2) Make a class member accessible from outside the class definition.
\b;Instruction \c;public\n; for functions
If you put \c;public\n; before a \l;function\u cbot\function; definition, you can make the function available to programs in other bots in the same mission.
If you have declared a function \c;public\n;, you cannot define a function with the same name and arguments in another bot of the same mission.
If a bot containing a \c;public\n; function is destroyed, the other bots that make use of this function will be stopped with an error.
\b;Instruction \c;public\n; for classes
\l;Class\u cbot\class; members can be public (by default) or \l;privat\u cbot\private;. A member can be declared private by putting \c;private\n; before the member type. Private members are not accessible from outside the class definition.