding. For positive numbers, it works like the floor(); function, and for negative numbers, it works like the ceil(); function. It can be said that it rounds towards zero."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "trunc, floor, ceil, programming, programming, types and expressions."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The purpose of using two arguments instead of one is to gather information on the signs of the inputs in order to return the appropriate quadrant of the computed angle, which is not possible for the single-argument \\latan();\\u cbot\\atan; function. For example, consider a point (-1, -1): atan(-1/-1); is 45.00 degrees, whereas atan2(-1, -1); is -135.00 degrees, which is obviously more correct in this case."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction build(); instructs the bot to build a building of the given category. Currently works for Grabbers, Me and Tech."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction canbuild(); lets you know if Grabbers, Me or Tech can build a building of the given category. "
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "It is similar to the canbuild instruction. However, it does not check if a required research has been done."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "It helps to prevent errors in programs using the build instruction. Here is an example:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The category of a building."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "It helps to prevent errors in programs using build instruction. Here is an example:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ " if (canbuild(BotFactory))\n"
-#~ " {\n"
-#~ " build(BotFactory);\n"
-#~ " }"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction canbuild(); instructs the bot to build a building of the given category. Currently works for Grabbers, Me and Tech"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction build(); instructs the bot to build a building of the given category. Currently works for Grabbers, Me and Tech"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "canbuild, buildingenabled,programming, types and categories."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction build(); instructs the bot to build a building of the given category. Currently works for every bot."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Arcus cosine of the value."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Arcus sine of the value."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Arcus tangent of the value."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Here is a list of mathematical functions: "
-#~ msgstr "Ниже приведет список математических функций:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "sin(angle) sinus\n"
-#~ "cos(angle) cosinus\n"
-#~ "tan(angle) tangent\n"
-#~ "asin(value) arc-sinus\n"
-#~ "acos(value) arc-cosinus\n"
-#~ "atan(value) arc-tangente\n"
-#~ "sqrt(value) square root\n"
-#~ "pow(x, y) x power y\n"
-#~ "rand() random value ranging between 0 and 1"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "sin(angle) синус\n"
-#~ "cos(angle) косинус\n"
-#~ "tan(angle) тангенс\n"
-#~ "asin(value) арксинус\n"
-#~ "acos(value) арккосинус\n"
-#~ "atan(value) арктангенс\n"
-#~ "sqrt(value) квадратный корень\n"
-#~ "pow(x, y) x в степени y\n"
-#~ "rand() случайное число между 0 и 1"
-#~ msgid "Angles are in degrees."
-#~ msgstr "Углы отображаются в градусах."
-#~ msgid "This instruction sets the vertical and/or the horizontal angle of the cannon. The following robots are equipped with a cannon: "
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Angle in degrees of the gun relative to the robot. A positive value orients the gun to the right. For shooters and orga shooters, the angle must range from -40 to +40 degrees. For phazer shooters, the angle must range from -40 to 40 degrees. It is optional: if no value is provided, then x = 0."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Angle in degrees of the gun relative to the robot. A positive value orients the gun to the right. For shooters and orga shooters, the angle must range from -20 to +20 degrees. For phazer shooters, the angle must range from -20 to 45 degrees."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "aim ( angle );"
-#~ msgstr "aim ( угол );"
-#~ msgid "This instruction sets the vertical angle of the cannon. The following robots are equipped with a cannon: "
-#~ msgstr "Эта инструкция устанавливает вертикальны угол пушки. Пушкой снабжаются следующи роботы:"
-#~ msgid "This command is mostly useful in an attempt to build a fully automatised base, where an astronaut does not need to do anything except watching bots working. What is more, it makes beating the game by using only programming a possible task (however, it is a challenge rather for experienced gamers, who beat the whole game at least once)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The instruction build(); instructs the bot to build a building of the given categories. Currently works for every bot."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "The category of a building."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Here is an example of a program that looks for a titanium cube, goes to the position and builds a bot factory."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ " object item = radar(Titanium);\n"
-#~ " goto(item.position);\n"
-#~ " build(BotFactory);"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "This command is mostly useful in an attempt to build a fully automatised base, where an astronaut does not need to do anything except watching bots working. What is more, it makes beating the game by using only programming a possible task (however, it is rather a challenge for experienced gamers, who beat the whole game at least once)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Here is an example of a program that looks for a titanium cube, goes to the position and builds a bot factory."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ " item = radar(Titanium);\n"
-#~ " goto(item.position);\n"
-#~ " build(BotFactory);"
-#~ msgstr ""
diff --git a/help/generic/po/de.po b/help/generic/po/de.po
index 47ca74bb..7b5c45a6 100644
--- a/help/generic/po/de.po
+++ b/help/generic/po/de.po
@@ -761,362 +761,3 @@ msgid ""
"returnExit from a function\n"
"sizeofSize of an array"
msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "externIndicate the main function\n"
-#~ "ifChoice structure\n"
-#~ "elseAlternative choice structure\n"
-#~ "switchMultiple choice structure\n"
-#~ "caseOne choice\n"
-#~ "defaultDefault choice\n"
-#~ "forLoop structure\n"
-#~ "whileControl structure\n"
-#~ "doControl structure\n"
-#~ "breakExit from a loop\n"
-#~ "continueContinues the loop\n"
-#~ "returnExit from a function\n"
-#~ "sizeofSize of an array"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "externIndicate the main function\n"
-#~ "ifChoice structure\n"
-#~ "elseAlternative choice structure\n"
-#~ "switchMultiple choice structure\n"
-#~ "caseOne choice\n"
-#~ "defaultDefault choice\n"
-#~ "forLoop structure\n"
-#~ "whileControl structure\n"
-#~ "doControl structure\n"
-#~ "breakExit from a loop\n"
-#~ "continueContinues the loop\n"
-#~ "returnExit from a function\n"
-#~ "sizeofSize of an array"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "externIndicate the main function\n"
-#~ "ifChoice structure\n"
-#~ "elseAlternative choice structure\n"
-#~ "forLoop structure\n"
-#~ "whileControl structure\n"
-#~ "doControl structure\n"
-#~ "breakExit from a loop\n"
-#~ "continueContinues the loop\n"
-#~ "returnExit from a function\n"
-#~ "sizeofSize of an array"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "externBezeichnet die Hauptfunktion\n"
-#~ "ifBedingte Struktur\n"
-#~ "elseAlternative bedingte Struktur\n"
-#~ "forSchleifenstruktur\n"
-#~ "whileBedingte Schleifenstruktur\n"
-#~ "doBedingte Schleifenstruktur\n"
-#~ "breakAbbruch einer Schleife\n"
-#~ "continueNeuanfang einer Schleife\n"
-#~ "returnRückkehr von einer Funktion\n"
-#~ "sizeofGrösse eines Arrays"
-#~ msgid "There is much more options (as there should be in an strategy game), but this is the basis. Read documentation, play the game and think creatively to come up with new ideas. Good luck and have fun!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "With the new functions provided in the Gold Edition, you can create a fully automatised base, which does not need any influence from human. All of them are described in the updated CBOT documentation."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "1. Find a Titanium.\n"
-#~ "2. Build a Converter.\n"
-#~ "3. Find a TitaniumOre.\n"
-#~ "4. Place it in the converter. Move back and wait until the converter is done.\n"
-#~ "5. Use or move somewhere your new Titanium.\n"
-#~ "Repeat steps 3-5 in order to keep your production going."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "1. Build an ResearcheCenter.\n"
-#~ "2. Power it with a PowerCell.\n"
-#~ "3. Request a research and wait until the research center is done."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "1. Build a BotFactory.\n"
-#~ "2. Place a Titanium inside and move back.\n"
-#~ "3. Request a construction of a robot and wait until the bot factory is done.\n"
-#~ "4. Power the robot with a PowerCell."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "1. Build a PowerPlant.\n"
-#~ "2. Place a Titanium in it and wait until the power plant is done."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "productionline1.png"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "test\n"
-#~ "//test2"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "test\n"
-#~ "test2"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "test"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "radarObject detection\n"
-#~ "directionCalculates a rotation angle\n"
-#~ "distanceCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "distance2dCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "waitWaits\n"
-#~ "moveMoves forward or backward\n"
-#~ "turnTurns\n"
-#~ "gotoGoes to a given position\n"
-#~ "motorDirect motor control\n"
-#~ "jetDirect jet engine control\n"
-#~ "messageDisplays a message\n"
-#~ "retobjectReturns an object from a function\n"
-#~ "errmodeError treatement control\n"
-#~ "abstimeReturns the absolute time\n"
-#~ "pendownStarts drawing\n"
-#~ "penupStops drawing\n"
-#~ "pencolorChanges the pen color\n"
-#~ "penwidthChanges the pen width\n"
-#~ "canresearchChecks if a technology can be researched\n"
-#~ "researchedChecks if a technology is researched"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "spaceCalculates a free space\n"
-#~ "flatspaceCalculates a free, flat space\n"
-#~ "topoReturns the altitude of a point\n"
-#~ "flatgroundReturns radius of a flat area"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "spaceCalculates a free space\n"
-#~ "topoReturns the altitude of a point\n"
-#~ "flatgroundReturns radius of a flat area"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "spaceFindet eine leere Fläche\n"
-#~ "topoHöhe einer Position\n"
-#~ "flatgroundRadius eine flachen Fläche"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "radarObject detection\n"
-#~ "directionCalculates a rotation angle\n"
-#~ "distanceCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "distance2dCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "waitWaits\n"
-#~ "moveMoves forward or backward\n"
-#~ "turnTurns\n"
-#~ "gotoGoes to a given position\n"
-#~ "motorDirect motor control\n"
-#~ "jetDirect jet engine control\n"
-#~ "messageDisplays a message\n"
-#~ "retobjectReturns an object from a function\n"
-#~ "errmodeError treatement control\n"
-#~ "abstimeReturns the absolute time\n"
-#~ "pendownStarts drawing\n"
-#~ "penupStops drawing\n"
-#~ "pencolorChanges the pen color\n"
-#~ "penwidthChanges the pen width\n"
-#~ "canresearchChecks if a technology can be researched\n"
-#~ "researchedChecks if a technology is researched"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "radarObject detection\n"
-#~ "directionCalculates a rotation angle\n"
-#~ "distanceCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "distance2dCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "waitWaits\n"
-#~ "moveMoves forward or backward\n"
-#~ "turnTurns\n"
-#~ "gotoGoes to a given position\n"
-#~ "motorDirect motor control\n"
-#~ "jetDirect jet engine control\n"
-#~ "messageDisplays a message\n"
-#~ "retobjectReturns an object from a function\n"
-#~ "errmodeError treatement control\n"
-#~ "abstimeReturns the absolute time\n"
-#~ "pendownStarts drawing\n"
-#~ "penupStops drawing\n"
-#~ "pencolorChanges the pen color\n"
-#~ "penwidthChanges the pen width"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "radarObject detection\n"
-#~ "directionCalculates a rotation angle\n"
-#~ "distanceCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "distance2dCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "waitWaits\n"
-#~ "moveMoves forward or backward\n"
-#~ "turnTurns\n"
-#~ "gotoGoes to a given position\n"
-#~ "motorDirect motor control\n"
-#~ "jetDirect jet engine control\n"
-#~ "messageDisplays a message\n"
-#~ "retobjectReturns an object from a function\n"
-#~ "errmodeError treatement control\n"
-#~ "abstimeReturns the absolute time\n"
-#~ "pendownStarts drawing\n"
-#~ "penupStops drawing\n"
-#~ "pencolorChanges the pen color\n"
-#~ "penwidthChanges the pen width"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "radarObject detection\n"
-#~ "directionCalculates a rotation angle\n"
-#~ "distanceCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "distance2dCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "waitWaits\n"
-#~ "moveMoves forward or backward\n"
-#~ "turnTurns\n"
-#~ "gotoGoes to a given position\n"
-#~ "motorDirect motor control\n"
-#~ "jetDirect jet engine control\n"
-#~ "messageDisplays a message\n"
-#~ "retobjectReturns an object from a function\n"
-#~ "errmodeError treatement control\n"
-#~ "abstimeReturns the absolute time"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "radarSucht ein Objekt einer bestimmten Kategorie\n"
-#~ "directionBerechnet einen Rotationswinkel\n"
-#~ "distanceBerechnet die Distanz zwischen zwei Objekten\n"
-#~ "distance2dBerechnet eine Distanz ohne Höhenunterschied\n"
-#~ "waitWartet\n"
-#~ "moveGeradlinige Bewegung vorwärts/rückwärts\n"
-#~ "turnDrehung auf der Stelle\n"
-#~ "gotoGeht zu einer angegebenen Position\n"
-#~ "motorDirekte Kontrolle der Motoren\n"
-#~ "jetDirekte Kontrolle des Jets\n"
-#~ "messageZeigt eine Meldung an\n"
-#~ "retobjectBescheibung eines Objekts\n"
-#~ "errmodeEinstellen der Verarbeitung von Fehlermeldungen\n"
-#~ "abstimeVerflossene Zeit"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "factoryStarts construction of a bot\n"
-#~ "researchStarts a research\n"
-#~ "takeoffTakes off a spaceship\n"
-#~ "busyChecks if object is busy"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Specific instructions for objects:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "factoryStarts construction of a bot\n"
-#~ "researchStarts a research\n"
-#~ "takeoffTakes off a SpaceShip\n"
-#~ "busyChecks if object is busy"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "factoryStarts construction of a bot\n"
-#~ "researchStarts a research\n"
-#~ "takeoffTakes off a SpaceShip\n"
-#~ "busyChecks if object is busy"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "randReturns a random value\n"
-#~ "powReturns a power\n"
-#~ "sqrtReturns a square root\n"
-#~ "floorReturns the largest previous integer\n"
-#~ "ceilReturns the smallest following integer\n"
-#~ "roundReturns a rounded number\n"
-#~ "truncReturns a truncated number\n"
-#~ "sinReturns a sine\n"
-#~ "cosReturns a cosine\n"
-#~ "tanReturns a tangent\n"
-#~ "asinReturns an arcus sine\n"
-#~ "acosReturns an arcus cosine\n"
-#~ "atanReturns an arcus tangent\n"
-#~ "atan2Returns an arcus tangent, has two arguments"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "randReturns a random value\n"
-#~ "powReturns a power\n"
-#~ "sqrtReturns a square root\n"
-#~ "sinReturns a sine\n"
-#~ "cosReturns a cosine\n"
-#~ "tanReturns a tangent\n"
-#~ "asinReturns an arcus sine\n"
-#~ "acosReturns an arcus cosine\n"
-#~ "atanReturns an arcus tangent"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "grabPicks up an object\n"
-#~ "dropPuts down an object\n"
-#~ "sniffSounds the subsoil\n"
-#~ "thumpOverturns alien insects\n"
-#~ "recycleRecycles a derelict bot\n"
-#~ "shieldExtends or withdraws the shield\n"
-#~ "fireFires the cannon\n"
-#~ "aimRotates the cannon\n"
-#~ "buildBuilds a building"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "randReturns a random value\n"
-#~ "powReturns a power\n"
-#~ "sqrtReturns a square root\n"
-#~ "sinReturns a sine\n"
-#~ "cosReturns a cosine\n"
-#~ "tanReturns a tangent\n"
-#~ "asinReturns an arcus sine\n"
-#~ "acosReturns an arcus cosine\n"
-#~ "atanReturns an arcus tangent"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "grabPicks up an object\n"
-#~ "dropPuts down an object\n"
-#~ "sniffSounds the subsoil\n"
-#~ "thumpOverturns alien insects\n"
-#~ "recycleRecycles a derelict bot\n"
-#~ "shieldExtends or withdraws the shield\n"
-#~ "fireFires the cannon\n"
-#~ "aimVertical angle of the cannon\n"
-#~ "buildBuilds a building"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "grabPicks up an object\n"
-#~ "dropPuts down an object\n"
-#~ "sniffSounds the subsoil\n"
-#~ "thumpOverturns alien insects\n"
-#~ "recycleRecycles a derelict bot\n"
-#~ "shieldExtends or withdraws the shield\n"
-#~ "fireFires the cannon\n"
-#~ "aimVertical angle of the cannon\n"
-#~ "buildBuilds a building"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "grabPicks up an object\n"
-#~ "dropPuts down an object\n"
-#~ "sniffSounds the subsoil\n"
-#~ "thumpOverturns alien insects\n"
-#~ "recycleRecycles a derelict bot\n"
-#~ "shieldExtends or withdraws the shield\n"
-#~ "fireFires the cannon\n"
-#~ "aimVertical angle of the cannon"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "grabErgreift einen Gegenstand\n"
-#~ "dropLegt einen Gegenstand nieder\n"
-#~ "fireFeuert die Kanone ab\n"
-#~ "aimSenkrechte Aussrichtung der Kanone\n"
-#~ "sniffSondiert den Untergrund\n"
-#~ "thumpStampfen\n"
-#~ "recycleWiederverwertung eines Wracks\n"
-#~ "shieldSteuerung des Schutzschildes"
diff --git a/help/generic/po/fr.po b/help/generic/po/fr.po
index 6dd4ecb4..afefee3b 100644
--- a/help/generic/po/fr.po
+++ b/help/generic/po/fr.po
@@ -756,363 +756,3 @@ msgid ""
"returnExit from a function\n"
"sizeofSize of an array"
msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "externIndicate the main function\n"
-#~ "ifChoice structure\n"
-#~ "elseAlternative choice structure\n"
-#~ "switchMultiple choice structure\n"
-#~ "caseOne choice\n"
-#~ "defaultDefault choice\n"
-#~ "forLoop structure\n"
-#~ "whileControl structure\n"
-#~ "doControl structure\n"
-#~ "breakExit from a loop\n"
-#~ "continueContinues the loop\n"
-#~ "returnExit from a function\n"
-#~ "sizeofSize of an array"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "externIndicate the main function\n"
-#~ "ifChoice structure\n"
-#~ "elseAlternative choice structure\n"
-#~ "switchMultiple choice structure\n"
-#~ "caseOne choice\n"
-#~ "defaultDefault choice\n"
-#~ "forLoop structure\n"
-#~ "whileControl structure\n"
-#~ "doControl structure\n"
-#~ "breakExit from a loop\n"
-#~ "continueContinues the loop\n"
-#~ "returnExit from a function\n"
-#~ "sizeofSize of an array"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "externIndicate the main function\n"
-#~ "ifChoice structure\n"
-#~ "elseAlternative choice structure\n"
-#~ "forLoop structure\n"
-#~ "whileControl structure\n"
-#~ "doControl structure\n"
-#~ "breakExit from a loop\n"
-#~ "continueContinues the loop\n"
-#~ "returnExit from a function\n"
-#~ "sizeofSize of an array"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "externIndique le programme principal\n"
-#~ "ifStructure de choix\n"
-#~ "elseStructure de choix\n"
-#~ "repeatStructure de répétition\n"
-#~ "forStructure de répétition\n"
-#~ "whileStucture de contrôle\n"
-#~ "doStucture de contrôle\n"
-#~ "breakSortie d'un boucle\n"
-#~ "continueContinue une boucle\n"
-#~ "returnSort d'une fonction\n"
-#~ "sizeofTaille d'un tableau"
-#~ msgid "There is much more options (as there should be in an strategy game), but this is the basis. Read documentation, play the game and think creatively to come up with new ideas. Good luck and have fun!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "With the new functions provided in the Gold Edition, you can create a fully automatised base, which does not need any influence from human. All of them are described in the updated CBOT documentation."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "1. Find a Titanium.\n"
-#~ "2. Build a Converter.\n"
-#~ "3. Find a TitaniumOre.\n"
-#~ "4. Place it in the converter. Move back and wait until the converter is done.\n"
-#~ "5. Use or move somewhere your new Titanium.\n"
-#~ "Repeat steps 3-5 in order to keep your production going."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "1. Build an ResearcheCenter.\n"
-#~ "2. Power it with a PowerCell.\n"
-#~ "3. Request a research and wait until the research center is done."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "1. Build a BotFactory.\n"
-#~ "2. Place a Titanium inside and move back.\n"
-#~ "3. Request a construction of a robot and wait until the bot factory is done.\n"
-#~ "4. Power the robot with a PowerCell."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "1. Build a PowerPlant.\n"
-#~ "2. Place a Titanium in it and wait until the power plant is done."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "productionline1.png"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "test\n"
-#~ "//test2"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "test\n"
-#~ "test2"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "test"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "radarObject detection\n"
-#~ "directionCalculates a rotation angle\n"
-#~ "distanceCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "distance2dCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "waitWaits\n"
-#~ "moveMoves forward or backward\n"
-#~ "turnTurns\n"
-#~ "gotoGoes to a given position\n"
-#~ "motorDirect motor control\n"
-#~ "jetDirect jet engine control\n"
-#~ "messageDisplays a message\n"
-#~ "retobjectReturns an object from a function\n"
-#~ "errmodeError treatement control\n"
-#~ "abstimeReturns the absolute time\n"
-#~ "pendownStarts drawing\n"
-#~ "penupStops drawing\n"
-#~ "pencolorChanges the pen color\n"
-#~ "penwidthChanges the pen width\n"
-#~ "canresearchChecks if a technology can be researched\n"
-#~ "researchedChecks if a technology is researched"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "spaceCalculates a free space\n"
-#~ "flatspaceCalculates a free, flat space\n"
-#~ "topoReturns the altitude of a point\n"
-#~ "flatgroundReturns radius of a flat area"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "spaceCalculates a free space\n"
-#~ "topoReturns the altitude of a point\n"
-#~ "flatgroundReturns radius of a flat area"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "spaceCalcule une position libre\n"
-#~ "topoRetourne l'élévation d'un point\n"
-#~ "flatgroundRetourne le rayon d'une zone plate"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "radarObject detection\n"
-#~ "directionCalculates a rotation angle\n"
-#~ "distanceCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "distance2dCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "waitWaits\n"
-#~ "moveMoves forward or backward\n"
-#~ "turnTurns\n"
-#~ "gotoGoes to a given position\n"
-#~ "motorDirect motor control\n"
-#~ "jetDirect jet engine control\n"
-#~ "messageDisplays a message\n"
-#~ "retobjectReturns an object from a function\n"
-#~ "errmodeError treatement control\n"
-#~ "abstimeReturns the absolute time\n"
-#~ "pendownStarts drawing\n"
-#~ "penupStops drawing\n"
-#~ "pencolorChanges the pen color\n"
-#~ "penwidthChanges the pen width\n"
-#~ "canresearchChecks if a technology can be researched\n"
-#~ "researchedChecks if a technology is researched"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "radarObject detection\n"
-#~ "directionCalculates a rotation angle\n"
-#~ "distanceCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "distance2dCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "waitWaits\n"
-#~ "moveMoves forward or backward\n"
-#~ "turnTurns\n"
-#~ "gotoGoes to a given position\n"
-#~ "motorDirect motor control\n"
-#~ "jetDirect jet engine control\n"
-#~ "messageDisplays a message\n"
-#~ "retobjectReturns an object from a function\n"
-#~ "errmodeError treatement control\n"
-#~ "abstimeReturns the absolute time\n"
-#~ "pendownStarts drawing\n"
-#~ "penupStops drawing\n"
-#~ "pencolorChanges the pen color\n"
-#~ "penwidthChanges the pen width"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "radarObject detection\n"
-#~ "directionCalculates a rotation angle\n"
-#~ "distanceCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "distance2dCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "waitWaits\n"
-#~ "moveMoves forward or backward\n"
-#~ "turnTurns\n"
-#~ "gotoGoes to a given position\n"
-#~ "motorDirect motor control\n"
-#~ "jetDirect jet engine control\n"
-#~ "messageDisplays a message\n"
-#~ "retobjectReturns an object from a function\n"
-#~ "errmodeError treatement control\n"
-#~ "abstimeReturns the absolute time\n"
-#~ "pendownStarts drawing\n"
-#~ "penupStops drawing\n"
-#~ "pencolorChanges the pen color\n"
-#~ "penwidthChanges the pen width"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "radarObject detection\n"
-#~ "directionCalculates a rotation angle\n"
-#~ "distanceCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "distance2dCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "waitWaits\n"
-#~ "moveMoves forward or backward\n"
-#~ "turnTurns\n"
-#~ "gotoGoes to a given position\n"
-#~ "motorDirect motor control\n"
-#~ "jetDirect jet engine control\n"
-#~ "messageDisplays a message\n"
-#~ "retobjectReturns an object from a function\n"
-#~ "errmodeError treatement control\n"
-#~ "abstimeReturns the absolute time"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "radarDétection généralisée d'objets\n"
-#~ "directionCalcule une direction\n"
-#~ "distanceCalcule une distance\n"
-#~ "distance2dCalcule une distance \"à plat\"\n"
-#~ "waitAttend\n"
-#~ "moveAvance ou recule\n"
-#~ "turnTourne\n"
-#~ "gotoVa à une position donnée\n"
-#~ "motorCommande directe des moteurs\n"
-#~ "jetCommande directe du réacteur\n"
-#~ "messageAffiche un message\n"
-#~ "retobjectRetourne un objet\n"
-#~ "errmodeMode de gestion des erreurs\n"
-#~ "abstimeRetourne le temps absolu"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "factoryStarts construction of a bot\n"
-#~ "researchStarts a research\n"
-#~ "takeoffTakes off a spaceship\n"
-#~ "busyChecks if object is busy"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Specific instructions for objects:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "factoryStarts construction of a bot\n"
-#~ "researchStarts a research\n"
-#~ "takeoffTakes off a SpaceShip\n"
-#~ "busyChecks if object is busy"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "factoryStarts construction of a bot\n"
-#~ "researchStarts a research\n"
-#~ "takeoffTakes off a SpaceShip\n"
-#~ "busyChecks if object is busy"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "randReturns a random value\n"
-#~ "powReturns a power\n"
-#~ "sqrtReturns a square root\n"
-#~ "floorReturns the largest previous integer\n"
-#~ "ceilReturns the smallest following integer\n"
-#~ "roundReturns a rounded number\n"
-#~ "truncReturns a truncated number\n"
-#~ "sinReturns a sine\n"
-#~ "cosReturns a cosine\n"
-#~ "tanReturns a tangent\n"
-#~ "asinReturns an arcus sine\n"
-#~ "acosReturns an arcus cosine\n"
-#~ "atanReturns an arcus tangent\n"
-#~ "atan2Returns an arcus tangent, has two arguments"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "randReturns a random value\n"
-#~ "powReturns a power\n"
-#~ "sqrtReturns a square root\n"
-#~ "sinReturns a sine\n"
-#~ "cosReturns a cosine\n"
-#~ "tanReturns a tangent\n"
-#~ "asinReturns an arcus sine\n"
-#~ "acosReturns an arcus cosine\n"
-#~ "atanReturns an arcus tangent"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "grabPicks up an object\n"
-#~ "dropPuts down an object\n"
-#~ "sniffSounds the subsoil\n"
-#~ "thumpOverturns alien insects\n"
-#~ "recycleRecycles a derelict bot\n"
-#~ "shieldExtends or withdraws the shield\n"
-#~ "fireFires the cannon\n"
-#~ "aimRotates the cannon\n"
-#~ "buildBuilds a building"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "randReturns a random value\n"
-#~ "powReturns a power\n"
-#~ "sqrtReturns a square root\n"
-#~ "sinReturns a sine\n"
-#~ "cosReturns a cosine\n"
-#~ "tanReturns a tangent\n"
-#~ "asinReturns an arcus sine\n"
-#~ "acosReturns an arcus cosine\n"
-#~ "atanReturns an arcus tangent"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "grabPicks up an object\n"
-#~ "dropPuts down an object\n"
-#~ "sniffSounds the subsoil\n"
-#~ "thumpOverturns alien insects\n"
-#~ "recycleRecycles a derelict bot\n"
-#~ "shieldExtends or withdraws the shield\n"
-#~ "fireFires the cannon\n"
-#~ "aimVertical angle of the cannon\n"
-#~ "buildBuilds a building"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "grabPicks up an object\n"
-#~ "dropPuts down an object\n"
-#~ "sniffSounds the subsoil\n"
-#~ "thumpOverturns alien insects\n"
-#~ "recycleRecycles a derelict bot\n"
-#~ "shieldExtends or withdraws the shield\n"
-#~ "fireFires the cannon\n"
-#~ "aimVertical angle of the cannon\n"
-#~ "buildBuilds a building"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "grabPicks up an object\n"
-#~ "dropPuts down an object\n"
-#~ "sniffSounds the subsoil\n"
-#~ "thumpOverturns alien insects\n"
-#~ "recycleRecycles a derelict bot\n"
-#~ "shieldExtends or withdraws the shield\n"
-#~ "fireFires the cannon\n"
-#~ "aimVertical angle of the cannon"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "grabPrend un objet\n"
-#~ "dropDépose un objet\n"
-#~ "sniffSonde le sous-sol\n"
-#~ "thumpSecoue\n"
-#~ "recycleRecycle une épave\n"
-#~ "shieldDéploie le bouclier\n"
-#~ "fireFait feu avec le canon\n"
-#~ "aimHausse du canon"
diff --git a/help/generic/po/generic.pot b/help/generic/po/generic.pot
index ec7335e9..bfe06c77 100644
--- a/help/generic/po/generic.pot
+++ b/help/generic/po/generic.pot
@@ -696,327 +696,3 @@ msgid ""
"returnExit from a function\n"
"sizeofSize of an array"
msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "externIndicate the main function\n"
-#~ "ifChoice structure\n"
-#~ "elseAlternative choice structure\n"
-#~ "switchMultiple choice structure\n"
-#~ "caseOne choice\n"
-#~ "defaultDefault choice\n"
-#~ "forLoop structure\n"
-#~ "whileControl structure\n"
-#~ "doControl structure\n"
-#~ "breakExit from a loop\n"
-#~ "continueContinues the loop\n"
-#~ "returnExit from a function\n"
-#~ "sizeofSize of an array"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "externIndicate the main function\n"
-#~ "ifChoice structure\n"
-#~ "elseAlternative choice structure\n"
-#~ "switchMultiple choice structure\n"
-#~ "caseOne choice\n"
-#~ "defaultDefault choice\n"
-#~ "forLoop structure\n"
-#~ "whileControl structure\n"
-#~ "doControl structure\n"
-#~ "breakExit from a loop\n"
-#~ "continueContinues the loop\n"
-#~ "returnExit from a function\n"
-#~ "sizeofSize of an array"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "externIndicate the main function\n"
-#~ "ifChoice structure\n"
-#~ "elseAlternative choice structure\n"
-#~ "forLoop structure\n"
-#~ "whileControl structure\n"
-#~ "doControl structure\n"
-#~ "breakExit from a loop\n"
-#~ "continueContinues the loop\n"
-#~ "returnExit from a function\n"
-#~ "sizeofSize of an array"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "There is much more options (as there should be in an strategy game), but this is the basis. Read documentation, play the game and think creatively to come up with new ideas. Good luck and have fun!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "With the new functions provided in the Gold Edition, you can create a fully automatised base, which does not need any influence from human. All of them are described in the updated CBOT documentation."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "1. Find a Titanium.\n"
-#~ "2. Build a Converter.\n"
-#~ "3. Find a TitaniumOre.\n"
-#~ "4. Place it in the converter. Move back and wait until the converter is done.\n"
-#~ "5. Use or move somewhere your new Titanium.\n"
-#~ "Repeat steps 3-5 in order to keep your production going."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "1. Build an ResearcheCenter.\n"
-#~ "2. Power it with a PowerCell.\n"
-#~ "3. Request a research and wait until the research center is done."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "1. Build a BotFactory.\n"
-#~ "2. Place a Titanium inside and move back.\n"
-#~ "3. Request a construction of a robot and wait until the bot factory is done.\n"
-#~ "4. Power the robot with a PowerCell."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "1. Build a PowerPlant.\n"
-#~ "2. Place a Titanium in it and wait until the power plant is done."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "productionline1.png"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "test\n"
-#~ "//test2"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "test\n"
-#~ "test2"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "test"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "radarObject detection\n"
-#~ "directionCalculates a rotation angle\n"
-#~ "distanceCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "distance2dCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "waitWaits\n"
-#~ "moveMoves forward or backward\n"
-#~ "turnTurns\n"
-#~ "gotoGoes to a given position\n"
-#~ "motorDirect motor control\n"
-#~ "jetDirect jet engine control\n"
-#~ "messageDisplays a message\n"
-#~ "retobjectReturns an object from a function\n"
-#~ "errmodeError treatement control\n"
-#~ "abstimeReturns the absolute time\n"
-#~ "pendownStarts drawing\n"
-#~ "penupStops drawing\n"
-#~ "pencolorChanges the pen color\n"
-#~ "penwidthChanges the pen width\n"
-#~ "canresearchChecks if a technology can be researched\n"
-#~ "researchedChecks if a technology is researched"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "spaceCalculates a free space\n"
-#~ "flatspaceCalculates a free, flat space\n"
-#~ "topoReturns the altitude of a point\n"
-#~ "flatgroundReturns radius of a flat area"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "spaceCalculates a free space\n"
-#~ "topoReturns the altitude of a point\n"
-#~ "flatgroundReturns radius of a flat area"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "radarObject detection\n"
-#~ "directionCalculates a rotation angle\n"
-#~ "distanceCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "distance2dCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "waitWaits\n"
-#~ "moveMoves forward or backward\n"
-#~ "turnTurns\n"
-#~ "gotoGoes to a given position\n"
-#~ "motorDirect motor control\n"
-#~ "jetDirect jet engine control\n"
-#~ "messageDisplays a message\n"
-#~ "retobjectReturns an object from a function\n"
-#~ "errmodeError treatement control\n"
-#~ "abstimeReturns the absolute time\n"
-#~ "pendownStarts drawing\n"
-#~ "penupStops drawing\n"
-#~ "pencolorChanges the pen color\n"
-#~ "penwidthChanges the pen width\n"
-#~ "canresearchChecks if a technology can be researched\n"
-#~ "researchedChecks if a technology is researched"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "radarObject detection\n"
-#~ "directionCalculates a rotation angle\n"
-#~ "distanceCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "distance2dCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "waitWaits\n"
-#~ "moveMoves forward or backward\n"
-#~ "turnTurns\n"
-#~ "gotoGoes to a given position\n"
-#~ "motorDirect motor control\n"
-#~ "jetDirect jet engine control\n"
-#~ "messageDisplays a message\n"
-#~ "retobjectReturns an object from a function\n"
-#~ "errmodeError treatement control\n"
-#~ "abstimeReturns the absolute time\n"
-#~ "pendownStarts drawing\n"
-#~ "penupStops drawing\n"
-#~ "pencolorChanges the pen color\n"
-#~ "penwidthChanges the pen width"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "radarObject detection\n"
-#~ "directionCalculates a rotation angle\n"
-#~ "distanceCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "distance2dCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "waitWaits\n"
-#~ "moveMoves forward or backward\n"
-#~ "turnTurns\n"
-#~ "gotoGoes to a given position\n"
-#~ "motorDirect motor control\n"
-#~ "jetDirect jet engine control\n"
-#~ "messageDisplays a message\n"
-#~ "retobjectReturns an object from a function\n"
-#~ "errmodeError treatement control\n"
-#~ "abstimeReturns the absolute time\n"
-#~ "pendownStarts drawing\n"
-#~ "penupStops drawing\n"
-#~ "pencolorChanges the pen color\n"
-#~ "penwidthChanges the pen width"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "radarObject detection\n"
-#~ "directionCalculates a rotation angle\n"
-#~ "distanceCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "distance2dCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "waitWaits\n"
-#~ "moveMoves forward or backward\n"
-#~ "turnTurns\n"
-#~ "gotoGoes to a given position\n"
-#~ "motorDirect motor control\n"
-#~ "jetDirect jet engine control\n"
-#~ "messageDisplays a message\n"
-#~ "retobjectReturns an object from a function\n"
-#~ "errmodeError treatement control\n"
-#~ "abstimeReturns the absolute time"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "factoryStarts construction of a bot\n"
-#~ "researchStarts a research\n"
-#~ "takeoffTakes off a spaceship\n"
-#~ "busyChecks if object is busy"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Specific instructions for objects:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "factoryStarts construction of a bot\n"
-#~ "researchStarts a research\n"
-#~ "takeoffTakes off a SpaceShip\n"
-#~ "busyChecks if object is busy"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "factoryStarts construction of a bot\n"
-#~ "researchStarts a research\n"
-#~ "takeoffTakes off a SpaceShip\n"
-#~ "busyChecks if object is busy"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "randReturns a random value\n"
-#~ "powReturns a power\n"
-#~ "sqrtReturns a square root\n"
-#~ "floorReturns the largest previous integer\n"
-#~ "ceilReturns the smallest following integer\n"
-#~ "roundReturns a rounded number\n"
-#~ "truncReturns a truncated number\n"
-#~ "sinReturns a sine\n"
-#~ "cosReturns a cosine\n"
-#~ "tanReturns a tangent\n"
-#~ "asinReturns an arcus sine\n"
-#~ "acosReturns an arcus cosine\n"
-#~ "atanReturns an arcus tangent\n"
-#~ "atan2Returns an arcus tangent, has two arguments"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "randReturns a random value\n"
-#~ "powReturns a power\n"
-#~ "sqrtReturns a square root\n"
-#~ "sinReturns a sine\n"
-#~ "cosReturns a cosine\n"
-#~ "tanReturns a tangent\n"
-#~ "asinReturns an arcus sine\n"
-#~ "acosReturns an arcus cosine\n"
-#~ "atanReturns an arcus tangent"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "grabPicks up an object\n"
-#~ "dropPuts down an object\n"
-#~ "sniffSounds the subsoil\n"
-#~ "thumpOverturns alien insects\n"
-#~ "recycleRecycles a derelict bot\n"
-#~ "shieldExtends or withdraws the shield\n"
-#~ "fireFires the cannon\n"
-#~ "aimRotates the cannon\n"
-#~ "buildBuilds a building"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "randReturns a random value\n"
-#~ "powReturns a power\n"
-#~ "sqrtReturns a square root\n"
-#~ "sinReturns a sine\n"
-#~ "cosReturns a cosine\n"
-#~ "tanReturns a tangent\n"
-#~ "asinReturns an arcus sine\n"
-#~ "acosReturns an arcus cosine\n"
-#~ "atanReturns an arcus tangent"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "grabPicks up an object\n"
-#~ "dropPuts down an object\n"
-#~ "sniffSounds the subsoil\n"
-#~ "thumpOverturns alien insects\n"
-#~ "recycleRecycles a derelict bot\n"
-#~ "shieldExtends or withdraws the shield\n"
-#~ "fireFires the cannon\n"
-#~ "aimVertical angle of the cannon\n"
-#~ "buildBuilds a building"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "grabPicks up an object\n"
-#~ "dropPuts down an object\n"
-#~ "sniffSounds the subsoil\n"
-#~ "thumpOverturns alien insects\n"
-#~ "recycleRecycles a derelict bot\n"
-#~ "shieldExtends or withdraws the shield\n"
-#~ "fireFires the cannon\n"
-#~ "aimVertical angle of the cannon\n"
-#~ "buildBuilds a building"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "grabPicks up an object\n"
-#~ "dropPuts down an object\n"
-#~ "sniffSounds the subsoil\n"
-#~ "thumpOverturns alien insects\n"
-#~ "recycleRecycles a derelict bot\n"
-#~ "shieldExtends or withdraws the shield\n"
-#~ "fireFires the cannon\n"
-#~ "aimVertical angle of the cannon"
-#~ msgstr ""
diff --git a/help/generic/po/pl.po b/help/generic/po/pl.po
index 3b23115b..17705439 100644
--- a/help/generic/po/pl.po
+++ b/help/generic/po/pl.po
@@ -763,362 +763,3 @@ msgid ""
"returnExit from a function\n"
"sizeofSize of an array"
msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "externIndicate the main function\n"
-#~ "ifChoice structure\n"
-#~ "elseAlternative choice structure\n"
-#~ "switchMultiple choice structure\n"
-#~ "caseOne choice\n"
-#~ "defaultDefault choice\n"
-#~ "forLoop structure\n"
-#~ "whileControl structure\n"
-#~ "doControl structure\n"
-#~ "breakExit from a loop\n"
-#~ "continueContinues the loop\n"
-#~ "returnExit from a function\n"
-#~ "sizeofSize of an array"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "externIndicate the main function\n"
-#~ "ifChoice structure\n"
-#~ "elseAlternative choice structure\n"
-#~ "switchMultiple choice structure\n"
-#~ "caseOne choice\n"
-#~ "defaultDefault choice\n"
-#~ "forLoop structure\n"
-#~ "whileControl structure\n"
-#~ "doControl structure\n"
-#~ "breakExit from a loop\n"
-#~ "continueContinues the loop\n"
-#~ "returnExit from a function\n"
-#~ "sizeofSize of an array"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "externIndicate the main function\n"
-#~ "ifChoice structure\n"
-#~ "elseAlternative choice structure\n"
-#~ "forLoop structure\n"
-#~ "whileControl structure\n"
-#~ "doControl structure\n"
-#~ "breakExit from a loop\n"
-#~ "continueContinues the loop\n"
-#~ "returnExit from a function\n"
-#~ "sizeofSize of an array"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "externOznacza główną funkcję\n"
-#~ "ifStruktura wyboru\n"
-#~ "elseStruktura wyboru alternatywy\n"
-#~ "forStruktura pętli\n"
-#~ "whileStruktura kontroli\n"
-#~ "doStruktura kontroli\n"
-#~ "breakWychodzi z pętli\n"
-#~ "continueKontynuuje pętlę\n"
-#~ "returnWychodzi z funkcji\n"
-#~ "sizeofRozmiar tablicy"
-#~ msgid "There is much more options (as there should be in an strategy game), but this is the basis. Read documentation, play the game and think creatively to come up with new ideas. Good luck and have fun!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "With the new functions provided in the Gold Edition, you can create a fully automatised base, which does not need any influence from human. All of them are described in the updated CBOT documentation."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "1. Find a Titanium.\n"
-#~ "2. Build a Converter.\n"
-#~ "3. Find a TitaniumOre.\n"
-#~ "4. Place it in the converter. Move back and wait until the converter is done.\n"
-#~ "5. Use or move somewhere your new Titanium.\n"
-#~ "Repeat steps 3-5 in order to keep your production going."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "1. Build an ResearcheCenter.\n"
-#~ "2. Power it with a PowerCell.\n"
-#~ "3. Request a research and wait until the research center is done."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "1. Build a BotFactory.\n"
-#~ "2. Place a Titanium inside and move back.\n"
-#~ "3. Request a construction of a robot and wait until the bot factory is done.\n"
-#~ "4. Power the robot with a PowerCell."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "1. Build a PowerPlant.\n"
-#~ "2. Place a Titanium in it and wait until the power plant is done."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "productionline1.png"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "test\n"
-#~ "//test2"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "test\n"
-#~ "test2"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "test"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "radarObject detection\n"
-#~ "directionCalculates a rotation angle\n"
-#~ "distanceCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "distance2dCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "waitWaits\n"
-#~ "moveMoves forward or backward\n"
-#~ "turnTurns\n"
-#~ "gotoGoes to a given position\n"
-#~ "motorDirect motor control\n"
-#~ "jetDirect jet engine control\n"
-#~ "messageDisplays a message\n"
-#~ "retobjectReturns an object from a function\n"
-#~ "errmodeError treatement control\n"
-#~ "abstimeReturns the absolute time\n"
-#~ "pendownStarts drawing\n"
-#~ "penupStops drawing\n"
-#~ "pencolorChanges the pen color\n"
-#~ "penwidthChanges the pen width\n"
-#~ "canresearchChecks if a technology can be researched\n"
-#~ "researchedChecks if a technology is researched"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "spaceCalculates a free space\n"
-#~ "flatspaceCalculates a free, flat space\n"
-#~ "topoReturns the altitude of a point\n"
-#~ "flatgroundReturns radius of a flat area"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "spaceCalculates a free space\n"
-#~ "topoReturns the altitude of a point\n"
-#~ "flatgroundReturns radius of a flat area"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "spaceZnajduje wolne miejsce\n"
-#~ "topoZwraca wysokość punktu\n"
-#~ "flatgroundZwraca promień płaskiego obszaru"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "radarObject detection\n"
-#~ "directionCalculates a rotation angle\n"
-#~ "distanceCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "distance2dCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "waitWaits\n"
-#~ "moveMoves forward or backward\n"
-#~ "turnTurns\n"
-#~ "gotoGoes to a given position\n"
-#~ "motorDirect motor control\n"
-#~ "jetDirect jet engine control\n"
-#~ "messageDisplays a message\n"
-#~ "retobjectReturns an object from a function\n"
-#~ "errmodeError treatement control\n"
-#~ "abstimeReturns the absolute time\n"
-#~ "pendownStarts drawing\n"
-#~ "penupStops drawing\n"
-#~ "pencolorChanges the pen color\n"
-#~ "penwidthChanges the pen width\n"
-#~ "canresearchChecks if a technology can be researched\n"
-#~ "researchedChecks if a technology is researched"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "radarObject detection\n"
-#~ "directionCalculates a rotation angle\n"
-#~ "distanceCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "distance2dCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "waitWaits\n"
-#~ "moveMoves forward or backward\n"
-#~ "turnTurns\n"
-#~ "gotoGoes to a given position\n"
-#~ "motorDirect motor control\n"
-#~ "jetDirect jet engine control\n"
-#~ "messageDisplays a message\n"
-#~ "retobjectReturns an object from a function\n"
-#~ "errmodeError treatement control\n"
-#~ "abstimeReturns the absolute time\n"
-#~ "pendownStarts drawing\n"
-#~ "penupStops drawing\n"
-#~ "pencolorChanges the pen color\n"
-#~ "penwidthChanges the pen width"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "radarObject detection\n"
-#~ "directionCalculates a rotation angle\n"
-#~ "distanceCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "distance2dCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "waitWaits\n"
-#~ "moveMoves forward or backward\n"
-#~ "turnTurns\n"
-#~ "gotoGoes to a given position\n"
-#~ "motorDirect motor control\n"
-#~ "jetDirect jet engine control\n"
-#~ "messageDisplays a message\n"
-#~ "retobjectReturns an object from a function\n"
-#~ "errmodeError treatement control\n"
-#~ "abstimeReturns the absolute time\n"
-#~ "pendownStarts drawing\n"
-#~ "penupStops drawing\n"
-#~ "pencolorChanges the pen color\n"
-#~ "penwidthChanges the pen width"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "radarObject detection\n"
-#~ "directionCalculates a rotation angle\n"
-#~ "distanceCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "distance2dCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "waitWaits\n"
-#~ "moveMoves forward or backward\n"
-#~ "turnTurns\n"
-#~ "gotoGoes to a given position\n"
-#~ "motorDirect motor control\n"
-#~ "jetDirect jet engine control\n"
-#~ "messageDisplays a message\n"
-#~ "retobjectReturns an object from a function\n"
-#~ "errmodeError treatement control\n"
-#~ "abstimeReturns the absolute time"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "radarWykrywa obiekty\n"
-#~ "directionOblicza kąt obrotu\n"
-#~ "distanceOblicza odległość\n"
-#~ "distance2dOblicza odległość\n"
-#~ "waitCzeka\n"
-#~ "movePrzesuwa naprzód lub wstecz\n"
-#~ "turnObraca\n"
-#~ "gotoPrzemieszcza się do zadanej pozycji\n"
-#~ "motorBezpośrednia kontrola nad silnikiem\n"
-#~ "jetBezpośrednia kontrola nad odrzutem\n"
-#~ "messageWyświetla komunikat\n"
-#~ "retobjectZwraca obiekt z funkcji\n"
-#~ "errmodeSposób traktowania błędów\n"
-#~ "abstimeZwraca czas absolutny"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "factoryStarts construction of a bot\n"
-#~ "researchStarts a research\n"
-#~ "takeoffTakes off a spaceship\n"
-#~ "busyChecks if object is busy"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Specific instructions for objects:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "factoryStarts construction of a bot\n"
-#~ "researchStarts a research\n"
-#~ "takeoffTakes off a SpaceShip\n"
-#~ "busyChecks if object is busy"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "factoryStarts construction of a bot\n"
-#~ "researchStarts a research\n"
-#~ "takeoffTakes off a SpaceShip\n"
-#~ "busyChecks if object is busy"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "randReturns a random value\n"
-#~ "powReturns a power\n"
-#~ "sqrtReturns a square root\n"
-#~ "floorReturns the largest previous integer\n"
-#~ "ceilReturns the smallest following integer\n"
-#~ "roundReturns a rounded number\n"
-#~ "truncReturns a truncated number\n"
-#~ "sinReturns a sine\n"
-#~ "cosReturns a cosine\n"
-#~ "tanReturns a tangent\n"
-#~ "asinReturns an arcus sine\n"
-#~ "acosReturns an arcus cosine\n"
-#~ "atanReturns an arcus tangent\n"
-#~ "atan2Returns an arcus tangent, has two arguments"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "randReturns a random value\n"
-#~ "powReturns a power\n"
-#~ "sqrtReturns a square root\n"
-#~ "sinReturns a sine\n"
-#~ "cosReturns a cosine\n"
-#~ "tanReturns a tangent\n"
-#~ "asinReturns an arcus sine\n"
-#~ "acosReturns an arcus cosine\n"
-#~ "atanReturns an arcus tangent"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "grabPicks up an object\n"
-#~ "dropPuts down an object\n"
-#~ "sniffSounds the subsoil\n"
-#~ "thumpOverturns alien insects\n"
-#~ "recycleRecycles a derelict bot\n"
-#~ "shieldExtends or withdraws the shield\n"
-#~ "fireFires the cannon\n"
-#~ "aimRotates the cannon\n"
-#~ "buildBuilds a building"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "randReturns a random value\n"
-#~ "powReturns a power\n"
-#~ "sqrtReturns a square root\n"
-#~ "sinReturns a sine\n"
-#~ "cosReturns a cosine\n"
-#~ "tanReturns a tangent\n"
-#~ "asinReturns an arcus sine\n"
-#~ "acosReturns an arcus cosine\n"
-#~ "atanReturns an arcus tangent"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "grabPicks up an object\n"
-#~ "dropPuts down an object\n"
-#~ "sniffSounds the subsoil\n"
-#~ "thumpOverturns alien insects\n"
-#~ "recycleRecycles a derelict bot\n"
-#~ "shieldExtends or withdraws the shield\n"
-#~ "fireFires the cannon\n"
-#~ "aimVertical angle of the cannon\n"
-#~ "buildBuilds a building"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "grabPicks up an object\n"
-#~ "dropPuts down an object\n"
-#~ "sniffSounds the subsoil\n"
-#~ "thumpOverturns alien insects\n"
-#~ "recycleRecycles a derelict bot\n"
-#~ "shieldExtends or withdraws the shield\n"
-#~ "fireFires the cannon\n"
-#~ "aimVertical angle of the cannon\n"
-#~ "buildBuilds a building"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "grabPicks up an object\n"
-#~ "dropPuts down an object\n"
-#~ "sniffSounds the subsoil\n"
-#~ "thumpOverturns alien insects\n"
-#~ "recycleRecycles a derelict bot\n"
-#~ "shieldExtends or withdraws the shield\n"
-#~ "fireFires the cannon\n"
-#~ "aimVertical angle of the cannon"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "grabPodnosi przedmiot\n"
-#~ "dropUpuszcza przedmiot\n"
-#~ "sniffNasłuchuje podglebie\n"
-#~ "thumpPrzewraca obce organizmy\n"
-#~ "recycleOdzyskuje tytan z pozostałości robota\n"
-#~ "shieldRozszerza lub wyłącza osłonę\n"
-#~ "fireStrzela z działa\n"
-#~ "aimUstawia kąt lufy w pionie"
diff --git a/help/generic/po/ru.po b/help/generic/po/ru.po
index 798a0a2a..95c61e3e 100644
--- a/help/generic/po/ru.po
+++ b/help/generic/po/ru.po
@@ -734,327 +734,3 @@ msgid ""
"returnExit from a function\n"
"sizeofSize of an array"
msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "externIndicate the main function\n"
-#~ "ifChoice structure\n"
-#~ "elseAlternative choice structure\n"
-#~ "switchMultiple choice structure\n"
-#~ "caseOne choice\n"
-#~ "defaultDefault choice\n"
-#~ "forLoop structure\n"
-#~ "whileControl structure\n"
-#~ "doControl structure\n"
-#~ "breakExit from a loop\n"
-#~ "continueContinues the loop\n"
-#~ "returnExit from a function\n"
-#~ "sizeofSize of an array"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "externIndicate the main function\n"
-#~ "ifChoice structure\n"
-#~ "elseAlternative choice structure\n"
-#~ "switchMultiple choice structure\n"
-#~ "caseOne choice\n"
-#~ "defaultDefault choice\n"
-#~ "forLoop structure\n"
-#~ "whileControl structure\n"
-#~ "doControl structure\n"
-#~ "breakExit from a loop\n"
-#~ "continueContinues the loop\n"
-#~ "returnExit from a function\n"
-#~ "sizeofSize of an array"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "externIndicate the main function\n"
-#~ "ifChoice structure\n"
-#~ "elseAlternative choice structure\n"
-#~ "forLoop structure\n"
-#~ "whileControl structure\n"
-#~ "doControl structure\n"
-#~ "breakExit from a loop\n"
-#~ "continueContinues the loop\n"
-#~ "returnExit from a function\n"
-#~ "sizeofSize of an array"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "There is much more options (as there should be in an strategy game), but this is the basis. Read documentation, play the game and think creatively to come up with new ideas. Good luck and have fun!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "With the new functions provided in the Gold Edition, you can create a fully automatised base, which does not need any influence from human. All of them are described in the updated CBOT documentation."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "1. Find a Titanium.\n"
-#~ "2. Build a Converter.\n"
-#~ "3. Find a TitaniumOre.\n"
-#~ "4. Place it in the converter. Move back and wait until the converter is done.\n"
-#~ "5. Use or move somewhere your new Titanium.\n"
-#~ "Repeat steps 3-5 in order to keep your production going."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "1. Build an ResearcheCenter.\n"
-#~ "2. Power it with a PowerCell.\n"
-#~ "3. Request a research and wait until the research center is done."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "1. Build a BotFactory.\n"
-#~ "2. Place a Titanium inside and move back.\n"
-#~ "3. Request a construction of a robot and wait until the bot factory is done.\n"
-#~ "4. Power the robot with a PowerCell."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "1. Build a PowerPlant.\n"
-#~ "2. Place a Titanium in it and wait until the power plant is done."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "productionline1.png"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "test\n"
-#~ "//test2"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "test\n"
-#~ "test2"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "test"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "radarObject detection\n"
-#~ "directionCalculates a rotation angle\n"
-#~ "distanceCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "distance2dCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "waitWaits\n"
-#~ "moveMoves forward or backward\n"
-#~ "turnTurns\n"
-#~ "gotoGoes to a given position\n"
-#~ "motorDirect motor control\n"
-#~ "jetDirect jet engine control\n"
-#~ "messageDisplays a message\n"
-#~ "retobjectReturns an object from a function\n"
-#~ "errmodeError treatement control\n"
-#~ "abstimeReturns the absolute time\n"
-#~ "pendownStarts drawing\n"
-#~ "penupStops drawing\n"
-#~ "pencolorChanges the pen color\n"
-#~ "penwidthChanges the pen width\n"
-#~ "canresearchChecks if a technology can be researched\n"
-#~ "researchedChecks if a technology is researched"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "spaceCalculates a free space\n"
-#~ "flatspaceCalculates a free, flat space\n"
-#~ "topoReturns the altitude of a point\n"
-#~ "flatgroundReturns radius of a flat area"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "spaceCalculates a free space\n"
-#~ "topoReturns the altitude of a point\n"
-#~ "flatgroundReturns radius of a flat area"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "radarObject detection\n"
-#~ "directionCalculates a rotation angle\n"
-#~ "distanceCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "distance2dCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "waitWaits\n"
-#~ "moveMoves forward or backward\n"
-#~ "turnTurns\n"
-#~ "gotoGoes to a given position\n"
-#~ "motorDirect motor control\n"
-#~ "jetDirect jet engine control\n"
-#~ "messageDisplays a message\n"
-#~ "retobjectReturns an object from a function\n"
-#~ "errmodeError treatement control\n"
-#~ "abstimeReturns the absolute time\n"
-#~ "pendownStarts drawing\n"
-#~ "penupStops drawing\n"
-#~ "pencolorChanges the pen color\n"
-#~ "penwidthChanges the pen width\n"
-#~ "canresearchChecks if a technology can be researched\n"
-#~ "researchedChecks if a technology is researched"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "radarObject detection\n"
-#~ "directionCalculates a rotation angle\n"
-#~ "distanceCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "distance2dCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "waitWaits\n"
-#~ "moveMoves forward or backward\n"
-#~ "turnTurns\n"
-#~ "gotoGoes to a given position\n"
-#~ "motorDirect motor control\n"
-#~ "jetDirect jet engine control\n"
-#~ "messageDisplays a message\n"
-#~ "retobjectReturns an object from a function\n"
-#~ "errmodeError treatement control\n"
-#~ "abstimeReturns the absolute time\n"
-#~ "pendownStarts drawing\n"
-#~ "penupStops drawing\n"
-#~ "pencolorChanges the pen color\n"
-#~ "penwidthChanges the pen width"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "radarObject detection\n"
-#~ "directionCalculates a rotation angle\n"
-#~ "distanceCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "distance2dCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "waitWaits\n"
-#~ "moveMoves forward or backward\n"
-#~ "turnTurns\n"
-#~ "gotoGoes to a given position\n"
-#~ "motorDirect motor control\n"
-#~ "jetDirect jet engine control\n"
-#~ "messageDisplays a message\n"
-#~ "retobjectReturns an object from a function\n"
-#~ "errmodeError treatement control\n"
-#~ "abstimeReturns the absolute time\n"
-#~ "pendownStarts drawing\n"
-#~ "penupStops drawing\n"
-#~ "pencolorChanges the pen color\n"
-#~ "penwidthChanges the pen width"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "radarObject detection\n"
-#~ "directionCalculates a rotation angle\n"
-#~ "distanceCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "distance2dCalculates a distance\n"
-#~ "waitWaits\n"
-#~ "moveMoves forward or backward\n"
-#~ "turnTurns\n"
-#~ "gotoGoes to a given position\n"
-#~ "motorDirect motor control\n"
-#~ "jetDirect jet engine control\n"
-#~ "messageDisplays a message\n"
-#~ "retobjectReturns an object from a function\n"
-#~ "errmodeError treatement control\n"
-#~ "abstimeReturns the absolute time"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "factoryStarts construction of a bot\n"
-#~ "researchStarts a research\n"
-#~ "takeoffTakes off a spaceship\n"
-#~ "busyChecks if object is busy"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Specific instructions for objects:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "factoryStarts construction of a bot\n"
-#~ "researchStarts a research\n"
-#~ "takeoffTakes off a SpaceShip\n"
-#~ "busyChecks if object is busy"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "factoryStarts construction of a bot\n"
-#~ "researchStarts a research\n"
-#~ "takeoffTakes off a SpaceShip\n"
-#~ "busyChecks if object is busy"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "randReturns a random value\n"
-#~ "powReturns a power\n"
-#~ "sqrtReturns a square root\n"
-#~ "floorReturns the largest previous integer\n"
-#~ "ceilReturns the smallest following integer\n"
-#~ "roundReturns a rounded number\n"
-#~ "truncReturns a truncated number\n"
-#~ "sinReturns a sine\n"
-#~ "cosReturns a cosine\n"
-#~ "tanReturns a tangent\n"
-#~ "asinReturns an arcus sine\n"
-#~ "acosReturns an arcus cosine\n"
-#~ "atanReturns an arcus tangent\n"
-#~ "atan2Returns an arcus tangent, has two arguments"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "randReturns a random value\n"
-#~ "powReturns a power\n"
-#~ "sqrtReturns a square root\n"
-#~ "sinReturns a sine\n"
-#~ "cosReturns a cosine\n"
-#~ "tanReturns a tangent\n"
-#~ "asinReturns an arcus sine\n"
-#~ "acosReturns an arcus cosine\n"
-#~ "atanReturns an arcus tangent"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "grabPicks up an object\n"
-#~ "dropPuts down an object\n"
-#~ "sniffSounds the subsoil\n"
-#~ "thumpOverturns alien insects\n"
-#~ "recycleRecycles a derelict bot\n"
-#~ "shieldExtends or withdraws the shield\n"
-#~ "fireFires the cannon\n"
-#~ "aimRotates the cannon\n"
-#~ "buildBuilds a building"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "randReturns a random value\n"
-#~ "powReturns a power\n"
-#~ "sqrtReturns a square root\n"
-#~ "sinReturns a sine\n"
-#~ "cosReturns a cosine\n"
-#~ "tanReturns a tangent\n"
-#~ "asinReturns an arcus sine\n"
-#~ "acosReturns an arcus cosine\n"
-#~ "atanReturns an arcus tangent"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "grabPicks up an object\n"
-#~ "dropPuts down an object\n"
-#~ "sniffSounds the subsoil\n"
-#~ "thumpOverturns alien insects\n"
-#~ "recycleRecycles a derelict bot\n"
-#~ "shieldExtends or withdraws the shield\n"
-#~ "fireFires the cannon\n"
-#~ "aimVertical angle of the cannon\n"
-#~ "buildBuilds a building"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "grabPicks up an object\n"
-#~ "dropPuts down an object\n"
-#~ "sniffSounds the subsoil\n"
-#~ "thumpOverturns alien insects\n"
-#~ "recycleRecycles a derelict bot\n"
-#~ "shieldExtends or withdraws the shield\n"
-#~ "fireFires the cannon\n"
-#~ "aimVertical angle of the cannon\n"
-#~ "buildBuilds a building"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "grabPicks up an object\n"
-#~ "dropPuts down an object\n"
-#~ "sniffSounds the subsoil\n"
-#~ "thumpOverturns alien insects\n"
-#~ "recycleRecycles a derelict bot\n"
-#~ "shieldExtends or withdraws the shield\n"
-#~ "fireFires the cannon\n"
-#~ "aimVertical angle of the cannon"
-#~ msgstr ""
diff --git a/help/object/po/de.po b/help/object/po/de.po
index 1be583b2..1ea9f3dc 100644
--- a/help/object/po/de.po
+++ b/help/object/po/de.po
@@ -1796,6 +1796,3 @@ msgstr ""
#, no-wrap
msgid "CBOT Language, variables and categories."
msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "This building was designed to destroy objects. The object just need to be placed at the center of the platform. The converter takes care of the rest."
-#~ msgstr ""
diff --git a/help/object/po/fr.po b/help/object/po/fr.po
index da5759d4..118bc5f9 100644
--- a/help/object/po/fr.po
+++ b/help/object/po/fr.po
@@ -1785,6 +1785,3 @@ msgstr ""
#, no-wrap
msgid "CBOT Language, variables and categories."
msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "This building was designed to destroy objects. The object just need to be placed at the center of the platform. The converter takes care of the rest."
-#~ msgstr ""
diff --git a/help/object/po/object.pot b/help/object/po/object.pot
index c35cf228..d362c420 100644
--- a/help/object/po/object.pot
+++ b/help/object/po/object.pot
@@ -1785,6 +1785,3 @@ msgstr ""
#, no-wrap
msgid "CBOT Language, variables and categories."
msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "This building was designed to destroy objects. The object just need to be placed at the center of the platform. The converter takes care of the rest."
-#~ msgstr ""
diff --git a/help/object/po/pl.po b/help/object/po/pl.po
index c5b3bb2c..87b0c80e 100644
--- a/help/object/po/pl.po
+++ b/help/object/po/pl.po
@@ -1803,6 +1803,3 @@ msgstr ""
#, no-wrap
msgid "CBOT Language, variables and categories."
msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "This building was designed to destroy objects. The object just need to be placed at the center of the platform. The converter takes care of the rest."
-#~ msgstr ""
diff --git a/help/object/po/ru.po b/help/object/po/ru.po
index 66f6fc7b..a26e2b95 100644
--- a/help/object/po/ru.po
+++ b/help/object/po/ru.po
@@ -1796,6 +1796,3 @@ msgstr ""
#, no-wrap
msgid "CBOT Language, variables and categories."
msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "This building was designed to destroy objects. The object just need to be placed at the center of the platform. The converter takes care of the rest."
-#~ msgstr ""